class Widget::Controls::QueryName < Widget::Controls dont_cache! # The name might change, but the query stays the same... def render options = { :id => "query_saved_name", "data-translations" => translations } if @subject.new_record? name = l(:label_new_report) icon = "" else name = if @options[:can_rename] icon = content_tag :a, :href => "#", :class => 'breadcrumb_icon icon-edit', :id => "query-name-edit-button", :title => "#{l(:button_rename)}" do l(:button_rename) end options["data-update-url"] = url_for(:action => "rename", :id => end options["data-is_public"] = @subject.public? options["data-is_new"] = @subject.new_record? end write(content_tag(:span, h(name), options) + icon.to_s) end def translations { :rename => l(:button_rename), :cancel => l(:button_cancel), :loading => l(:label_loading), :clickToEdit => l(:label_click_to_edit), :isPublic => l(:field_is_public), :saving => l(:label_saving) }.to_json end end