Feature: Credit unit costs Background: Given there is a standard cost control project named "project1" And the project "project1" has 1 issue with the following: | subject | issue1 | And the role "Manager" may have the following rights: | view_issues | | edit_issues | | log_costs | And there is 1 cost type with the following: | name | cost_type_1 | | unit | single_unit | | unit_plural | multi_unit | @javascript Scenario: Crediting units costs to an issue When I am already logged in as "manager" And I go to the page of the issue "issue1" And I select "Log unit costs" from the action menu And I fill in "cost_entry_units" with "100" And I select "cost_type_1" from "Cost type" And I press "Save" Then I should be on the page of the issue "issue1"