When /^I create the impediment$/ do page.driver.process :post, url_for(:controller => :rb_impediments, :action => :create), @impediment_params end When /^I create the story$/ do page.driver.process :post, url_for(:controller => :rb_stories, :action => :create), @story_params end When /^I create the task$/ do page.driver.process :post, url_for(:controller => :rb_tasks, :action => :create), @task_params end When /^I move the story named (.+) below (.+)$/ do |story_subject, prev_subject| story = Story.find(:first, :conditions => ["subject=?", story_subject]) prev = Story.find(:first, :conditions => ["subject=?", prev_subject]) attributes = story.attributes attributes[:prev] = prev.id attributes[:fixed_version_id] = prev.fixed_version_id page.driver.process :post, url_for(:controller => 'rb_stories', :action => "update", :id => story.id), attributes.merge({ "_method" => "put" }) end When /^I move the story named (.+) (up|down) to the (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) position of the sprint named (.+)$/ do |story_subject, direction, position, sprint_name| position = position.to_i story = Story.find(:first, :conditions => ["subject=?", story_subject]) sprint = Sprint.find(:first, :conditions => ["name=?", sprint_name]) story.fixed_version = sprint attributes = story.attributes attributes[:prev] = if position == 1 '' else stories = Story.find(:all, :conditions => ["fixed_version_id=? AND tracker_id IN (?)", sprint.id, Story.trackers], :order => "position ASC") raise "You indicated an invalid position (#{position}) in a sprint with #{stories.length} stories" if 0 > position or position > stories.length stories[position - (direction=="up" ? 2 : 1)].id end page.driver.process :post, url_for(:controller => 'rb_stories', :action => "update", :id => story.id), attributes.merge({ "_method" => "put" }) end When /^I move the (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) story to the (\d+|last)(?:st|nd|rd|th)? position$/ do |old_pos, new_pos| @story_ids = page.all(:css, "#product_backlog_container .stories .story .id") story = @story_ids[old_pos.to_i-1] story.should_not == nil prev = if new_pos.to_i == 1 nil elsif new_pos=='last' @story_ids.last elsif old_pos.to_i > new_pos.to_i @story_ids[new_pos.to_i-2] else @story_ids[new_pos.to_i-1] end page.driver.process :post, url_for(:controller => :rb_stories, :action => :update, :id => story.text), {:prev => (prev.nil? ? '' : prev.text), :project_id => @project.id, "_method" => "put"} @story = Story.find(story.text.to_i) end When /^I request the server_variables resource$/ do visit url_for(:controller => :rb_server_variables, :action => :show, :project_id => @project.id) end When /^I update the impediment$/ do page.driver.process :post, url_for(:controller => :rb_impediments, :action => :update), @impediment_params.merge({ "_method" => "put" }) end When /^I update the sprint$/ do page.driver.process :post, url_for(:controller => 'rb_sprints', :action => "update", :sprint_id => @sprint_params['id']), @sprint_params.merge({ "_method" => "put" }) end When /^I update the story$/ do page.driver.process :post, url_for(:controller => :rb_stories, :action => :update, :id => @story_params[:id]), @story_params.merge({ "_method" => "put" }) end When /^I update the task$/ do page.driver.process :post, url_for(:controller => :rb_tasks, :action => :update, :id => @task_params[:id]), @task_params.merge({ "_method" => "put" }) end Given /^I visit the scrum statistics page$/ do visit url_for(:controller => :rb_statistics, :action => :show) end When /^I download the calendar feed$/ do visit url_for({ :key => @api_key, :controller => 'rb_calendars', :action => 'show', :format => 'xml', :project_id => @project }) end When /^I view the master backlog$/ do visit url_for(:controller => :projects, :action => :show, :id => @project) click_link("Backlogs") end When /^I view the stories of (.+) in the issues tab/ do |sprint_name| sprint = Sprint.find(:first, :conditions => ["name=?", sprint_name]) visit url_for(:controller => :rb_queries, :action => :show, :project_id => sprint.project_id, :sprint_id => sprint.id) end When /^I view the stories in the issues tab/ do visit url_for(:controller => :rb_queries, :action => :show, :project_id=> @project.id) end # deprecation warning # Depends on deprecated behavior of path_for('the task board for "sprint name"') When /^I view the sprint notes$/ do visit url_for(:controller => 'rb_wikis', :action => 'show', :sprint_id => @sprint.id) end # deprecation warning # Depends on deprecated behavior of path_for('the task board for "sprint name"') When /^I edit the sprint notes$/ do visit url_for(:controller => 'rb_wikis', :action => 'edit', :sprint_id => @sprint.id) end When /^the browser fetches (.+) updated since (\d+) (\w+) (.+)$/ do |object_type, how_many, period, direction| date = eval("#{ how_many }.#{ period }.#{ direction=='from now' ? 'from_now' : 'ago' }") date = date.strftime("%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S") + '.' + (date.to_f % 1 + 0.001).to_s.split('.')[1] visit url_for(:controller => 'rb_updated_items', :action => :show, :project_id => @project.id, :only => object_type, :since => date) end