/* Load the default Redmine stylesheet */ @import url(../../../stylesheets/application.css); body { font-size: 81%; font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; background: #333 url(../images/bottom_shine.png) bottom left repeat-x; } /* * Links */ a, a:link, a:visited { color: #8c8c8c; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; } a:hover { color: #b3b3b3; text-decoration: underline; } /* * Layout */ #wrapper, #main, #footer { background: none; } #main { margin: 0; } #content { margin: 1em 1.4em 1em 1em; width: 77%; overflow: auto; background: #fff url(../images/shadow_top.png) top left repeat-x; border-top: solid 1px #fff; border-right: solid 1px #fff; -webkit-box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.8); } /* * Top-menu */ #top-menu { background: #000 url(../images/bottom_shine.png) bottom left repeat-x; } #top-menu { padding: 1em 1em 0em 1em; color: #999; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; } #top-menu #loggedas { color: #ccc; } #top-menu a { font-weight: bold; color: #999; } #top-menu a:hover { text-decoration: none; color: #fff; } /* * Header */ #header { background: #000 url(../images/bottom_shine.png) bottom left repeat-x; padding: 0.5em 1em 2.3em 1em; } #header > h1 { font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; } /* * Project-menu */ /* Prevent the project-menu to overflow into right, instead continue on a new line */ #main-menu { right: 6px; margin-right: 0; } /* Project-menu link containers (ul > li == tab) */ #main-menu li { background: #111 url(../images/bottom_shine.png) 0px -40px repeat-x; border: solid 1px #333; border-width: 1px 1px 0px 0px; font-size: 1.00em; font-family: "Myriad Pro", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; margin: 0; } /* Project-menu links (ul > li > a == textlink) */ #main-menu li a, #main-menu li a.selected, #main-menu li a:hover { text-decoration: none; line-height: 20px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.8); } #main-menu li a, #main-menu li a:hover { background: none; color: #aaa; padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px; font-weight: normal; } #main-menu li a.selected, #main-menu li a.selected:hover { background: #222 url(../images/bottom_shine.png) 0px -36px repeat-x; border-color: #444; color: #d5d5d5; font-weight: bold; } #main-menu li:hover { background: #333 url(../images/bottom_shine.png) 0px -40px repeat-x; border-color: #555; } #main-menu li:hover a { color: #fff; } /* Project-menu first/last tab roundings (for KHTML [Konqueror], Gecko [Mozilla] and WebKit [Safari/Chrome]) */ #main-menu li:first-child { -khtml-border-radius-topleft: 5px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px; } #main-menu li:last-child { -khtml-border-radius-topright: 5px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 5px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px; } /* Redmine core project-menu links */ #main-menu li a.overview, #main-menu li a.overview:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/document-text-image.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } #main-menu li a.activity, #main-menu li a.activity:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/lightning.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } #main-menu li a.roadmap, #main-menu li a.roadmap:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/map-pin.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } #main-menu li a.issues, #main-menu li a.issues:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/ticket.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } #main-menu li a.new-issue, #main-menu li a.new-issue:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/ticket--plus.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } #main-menu li a.news, #main-menu li a.news:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/newspaper.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } #main-menu li a.documents, #main-menu li a.documents:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/documents-text.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } #main-menu li a.wiki, #main-menu li a.wiki:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/document-horizontal-text.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } #main-menu li a.boards, #main-menu li a.boards:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/balloons.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } #main-menu li a.files, #main-menu li a.files:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/document-zipper.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } #main-menu li a.repository, #main-menu li a.repository:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/safe.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } #main-menu li a.settings, #main-menu li a.settings:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/equalizer.