#-- encoding: UTF-8 #-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # Copyright (C) 2012-2017 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ module API module V3 module Utilities class CustomFieldInjector TYPE_MAP = { 'string' => 'String', 'text' => 'Formattable', 'int' => 'Integer', 'float' => 'Float', 'date' => 'Date', 'bool' => 'Boolean', 'user' => 'User', 'version' => 'Version', 'list' => 'CustomOption' }.freeze LINK_FORMATS = ['list', 'user', 'version'].freeze PATH_METHOD_MAP = { 'user' => :user, 'version' => :version, 'list' => :custom_option }.freeze NAMESPACE_MAP = { 'user' => 'users', 'version' => 'versions', 'list' => 'custom_options' }.freeze REPRESENTER_MAP = { 'user' => Users::UserRepresenter, 'version' => Versions::VersionRepresenter, 'list' => CustomOptions::CustomOptionRepresenter }.freeze class << self def create_value_representer(customizable, representer) new_representer_class_with(representer, customizable) do |injector| customizable.available_custom_fields.each do |custom_field| injector.inject_value(custom_field) end end end def create_schema_representer(customizable, representer) new_representer_class_with(representer, customizable) do |injector| customizable.available_custom_fields.each do |custom_field| injector.inject_schema(custom_field, customized: customizable) end end end private def linked_field?(custom_field) LINK_FORMATS.include?(custom_field.field_format) end def property_field?(custom_field) !linked_field?(custom_field) end def new_representer_class_with(representer, customizable) injector = new(representer, customizable) yield injector injector.modified_representer_class end end def initialize(representer_class, customizable) @class = Class.new(representer_class) do include API::Decorators::LinkedResource class << self attr_accessor :customizable end end @class.customizable = customizable @class end def modified_representer_class @class end def inject_schema(custom_field, customized: nil) case custom_field.field_format when 'version' inject_version_schema(custom_field, customized) when 'user' inject_user_schema(custom_field, customized) when 'list' inject_list_schema(custom_field, customized) else inject_basic_schema(custom_field) end end def inject_value(custom_field) case custom_field.field_format when *LINK_FORMATS inject_link_value(custom_field) else inject_property_value(custom_field) end end private def property_name(id) "customField#{id}".to_sym end def inject_version_schema(custom_field, customized) raise ArgumentError unless customized @class.schema_with_allowed_collection property_name(custom_field.id), type: 'Version', name_source: ->(*) { custom_field.name }, values_callback: ->(*) { customized .assignable_custom_field_values(custom_field) }, writable: true, value_representer: Versions::VersionRepresenter, link_factory: ->(version) { { href: api_v3_paths.version(version.id), title: version.name } }, required: custom_field.is_required end def inject_user_schema(custom_field, customized) raise ArgumentError unless customized type = custom_field.multi_value? ? "[]User" : "User" @class.schema_with_allowed_link property_name(custom_field.id), type: type, writable: true, name_source: ->(*) { custom_field.name }, required: custom_field.is_required, href_callback: allowed_users_href_callback(customized) end def inject_list_schema(custom_field, customized) representer = CustomOptions::CustomOptionRepresenter type = custom_field.multi_value ? "[]CustomOption" : "CustomOption" name_source = ->(*) { custom_field.name } values_callback = ->(*) { customized.assignable_custom_field_values(custom_field) } link_factory = ->(value) do { href: api_v3_paths.custom_option(value.id), title: value.to_s } end @class.schema_with_allowed_collection( property_name(custom_field.id), type: type, name_source: name_source, values_callback: values_callback, value_representer: representer, writable: true, link_factory: link_factory, required: custom_field.is_required ) end def inject_basic_schema(custom_field) @class.schema property_name(custom_field.id), type: TYPE_MAP[custom_field.field_format], name_source: ->(*) { custom_field.name }, required: custom_field.is_required, has_default: custom_field.default_value.present?, writable: true, min_length: cf_min_length(custom_field), max_length: cf_max_length(custom_field), regular_expression: cf_regexp(custom_field) end def path_method_for(custom_field) PATH_METHOD_MAP[custom_field.field_format] end def inject_link_value(custom_field) name = property_name(custom_field.id) expected_namespace = NAMESPACE_MAP[custom_field.field_format] link = link_value_getter_for(custom_field, path_method_for(custom_field)) setter = link_value_setter_for(custom_field, name, expected_namespace) getter = embedded_link_value_getter(custom_field) method = if custom_field.multi_value? :resources else :resource end @class.send(method, property_name(custom_field.id), link: link, setter: setter, getter: getter) end def link_value_getter_for(custom_field, path_method) LinkValueGetter.new custom_field, path_method end def link_value_setter_for(custom_field, property, expected_namespace) ->(fragment:, represented:, **) { values = Array([fragment].flatten).flat_map do |link| href = link['href'] value = if href ::API::Utilities::ResourceLinkParser.parse_id( href, property: property, expected_version: '3', expected_namespace: expected_namespace ) end [value].compact end represented.custom_field_values = { custom_field.id => values } } end def inject_embedded_link_value(custom_field) getter = embedded_link_value_getter(custom_field) @class.property property_name(custom_field.id), embedded: true, exec_context: :decorator, getter: getter end def embedded_link_value_getter(custom_field) proc do value = represented.send custom_field.accessor_name if value if custom_field.list? || custom_field.multi_value? # Do not embed list or multi values as their links contain all the # information needed (title and href) already. nil else representer_class = REPRESENTER_MAP[custom_field.field_format] representer_class.new(value, current_user: current_user) end end end end def inject_property_value(custom_field) @class.property "custom_field_#{custom_field.id}".to_sym, as: property_name(custom_field.id), getter: property_value_getter_for(custom_field), setter: property_value_setter_for(custom_field), render_nil: true end def property_value_getter_for(custom_field) ->(*) { value = send custom_field.accessor_name if custom_field.field_format == 'text' ::API::Decorators::Formattable.new(value, object: self) else value end } end def property_value_setter_for(custom_field) ->(fragment:, **) { value = if custom_field.field_format == 'text' fragment['raw'] else fragment end self.custom_field_values = { custom_field.id => value } } end def allowed_users_href_callback(customized) # for now we ASSUME that every customized that has a # user custom field, will also define a project... ->(*) { params = [{ status: { operator: '!', values: [Principal::STATUSES[:builtin].to_s, Principal::STATUSES[:locked].to_s] } }, { type: { operator: '=', values: ['User'] } }, { member: { operator: '=', values: [customized.project_id.to_s] } }] query = CGI.escape(::JSON.dump(params)) "#{api_v3_paths.principals}?filters=#{query}&pageSize=0" } end def cf_min_length(custom_field) custom_field.min_length if custom_field.min_length > 0 end def cf_max_length(custom_field) custom_field.max_length if custom_field.max_length > 0 end def cf_regexp(custom_field) custom_field.regexp unless custom_field.regexp.blank? end end end end end