require 'spec_helper' require 'features/page_objects/notification' describe 'Add an attachment to a meeting (agenda)', js: true do let(:role) do FactoryBot.create :role, permissions: %i[view_meetings edit_meetings create_meeting_agendas] end let(:dev) do FactoryBot.create :user, member_in_project: project, member_through_role: role end let(:project) { FactoryBot.create(:project) } let(:meeting) do FactoryBot.create( :meeting, project: project, title: "Versammlung", agenda: FactoryBot.create(:meeting_agenda, text: "Versammlung") ) end let(:attachments) { } let(:image_fixture) { Rails.root.join('spec/fixtures/files/image.png') } let(:editor) { } before do login_as(dev) visit "/meetings/#{}" within "#tab-content-agenda .toolbar" do click_button "Edit" end end describe 'wysiwyg editor' do context 'on an existing page' do it 'can upload an image via drag & drop' do target = find('.ck-content') editor.expect_button 'Insert image' editor.drag_attachment image_fixture, 'Some image caption' click_on "Save" content = find("div.meeting_content.meeting_agenda") expect(content).to have_selector('img') expect(content).to have_content('Some image caption') end end end describe 'attachment dropzone' do it 'can upload an image via attaching and drag & drop' do # called the same for all Wysiwyg dditors no matter if for work packages # or not container = page.find('.wp-attachment-upload') scroll_to_element(container) ## # Attach file manually expect(page).to have_no_selector('.work-package--attachments--filename') attachments.attach_file_on_input(image_fixture) expect(page).not_to have_selector('notification-upload-progress') expect(page).to have_selector('.work-package--attachments--filename', text: 'image.png', wait: 5) ## # and via drag & drop attachments.drag_and_drop_file(container, Rails.root.join('spec/fixtures/files/image.png')) expect(page).not_to have_selector('notification-upload-progress') expect(page).to have_selector('.work-package--attachments--filename', text: 'image.png', count: 2, wait: 5) end end end