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Third-party project-menu links */ /************************************************************************* THIRD-PARTY DECLARATIONS FOR PROJECT-MENU LINKS - START *************************************************************************/ /* Budget plugin */ /* > 0.2.0 */ #main-menu li a.deliverables, #main-menu li a.deliverables:hover, /* <= 0.2.0 */ #main-menu li a.budget, #main-menu li a.budget:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/money--pencil.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Bugcloud plugin */ #main-menu li a.bugcloud, #main-menu li a.bugcloud:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/tags-label.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Burndowns plugin */ #main-menu li a.burndown, #main-menu li a.burndown:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/burn.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Charts plugin */ #main-menu li a.charts, #main-menu li a.charts:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/monitor.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Code Review plugin */ #main-menu li a.code-review, #main-menu li a.code-review:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/ruler--pencil.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Customer plugin */ #main-menu li a.customers, #main-menu li a.customers:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/user-business.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Embedded plugin */ #main-menu li a.embedded, #main-menu li a.embedded:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/layout-select-content.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* EzFAQ plugin */ #main-menu li a.ezfaq, #main-menu li a.ezfaq:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/question-balloon.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* EzLibrarian plugin */ /* > 0.0.2 (AKA EzLibrarian) */ #main-menu li a.treasures, #main-menu li a.treasures:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/trophy.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* <= 0.0.2 (AKA EzBookshelf) */ #main-menu li a.books, #main-menu li a.books:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/books-stack.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Google Calendar plugin */ #main-menu li a.google-calendar, #main-menu li a.google-calendar:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/calendar-month.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Invoice plugin */ /* > 0.1.0 */ #main-menu li a.invoice, #main-menu li a.invoice:hover, /* <= 0.1.0 */ #main-menu li a.Invoices, #main-menu li a.Invoices:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/notebooks--pencil.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Schedules plugin */ #main-menu li a.schedules, #main-menu li a.schedules:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/report--exclamation.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Scores plugin */ /* > 0.0.1 */ #main-menu li a.scores, #main-menu li a.scores:hover, /* <= 0.0.1 */ #main-menu li a.Scores, #main-menu li a.Scores:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/ui-progress-bar.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Scrum plugin */ #main-menu li a.scrum, #main-menu li a.scrum:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/projection-screen--pencil.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Scrumdashboard plugin */ #main-menu li a.dashboard, #main-menu li a.dashboard:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/dashboard--pencil.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Simple CI plugin */ /* > 1.0 */ #main-menu li a.simple-ci, #main-menu li a.simple-ci:hover, /* <= 1.0 */ #main-menu li a.Integration, #main-menu li a.Integration:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/pill--exclamation.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Status Updates plugin */ /* Initial release by Brian Terlson and fork by Eric Davis*/ #main-menu li a.Status.Updates, #main-menu li a.Status.Updates:hover, /* Fork by Joe Naha */ #main-menu li a.statuses, #main-menu li a.statuses:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/tick-shield.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Tab plugin */ #main-menu li a.tab, #main-menu li a.tab:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/layout-2.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Taskboard plugin */ #main-menu li a.task-board, #main-menu li a.task-board:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/dashboard--pencil.