cs: activerecord: attributes: meeting: location: "Místo" duration: "Doba trvání" participants: "Účastníci" participants_attended: "Účastníci" participants_invited: "Pozvaní" start_time: "Čas" start_time_hour: "Čas začátku" errors: messages: invalid_time_format: "is not a valid time. Required format: HH:MM" models: meeting_agenda: "Agenda" meeting_minutes: "Zápis" description_attended: "zúčastněn" description_invite: "invited" events: meeting: Meeting edited meeting_agenda: Meeting agenda edited meeting_agenda_closed: Meeting agenda closed meeting_agenda_opened: Meeting agenda opened meeting_minutes: Meeting minutes edited meeting_minutes_created: Meeting minutes created error_notification_with_errors: "Failed to send notification. The following recipients could not be notified: %{recipients}" label_meeting: "Schůzka" label_meeting_plural: "Schůzky" label_meeting_new: "Nová schůzka" label_meeting_edit: "Upravit schůzku" label_meeting_agenda: "Agenda" label_meeting_minutes: "Zápis" label_meeting_close: "Zavřít" label_meeting_open: "Open" label_meeting_agenda_close: "Uzavřete agendu pro vytvoření zápisu" label_meeting_date_time: "Datum/Čas" label_meeting_diff: "Rozdíl" label_notify: "Send for review" label_icalendar: "Send iCalendar" label_version: "Verze" label_time_zone: "Časové pásmo" label_start_date: "Datum zahájení" notice_successful_notification: "Notification sent successfully" notice_timezone_missing: No time zone is set and %{zone} is assumed. To choose your time zone, please click here. permission_create_meetings: "Create meetings" permission_edit_meetings: "Edit meetings" permission_delete_meetings: "Delete meetings" permission_view_meetings: "View meetings" permission_create_meeting_agendas: "Manage agendas" permission_close_meeting_agendas: "Close agendas" permission_send_meeting_agendas_notification: "Send review notification for agendas" permission_create_meeting_minutes: "Manage minutes" permission_send_meeting_minutes_notification: "Send review notification for minutes" project_module_meetings: "Schůzky" text_duration_in_hours: "Duration in hours" text_in_hours: "in hours" text_meeting_agenda_for_meeting: 'agenda for the meeting "%{meeting}"' text_meeting_closing_are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to close the meeting?" text_meeting_agenda_open_are_you_sure: "Unsaved content in the minutes will be lost! Continue?" text_meeting_minutes_for_meeting: 'minutes for the meeting "%{meeting}"' text_review_meeting_agenda: "%{author} has put the %{link} up for review." text_review_meeting_minutes: "%{author} has put the %{link} up for review." text_notificiation_invited: "This mail contains an ics entry for the meeting below:"