#English strings go here zh-CN: js: boards: label_unnamed_board: '未命名面板' label_unnamed_list: '未命名列表' label_board_type: '面板类型' upsale: teaser_text: '通过此灵活的面板视图改进您的敏捷项目管理。为您想要跟踪的一切创建任意数量的面板。' upgrade_to_ee_text: '面板是企业版功能。请升级到付费计划。' upgrade: '立即升级' personal_demo: '获取个人演示' lists: delete: '删除列表' version: is_locked: '版本已锁定。无法向此版本添加项目。' is_closed: '版本已关闭。无法向此版本添加项目。' close_version: '关闭版本' open_version: '打开版本' lock_version: '锁定版本' unlock_version: '解锁版本' edit_version: '编辑版本' show_version: '显示版本' locked: '锁定' closed: '已关闭' new_board: '新建面板' add_list: 'Add list to board' add_card: '添加卡片' error_attribute_not_writable: "无法移动工作包,%{attribute} 不可写。" error_loading_the_list: "加载列表时出错:%{error_message}" error_permission_missing: "缺少创建公共查询的权限" click_to_remove_list: "点击以移除此列表" board_type: text: '面板类型' free: '基本面板' select_board_type: 'Please choose the type of board you need.' free_text: > A board in which you can freely create lists and order your work packages within. Dragging work packages between lists do not change the work package itself. action: '操作面板' action_by_attribute: '操作面板 (%{attribute})' action_text: > A board with filtered lists on %{attribute} attribute. Moving work packages to other lists will update their attribute. action_text_subprojects: > A board with lists of subprojects of this project and their work packages as list items. Dragging work packages to other lists will move them to the corresponding subproject. action_text_subtasks: > A board with lists of selected parents and their child work packages as list items. Dragging work packages to other lists will update the parent accordingly. action_type: assignee: 指派人 status: 状态 version: 版本 subproject: subproject subtasks: children select_attribute: "操作属性" add_list_modal: labels: assignee: Select user to add as a new assignee list status: Select status to add as a new list version: Select version to add as a new list subproject: Select subproject to add as a new list subtasks: Select work package to add as a new list warning: status: | 目前没有可用的状态。
可能没有问题,或者它们已被全部添加到问题板中。 assignee: 此项目当前没有可以添加的任何成员。
add_members: 向此项目添加一个新成员以重新选择用户。 configuration_modal: title: '配置此面板' display_settings: card_mode: "显示为卡片" table_mode: "显示为表"