import {Subject} from "rxjs"; import {States} from "../../../states.service"; import {WorkPackageTable} from "../../wp-fast-table"; import {WorkPackageTableRow} from "../../wp-table.interfaces"; import {SingleRowBuilder} from "../rows/single-row-builder"; import {RowRefreshBuilder} from "../rows/row-refresh-builder"; import {WorkPackageResourceInterface} from "../../../api/api-v3/hal-resources/work-package-resource.service"; import {TimelineRowBuilder} from "../timeline/timeline-row-builder"; export abstract class RowsBuilder { public states:States; protected timelinebuilder:TimelineRowBuilder; protected rowBuilder:SingleRowBuilder; protected refreshBuilder:RowRefreshBuilder; protected stopExisting$ = new Subject(); constructor(public workPackageTable: WorkPackageTable) { this.setupRowBuilders(); } /** * Build all rows of the table. */ public buildRows(table: WorkPackageTable): [DocumentFragment,DocumentFragment] { this.stopExisting$.next(); return this.internalBuildRows(table); } public abstract internalBuildRows(table: WorkPackageTable): [DocumentFragment,DocumentFragment]; /** * Determine if this builder applies to the current view mode. */ public isApplicable(table:WorkPackageTable) { return true; } /** * Refresh a single row after structural changes. * Will perform dirty checking for when a work package is currently being edited. */ public refreshRow(row:WorkPackageTableRow):HTMLElement|null { let editing = this.states.editing.get(row.workPackageId).value; return this.refreshBuilder.refreshRow(row, editing); } /** * Construct the single and refresh row builders for this instance */ protected setupRowBuilders() { this.rowBuilder = new SingleRowBuilder(this.stopExisting$, this.workPackageTable); this.refreshBuilder = new RowRefreshBuilder(this.stopExisting$, this.workPackageTable); this.timelinebuilder = new TimelineRowBuilder(this.stopExisting$, this.workPackageTable); } /** * Append a new row a work package (or a virtual row) to both containers * @param workPackage The work package, if the row belongs to one * @param row HTMLElement to append * @param tableBody DocumentFragement to replace the table body * @param timelineBody DocumentFragment to replace the timeline */ protected appendRow(workPackage: WorkPackageResourceInterface|null, row:HTMLElement, tableBody:DocumentFragment, timelineBody:DocumentFragment) { tableBody.appendChild(row); // Append row into timeline, timelineBody); } /** * Build an empty row for the given work package. */ protected abstract buildEmptyRow(row:WorkPackageTableRow, table:WorkPackageTable):HTMLElement; } RowsBuilder.$inject = ['states'];