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /* Todo-lists plugin */ /* > */ #main-menu li a.todos, #main-menu li a.todos:hover, /* <= */ #main-menu li a.todo-lists, #main-menu li a.todo-lists:hover { background: url(../images/fugue/hammer--arrow.png) 6px center no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; } /************************************************************************* THIRD-PARTY DECLARATIONS FOR PROJECT-MENU LINKS - END *************************************************************************/ /* Project-menu tab highlight when link == the selected page (has the class .selected) */ #main-menu li a.selected { background-color: #333; } /* * Headings */ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 { font-family: "Myriad Pro", "Lucida Grande", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; } h2, h3, h4, .wiki h1, .wiki h2, .wiki h3 { border-bottom: none; } /* * Footer */ #footer { border: none; } #footer a { color: #ccc; font-weight: normal; } #footer a:hover { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; } /* * Sidebar */ #sidebar h1, #sidebar h2, #sidebar h3, #sidebar h4, #sidebar h5 { color: #efefef; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.8); } #sidebar { color: #ccc; width: 19%; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.6); } #sidebar a { color: #aaa; font-weight: normal; } /* * Generic Tables */ /* Table headers */ table.list thead th { background: #ccc url(../images/shadow_top.png) left center repeat-x; font-size: 0.94em; border-color: #999; border-color: #d5d5d5 #d5d5d5 #aaa; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; } /* Table header links */ table.list thead th a, table.list thead th a:hover { color: #444; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.3); border: none; } table.list thead th a:hover { color: #ddd; } /* Table data (cells) */ table.list td { background-image: url(../images/shadow_top.png); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: 0px -65px; vertical-align: middle; font-size: 0.94em; } /* * Issue-List Tables */ /* Table-row links */ table.list tr.issue a { color: #666; } table.list tr.issue a:hover { color: #999; border-bottom: dotted 1px #999; text-decoration: none; } /* Table-row colouring by priority (styles provided by Wynn Netherland) */ tr.odd.priority-5, table.list tbody tr.odd.priority-5:hover { color: #900; font-weight: bold; } tr.odd.priority-5 { background: #ffc4c4; } tr.even.priority-5, table.list tbody tr.even.priority-5:hover { color: #900; font-weight: bold; } tr.even.priority-5 { background: #ffd4d4; } tr.priority-5 a, tr.priority-5:hover a { color: #900; } tr.odd.priority-5 td, tr.even.priority-5 td { border-color: #ffb4b4; } tr.odd.priority-4, table.list tbody tr.odd.priority-4:hover { color: #900; } tr.odd.priority-4 { background: #ffc4c4; } tr.even.priority-4, table.list tbody tr.even.priority-4:hover { color: #900; } tr.even.priority-4 { background: #ffd4d4; } tr.priority-4 a { color: #900; } tr.odd.priority-4 td, tr.even.priority-4 td { border-color: #ffb4b4; } tr.odd.priority-3, table.list tbody tr.odd.priority-3:hover { color: #900; } tr.odd.priority-3 { background: #fee; } tr.even.priority-3, table.list tbody tr.even.priority-3:hover { color: #900; } tr.even.priority-3 { background: #fff2f2; } tr.priority-3 a { color: #900; } tr.odd.priority-3 td, tr.even.priority-3 td { border-color: #fcc; } tr.odd.priority-1, table.list tbody tr.odd.priority-1:hover { color: #559; } tr.odd.priority-1 { background: #eaf7ff; } tr.even.priority-1, table.list tbody tr.even.priority-1:hover { color: #559; } tr.even.priority-1 { background: #f2faff; } tr.priority-1 a { color: #559; } tr.odd.priority-1 td, tr.even.priority-1 td { border-color: #add7f3; } /* Table-row link-colouring by priority (respecting the table-row colouring styles above) */ table.list tr.priority-5 a, table.list tr.priority-4 a, table.list tr.priority-3 a { color: #900; } table.list tr.priority-1 a { color: #559; } /* * Progressbars */ /* Generic progressbars */ table.progress td.todo, table.progress td.done, table.progress td.closed { background: #666 url(../images/middle_shine.png) left center repeat-x; height: 25px; border: none; } table.progress td.todo { background: #fff; } table.progress td.done { background-color: #37b3ff; } table.progress td.closed { background-color: #2187C6; } /* Issuelist progressbars */ table.list table.progress td { height: 15px; } p.pourcent { font-size: 1.25em; } /* * Icons */ .icon { background-position: left top; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-left: 20px; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 3px; line-height: 16px; margin-left: 5px; } .icon22 { background-position: 0% 40%; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-left: 26px; line-height: 22px; vertical-align: middle; } /* Icons replaced by Fugue icons */ .icon-add { background-image: url(../images/fugue/plus-small.png); } .icon-edit { background-image: url(../images/fugue/pencil-small.png); } .icon-copy { background-image: url(../images/fugue/documents.png); } .icon-del { background-image: url(../images/fugue/ticket--minus.png); } .icon-move { background-image: url(../images/fugue/ticket--arrow.png); } .icon-save { background-image: url(../images/fugue/disk-black.png); } .icon-cancel { background-image: url(../images/fugue/arrow.png); } .icon-time { background-image: url(../images/fugue/clock.png); } .icon-time-add { background-image: url(../images/fugue/clock--plus.png); } .icon-fav { background-image: url(../images/fugue/star.png); } .icon-fav-off { background-image: url(../images/fugue/star-empty.png); } /* Icons not replaced by Fugue