class Story < Issue unloadable acts_as_list :scope => 'coalesce(cast(issues.fixed_version_id as char), \'\') = \'#{fixed_version_id}\' AND issues.parent_id is NULL' named_scope :product_backlog, lambda { |project| { :order => 'position ASC', :conditions => [ "parent_id is NULL and project_id = ? and tracker_id in (?) and fixed_version_id is NULL and status_id in (?)",, Story.trackers, IssueStatus.find(:all, :conditions => ["is_closed = ?", false]).collect {|s| "#{}" } ] } } named_scope :sprint_backlog, lambda { |sprint| { :order => 'position ASC', :conditions => [ "parent_id is NULL and tracker_id in (?) and fixed_version_id = ?", Story.trackers, ] } } def self.trackers trackers = Setting.plugin_redmine_backlogs[:story_trackers] return [] if trackers == '' or trackers.nil? return { |tracker| Integer(tracker) } end def set_points(p) self.init_journal(User.current) if p.nil? || p == '' || p == '-' self.update_attribute(:story_points, nil) return end if p.downcase == 's' self.update_attribute(:story_points, 0) return end p = Integer(p) if p >= 0 self.update_attribute(:story_points, p) return end end def points_display(notsized='-') if story_points.nil? return notsized end if story_points == 0 return 'S' end return story_points.to_s end def task_status closed = 0 open = 0 self.descendants.each {|task| if task.closed? closed += 1 else open += 1 end } return {:open => open, :closed => closed} end end