module Tasks module Shared module AttachmentMigration module_function def move_obsolete_attachments_to_wiki! reset_journal_id_sequence! move_project_attachments_to_wiki! move_version_attachments_to_wiki! end ## # Why do we do this? Consider the migrations process: # # ... (other migrations) # |A| delete version and project attachments # |B| move these attachments to new wiki pages to prevent data loss (new) # ... (other migrations) # |C| migrate legacy journals to new format # # We are at 'B'. Creating new wiki pages and also updating attachment entries # creates journal entries (starting with ID 1). # Step 'C' assumes there are no journals yet which would normally be the case. # Due to the newly introduced step B there are some already, though. # The journal migrations wants to use the same IDs as in the original journals. # These may now be taken by the new attachment journals. # # To prevent this we skip all possible IDs of the legacy journals so the # journals created during the attachment business don't conflict with # the legacy journals. def reset_journal_id_sequence! con = ActiveRecord::Base.connection max_id = con.execute("SELECT MAX(id) FROM legacy_journals").to_a.first["max"] con.execute "ALTER SEQUENCE journals_id_seq RESTART WITH #{max_id + 1}" end def move_project_attachments_to_wiki! projects = affected_containers(Project).to_a projects.each_with_index do |project, i| enable_wiki! project page = create_project_attachments_page! project attachments = Attachment.where(container_type: "Project", container_id: puts "Moving #{attachments.size} Version attachments to wiki page \"#{page.title}\" [#{i + 1}/#{projects.size}]" attachments.each do |attachment| attachment.update! container_type: "WikiPage", container_id: end end end def move_version_attachments_to_wiki! versions = affected_containers(Version).to_a versions.each_with_index do |version, i| enable_wiki! version.project page = create_version_attachments_page! version attachments = Attachment.where(container_type: "Version", container_id: puts "Moving #{attachments.size} Version attachments to wiki page '#{page.title}' [#{i + 1}/#{versions.size}]" attachments.each do |attachment| attachment.update! container_type: "WikiPage", container_id: end end end def affected_containers(model) Attachment .where(container_type: .group(:container_id) .pluck(:container_id) .map { |id| model.find_by(id: id) } end def enable_wiki!(project) unless project.module_enabled? "wiki" project.enabled_modules.create name: "wiki" if Wiki.create! project: project, start_page: "Wiki", status: 1 project.reload end end end def create_project_attachments_page!(project, name: "Project Attachments") page = attachments_page!, name: name if page.content.nil? text = I18n.t( :notice_attachment_migration_wiki_page, container_type: "Project", container_name: ) Migrations::Attachments::CurrentWikiContent.create!( page_id:, author_id:, text: text ) end page end def create_version_attachments_page!(version, name: "Version '#{}' Attachments") page = attachments_page!, name: name if page.content.nil? text = I18n.t( :notice_attachment_migration_wiki_page, container_type: "Version", container_name: ) Migrations::Attachments::CurrentWikiContent.create!( page_id:, author_id:, text: text ) end page end def attachments_page!(wiki, name:) page = wiki.pages.where(title: name).first page || create(wiki_id:, title: name) end def try_delete_attachments_from_projects_and_versions if !$stdout.isatty || user_agrees_to_delete_versions_and_projects_documents puts 'Delete all attachments attached to projects or versions...' Attachment.where(container_type: ['Version', 'Project']).destroy_all end rescue StandardError raise 'Cannot delete attachments from projects and versions! There may be migrations missing...?' end def user_agrees_to_delete_versions_and_projects_documents questions = ['CAUTION: This rake task will delete ALL attachments attached to versions or projects!', "DISCLAIMER: This is the final warning: You're going to lose information!"] ask_for_confirmation(questions) end end end end