require 'rspec/retry' require 'retriable' ## # Enable specs to mark metadata retry: to retry that given example # immediately after it fails. # # This DOES NOT retry all specs by default. RSpec.configure do |config| ## # Print verbose information on when an example is being retried # and print the exception that causes a retry config.verbose_retry = true config.display_try_failure_messages = true ## # By default, retry specs twice # TODO rather set this on features themselves. config.default_retry_count = 2 end ## # Allow specific code blocks to retry on specific errors Retriable.configure do |c| # Three tries in that block c.tries = 3 end ## # Helper to pass options to retriable while logging # failures def retry_block(args: {}, &block) log_errors = do |exception, try, elapsed_time, next_interval| $stderr.puts <<-EOS.strip_heredoc #{exception.class}: '#{exception.message}' #{try} tries in #{elapsed_time} seconds and #{next_interval} seconds until the next try. EOS end Retriable.retriable(args.merge(on_retry: log_errors), &block) end