angular.module('openproject.uiComponents') .directive('hasDropdownMenu', [ '$injector', '$window', '$parse', function($injector, $window, $parse) { function getCssPositionProperties(dropdown, trigger) { var hOffset = 0, vOffset = 0; // Styling logic taken from jQuery-dropdown plugin: // (dual MIT/GPL-Licensed) // Position the dropdown relative-to-parent or relative-to-document if (dropdown.hasClass('dropdown-relative')) { return { left: dropdown.hasClass('dropdown-anchor-right') ? trigger.position().left - (dropdown.outerWidth(true) - trigger.outerWidth(true)) - parseInt(trigger.css('margin-right')) + hOffset : trigger.position().left + parseInt(trigger.css('margin-left')) + hOffset, top: trigger.position().top + trigger.outerHeight(true) - parseInt(trigger.css('margin-top')) + vOffset }; } else { return { left: dropdown.hasClass('dropdown-anchor-right') ? trigger.offset().left - (dropdown.outerWidth() - trigger.outerWidth()) + hOffset : trigger.offset().left + hOffset, top: trigger.offset().top + trigger.outerHeight() + vOffset }; } } return { restrict: 'A', controller: [function() { var dropDownMenuOpened = false; = function() { dropDownMenuOpened = true; }; this.close = function() { dropDownMenuOpened = false; }; this.opened = function() { return dropDownMenuOpened; }; }], link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { var contextMenu = $injector.get(, locals = {}, win = angular.element($window), menuElement, triggerOnEvent = attrs.triggerOnEvent || 'click'; /* contextMenu is a mandatory attribute and used to bind a specific context menu to the trigger event triggerOnEvent allows for binding the event for opening the menu to "click" */ // prepare locals, these define properties to be passed on to the context menu scope var localKeys = attrs.locals.split(',').map(function(local) { return local.trim(); }); angular.forEach(localKeys, function(key) { locals[key] = scope[key]; }); function toggle(event) { active() ? close() : open(event); } function active() { return && ctrl.opened(); } function open(event) {;, locals) .then(function(element) { menuElement = element; angular.element(element).trap(); }); } function close() { ctrl.close(); contextMenu.close(); } function positionDropdown() { menuElement.css(getCssPositionProperties(menuElement, element)); } element.bind(triggerOnEvent, function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); scope.$apply(function() { toggle(event); }); // set css position parameters after the digest has been completed if ( positionDropdown(); scope.$root.$broadcast('openproject.markDropdownsAsClosed', element); }); scope.$on('openproject.markDropdownsAsClosed', function(event, target) { if (element !== target && ctrl.opened()) { scope.$apply(ctrl.close); } }); win.bind('keyup', function(event) { if ( && event.keyCode === 27) { scope.$apply(function() { close(); }); } }); function handleWindowClickEvent(event) { if ( && event.button !== 2) { scope.$apply(function() { close(); }); } } // Firefox treats a right-click as a click and a contextmenu event while other browsers // just treat it as a contextmenu event win.bind('click', handleWindowClickEvent); win.bind(triggerOnEvent, handleWindowClickEvent); } }; }]);