icons .icon-file { background-image: url(/images/file.png); } .icon-folder { background-image: url(/images/folder.png); } .open .icon-folder { background-image: url(/images/folder_open.png); } .icon-package { background-image: url(/images/package.png); } .icon-home { background-image: url(/images/home.png); } .icon-user { background-image: url(/images/user.png); } .icon-mypage { background-image: url(/images/user_page.png); } .icon-admin { background-image: url(/images/admin.png); } .icon-projects { background-image: url(/images/projects.png); } .icon-help { background-image: url(/images/help.png); } .icon-attachment { background-image: url(/images/attachment.png); } .icon-index { background-image: url(/images/index.png); } .icon-history { background-image: url(/images/history.png); } .icon-stats { background-image: url(/images/stats.png); } .icon-warning { background-image: url(/images/warning.png); } .icon-reload { background-image: url(/images/reload.png); } .icon-lock { background-image: url(/images/locked.png); } .icon-unlock { background-image: url(/images/unlock.png); } .icon-checked { background-image: url(/images/true.png); } .icon-details { background-image: url(/images/zoom_in.png); } .icon-report { background-image: url(/images/report.png); } .icon-comment { background-image: url(/images/comment.png); } .icon22-projects { background-image: url(/images/22x22/projects.png); } .icon22-users { background-image: url(/images/22x22/users.png); } .icon22-tracker { background-image: url(/images/22x22/tracker.png); } .icon22-role { background-image: url(/images/22x22/role.png); } .icon22-workflow { background-image: url(/images/22x22/workflow.png); } .icon22-options { background-image: url(/images/22x22/options.png); } .icon22-notifications { background-image: url(/images/22x22/notifications.png); } .icon22-authent { background-image: url(/images/22x22/authent.png); } .icon22-info { background-image: url(/images/22x22/info.png); } .icon22-comment { background-image: url(/images/22x22/comment.png); } .icon22-package { background-image: url(/images/22x22/package.png); } .icon22-settings { background-image: url(/images/22x22/settings.png); } .icon22-plugin { background-image: url(/images/22x22/plugin.png); } */ /* * Buttons */ input[type="button"], input[type="submit"], input[type="reset"] { background-color: #f2f2f2; color: #222222; border: 1px outset #cccccc; } input[type="button"]:hover, input[type="submit"]:hover, input[type="reset"]:hover { background-color: #ccccbb; } /* * Fields */ input[type="text"], textarea, select { padding: 2px; border: 1px solid #d7d7d7; } input[type="text"] { padding: 3px; } input[type="text"]:focus, textarea:focus, select:focus { border: 1px solid #888866; } /* * Boxes */ div.box { border: none; background: none; } /* * Quicksearch */ div#quick-search a { padding-left: 20px; background: url(../images/fugue/magnifier-left.png) left center no-repeat; font-weight: normal; } /* * Issue Journals */ /* Issue-history (journal) UL for issue-field changes*/ #history ul { list-style: disc; margin-top: 8px; margin-left: 14px; padding-left: 20px; font-size: 94%; } /* Issue-history comment UL font-size reset*/ #history .wiki > ul { font-size: inherit; /* back to 81% to workaround the 94% of #history ul */ } /* Generic Issue-journals */ #history .journal { border-bottom: solid 1px #d5d5d5; padding-bottom: 14px; } /* Issue-journal paragraphs */ #history .journal p { margin-bottom: 8px; } /* Issue-journals, first paragraph after .contextual, note-image insertion */ #history .journal .contextual + p:before { /* Not on <= IE7 */ vertical-align: -12%; padding-right: 5px; content: url(../images/fugue/sticky-note.png); } /* Fixes for issue-journals when editing them inline */ #history .journal > form > p { padding-left: 0px; background: none; } /* * Roadmap versions */ div#version-summary { background: transparent; } /* * Issue-report zoom-images */ div.nosidebar#main > div#content > div.splitcontentleft > h3, div.nosidebar#main > div#content > div.splitcontentright > h3 { margin-top: 15px; } /* * Repository-browser */ table#browser tr td.filename a { color: #666; font-weight: normal; } table#browser tr td.filename a:hover { color: #b3b3b3; } /* * Repository-statistics images */ div.nosidebar#main > div#content embed { display: block; margin-top: 28px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } /* * Context-menu */ /* Context-menu link font-weight ("a:hover {color:xxx;}" isn't settable...) */ #context-menu a { font-weight: normal; } /************************************************************************* THIRD-PARTY DECLARATIONS FOR NON PROJECT-MENU ITEMS - START *************************************************************************/ /* Burndowns plugin */ div#main > div#content > p > img { display: block; margin-top: 28px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } /* Charts plugin */ div#main > div#content > div.splitcontentright > object { margin-top: 28px; } /* Google-Calendar & Tab plugin */ div#main > div#content > iframe { display: block; margin-top: 