module API module OpenAPI extend self def spec spec = if Rails.env.development? load_spec else memoized_spec end spec["servers"] = [ { "description" => "This server", "url" => "#{Setting.protocol}://#{Setting.host_name}/" } ] spec end def assemble_spec(file_path) spec = YAML.safe_load substitute_refs(spec, path: file_path.parent, root_path: file_path.parent) rescue Psych::SyntaxError => e raise "Failed to load #{file_path}: #{e.class} #{e.message}" end private def memoized_spec @memoized_spec ||= load_spec end def load_spec spec_path = Rails.application.root.join("docs/api/apiv3/openapi-spec.yml") if spec_path.exist? assemble_spec spec_path else raise "Could not find openapi-spec.yml under #{spec_path}" end end def substitute_refs(spec, path:, root_path:, root_spec: spec) case spec when Hash substitute_refs_in_hash spec, path: path, root_path: root_path, root_spec: root_spec when Array { |s| substitute_refs s, path: path, root_path: root_path, root_spec: root_spec } else spec end end def substitute_refs_in_hash(spec, path:, root_path:, root_spec: spec) if spec.size == 1 && spec.keys.first == "$ref" ref_path = path.join spec.values.first ref_value = YAML.safe_load resolve_refs ref_value, path: ref_path.parent, root_path: root_path, root_spec: root_spec else spec.transform_values { |v| substitute_refs(v, path: path, root_path: root_path, root_spec: root_spec) } end rescue Psych::SyntaxError => e raise "Failed to load #{ref_path}: #{e.class} #{e.message}" end def resolve_refs(spec, path:, root_path:, root_spec:) case spec when Hash resolve_refs_in_hash spec, path: path, root_path: root_path, root_spec: root_spec when Array { |v| resolve_refs v, path: path, root_path: root_path, root_spec: root_spec } else spec end end def resolve_refs_in_hash(spec, path:, root_path:, root_spec:) if spec.size == 1 && spec.keys.first == "$ref" resolve_ref spec, path: path, root_path: root_path, root_spec: root_spec else spec.transform_values { |v| resolve_refs v, path: path, root_path: root_path, root_spec: root_spec } end end def resolve_ref(spec, path:, root_path:, root_spec:) ref_path = spec.values.first if ref_path.start_with?(".") { spec.keys.first => schema_ref(ref_path, path: path, root_path: root_path, root_spec: root_spec) } else spec end end def schema_ref(ref_path, path:, root_path:, root_spec:) name = schema_name ref_path, path: path, root_path: root_path, root_spec: root_spec path.join(ref_path).parent.join(name).to_s.sub(root_path.to_s, "#") end def schema_file(ref_path, path:, root_path:) path.join(ref_path).to_s.sub root_path.to_s, "." end def schema_path(ref_path, path:, root_path:) path.join(ref_path).parent.to_s.sub(root_path.to_s, "").split("/").drop 1 end def schema_name(ref_path, path:, root_path:, root_spec:) file = schema_file ref_path, path: path, root_path: root_path spec_path = schema_path ref_path, path: path, root_path: root_path spec_files = root_spec.dig(*spec_path) raise "Path not defined #{spec_path}" unless spec_files spec_file = spec_files.find { |_k, v| v["$ref"] == file }&.first raise "Reference '#{file}' not valid within #{spec_path}" unless spec_file spec_file end end end