require 'fileutils' namespace :redmine do namespace :backlogs do desc "Install and configure Redmine Backlogs" task :install => :environment do |t| ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "development" # Necessary because adding key-value pairs one by one doesn't seem to work settings = Setting.plugin_redmine_backlogs settings[:points_burn_direction] ||= 'down' settings[:wiki_template] ||= '' puts "\n" puts "=====================================================" puts " Redmine Backlogs Installer" puts "=====================================================" puts "Installing to the #{ENV['RAILS_ENV']} environment." if ! ['no', 'false'].include?("#{ENV['labels']}".downcase) print "Fetching card labels from" STDOUT.flush begin Cards::TaskboardCards.fetch_labels print "done!\n" rescue Exception => fetch_error print "\nCard labels could not be fetched (#{fetch_error}). Please try again later. Proceeding anyway...\n" end else if ! File.exist?(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../labels.yaml') print "Default labels installed\n" FileUtils.cp(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../labels.yaml.default', File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../labels.yaml') end end settings[:card_spec] ||= Cards::TaskboardCards::LABELS.keys[0] unless Cards::TaskboardCards::LABELS.size == 0 trackers = Tracker.find(:all) if Story.trackers.length == 0 puts "Configuring story and task trackers..." invalid = true while invalid puts "-----------------------------------------------------" puts "Which trackers do you want to use for your stories?" trackers.each_with_index { |t, i| puts " #{ i + 1 }. #{ }" } print "Separate values with a space (e.g. 1 3): " STDOUT.flush selection = (STDIN.gets.chomp!).split(/\D+/) # Check that all values correspond to an items in the list invalid = false invalid_value = nil tracker_names = [] selection.each do |s| if s.to_i > trackers.length invalid = true invalid_value = s break else tracker_names << trackers[s.to_i-1].name end end if invalid puts "Oooops! You entered an invalid value (#{invalid_value}). Please try again." else print "You selected the following trackers: #{tracker_names.join(', ')}. Is this correct? (y/n) " STDOUT.flush invalid = !(STDIN.gets.chomp!).match("y") end end settings[:story_trackers] ={ |s| trackers[s.to_i-1].id } end if !Task.tracker # Check if there is at least one tracker available puts "-----------------------------------------------------" if settings[:story_trackers].length < trackers.length invalid = true while invalid # If there's at least one, ask the user to pick one puts "Which tracker do you want to use for your tasks?" available_trackers ={|t| !settings[:story_trackers].include?} j = 0 available_trackers.each_with_index { |t, i| puts " #{ j = i + 1 }. #{ }" } # puts " #{ j + 1 }. <>" print "Choose one from above (or choose none to create a new tracker): " STDOUT.flush selection = (STDIN.gets.chomp!).split(/\D+/) if selection.length > 0 and selection.first.to_i <= available_trackers.length # If the user picked one, use that print "You selected #{available_trackers[selection.first.to_i-1].name}. Is this correct? (y/n) " STDOUT.flush if (STDIN.gets.chomp!).match("y") settings[:task_tracker] = available_trackers[selection.first.to_i-1].id invalid = false end # elsif selection.length == 0 or selection.first.to_i == j + 1 # # If the user chose to create a new one, then ask for the name # settings[:task_tracker] = create_new_tracker # invalid = false else puts "Oooops! That's not a valid selection. Please try again." end end else # If there's none, ask to create one # settings[:task_tracker] = create_new_tracker puts "You don't have any trackers available for use with tasks." puts "Please create a new tracker via the Redmine admin interface," puts "then re-run this installer. Press any key to continue." STDOUT.flush STDIN.gets end end # Necessary because adding key-value pairs one by one doesn't seem to work Setting.plugin_redmine_backlogs = settings puts "Story and task trackers are now set." print "Migrating the database..." STDOUT.flush system('rake db:migrate_plugins --trace > redmine_backlogs_install.log') if $?==0 puts "done!" puts "Installation complete. Please restart Redmine." puts "Thank you for trying out Redmine Backlogs!" else puts "ERROR!" puts "*******************************************************" puts " Whoa! An error occurred during database migration." puts " Please see redmine_backlogs_install.log for more info." puts "*******************************************************" end end def create_new_tracker repeat = true puts "Creating a new task tracker." while repeat print "Please type the tracker's name: " STDOUT.flush name = STDIN.gets.chomp! if Tracker.find(:first, :conditions => "name='#{name}'") puts "Ooops! That name is already taken." next end print "You typed '#{name}'. Is this correct? (y/n) " STDOUT.flush if (STDIN.gets.chomp!).match("y") tracker = => name)! repeat = false end end end end end