FROM ruby:2.7.1-buster AS pgloader RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y libsqlite3-dev make curl gawk freetds-dev libzip-dev COPY docker/mysql-to-postgres/bin/build /tmp/build-pgloader RUN /tmp/build-pgloader && rm /tmp/build-pgloader FROM ruby:2.7.1-buster MAINTAINER # Allow platform-specific additions. Valid values are: on-prem,saas,bahn ARG PLATFORM=on-prem # Use OAuth token in case private gems need to be fetched ARG GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ENV NODE_VERSION="12.18.3" ENV BUNDLER_VERSION="2.0.2" ENV BUNDLE_PATH__SYSTEM=false ENV APP_USER=app ENV APP_PATH=/app ENV APP_DATA_PATH=/var/openproject/assets ENV APP_DATA_PATH_LEGACY=/var/db/openproject ENV PGDATA=/var/openproject/pgdata ENV PGDATA_LEGACY=/var/lib/postgresql/9.6/main ENV DATABASE_URL=postgres://openproject:openproject@ ENV RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=1 ENV HEROKU=true ENV RAILS_ENV=production ENV RAILS_CACHE_STORE=memcache ENV RAILS_GROUPS=production,docker,opf_plugins ENV RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT=1 ENV OPENPROJECT_INSTALLATION__TYPE=docker # Valid values are: standard,bim ENV OPENPROJECT_EDITION=standard ENV NEW_RELIC_AGENT_ENABLED=false ENV ATTACHMENTS_STORAGE_PATH=$APP_DATA_PATH/files # Set a default key base, ensure to provide a secure value in production environments! ENV SECRET_KEY_BASE=OVERWRITE_ME COPY --from=pgloader /usr/local/bin/pgloader-ccl /usr/local/bin/ WORKDIR $APP_PATH COPY docker/setup ./docker/setup RUN ./docker/setup/ COPY Gemfile ./Gemfile COPY Gemfile.* ./ COPY modules ./modules COPY vendor ./vendor # some gemspec files of plugins require files in there, notably OpenProject::Version COPY lib ./lib RUN bundle install --quiet --deployment --path vendor/bundle --no-cache \ --with="$RAILS_GROUPS" --without="test development" --jobs=8 --retry=3 && \ rm -rf vendor/bundle/ruby/*/cache && rm -rf vendor/bundle/ruby/*/gems/*/spec && rm -rf vendor/bundle/ruby/*/gems/*/test # Finally, copy over the whole thing COPY . . RUN ./docker/setup/ # Expose ports for apache and postgres EXPOSE 80 5432 # Expose the postgres data directory and OpenProject data directory as volumes VOLUME ["$PGDATA", "$APP_DATA_PATH"] # Set a custom entrypoint to allow for privilege dropping and one-off commands ENTRYPOINT ["./docker/"] # Set default command to launch the all-in-one configuration supervised by supervisord CMD ["./docker/supervisord"]