28px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } /* Graphs plugin */ div#main > div#content > embed { margin-top: 28px; margin-bottom: 20px; } div.nosidebar#main > div#content > fieldset#target_version_graph > embed { margin-top: 0px; } /* Taskboard plugin */ #task_board tr > td { height: 0.75em; } /************************************************************************* THIRD-PARTY DECLARATIONS FOR NON PROJECT-MENU ITEMS - END *************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************* Custom tweaks based on other themes *************************************************************************/ body {background: white; } #top-menu {background-color: white; color: black; } #top-menu a {color: black; } #top-menu a:hover {color: black; text-decoration: underline; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.5); } #header {background: none; color: black; } #header a {color: black; } #top-menu #loggedas { color: black; } #content { background-image: none; border: 1px solid #000; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.8); } #content > h2 {font-size: 3em; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.5); background-color: #EDF3FE; margin: -6px -10px 10px -15px; padding: 10px 20px; } /* Title of the content section */ #main { background: white; } #sidebar { padding-top: 20px; } /* lower the text below any content headers */ #sidebar, #sidebar h1, #sidebar h2, #sidebar h3, #sidebar h4, #sidebar h5 { color: #666; text-shadow: none; } #sidebar a { color: #000000; } #footer, #footer a { color: #AAAAAA;} #footer a { color: #888888; } #footer a:hover { color: #888888; text-decoration: underline; } /**** Project menus ****/ /* Link color */ #main-menu li a {color: #222222;} #main-menu li a.selected {color: #111111;} #main-menu li a:hover, #main-menu li a.selected:hover {color: #000000;} /* Background */ #main-menu li {background-color: #FFFFFF; border-color: #DDDDDD; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; } #main-menu li:hover {background-color: #DDDDDD;} #main-menu li a, #main-menu li a:hover {} #main-menu li a.selected, #main-menu li a.selected:hover {background-color: #EEEEEE;} #main-menu li a, #main-menu li a.selected, #main-menu li a:hover {text-shadow: none;} /* Remove drop shadow */ #top-menu { border-bottom: 2px solid #FF4719; } /* Project-menu first/last tab bottom roundings (for KHTML [Konqueror], Gecko [Mozilla] and WebKit [Safari/Chrome]) */ #main-menu li:first-child { -khtml-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; } #main-menu li:last-child { -khtml-border-radius-bottomright: 5px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 5px; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; } /************************************************************************* Additional wiki styles *************************************************************************/ .button { padding-left: .25em; padding-right: .25em; background:#507aaa; color: white; font-weight: bold; } .wiki p.see-also, .wiki p.caution, .wiki p.important, .wiki p.info, .wiki p.tip, .wiki p.note, .wiki span.see-also, .wiki span.caution, .wiki span.important, .wiki span.info, .wiki span.tip, .wiki span.note { display: block; margin-top: .5em; margin-bottom: .5em; padding: 4px 4px 4px 48px; min-height: 33px; } .wiki p.smallsee-also, .wiki p.smallcaution, .wiki p.smallimportant, .wiki p.smallinfo, .wiki p.smalltip, .wiki p.smallnote, .wiki span.smallsee-also, .wiki span.smallcaution, .wiki span.smallimportant, .wiki span.smallinfo, .wiki span.smalltip, .wiki span.smallnote { display: block; margin-top: .5em; margin-bottom: .5em; padding: 4px 4px 4px 34px; min-height: 24px; } .wiki p.see-also, .wiki span.see-also { background: url(../images/wiki_styles/see-also.png) 4px 4px no-repeat #f5fffa; border: 1px solid #AAB1AD; } .wiki p.smallsee-also, .wiki span.smallsee-also { background: url(../images/wiki_styles/see-also_small.png) 4px 4px no-repeat #f5fffa; border: 1px solid #AAB1AD; } .wiki p.caution, .wiki span.caution { background: url(../images/wiki_styles/caution.png) 4px 6px no-repeat #f5fffa; border: 1px solid #AAB1AD; } .wiki p.smallcaution, .wiki span.smallcaution { background: url(../images/wiki_styles/caution_small.png) 4px 4px no-repeat #f5fffa; border: 1px solid #AAB1AD; } .wiki p.important, .wiki span.important { background: url(../images/wiki_styles/important.png) 4px 7px no-repeat #F0F8FF; border: 1px solid #C1C8CF; } .wiki p.smallimportant, .wiki span.smallimportant { background: url(../images/wiki_styles/important_small.png) 4px 6px no-repeat #F0F8FF; border: 1px solid #C1C8CF; } .wiki p.info, .wiki span.info { background: url(../images/wiki_styles/info.png) 4px 4px no-repeat #FFFFE0; border: 1px solid #FFFF00; } .wiki p.smallinfo, .wiki span.smallinfo { background: url(../images/wiki_styles/info_small.png) 4px 4px no-repeat #FFFFE0; border: 1px solid #FFFF00; } .wiki p.tip, .wiki span.tip { background: url(../images/wiki_styles/tip.png) 4px 4px no-repeat #F5FFFA; 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