class GithubIntegrationModels < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1] # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def change # see create_table :github_pull_requests do |t| t.references :github_user t.references :merged_by t.bigint :github_id, unique: true # may be null if we receive a comment and just know the html_url t.integer :number, null: false t.string :github_html_url, null: false, unique: true t.string :state, null: false t.string :repository, null: false t.datetime :github_updated_at t.string :title t.text :body t.boolean :draft t.boolean :merged t.datetime :merged_at t.integer :comments_count t.integer :review_comments_count t.integer :additions_count t.integer :deletions_count t.integer :changed_files_count t.json :labels # [{name, color}] t.timestamps end create_join_table :github_pull_requests, :work_packages do |t| t.index :github_pull_request_id, name: 'github_pr_wp_pr_id' t.index %i[github_pull_request_id work_package_id], unique: true, name: "unique_index_gh_prs_wps_on_gh_pr_id_and_wp_id" end # see: create_table :github_users do |t| t.bigint :github_id, null: false, unique: true t.string :github_login, null: false t.string :github_html_url, null: false t.string :github_avatar_url, null: false t.timestamps end # see: create_table :github_check_runs do |t| t.references :github_pull_request, null: false t.bigint :github_id, null: false, unique: true t.string :github_html_url, null: false t.bigint :app_id, null: false t.string :github_app_owner_avatar_url, null: false t.string :status, null: false t.string :name, null: false t.string :conclusion t.string :output_title t.string :output_summary t.string :details_url t.datetime :started_at t.datetime :completed_at t.timestamps end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize end