//-- copyright // OpenProject is a project management system. // Copyright (C) 2012-2013 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. // // OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: // Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang // Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. //++ // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Timeines Plugin Javascript Library. │ // ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ // │ Javascript Library that fetches and plots timelines for the │ // │ accompanying ChiliProject Plugin. Martin Czuchra, Finn GmbH │ // │ 2011 │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ // stricter than default /*jshint undef:true, eqeqeq:true, forin:true, immed:true, latedef:true, trailing: true */ // looser than default /*jshint eqnull:true */ // environment and other global vars /*jshint browser:true, devel:true*/ /*global jQuery:false, Raphael:false, Timeline:true*/ Timeline = { LOAD_ERROR_TIMEOUT: 60000, DISPLAY_ERROR_DELAY: 2000, PROJECT_ID_BLOCK_SIZE: 100, USER_ATTRIBUTES: { PROJECT: ["responsible_id"], PLANNING_ELEMENT: ["responsible_id", "assigned_to_id"] }, defaults: { artificial_load_delay: 0, // no delay columns: [], exclude_own_planning_elements: false, exclude_reporters: false, api_prefix: '/api/v2', hide_other_group: false, hide_tree_root: false, i18n: {}, // undefined would be bad. initial_outline_expansion: 0, // aggregations only project_prefix: '/projects', planning_element_prefix: '', ui_root: jQuery('#timeline'), url_prefix: '' // empty prefix so it is not undefined. }, ajax_defaults: { cache: false, context: this, dataType: 'json' }, instances: [], get: function(n) { if (typeof n !== "number") { n = 0; } return this.instances[n]; }, isInstance: function(n) { return (n === undefined) ? Timeline.instances.indexOf(this) : this === Timeline.get(n); }, isGrouping: function() { if ((this.options.grouping_one_enabled === 'yes' && this.options.grouping_one_selection !== undefined) || (this.options.grouping_two_enabled === 'yes' && this.options.grouping_two_selection !== undefined)) { return true; } else { return false; } }, isComparing: function() { return ((this.options.comparison !== undefined) && (this.options.comparison !== 'none')); }, comparisonCurrentTime: function() { var value; if (!this.isComparing()) { return undefined; } if (this.options.comparison === 'historical') { value = this.options.compare_to_historical_two; } else { // default is no (undefined) current time, which corresponds to today. return undefined; } return +Date.parse(value) / 1000; }, calculateTimeFilter: function () { if (!this.frameSet) { if (this.options.planning_element_time === "absolute") { this.frameStart = Date.parse(this.options.planning_element_time_absolute_one); this.frameEnd = Date.parse(this.options.planning_element_time_absolute_two); } else if (this.options.planning_element_time === "relative") { var startR = parseInt(this.options.planning_element_time_relative_one, 10); var endR = parseInt(this.options.planning_element_time_relative_two, 10); if (!isNaN(startR)) { this.frameStart = Date.now(); switch (this.options.planning_element_time_relative_one_unit[0]) { case "0": this.frameStart.add(-1 * startR).days(); break; case "1": this.frameStart.add(-1 * startR).weeks(); break; case "2": this.frameStart.add(-1 * startR).months(); break; } } if (!isNaN(endR)) { this.frameEnd = Date.now(); switch (this.options.planning_element_time_relative_two_unit[0]) { case "0": this.frameEnd.add(endR).days(); break; case "1": this.frameEnd.add(endR).weeks(); break; case "2": this.frameEnd.add(endR).months(); break; } } } this.frameSet = true; } }, inTimeFilter: function (start, end) { this.calculateTimeFilter(); if (!start && !end) { return false; } if (!start) { start = end; } if (!end) { end = start; } if (this.frameStart) { if (start < this.frameStart && end < this.frameStart) { return false; } } if (this.frameEnd) { if (start > this.frameEnd && end > this.frameEnd) { return false; } } return true; }, verticalPlanningElementIds: function() { return this.options.vertical_planning_elements ? jQuery.map( this.options.vertical_planning_elements.split(/\,/), function(a) { try { return parseInt(a.match(/\s*\*?(\d*)\s*/)[1], 10); } catch (e) { return; } } ) : []; }, comparisonTarget: function() { var result, value, unit; if (!this.isComparing()) { return undefined; } switch (this.options.comparison) { case 'relative': result = new Date(); value = Timeline.pnum(this.options.compare_to_relative); unit = Timeline.pnum(this.options.compare_to_relative_unit[0]); switch (unit) { case 0: return Math.floor(result.add(-value).days() / 1000); case 1: return Math.floor(result.add(-value).weeks() / 1000); case 2: return Math.floor(result.add(-value).months() / 1000); default: return this.die(this.i18n('timelines.errors.report_comparison')); } break; // to please jslint case 'absolute': value = this.options.compare_to_absolute; break; case 'historical': value = this.options.compare_to_historical_one; break; default: return this.die(this.i18n('timelines.errors.report_comparison')); } return +Date.parse(value)/1000; }, create: function() { var timeline = Object.create(Timeline); // some private fields. timeline.listeners = []; timeline.data = {}; Timeline.instances.push(timeline); return timeline; }, startup: function(options) { var timeline = this, timelineLoader; if(this === Timeline) { timeline = Timeline.create(); return timeline.startup(options); } // configuration if (!options) { throw new Error('No configuration options given'); } options = jQuery.extend({}, this.defaults, options); this.options = options; // we're hiding the root if there is a grouping. this.options.hide_tree_root = this.isGrouping(); if (this.options.username) { this.ajax_defaults.username = this.options.username; } if (this.options.password) { this.ajax_defaults.password = this.options.password; } if (this.options.api_key) { this.ajax_defaults.headers = { 'X-ChiliProject-API-Key': this.options.api_key, 'X-OpenProject-API-Key': this.options.api_key, 'X-Redmine-API-Key': this.options.api_key }; } // setup UI. this.uiRoot = this.options.ui_root; this.setupUI(); try { // prerequisites (3rd party libs) this.checkPrerequisites(); this.modalHelper = modalHelperInstance; this.modalHelper.setupTimeline( this, { api_prefix : this.options.api_prefix, url_prefix : this.options.url_prefix, project_prefix : this.options.project_prefix } ); jQuery(this.modalHelper).on("closed", function () { timeline.reload(); }); timelineLoader = this.provideTimelineLoader(); jQuery(timelineLoader).on('complete', jQuery.proxy(function(e, data) { jQuery.extend(this, data); jQuery(this).trigger('dataLoaded'); this.defer(jQuery.proxy(this, 'onLoadComplete'), this.options.artificial_load_delay); }, this)); this.safetyHook = window.setTimeout(function() { timeline.die(timeline.i18n('timelines.errors.report_timeout')); }, Timeline.LOAD_ERROR_TIMEOUT); timelineLoader.load(); return this; } catch (e) { this.die(e); } }, reload: function() { delete this.lefthandTree; var timelineLoader = this.provideTimelineLoader(); jQuery(timelineLoader).on('complete', jQuery.proxy(function (e, data) { jQuery.extend(this, data); jQuery(this).trigger('dataReLoaded'); if (this.isGrouping() && this.options.grouping_two_enabled) { this.secondLevelGroupingAdjustments(); } this.adjustForPlanningElements(); this.rebuildAll(); }, this)); timelineLoader.load(); }, provideTimelineLoader: function() { return new Timeline.TimelineLoader( this, { api_prefix : this.options.api_prefix, url_prefix : this.options.url_prefix, project_prefix : this.options.project_prefix, planning_element_prefix : this.options.planning_element_prefix, project_id : this.options.project_id, project_types : this.options.project_types, project_statuses : this.options.project_status, project_responsibles : this.options.project_responsibles, project_parents : this.options.parents, planning_element_types : this.options.planning_element_types, planning_element_responsibles : this.options.planning_element_responsibles, planning_element_status : this.options.planning_element_status, grouping_one : (this.options.grouping_one_enabled ? this.options.grouping_one_selection : undefined), grouping_two : (this.options.grouping_two_enabled ? this.options.grouping_two_selection : undefined), ajax_defaults : this.ajax_defaults, current_time : this.comparisonCurrentTime(), target_time : this.comparisonTarget(), include_planning_elements : this.verticalPlanningElementIds() } ); }, defer: function(action, delay) { var timeline = this; var result; if (delay === undefined) { delay = 0; } result = window.setTimeout(function() { try { action.call(); } catch(e) { timeline.die(e); } }, 0); return result; }, die: function(error, classes) { var message = (typeof error === 'string') ? error : this.i18n('timelines.errors.report_epicfail'); // + '
' + error.message; classes = classes || 'flash error'; this.warn(message, classes); // assume this won't happen anymore. this.onLoadComplete = function() {}; if (console && console.log) { console.log(error.stack); } throw error; }, warn: function(message, classes) { var root = this.getUiRoot(); window.setTimeout(function() { // generate and display the error message. var warning = jQuery('
' + message + '
'); root.empty().append(warning); }, Timeline.DISPLAY_ERROR_DELAY); }, // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Loading │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ FilterQueryStringBuilder: (function() { /** * FilterQueryStringBuilder * * Simple serializer of query strings that satisfies OpenProject's filter * API. Transforms hashes of desired filterings into the proper query strings. * * Examples: * * fqsb = (new FilterQueryStringBuilder({ * 'type_id': [4, 5] * })).build( * '/api/v2/projects/sample_project/planning_elements.json' * ); * * => /api/v2/projects/sample_project/planning_elements.json?f[]=type_id&op[type_id]==&v[type_id][]=4&v[type_id][]=5 * * fqsb = (new FilterQueryStringBuilder()) * .filter({ 'type_id': [4, 5] }) * .append({ 'at_time': 1380795754 }) * .build( '/api/v2/projects/sample_project/planning_elements.json' ); * * => /api/v2/projects/sample_project/planning_elements.json?f[]=type_id&op[type_id]==&v[type_id][]=4&v[type_id][]=5&at_time=1380795754 */ var FilterQueryStringBuilder = function (filterHash) { this.filterHash = filterHash || {}; this.paramsHash = {}; }; FilterQueryStringBuilder.prototype.filter = function(filters) { this.filterHash = jQuery.extend({}, this.filterHash, filters); return this; }; FilterQueryStringBuilder.prototype.append = function(addition) { this.paramsHash = jQuery.extend({}, this.paramsHash, addition); return this; }; FilterQueryStringBuilder.prototype.buildMetaDataForKey = function(key) { this.queryStringParts.push({name: 'f[]', value: key}, {name: 'op[' + key + ']', value: '='}); }; FilterQueryStringBuilder.prototype.prepareFilterDataForKeyAndValue = function(key, value) { this.queryStringParts.push({name: 'v[' + key + '][]', value: value}); }; FilterQueryStringBuilder.prototype.prepareAdditionalQueryData = function(key, value) { this.queryStringParts.push({name: key, value: value}); }; FilterQueryStringBuilder.prototype.prepareFilterDataForKeyAndArrayOfValues = function(key, value) { jQuery.each(value, jQuery.proxy( function(i, e) { this.prepareFilterDataForKeyAndValue(key, e); }, this)); }; FilterQueryStringBuilder.prototype.buildFilterDataForValue = function(key, value) { if (value instanceof Array) { this.prepareFilterDataForKeyAndArrayOfValues(key, value); } else { this.prepareFilterDataForKeyAndValue(key, value); } }; FilterQueryStringBuilder.prototype.registerKeyAndValue = function(key, value) { this.buildMetaDataForKey(key); this.buildFilterDataForValue(key, value); }; FilterQueryStringBuilder.prototype.prepareQueryStringParts = function() { this.queryStringParts = []; jQuery.each(this.filterHash, jQuery.proxy(this.registerKeyAndValue, this)); jQuery.each(this.paramsHash, jQuery.proxy(this.prepareAdditionalQueryData, this)); }; FilterQueryStringBuilder.prototype.buildQueryStringFromQueryStringParts = function(url) { return jQuery.map(this.queryStringParts, function(e, i) { return e.name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(e.value); }).join('&'); }; FilterQueryStringBuilder.prototype.buildUrlFromQueryStringParts = function(url) { var resultUrl = url; resultUrl += "?"; resultUrl += this.buildQueryStringFromQueryStringParts(); return resultUrl; }; FilterQueryStringBuilder.prototype.build = function(url) { this.prepareQueryStringParts(); return this.buildUrlFromQueryStringParts(url); }; return FilterQueryStringBuilder; })(), TimelineLoader : (function () { /** * QueueingLoader * * Simple wrapper around jQuery.ajax, which introduces two step loading * of remote data. * * Step 1: register URL and meta information using `register` * Step 2: load all registered elements using `load` * * To notify consumers about AJAX responses, the QueueingLoader uses * the jQuery custom event system. Whenever a request is complete, * success or error events will be triggered. When the queue is empty, * an 'empty' event will be triggered. Use the callback functions like * the following ones, to react on these events: * * jQuery(myLoader).on("success", function (e, args) { * console.log("'success' triggered for", this); * console.log("identifier used in register:", args.identifier); * console.log("context provided in register:", args.context); * console.log("data returned by the server:", args.data); * }); * * jQuery(myLoader).on("error", function (e, args) { * console.log("'error' triggered for ", this); * console.log("identifier used in register:", args.identifier); * console.log("context provided in register:", args.context); * console.log("textStatus provided by jqXHR:", args.textStatus); * }); * * jQuery(myLoader).on("empty", function (e) { * console.log("'empty' triggered for ", this); * }); * */ var QueueingLoader = function (ajaxDefaults) { this.ajaxDefaults = ajaxDefaults; this.registered = {}; this.loading = {}; }; /** * Enqueue new elements to load * * identifier should be a string and uniq. If identifier is used twice, then * bad things will happen. * * options should be the options passed to jQuery.ajax. Often it is enough, * to provide a URL. * * context additional information which will be passed to the callbacks. Use * this to store some state. */ QueueingLoader.prototype.register = function (identifier, options, context) { this.registered[identifier] = { options : options, context : context || {} }; }; /** * Trigger loading of all registered elements */ QueueingLoader.prototype.load = function () { var identifier, element; for (identifier in this.registered) { if (this.registered.hasOwnProperty(identifier)) { element = this.registered[identifier]; delete this.registered[identifier]; this.loadElement(identifier, element); } } }; QueueingLoader.prototype.getRegisteredIdentifiers = function () { return jQuery.map(this.registered, function (e, i) { return i; }); }; QueueingLoader.prototype.getLoadingIdentifiers = function () { return jQuery.map(this.loading, function (e, i) { return i; }); }; // Methods below are not meant to be public QueueingLoader.prototype.loadElement = function (identifier, element) { element.options = jQuery.extend( {}, this.ajaxDefaults, element.options, { success : function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { delete this.loading[identifier]; jQuery(this).trigger('success', {identifier : identifier, context : element.context, data : data}); }, error : function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { delete this.loading[identifier]; jQuery(this).trigger('error', {identifier : identifier, context : element.context, textStatus : textStatus}); }, complete : this.onComplete, context : this } ); this.loading[identifier] = element; jQuery.ajax(element.options); }; QueueingLoader.prototype.onComplete = function () { // count remainders var remaining = 0; for (var key in this.loading) { if (this.loading.hasOwnProperty(key)) { remaining++; } } // if nothing remains, notify about empty queue if (remaining === 0) { jQuery(this).trigger('empty'); } }; var DataEnhancer = function (timeline) { this.timeline = timeline; this.options = { projectId : timeline.options.project_id }; this.die = function () { timeline.die.apply(timeline, arguments); }; }; DataEnhancer.getBasicType = function (identifier) { var i, basicTypes = this.BasicTypes(); for (i = 0; i < basicTypes.length; i++) { if (basicTypes[i].identifier === identifier) { return basicTypes[i]; } } }; DataEnhancer.BasicTypes = function () { return [ Timeline.Color, Timeline.Status, Timeline.PlanningElementType, Timeline.HistoricalPlanningElement, Timeline.PlanningElement, Timeline.ProjectType, Timeline.Project, Timeline.ProjectAssociation, Timeline.Reporting, Timeline.User ]; }; DataEnhancer.prototype.createObjects = function (data, identifier) { var type = DataEnhancer.getBasicType(identifier); var i, e, id, map = {}; if (data instanceof Array) { for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { e = data[i]; e.timeline = this.timeline; id = e.id; map[id] = jQuery.extend(Object.create(type), e); } } else { console.warn("Expected instance of Array, but got something else.", data, identifier); } return map; }; DataEnhancer.prototype.enhance = function (data) { try { this.data = data; this.createEmptyElementMaps(); this.assignMainProject(); this.augmentReportingsWithProjectObjects(); this.augmentProjectsWithProjectTypesAndAssociations(); this.augmentPlanningElementsWithHistoricalData(); this.augmentPlanningElementsWithAllKindsOfStuff(); this.augmentPlanningElementsWithVerticalityData(); return this.data; } catch(e) { this.die(e); } }; DataEnhancer.prototype.createEmptyElementMaps = function () { if (!this.data.hasOwnProperty(Timeline.ProjectAssociation.identifier)) { this.data[Timeline.ProjectAssociation.identifier] = {}; } }; DataEnhancer.prototype.getElementMap = function (type) { return this.data[type.identifier]; }; DataEnhancer.prototype.setElementMap = function (type, map) { if (map === undefined) { delete this.data[type.identifier]; } else { this.data[type.identifier] = map; } return map; }; DataEnhancer.prototype.getElements = function (type) { var map = this.getElementMap(type) || {}, result = []; for (var key in map) { if (map.hasOwnProperty(key)) { result.push(map[key]); } } return result; }; DataEnhancer.prototype.getElement = function (type, id) { return this.data[type.identifier][id]; }; DataEnhancer.prototype.setElement = function (type, id, element) { this.data[type.identifier][id] = element; return this.data[type.identifier][id]; }; DataEnhancer.prototype.getProject = function () { return this.data.project; }; DataEnhancer.prototype.setProject = function (project) { this.data.project = project; return project; }; DataEnhancer.prototype.assignMainProject = function () { if (this.getProject() !== undefined) { return; } var dataEnhancer = this; // looking for main project in timeline.projects array and storing it as // primary project in timeline.project jQuery.each(this.getElements(Timeline.Project), function (i, e) { if (e.identifier === dataEnhancer.options.projectId || e.id === dataEnhancer.options.projectId) { dataEnhancer.setProject(e); } }); if (dataEnhancer.getProject() === undefined) { dataEnhancer.die(new Error("Could not find main project. " + "The current user is probably not allowed to view timelines in here.")); } }; DataEnhancer.prototype.augmentReportingsWithProjectObjects = function () { var dataEnhancer = this; jQuery.each(dataEnhancer.getElements(Timeline.Reporting), function (i, reporting) { // TODO this somehow didn't make the change to reporting_to_project_id and project_id. var project = dataEnhancer.getElement(Timeline.Project, reporting.reporting_to_project.id); var reporter = dataEnhancer.getElement(Timeline.Project, reporting.project.id); // there might not be a project, which due to insufficient rights // and the fact that some user with more rights originally created // the report, is not available here. if (!project || !reporter) { // TODO some flag indicating that something is wrong/missing. return; } reporting.reporting_to_project = project; reporting.project = reporter; reporter.via_reporting = reporting; // project ← reporting → project if (project.reporters === undefined) { project.reporters = []; } if (jQuery.inArray(reporter, project.reporters) === -1) { project.reporters.push(reporter); } }); }; DataEnhancer.prototype.augmentElementAttributesWithUser = function (e, attributes) { if (this.data[Timeline.User.identifier]) { var k, curAttr; for (k = 0; k < attributes.length; k += 1) { curAttr = attributes[k]; if (e[curAttr]) { e[curAttr.replace(/_id$/, "")] = this.getElement(Timeline.User, e[curAttr]); } delete e[curAttr]; } } }; DataEnhancer.prototype.augmentProjectElementWithUser = function (p) { this.augmentElementAttributesWithUser(p, Timeline.USER_ATTRIBUTES.PROJECT); }; DataEnhancer.prototype.augmentProjectsWithProjectTypesAndAssociations = function () { var dataEnhancer = this; jQuery.each(dataEnhancer.getElements(Timeline.Project), function (i, e) { dataEnhancer.augmentProjectElementWithUser(e); // project_type ← project if (e.project_type_id !== undefined) { var project_type = dataEnhancer.getElement(Timeline.ProjectType, e.project_type_id); if (project_type) { e.project_type = project_type; } } // project ← association → project var associations = e[Timeline.ProjectAssociation.identifier]; var j, a, other; if (associations instanceof Array) { for (j = 0; j < associations.length; j++) { a = associations[j]; a.timeline = dataEnhancer.timeline; a.origin = e; other = dataEnhancer.getElement(Timeline.Project, a.to_project_id); if (other) { a.project = other; dataEnhancer.setElement( Timeline.ProjectAssociation, a.id, jQuery.extend(Object.create(Timeline.ProjectAssociation), a)); } } } // project → parent if (e.parent_id) { e.parent = dataEnhancer.getElement(Timeline.Project, e.parent_id); } delete e.parent_id; }); }; DataEnhancer.prototype.augmentPlanningElementsWithHistoricalData = function () { var dataEnhancer = this; jQuery.each(dataEnhancer.getElements(Timeline.HistoricalPlanningElement), function (i, e) { var pe = dataEnhancer.getElement(Timeline.PlanningElement, e.id); if (pe === undefined) { // The planning element is in the historical data, but not in // the current set of planning elements, i.e. it was deleted // in the compared timeframe. We therefore import the deleted // element into the planning elements array and set the // is_deleted flag. e = jQuery.extend(Object.create(Timeline.PlanningElement), e); e.is_deleted = true; dataEnhancer.setElement(Timeline.PlanningElement, e.id, e); pe = e; } pe.historical_element = jQuery.extend(Object.create(Timeline.PlanningElement), e); }); dataEnhancer.setElementMap(Timeline.HistoricalPlanningElement, undefined); }; DataEnhancer.prototype.augmentPlanningElementWithStatus = function (pe) { // planning_element → planning_element_type if (pe.status_id) { pe.status = this.getElement(Timeline.Status, pe.status_id); } delete pe.status_id; }; DataEnhancer.prototype.augmentPlanningElementWithUser = function (pe) { this.augmentElementAttributesWithUser(pe, Timeline.USER_ATTRIBUTES.PLANNING_ELEMENT); }; DataEnhancer.prototype.augmentPlanningElementWithType = function (pe) { // planning_element → planning_element_type if (pe.type_id) { pe.planning_element_type = this.getElement(Timeline.PlanningElementType, pe.type_id); } delete pe.type_id; }; DataEnhancer.prototype.augmentPlanningElementWithProject = function (pe) { var project = this.getElement(Timeline.Project, pe.project_id); // there might not be such a project, due to insufficient rights // and the fact that some user with more rights originally created // the report. if (!project) { // TODO some flag indicating that something is wrong/missing. return; } // planning_element → project pe.project = project; }; DataEnhancer.prototype.augmentPlanningElementWithParent = function (pe) { if (pe.parent_id) { var parent = this.getElement(Timeline.PlanningElement, pe.parent_id); if (parent !== undefined) { // planning_element ↔ planning_element if (parent.planning_elements === undefined) { parent.planning_elements = []; } parent.planning_elements.push(pe); pe.parent = parent; } } else { var project = pe.project; if (project) { // planning_element ← project if (project.planning_elements === undefined) { project.planning_elements = []; } project.planning_elements.push(pe); } } }; DataEnhancer.prototype.augmentPlanningElementsWithAllKindsOfStuff = function () { var dataEnhancer = this; jQuery.each(dataEnhancer.getElements(Timeline.PlanningElement), function (i, e) { dataEnhancer.augmentPlanningElementWithStatus(e); dataEnhancer.augmentPlanningElementWithType(e); dataEnhancer.augmentPlanningElementWithProject(e); dataEnhancer.augmentPlanningElementWithParent(e); dataEnhancer.augmentPlanningElementWithUser(e); if (e.historical_element) { dataEnhancer.augmentPlanningElementWithStatus(e.historical_element); dataEnhancer.augmentPlanningElementWithType(e.historical_element); } }); }; DataEnhancer.prototype.augmentPlanningElementsWithVerticalityData = function () { var dataEnhancer = this; jQuery.each(dataEnhancer.getElements(Timeline.PlanningElement), function (i, e) { var pe = dataEnhancer.getElement(Timeline.PlanningElement, e.id); var pet = pe.getPlanningElementType(); pe.vertical = this.timeline.verticalPlanningElementIds().indexOf(pe.id) !== -1; //this.timeline.optionsfalse || Math.random() < 0.5 || (pet && pet.is_milestone); }); }; /** * TimelineLoader * * Loads all data, that is relevant for the current timeline instance. * * timeline: Timeline instance * options: Configuration Hash * * The timeline parameter is used to augment the loaded data with pointers * to their coressponding timeline. No assumptions about methods or * attributes are made. * * The following list describes the required options * * url_prefix : timeline.options.url_prefix, * project_prefix : timeline.options.project_prefix, * project_id : timeline.options.project_id, * * ajax_defaults : timeline.ajax_defaults * * current_time : this.comparisonCurrentTime(), * target_time : this.comparisonTarget() * * Use `load` to trigger loading of data. * Use events to get notified about completion * * jQuery(timelineLoader).on("complete", function (e, data) { * console.log("'complete' triggered for", this); * console.log("Loaded data is:", data); * } */ var TimelineLoader = function (timeline, options) { this.options = options; this.data = {}; this.loader = new QueueingLoader(options.ajax_defaults); this.dataEnhancer = new DataEnhancer(timeline); this.globalPrefix = options.url_prefix + options.api_prefix; jQuery(this.loader).on('success', jQuery.proxy(this, 'onLoadSuccess')) .on('error', jQuery.proxy(this, 'onLoadError')) .on('empty', jQuery.proxy(this, 'onLoadComplete')); }; TimelineLoader.prototype.load = function () { this.registerProjectReportings(); this.registerGlobalElements(); this.loader.load(); }; TimelineLoader.prototype.onLoadSuccess = function (e, args) { var storeIn = args.context.storeIn || args.identifier, readFrom = args.context.readFrom || storeIn; this.storeData(args.data[readFrom], storeIn); this.checkDependencies(args.identifier); }; TimelineLoader.prototype.onLoadError = function (e, args) { var storeIn = args.context.storeIn || args.identifier; console.warn("Error during loading", arguments); this.storeData([], storeIn); this.checkDependencies(args.identifier); }; TimelineLoader.prototype.onLoadComplete = function (e) { jQuery(this).trigger('complete', this.dataEnhancer.enhance(this.data)); }; TimelineLoader.prototype.registerProjectReportings = function () { var projectPrefix = this.options.url_prefix + this.options.api_prefix + this.options.project_prefix + "/" + this.options.project_id; var url = projectPrefix + '/reportings.json?only=via_target'; if (this.options.project_types) { url += '&project_types=' + this.options.project_types.join(); } if (this.options.project_statuses) { url += '&project_statuses=' + this.options.project_statuses.join(); } if (this.options.project_responsibles) { url += '&project_responsibles=' + this.options.project_responsibles.join(); } if (this.options.project_parents) { url += '&project_parents=' + this.options.project_parents.join(); } if (this.options.grouping_one) { url += '&grouping_one=' + this.options.grouping_one.join(); } if (this.options.grouping_two) { url += '&grouping_two=' + this.options.grouping_two.join(); } this.loader.register(Timeline.Reporting.identifier, { url : url }); }; TimelineLoader.prototype.registerGlobalElements = function () { this.loader.register( Timeline.Status.identifier, { url : this.globalPrefix + '/statuses.json' }); this.loader.register( Timeline.PlanningElementType.identifier, { url : this.globalPrefix + '/planning_element_types.json' }); this.loader.register( Timeline.Color.identifier, { url : this.globalPrefix + '/colors.json' }); this.loader.register( Timeline.ProjectType.identifier, { url : this.globalPrefix + '/project_types.json' }); }; TimelineLoader.prototype.registerProjects = function (ids) { this.inChunks(ids, function (project_ids_of_packet, i) { this.loader.register( Timeline.Project.identifier + '_' + i, { url : this.globalPrefix + '/projects.json?ids=' + project_ids_of_packet.join(',')}, { storeIn : Timeline.Project.identifier } ); }); }; TimelineLoader.prototype.registerUsers = function (ids) { this.inChunks(ids, function (user_ids_of_packet, i) { this.loader.register( Timeline.User.identifier + '_' + i, { url : this.globalPrefix + '/users.json?ids=' + user_ids_of_packet.join(',')}, { storeIn : Timeline.User.identifier } ); }); }; TimelineLoader.prototype.provideServerSideFilterHashTypes = function (hash) { if (this.options.planning_element_types !== undefined) { hash.type_id = this.options.planning_element_types; } }; TimelineLoader.prototype.provideServerSideFilterHashStatus = function (hash) { if (this.options.planning_element_status !== undefined) { hash.status_id = this.options.planning_element_status; } }; TimelineLoader.prototype.provideServerSideFilterHashResponsibles = function (hash) { if (this.options.planning_element_responsibles !== undefined) { hash.responsible_id = this.options.planning_element_responsibles; } }; TimelineLoader.prototype.provideServerSideFilterHash = function() { var result = {}; this.provideServerSideFilterHashTypes(result); this.provideServerSideFilterHashResponsibles(result); this.provideServerSideFilterHashStatus(result); return result; }; TimelineLoader.prototype.registerPlanningElements = function (ids) { this.inChunks(ids, function (projectIdsOfPacket, i) { var projectPrefix = this.options.url_prefix + this.options.api_prefix + this.options.project_prefix + "/" + projectIdsOfPacket.join(','); var qsb = new Timeline.FilterQueryStringBuilder( this.provideServerSideFilterHash()); // load current planning elements. this.loader.register( Timeline.PlanningElement.identifier + '_' + i, { url : qsb.build(projectPrefix + '/planning_elements.json') }, { storeIn: Timeline.PlanningElement.identifier } ); // load historical planning elements. if (this.options.target_time) { this.loader.register( Timeline.HistoricalPlanningElement.identifier + '_' + i, { url : qsb.append({ at_time: this.options.target_time }) .build(projectPrefix + '/planning_elements.json') }, { storeIn: Timeline.HistoricalPlanningElement.identifier, readFrom: Timeline.PlanningElement.identifier } ); } }); }; TimelineLoader.prototype.registerPlanningElementsByID = function (ids) { this.inChunks(ids, function (planningElementIdsOfPacket, i) { var projectPrefix = this.options.url_prefix + this.options.api_prefix; // load current planning elements. this.loader.register( Timeline.PlanningElement.identifier + '_IDS_' + i, { url : projectPrefix + '/planning_elements.json?ids=' + planningElementIdsOfPacket.join(',')}, { storeIn: Timeline.PlanningElement.identifier } ); // load historical planning elements. // TODO: load historical PEs here! if (this.options.target_time) { this.loader.register( Timeline.HistoricalPlanningElement.identifier + '_IDS_' + i, { url : projectPrefix + '/planning_elements.json?ids=' + planningElementIdsOfPacket.join(',') }, { storeIn: Timeline.HistoricalPlanningElement.identifier, readFrom: Timeline.PlanningElement.identifier } ); } }); }; TimelineLoader.prototype.inChunks = function (elements, iter) { var i, current_elements; i = 0; elements = elements.clone(); while (elements.length > 0) { i++; current_elements = elements.splice(0, Timeline.PROJECT_ID_BLOCK_SIZE); iter.call(this, current_elements, i); } }; TimelineLoader.prototype.storeData = function (data, identifier) { if (!jQuery.isArray(data)) { this.die("Expected an instance of Array. Got something else. This " + "should never happen.", data, identifier); } this.data[identifier] = this.data[identifier] || {}; jQuery.extend( this.data[identifier], this.dataEnhancer.createObjects(data, identifier)); }; TimelineLoader.prototype.getCurrentlyLoadingTypes = function (unique) { var currentlyLoadingTypes = [], m = {}; jQuery.each(this.loader.getLoadingIdentifiers(), function (i, e) { currentlyLoadingTypes.push(e.replace(/_\d+$/, '')); }); if (unique) { jQuery.each(currentlyLoadingTypes, function (i, e) { m[e] = e; }); currentlyLoadingTypes = []; jQuery.each(m, function (i, e) { currentlyLoadingTypes.push(e); }); } return currentlyLoadingTypes; }; TimelineLoader.prototype.doneLoading = function (param) { if (typeof param !== 'string') { param = param.identifier; } if (param === Timeline.Project.identifier || param === Timeline.PlanningElement.identifier) { return jQuery.inArray(param, this.getCurrentlyLoadingTypes()) === -1; } else { return this.data[param] !== undefined; } }; TimelineLoader.prototype.getRemainingPlanningElements = function () { var i, necessaryIDs = [], vp = this.options.include_planning_elements; for (i = 0; i < vp.length; i += 1) { if (typeof this.data.planning_elements[vp[i]] === "undefined") { necessaryIDs.push(vp[i]); } } return necessaryIDs; }; function addUserIDsFromElementAttributes(results, attributes, element) { var k, userid; for (k = 0; k < attributes.length; k += 1) { userid = element[attributes[k]]; if (userid && results.indexOf(userid) === -1) { results.push(userid); } } } function addUserIDsForElementsByAttribute(results, attributes, elements) { var i, keys = Object.keys(elements), current; for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i += 1) { current = elements[keys[i]]; addUserIDsFromElementAttributes(results, attributes, current); } } TimelineLoader.prototype.getUsersToLoad = function () { var results = []; addUserIDsForElementsByAttribute(results, Timeline.USER_ATTRIBUTES.PLANNING_ELEMENT, this.data.planning_elements); addUserIDsForElementsByAttribute(results, Timeline.USER_ATTRIBUTES.PROJECT, this.data.projects); return results; }; TimelineLoader.prototype.getRelevantProjectIdsBasedOnReportings = function () { var i, relevantProjectIds = [this.options.project_id]; if (this.doneLoading(Timeline.Reporting)) { for (i in this.data.reportings) { if (this.data.reportings.hasOwnProperty(i)) { relevantProjectIds.push(this.data.reportings[i].getProjectId()); } } this.getRelevantProjectIdsBasedOnReportings = function () { return relevantProjectIds; }; } else { console.warn("Getting relevant project ids before reportings are " + "loaded. This might be a bug."); } return relevantProjectIds; }; TimelineLoader.prototype.getProject = function (idOrIdentifier) { var i, ps = this.data.projects; if (typeof idOrIdentifier === 'string') { for (i in ps) { if (ps.hasOwnProperty(i) && ps[i].identifier === idOrIdentifier) { return ps[i]; } } } else { return this.data.projects[idOrIdentifier]; } }; TimelineLoader.prototype.getRelevantProjectIdsBasedOnProjects = function () { var relevantProjectIds = this.getRelevantProjectIdsBasedOnReportings(), timelineLoader = this; if (this.doneLoading(Timeline.Project)) { relevantProjectIds = jQuery.grep(relevantProjectIds, function (e, i) { return timelineLoader.getProject(e) && timelineLoader.getProject(e).filteredOut(); }, true); this.getRelevantProjectIdsBasedOnProjects = function () { return relevantProjectIds; }; } else { console.warn("Getting relevant project ids before projects are " + "loaded. This might be a bug."); } return relevantProjectIds; }; TimelineLoader.prototype.shouldLoadReportings = function (lastLoaded) { return lastLoaded === Timeline.Reporting.identifier; }; TimelineLoader.prototype.shouldLoadPlanningElements = function (lastLoaded) { if (this.doneLoading(Timeline.Project) && this.doneLoading(Timeline.Reporting) && this.doneLoading(Timeline.ProjectType)) { this.shouldLoadPlanningElements = function () { return false; }; return true; } return false; }; TimelineLoader.prototype.shouldLoadUsers = function (lastLoaded) { if (this.doneLoading(Timeline.Project) && this.doneLoading(Timeline.Reporting) && this.doneLoading(Timeline.ProjectType) && this.doneLoading(Timeline.PlanningElement)) { // this will not work for pes from another project (like vertical pes)! // but as we do not display users for this data currently, // we will not add them yet this.shouldLoadUsers = function () { return false; }; return true; } return false; }; TimelineLoader.prototype.shouldLoadRemainingPlanningElements = function (lastLoaded) { if (this.doneLoading(Timeline.Project) && this.doneLoading(Timeline.Reporting) && this.doneLoading(Timeline.ProjectType) && this.doneLoading(Timeline.PlanningElement)) { this.shouldLoadRemainingPlanningElements = function () { return false; }; return true; } return false; }; TimelineLoader.prototype.checkDependencies = function (identifier) { if (this.shouldLoadReportings(identifier)) { this.registerProjects(this.getRelevantProjectIdsBasedOnReportings()); } else if (this.shouldLoadPlanningElements(identifier)) { this.data = this.dataEnhancer.enhance(this.data); this.registerPlanningElements(this.getRelevantProjectIdsBasedOnProjects()); } else { if (this.shouldLoadRemainingPlanningElements(identifier)) { this.registerPlanningElementsByID(this.getRemainingPlanningElements()); } if (this.shouldLoadUsers(identifier)) { this.registerUsers(this.getUsersToLoad()); } } this.loader.load(); }; TimelineLoader.prototype.complete = function (data) { // This function is just a placeholder to let you know, that you should // probably register an event handler on 'complete'. The handler should // have the following signature: // // function (e, data) {} return data; }; return TimelineLoader; })(), checkPrerequisites: function() { if (jQuery === undefined) { throw new Error('jQuery seems to be missing (jQuery is undefined)'); } else if (jQuery().slider === undefined) { throw new Error('jQuery UI seems to be missing (jQuery().slider is undefined)'); } else if ((1).month === undefined) { throw new Error('date.js seems to be missing ((1).month is undefined)'); } else if (Raphael === undefined) { throw new Error('Raphael seems to be missing (Raphael is undefined)'); } else if (Raphael.fonts === undefined) { throw new Error('There seems to be a font missing (Raphael.fonts is undefined)'); } return true; }, onLoadComplete: function() { // everything here should be wrapped in try/catch, to never var tree; try { window.clearTimeout(this.safetyHook); if (this.isGrouping() && this.options.grouping_two_enabled) { this.secondLevelGroupingAdjustments(); } tree = this.getLefthandTree(); if (tree.containsPlanningElements() || tree.containsProjects()) { this.adjustForPlanningElements(); this.completeUI(); } else { this.warn(this.i18n('label_no_data'), 'warning'); } } catch (e) { this.die(e); } }, // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Data Store │ // ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ // │ Model Prototypes: │ // │ Timeline.PlanningElement │ // │ Timeline.ProjectType │ // │ Timeline.Project │ // │ Timeline.Color │ // │ Timeline.Reporting │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ secondLevelGroupingAdjustments : function () { var grouping = jQuery.map(this.options.grouping_two_selection || [], Timeline.pnum); var root = this.getProject(); var associations = Timeline.ProjectAssociation.all(this); var listToRemove = []; // for all projects on the first level jQuery.each(root.getReporters(), function (i, e) { // find all projects that are associated jQuery.each(associations, function (j, a) { if (a.involves(e)) { var other = a.getOther(e); if (typeof other.getProjectType === "function") { var pt = other.getProjectType(); var type = pt !== null ? pt.id : -1; var relevant = false; jQuery.each(grouping, function(k, l) { if (l === type) { relevant = true; } }); if (relevant) { // add the other project as a simulated reporter to the current one. e.addReporter(other); other.hasSecondLevelGroupingAdjustment = true; // remove the project from the root level of the report. listToRemove.push(other); } } } }); }); // remove all children of root that we couldn't remove while still iterating. jQuery.each(listToRemove, function(i, e) { root.removeReporter(e); }); }, // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Timeline.ProjectAssociation │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ ProjectAssociation: { identifier: 'project_associations', all: function(timeline) { // collect all project associations. var r = timeline.project_associations; var result = []; for (var key in r) { if (r.hasOwnProperty(key)) { result.push(r[key]); } } return result; }, getOrigin: function() { return this.origin; }, getTarget: function() { return this.project; }, getOther: function(project) { var origin = this.getOrigin(); var target = this.getTarget(); if (project.id === origin.id) { return target; } else if (project.id === target.id) { return origin; } return null; }, getInvolvedProjects: function() { return [this.getOrigin(), this.getTarget()]; }, involves: function(project) { var inv = this.getInvolvedProjects(); return ( project !== undefined && inv[0] !== undefined && inv[1] !== undefined && (project.id === inv[0].id || project.id === inv[1].id) ); } }, // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Timeline.Reporting │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ Reporting: { identifier: 'reportings', all: function(timeline) { // collect all reportings. var r = timeline.reportings; var result = []; for (var key in r) { if (r.hasOwnProperty(key)) { result.push(r[key]); } } return result; }, getProject: function() { return (this.project !== undefined) ? this.project : null; }, getProjectId: function () { return this.project.id; }, getReportingToProject : function () { return (this.reporting_to_project !== undefined) ? this.reporting_to_project : null; }, getReportingToProjectId : function () { return this.reporting_to_project.id; }, getStatus: function() { return (this.reported_project_status !== undefined) ? this.reported_project_status : null; } }, // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Timeline.ProjectType │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ ProjectType: { identifier: 'project_types', all: function(timeline) { // collect all project types var r = timeline.project_types; var result = []; for (var key in r) { if (r.hasOwnProperty(key)) { result.push(r[key]); } } return result; } }, // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Timeline.Color │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ Color: { identifier: 'colors', all: function(timeline) { // collect all colors var r = timeline.colors; var result = []; for (var key in r) { if (r.hasOwnProperty(key)) { result.push(r[key]); } } return result; } }, // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Timeline.Status │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ Status: { identifier: 'statuses', all: function(timeline) { // collect all reportings. var r = timeline.statuses; var result = []; for (var key in r) { if (r.hasOwnProperty(key)) { result.push(r[key]); } } return result; } }, // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Timeline.PlanningElementType │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ PlanningElementType: { identifier: 'planning_element_types', all: function(timeline) { // collect all reportings. var r = timeline.planning_element_types; var result = []; for (var key in r) { if (r.hasOwnProperty(key)) { result.push(r[key]); } } return result; } }, // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Timeline.Project │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ User: { is: function(t) { return Timeline.User.identifier === t.identifier; }, identifier: 'users' }, Project: { is: function(t) { return Timeline.Project.identifier === t.identifier; }, identifier: 'projects', hide: function () { var hidden = this.hiddenForEmpty() || this.hiddenForTimeFrame(); this.hide = function () { return hidden; }; return hidden; }, hiddenForEmpty: function () { if (this.timeline.options.exclude_empty !== 'yes') { return false; } var hidden = true; // iterates over projects for second level grouping adjustments. // TODO simply hiding parents might be sufficient. jQuery.each(this.getPlanningElements(), function (i, child) { if (!child.filteredOut()) { hidden = false; } }); return hidden; }, hiddenForTimeFrame: function () { var types = this.timeline.options.planning_element_time_types; if (!types || types.length === 0) { return false; } var hidden = true; //we need to look at every element jQuery.each(this.getPlanningElements(), function (i, child) { //if hidden is already false, do not calculate //otherwise, we show this project current element is a planning element (redundant?) //and it is inside our timeframe //and it has got the planning element type we want if (hidden && child.is(Timeline.PlanningElement) && child.inTimeFrame() && Timeline.idInArray(types, child.getPlanningElementType())) { hidden = false; } }); return hidden; }, filteredOut: function() { var filtered = this.filteredOutForExclusionOfOwnPlanningElements() || this.filteredOutForExclusionOfReporters() || this.filteredOutForTypes() || this.filteredOutForStatus() || this.filteredOutForSubproject() || this.filteredOutForResponsibles(); this.filteredOut = function () { return filtered; }; return filtered; }, filteredOutForExclusionOfOwnPlanningElements: function () { return (this.timeline.options.exclude_own_planning_elements === 'yes' && (this.id === this.timeline.options.project_id || this.identifier === this.timeline.options.project_id)); }, filteredOutForExclusionOfReporters: function() { return (this.timeline.options.exclude_reporters === 'yes' && !(this.id === this.timeline.options.project_id || this.identifier === this.timeline.options.project_id)); }, filteredOutForSubproject: function() { var i, j, p; var allowedParents = this.timeline.options.parents; if ((allowedParents === undefined) || (allowedParents.length === 0)) { // if there is no filter, do not filter out anything. return false; } else { // for every id selected in the filter for (i = 0; i < allowedParents.length; i++) { j = Timeline.pnum(allowedParents[i]); if (j === -1) { // if the current selection is the (none) selection, we only need to // check the project's immediate parent. If it has none, it should // be shown, thus *not* filtered. if (this.parent === undefined) { return false; } } else { // if this project or one of it's ancestors has an id that is // equal to the current selection, it should be shown, thus *not* // filtered. p = this; while (p !== undefined) { if (p.id === j) { return false; } else { p = p.parent; } } } } // everything that was not decided to be *not* filtered until now should // be filtered. return true; } }, filteredOutForResponsibles: function() { return Timeline.filterOutBasedOnArray( this.timeline.options.project_responsibles, this.getResponsible() ); }, filteredOutForStatus: function() { return Timeline.filterOutBasedOnArray( this.timeline.options.project_status, this.getProjectStatus() ); }, filteredOutForTypes: function() { return Timeline.filterOutBasedOnArray(this.timeline.options.project_types, this.getProjectType()); }, getPlanningElementType: function() { return undefined; }, getPlanningElements: function() { if (!this.planning_elements) { return []; } if (!this.sorted_pes) { this.sort('planning_elements'); this.sorted_pes = true; } return this.planning_elements; }, getFirstLevelGroupingData: function() { return this.timeline.getGroupForProject(this); }, getFirstLevelGrouping: function() { return this.timeline.getGroupForProject(this).number; }, getFirstLevelGroupingName: function() { return this.timeline.getGroupForProject(this).name; }, sort: function(field) { var timeline = this.timeline; this[field] = this[field].sort(function(a, b) { // order by inverse grouping, date, name, id var dc = 0, nc = 0; var as = a.start(), bs = b.start(); var ag, bg; if (a.is(Timeline.Project) && b.is(Timeline.Project)) { var dataAGrouping = a.getFirstLevelGroupingData(); var dataBGrouping = b.getFirstLevelGroupingData(); // order first level grouping. if (parseInt(dataAGrouping.id, 10) !== parseInt(dataBGrouping.id, 10)) { /** other is always at bottom */ if (parseInt(dataAGrouping.id, 10) === 0) { return 1; } else if (parseInt(dataBGrouping.id, 10) === 0) { return -1; } if (parseInt(timeline.options.grouping_one_sort, 10) === 1) { ag = dataAGrouping.number; bg = dataBGrouping.number; } else { ag = dataAGrouping.p.name; bg = dataBGrouping.p.name; } if (ag > bg) { return 1; } return -1; } } if (!as && typeof a.end === "function") { as = a.end(); } if (!bs && typeof b.end === "function") { bs = b.end(); } if (as) { if (bs) { dc = as.compareTo(bs); } else { dc = 1; } } else if (bs) { dc = -1; } var identifier_methods = [a, b].map(function(e) { return e.hasOwnProperty("subject") ? "subject" : "name"; }); if (!a.identifierLower) { a.identifierLower = a[identifier_methods[0]].toLowerCase(); } if (!b.identifierLower) { b.identifierLower = b[identifier_methods[1]].toLowerCase(); } if (a.identifierLower < b.identifierLower) { nc = -1; } if (a.identifierLower > b.identifierLower) { nc = +1; } if (a.hasSecondLevelGroupingAdjustment && b.hasSecondLevelGroupingAdjustment) { if (parseInt(timeline.options.grouping_two_sort, 10) === 1) { if (dc !== 0) { return dc; } if (nc !== 0) { return nc; } } else if (parseInt(timeline.options.grouping_two_sort, 10) === 2) { if (nc !== 0) { return nc; } if (dc !== 0) { return dc; } } } if (parseInt(timeline.options.project_sort, 10) === 1 && a.is(Timeline.Project) && b.is(Timeline.Project)) { if (nc !== 0) { return nc; } if (dc !== 0) { return dc; } } else { if (dc !== 0) { return dc; } if (nc !== 0) { return nc; } } if (a.id > b.id) { return +1; } else if (a.id < b.id) { return -1; } return 0; }); return this; }, start: function() { var first = this.getPlanningElements()[0]; if (!first) { return undefined; } return first.start(); }, getAttribute: function (val) { if (typeof this[val] === "function") { return this[val](); } return this[val]; }, does_historical_differ: function () { return false; }, getReporters: function() { if (!this.reporters) { return []; } if (!this.sorted_reps) { this.sort('reporters'); this.sorted_reps = true; } return this.reporters; }, addReporter: function(rep) { var reps = this.getReporters(); if (jQuery.inArray(rep, reps) === -1) { reps.push(rep); this.reporters = reps; this.sorted_reps = false; return true; } return false; }, removeReporter: function(rep) { // this fails silently, when reporter to be removed is not in the list reporters. var new_reporters = jQuery.grep(this.getReporters(), function(e, i) { return e.id !== rep.id; }); this.reporters = new_reporters; // we are not resetting sorted_reps, since removal does not affect sortation. }, getProjectStatus: function() { return this.via_reporting !== undefined ? this.via_reporting.getStatus() : null; }, getTypeName: function () { var pt = this.getProjectType(); if (pt) { return pt.name; } }, getStatusName: function () { var status = this.getProjectStatus(); if (status) { return status.name; } }, getProjectType: function() { return (this.project_type !== undefined) ? this.project_type : null; }, getResponsible: function() { return (this.responsible !== undefined) ? this.responsible : null; }, getResponsibleName: function() { if (this.responsible && this.responsible.name) { return this.responsible.name; } }, getAssignedName: function () { return; }, getSubElements: function() { var result = []; jQuery.each(this.getPlanningElements(), function(i, e) { // filtering of planning elements now happens in iterateWithChildren result.push(e); }); jQuery.each(this.getReporters(), function(i, e) { // filtering of projects still happens here. if (!e.filteredOut()) { result.push(e); } }); return result; }, getParent: function() { var parent; if(!this.parent) return null; parent = this.timeline.getProject(this.parent.id); this.parent = parent; this.getParent = function() { return this.parent; }; return this.getParent(); }, getUrl: function() { var options = this.timeline.options; var url = options.url_prefix; url += options.project_prefix; url += "/"; url += this.identifier; url += "/timelines"; return url; }, render: function(node) { if (node.isExpanded()) { return false; } var timeline = this.timeline; var scale = timeline.getScale(); var beginning = timeline.getBeginning(); var milestones, others; // draw all planning elements that should be seen in an // aggregation. limited to one level. var pes = this.getPlanningElements(); var dummy_node = { getDOMElement: function() { return node.getDOMElement(); }, isExpanded: function() { return false; } }; var is_milestone = function(e, i) { var pet = e.getPlanningElementType(); return pet && pet.is_milestone; }; var render = function(i, e) { var node = jQuery.extend({}, dummy_node, { getData: function() { return e; } }); e.render(node, true, label_spaces[i]); e.renderForeground(node, true, label_spaces[i]); }; var visible_in_aggregation = function(e, i) { var pet = e.getPlanningElementType(); return !e.filteredOut() && pet && pet.in_aggregation; }; // The label_spaces object will contain available spaces per // planning element. There may be many. var label_spaces = {}; // divide into milestones and others. milestones = jQuery.grep(pes, is_milestone); others = jQuery.grep(pes, is_milestone, true); // join others with milestones, and remove all that should be filtered. pes = jQuery.grep(others.concat(milestones), visible_in_aggregation); // Outer loop to calculate best label space for each planning // element. Here, we initialize possible spaces by registering the // whole element as the single space for a label. jQuery.each(pes, function(i, e) { var b = e.getHorizontalBounds(scale, beginning); label_spaces[i] = [b]; // Now, for every other element (that is above the one we're // traversing), shorten the available spaces or splice them. jQuery.each(pes, function(j, f) { var k, cb = f.getHorizontalBounds(scale, beginning, is_milestone(f)); // do not shorten if I am looking at myself. if (e === f) { return; } // do not shorten if current element is not a milestone and // begins before me. if (!is_milestone(f) && cb.x < b.x) { return; } // do not shorten if both are milestones and current begins before me. if (is_milestone(f) && is_milestone(e) && cb.x < b.x) { return; } // do not shorten if I am a milestone and current element is not. if (is_milestone(e) && !is_milestone(f)) { return; } if (!e.hasBothDates() || !f.hasBothDates()) { return; } // iterate over actual spaces left for shortening or splicing. var spaces = label_spaces[i]; for (k = 0; k < spaces.length; k++) { var space = spaces[k]; // b eeeeeeee //cb fffffffffff // current element lies after me, var rightSideOverlap = cb.x > space.x && // but I do end after its start. cb.x < space.end(); // b eeeeeeeeeee //cb ffffffffffff // current element lies before me var leftSideOverlap = cb.end() < space.end() && // but I start before current elements end. cb.end() > space.x; if ((cb.x < space.x && cb.end() > space.end()) && (label_spaces[i].length > 0)) { if (label_spaces[i].length === 1) { label_spaces[i][0].w = 0; } else { label_spaces[i].splice(k, 1); } } // fffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeffffffffff if (rightSideOverlap && leftSideOverlap) { // if current planning element is completely enclosed // in the current space, split the space into two, and // reiterate. splitting happens by splicing the array at // position i. label_spaces[i].splice(k, 1, {'x': space.x, 'w': cb.x - space.x, end: space.end}, {'x': cb.end(), 'w': space.end() - cb.end(), end: space.end}); } else if (rightSideOverlap) { // if current planning element (f) starts before the one // current space ends, adjust the width of the space. space.w = Math.min(space.end(), cb.x) - space.x; } else if (leftSideOverlap) { // if current planning element (f) ends after the current // space starts, adjust the beginning of the space. // we also need to modify the width because we want to // keep the end at the same position. var oldStart = space.x; space.x = Math.max(space.x, cb.end()); space.w -= (space.x - oldStart); } } }); // after all possible label spaces for the given element are // evaluated, select the widest. b = label_spaces[i].shift(); jQuery.each(label_spaces[i], function(i, e) { if (e.w > b.w) { b = e; } }); label_spaces[i] = b; }); // jQuery.each(others, render); // jQuery.each(milestones, render); jQuery.each(pes, render); }, getElements: function() { return []; }, all: function(timeline) { // collect all planning elements var r = timeline.projects; var result = []; for (var key in r) { if (r.hasOwnProperty(key)) { result.push(r[key]); } } return result; } }, // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Timeline.HistoricalPlanningElement │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ HistoricalPlanningElement: { identifier: 'historical_planning_elements' }, // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Timeline.PlanningElement │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ PlanningElement: { is: function(t) { return Timeline.PlanningElement.identifier === t.identifier; }, identifier: 'planning_elements', hide: function () { return false; }, filteredOut: function() { var filtered = this.filteredOutForProjectFilter(); this.filteredOut = function() { return filtered; }; return filtered; }, inTimeFrame: function () { return this.timeline.inTimeFilter(this.start(), this.end()); }, filteredOutForProjectFilter: function() { return this.project.filteredOut(); }, all: function(timeline) { // collect all planning elements var r = timeline.planning_elements; var result = []; for (var key in r) { if (r.hasOwnProperty(key)) { result.push(r[key]); } } return result; }, getProject: function() { return (this.project !== undefined) ? this.project : null; }, getPlanningElementType: function() { return (this.planning_element_type !== undefined) ? this.planning_element_type : null; }, getResponsible: function() { return (this.responsible !== undefined) ? this.responsible : null; }, getResponsibleName: function() { if (this.responsible && this.responsible.name) { return this.responsible.name; } }, getAssignedName: function () { if (this.assigned_to && this.assigned_to.name) { return this.assigned_to.name; } }, getParent: function() { return (this.parent !== undefined) ? this.parent : null; }, getChildren: function() { if (!this.planning_elements) { return []; } if (!this.sorted) { this.sort('planning_elements'); this.sorted = true; } return this.planning_elements; }, hasChildren: function() { return this.getChildren().length > 0; }, getTypeName: function () { var pet = this.getPlanningElementType(); if (pet) { return pet.name; } }, getStatusName: function () { if (this.status) { return this.status.name; } }, getProjectName: function () { if (this.project) { return this.project.name; } }, sort: function(field) { this[field] = this[field].sort(function(a, b) { // order by date, name var dc = 0; var as = a.start(), bs = b.start(); if (as) { if (bs) { dc = as.compareTo(bs); } else { dc = 1; } } else if (bs) { dc = -1; } if (dc !== 0) { return dc; } if (a.name < b.name) { return -1; } if (a.name > b.name) { return +1; } return 0; }); return this; }, start: function() { var pet = this.getPlanningElementType(); //if we have got a milestone w/o a start date but with an end date, just set them the same. if (this.start_date === undefined && this.due_date !== undefined && pet && pet.is_milestone) { this.start_date = this.due_date; } if (this.start_date_object === undefined && this.start_date !== undefined) { this.start_date_object = Date.parse(this.start_date); } return this.start_date_object; }, end: function() { var pet = this.getPlanningElementType(); //if we have got a milestone w/o a start date but with an end date, just set them the same. if (this.due_date === undefined && this.start_date !== undefined && pet && pet.is_milestone) { this.due_date = this.start_date; } if (this.due_date_object=== undefined && this.due_date !== undefined) { this.due_date_object = Date.parse(this.due_date); } return this.due_date_object; }, getAttribute: function (val) { if (typeof this[val] === "function") { return this[val](); } return this[val]; }, does_historical_differ: function (val) { if (!this.has_historical()) { return false; } return this.historical().getAttribute(val) !== this.getAttribute(val); }, has_historical: function () { return this.historical_element !== undefined; }, historical: function () { return this.historical_element || Object.create(Timeline.PlanningElement); }, alternate_start: function() { return this.historical().start(); }, alternate_end: function() { return this.historical().end(); }, getSubElements: function() { return this.getChildren(); }, hasAlternateDates: function() { return (this.does_historical_differ("start_date") || this.does_historical_differ("end_date") || this.is_deleted); }, isDeleted: function() { return true && this.is_deleted; }, isNewlyAdded: function() { return (this.timeline.isComparing() && !this.has_historical()); }, getAlternateHorizontalBounds: function(scale, absolute_beginning, milestone) { return this.getHorizontalBoundsForDates( scale, absolute_beginning, this.alternate_start(), this.alternate_end(), milestone ); }, getHorizontalBounds: function(scale, absolute_beginning, milestone) { return this.getHorizontalBoundsForDates( scale, absolute_beginning, this.start(), this.end(), milestone ); }, hasStartDate: function () { if (this.start()) { return true; } return false; }, hasEndDate: function () { if (this.end()) { return true; } return false; }, hasBothDates: function () { if (this.start() && this.end()) { return true; } return false; }, hasOneDate: function () { if (this.start() || this.end()) { return true; } return false; }, getHorizontalBoundsForDates: function(scale, absolute_beginning, start, end, milestone) { var timeline = this.timeline; if (!start && !end) { return { 'x': 0, 'w': 0, 'end': function () { return this.x + this.w; } }; } else if (!end) { end = start.clone().addDays(2); } else if (!start) { start = end.clone().addDays(-2); } // calculate graphical representation. the +1 makes sense when // considering equal start and end date. var x = timeline.getDaysBetween(absolute_beginning, start) * scale.day; var w = (timeline.getDaysBetween(start, end) + 1) * scale.day; if (milestone === true) { //we are in the middle of the diamond so we have to move half the size to the left x -= ((scale.height - 1) / 2); //and add the diamonds corners to the width. w += scale.height - 1; } return { 'x': x, 'w': w, 'end': function () { return this.x + this.w; } }; }, getUrl: function() { var options = this.timeline.options; var url = options.url_prefix; url += "/work_packages/"; url += this.id; return url; }, getColor: function () { // if there is a color for this planning element type, use it. // use it also for planning elements w/ children. if there are // children but no planning element type, use the default color // for planning element parents. if there is no planning element // type and there are no children, use a default color. var pet = this.getPlanningElementType(); var color; if (pet && pet.color) { color = pet.color.hexcode; } else if (this.hasChildren()) { color = Timeline.DEFAULT_PARENT_COLOR; } else { color = Timeline.DEFAULT_COLOR; } if (!this.hasBothDates()) { if (this.hasStartDate()) { color = "180-#ffffff-" + color; } else { color = "180-" + color + "-#ffffff"; } } return color; }, render: function(node, in_aggregation, label_space) { var timeline = this.timeline; var paper = timeline.getPaper(); var scale = timeline.getScale(); var beginning = timeline.getBeginning(); var elements = []; var pet = this.getPlanningElementType(); var self = this; var color, text, x, y, textColor; var bounds = this.getHorizontalBounds(scale, beginning); var left = bounds.x; var width = bounds.w; var alternate_bounds = this.getAlternateHorizontalBounds(scale, beginning); var alternate_left = alternate_bounds.x; var alternate_width = alternate_bounds.w; var hover_left = left; var hover_width = width; var element = node.getDOMElement(); var captionElements = []; var label; var deleted = true && this.is_deleted; var comparison_offset = deleted ? 0 : Timeline.DEFAULT_COMPARISON_OFFSET; var strokeColor = Timeline.DEFAULT_STROKE_COLOR; var historical = this.historical(); var has_both_dates = this.hasBothDates(); var has_one_date = this.hasOneDate(); var has_start_date = this.hasStartDate(); if (in_aggregation) { hover_left = label_space.x + Timeline.HOVER_THRESHOLD; hover_width = label_space.w - 2 * Timeline.HOVER_THRESHOLD; } if (in_aggregation && !has_both_dates) { return; } var has_alternative = this.hasAlternateDates(); var could_have_been_milestone = (this.alternate_start === this.alternate_end); var height, top; if (historical.hasOneDate()) { // ╭─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Rendering of historical data. Use default planning │ // │ element appearance, only use milestones when the │ // │ element is currently a milestone and the historical │ // │ data has equal start and end dates. │ // ╰─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ color = this.historical().getColor(); if (!historical.hasBothDates()) { strokeColor = 'none'; } //TODO: fix for work units w/o start/end date if (!in_aggregation && has_alternative) { if (pet && pet.is_milestone && could_have_been_milestone) { height = scale.height - 1; //6px makes the element a little smaller. top = (timeline.getRelativeVerticalOffset(element) + timeline.getRelativeVerticalBottomOffset(element)) / 2 - height / 2; paper.path( timeline.psub('M#{x} #{y}h#{w}l#{d} #{d}l-#{d} #{d}H#{x}l-#{d} -#{d}l#{d} -#{d}Z', { x: alternate_left + scale.day / 2, y: top - comparison_offset, w: alternate_width - scale.day, d: height / 2 // diamond corner width. }) ).attr({ 'fill': color, // Timeline.DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR_IN_COMPARISONS, 'opacity': 0.33, 'stroke': Timeline.DEFAULT_STROKE_COLOR_IN_COMPARISONS, 'stroke-dasharray': Timeline.DEFAULT_STROKE_DASHARRAY_IN_COMPARISONS }); } else { height = scale.height - 6; //6px makes the element a little smaller. top = (timeline.getRelativeVerticalOffset(element) + timeline.getRelativeVerticalBottomOffset(element)) / 2 - height / 2; paper.rect( alternate_left, top - comparison_offset, // 8px margin-top alternate_width, height, // 8px margin-bottom 4 // round corners ).attr({ 'fill': color, // Timeline.DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR_IN_COMPARISONS, 'opacity': 0.33, 'stroke': Timeline.DEFAULT_STROKE_COLOR_IN_COMPARISONS, 'stroke-dasharray': Timeline.DEFAULT_STROKE_DASHARRAY_IN_COMPARISONS }); } } } // only render planning elements that have // either a start or an end date. if (has_one_date) { color = this.getColor(); if (!has_both_dates) { strokeColor = 'none'; } // ╭─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Rendering of actual elements, as milestones, with teeth │ // │ and the generic, dafault planning element w/ round │ // │ edges. │ // ╰─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ // in_aggregation defines whether the planning element should be // renderd as a generic planning element regardless of children. if (!deleted && pet && pet.is_milestone) { } else if (!deleted && !in_aggregation && this.hasChildren() && node.isExpanded()) { // with teeth (has children). paper.path( timeline.psub('M#{x} #{y}m#{d} #{d}l-#{d} #{d}l-#{d} -#{d}V#{y}H#{x}h#{w}h#{d}v#{d}l-#{d} #{d}l-#{d} -#{d}z' + /* outer path */ 'm0 0v-#{d}m#{w} 0m-#{d} 0m-#{d} 0v#{d}' /* inner vertical lines */, { x: left, y: timeline.getRelativeVerticalOffset(element) + 8, d: scale.height + 2 - 16, w: width }) ).attr({ 'fill': color, 'stroke': strokeColor }); } else if (!deleted) { // generic. height = scale.height - 6; //6px makes the element a little smaller. top = (timeline.getRelativeVerticalOffset(element) + timeline.getRelativeVerticalBottomOffset(element)) / 2 - height / 2; paper.rect( left, top, width, height, 4 // round corners ).attr({ 'fill': color, 'stroke': strokeColor }); } } }, renderForeground: function (node, in_aggregation, label_space) { var timeline = this.timeline; var paper = timeline.getPaper(); var scale = timeline.getScale(); var beginning = timeline.getBeginning(); var elements = []; var pet = this.getPlanningElementType(); var self = this; var color, text, x, y, textColor; var bounds = this.getHorizontalBounds(scale, beginning); var left = bounds.x; var width = bounds.w; var alternate_bounds = this.getAlternateHorizontalBounds(scale, beginning); var alternate_left = alternate_bounds.x; var alternate_width = alternate_bounds.w; var hover_left = left; var hover_width = width; var element = node.getDOMElement(); var captionElements = []; var label; var deleted = true && this.is_deleted; var comparison_offset = deleted ? 0 : Timeline.DEFAULT_COMPARISON_OFFSET; var has_both_dates = this.hasBothDates(); var has_one_date = this.hasOneDate(); var has_start_date = this.hasStartDate(); if (in_aggregation) { hover_left = label_space.x + Timeline.HOVER_THRESHOLD; hover_width = label_space.w - 2 * Timeline.HOVER_THRESHOLD; } var has_alternative = this.hasAlternateDates(); var could_have_been_milestone = (this.alternate_start === this.alternate_end); var height, top; // if there is a color for this planning element type, use it. // use it also for planning elements w/ children. if there are // children but no planning element type, use the default color // for planning element parents. if there is no planning element // type and there are no children, use a default color. if (pet && pet.color) { color = pet.color.hexcode; } else if (this.hasChildren()) { color = Timeline.DEFAULT_PARENT_COLOR; } else { color = Timeline.DEFAULT_COLOR; } if (!deleted && pet && pet.is_milestone) { // milestones. height = scale.height - 1; //6px makes the element a little smaller. top = (timeline.getRelativeVerticalOffset(element) + timeline.getRelativeVerticalBottomOffset(element)) / 2 - height / 2; paper.path( timeline.psub('M#{x} #{y}h#{w}l#{d} #{d}l-#{d} #{d}H#{x}l-#{d} -#{d}l#{d} -#{d}Z', { x: left + scale.day / 2, y: top, w: width - scale.day, d: height / 2 // diamond corner width. }) ).attr({ 'fill': color, 'stroke': Timeline.DEFAULT_STROKE_COLOR }); } // ╭─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Labels for rendered elements, eigther in aggregartion │ // │ or out of aggregation, inside of elements or outside. │ // ╰─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ height = scale.height - 6; //6px makes the element a little smaller. top = (timeline.getRelativeVerticalOffset(element) + timeline.getRelativeVerticalBottomOffset(element)) / 2 - height / 2; y = top + 11; if (has_one_date) { if (!in_aggregation) { // text rendering in planning elements outside of aggregations text = timeline.getMeasuredPathFromText(this.subject); // if this is an expanded planning element w/ children, or if // the text would not fit: if (this.hasChildren() && node.isExpanded() || text.progress * Timeline.PE_TEXT_SCALE > width - Timeline.PE_TEXT_INSIDE_PADDING) { // place a white rect below the label. captionElements.push( timeline.paper.rect( -16, -64, text.progress + 32, 80, 24 ).attr({ 'fill': '#ffffff', 'opacity': 0.5, 'stroke': 'none' })); // text outside planning element x = left + width + Timeline.PE_TEXT_OUTSIDE_PADDING; textColor = Timeline.PE_DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR; if (this.hasChildren()) { x += Timeline.PE_TEXT_ADDITIONAL_OUTSIDE_PADDING_WHEN_EXPANDED_WITH_CHILDREN; } if (pet && pet.is_milestone) { x += Timeline.PE_TEXT_ADDITIONAL_OUTSIDE_PADDING_WHEN_MILESTONE; } } else if (!has_both_dates) { // text inside planning element if (has_start_date) { x = left + 4; // left of the WU } else { x = left + width - // right of the WU text.progress * Timeline.PE_TEXT_SCALE - // text width 4; // small border from the right } textColor = timeline.getLimunanceFor(color) > Timeline.PE_LUMINANCE_THRESHOLD ? Timeline.PE_DARK_TEXT_COLOR : Timeline.PE_LIGHT_TEXT_COLOR; } else { // text inside planning element x = left + width * 0.5 + // center of the planning element text.progress * Timeline.PE_TEXT_SCALE * (-0.5); // half of text width textColor = timeline.getLimunanceFor(color) > Timeline.PE_LUMINANCE_THRESHOLD ? Timeline.PE_DARK_TEXT_COLOR : Timeline.PE_LIGHT_TEXT_COLOR; } label = timeline.paper.path(text.path); captionElements.push(label); label.attr({ 'fill': textColor, 'stroke': 'none' }); jQuery.each(captionElements, function(i, e) { e.translate(x, y).scale(Timeline.PE_TEXT_SCALE, Timeline.PE_TEXT_SCALE, 0, 0); }); } else if (true) { // the other case is text rendering in planning elements inside // of aggregations: text = timeline.getMeasuredPathFromText(this.subject, (label_space.w - Timeline.PE_TEXT_INSIDE_PADDING) / Timeline.PE_TEXT_SCALE); label = timeline.paper.path(text.path); captionElements.push(label); x = label_space.x + label_space.w * 0.5 + // center of the planning element text.progress * Timeline.PE_TEXT_SCALE * (-0.5); // half of text width textColor = timeline.getLimunanceFor(color) > Timeline.PE_LUMINANCE_THRESHOLD ? Timeline.PE_DARK_TEXT_COLOR : Timeline.PE_LIGHT_TEXT_COLOR; label.attr({ 'fill': textColor, 'stroke': 'none' }); jQuery.each(captionElements, function(i, e) { e.translate(x, y).scale(Timeline.PE_TEXT_SCALE, Timeline.PE_TEXT_SCALE, 0, 0); }); } } // ╭─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Defining hover areas that will produce tooltips when │ // │ mouse is over them. This is last to include text drawn │ // │ over planning elements. │ // ╰─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ height = scale.height - 6; //6px makes the element a little smaller. top = (timeline.getRelativeVerticalOffset(element) + timeline.getRelativeVerticalBottomOffset(element)) / 2 - height / 2; elements.push(paper.rect( hover_left - Timeline.HOVER_THRESHOLD, top - Timeline.HOVER_THRESHOLD, // 8px margin-top hover_width + 2 * Timeline.HOVER_THRESHOLD, height + 2 * Timeline.HOVER_THRESHOLD, // 8px margin-bottom 4 // round corners ).attr({ 'fill': '#ffffff', 'opacity': 0 })); jQuery.each(elements, function(i, e) { timeline.addHoverHandler(node, e); //self.addElement(e); }); }, renderVertical: function(node) { var timeline = this.timeline; var paper = timeline.getPaper(); var scale = timeline.getScale(); var beginning = timeline.getBeginning(); var pet = this.getPlanningElementType(); var self = this; var color; var bounds = this.getHorizontalBounds(scale, beginning); var deleted = true && this.is_deleted; var left = bounds.x; var width = bounds.w; var element = node.getDOMElement(); var has_both_dates = this.hasBothDates(); var has_one_date = this.hasOneDate(); var has_start_date = this.hasStartDate(); var hoverElement; color = this.getColor(); if (has_one_date) { if (!deleted && pet && pet.is_milestone) { timeline.paper.path( timeline.psub("M#{left} #{top}L#{left} #{height}", { 'left': left + scale.day / 2, 'top': timeline.decoHeight(), 'height': timeline.getMeasuredHeight() }) ).attr({ 'stroke': color, 'stroke-width': 2, 'stroke-dasharray': '- ' }); hoverElement = paper.rect( left + scale.day / 2 - 2 * Timeline.HOVER_THRESHOLD, timeline.decoHeight(), // 8px margin-top 4 * Timeline.HOVER_THRESHOLD, timeline.getMeasuredHeight() // 8px margin-bottom ).attr({ 'fill': '#ffffff', 'opacity': 0 }); timeline.addHoverHandler(node, hoverElement); } else if (!deleted) { paper.rect( left, timeline.decoHeight(), width, timeline.getMeasuredHeight() ).attr({ 'fill': color, 'stroke': Timeline.DEFAULT_STROKE_COLOR, 'opacity': 0.2 }); hoverElement = paper.rect( left - Timeline.HOVER_THRESHOLD, timeline.decoHeight(), // 8px margin-top width + 2 * Timeline.HOVER_THRESHOLD, timeline.getMeasuredHeight() // 8px margin-bottom ).attr({ 'fill': '#ffffff', 'opacity': 0 }); timeline.addHoverHandler(node, hoverElement); //self.addElement(hoverElement); } } }, addElement: function(e) { if (!this.elements) { this.elements = []; } this.elements.push(e); return this; }, getElements: function() { if (!this.elements) { this.elements = []; } return this.elements; } }, // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Defaults and random accessors │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ // defines how many levels are expanded when a tree is created, zero // corresponds to the root being collapsed. firstDateSeen: null, lastDateSeen: null, getBeginning: function() { return (Date.parse(this.options.timeframe_start) || (this.firstDateSeen && this.firstDateSeen.clone() || new Date()).last().monday()); }, getEnd: function() { return (Date.parse(this.options.timeframe_end) || (this.lastDateSeen && this.lastDateSeen.clone() || new Date()).addWeeks(1).next().sunday()); }, getDaysBetween: function(a, b) { // some meat around date calculations that will be floored out again // later. this hopefully takes care of floating point imprecisions // and possible leap seconds, as we're only interested in days. var da = a - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 4; var db = b - 1000 * 60 * 60 * (-4); return Math.floor((db - da) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); }, includeDate: function(date) { if (date) { if (this.firstDateSeen == null || date.compareTo(this.firstDateSeen) < 0) { this.firstDateSeen = date; } else if (this.lastDateSeen == null || date.compareTo(this.lastDateSeen) > 0) { this.lastDateSeen = date; } } }, adjustForPlanningElements: function() { var timeline = this; var tree = this.getLefthandTree(); // nullify potential previous dates seen. this is relevant when // adjusting after the addition of a planning element via modal. timeline.firstDateSeen = null; timeline.lastDateSeen = null; tree.iterateWithChildren(function(node) { var data = node.getData(); if (data.is(Timeline.PlanningElement)) { timeline.includeDate(data.start()); timeline.includeDate(data.end()); } }, { traverseCollapsed: true }); }, getReportings: function() { return Timeline.Reporting.all(this); }, getReporting: function(id) { return this.reportings[id]; }, getProjects: function() { return Timeline.Project.all(this); }, getProject: function(id) { if (id === undefined) { return this.project; } else return this.projects[id]; }, getGroupForProject: function(p) { var i, j = 0, projects, key, group; var groups = this.getFirstLevelGroups(); for (j = 0; j < groups.length; j += 1) { projects = groups[j].projects; group = this.getProject(groups[j].id); for (i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) { if (p.id === projects[i].id) { return { 'id': group.id, 'p': group, 'number': j, 'name': group.name }; } } } return { 'number': 0, 'id': 0, 'name': this.i18n('timelines.filter.grouping_other') }; }, firstLevelGroups: undefined, getFirstLevelGroups: function() { if (this.firstLevelGroups !== undefined) { return this.firstLevelGroups; } var i, selection = this.options.grouping_one_selection; var p, groups = [], children; if (this.isGrouping()) { for ( i = 0; i < selection.length; i++ ) { p = this.getProject(selection[i]); if (p === undefined) { // projects may have subprojects that the current user knows // about, but which cannot be/ were not fetched in advance due // to lack of rights. continue; } children = this.getSubprojectsOf([selection[i]]); if (children.length !== 0) { groups.push({ projects: children, id: selection[i] }); } } } this.firstLevelGroups = groups; return groups; }, getNumberOfGroups: function() { var result = this.options.hide_other_group? 0: 1; var groups = this.getFirstLevelGroups(); return result + groups.length; }, getSubprojectsOf: function(parents) { var projects = this.getProjects(); var result = []; var timeline = this; // if parents is not an array, turn it into one with length 1, so // the following each does not fail. if (!(parents instanceof Array)) { parents = [parents]; } var ancestorIsIn = function(project, ancestors) { var parent = project.getParent(); var r = false; if (parent !== null) { jQuery.each(ancestors, function(i, p) { // make sure this is a number. when coming from the options // array, it might actually be an array of strings. if (typeof p === 'string') { p = timeline.pnum(p); } if (parent && p === parent.id) { r = true; } }); // check rest of project tree. this might break when a project // in between is not visible to the current user. if (parent) { r = r || ancestorIsIn(parent, ancestors); } } return r; }; jQuery.each(projects, function(i, e) { if (ancestorIsIn(e, parents)) { result.push(e); } }); return result; }, getProjectTypes: function() { return Timeline.ProjectType.all(this); }, getProjectType: function(id) { return this.project_types[id]; }, getPlanningElementTypes: function() { return Timeline.PlanningElementType.all(this); }, getPlanningElementType: function(id) { return this.planning_element_types[id]; }, getPlanningElements: function() { return Timeline.PlanningElement.all(this); }, getPlanningElement: function(id) { return this.planning_elements[id]; }, getColors: function() { return Timeline.Color.all(this); }, getProjectAssociations: function() { return Timeline.ProjectAssociation.all(this); }, TreeNode: { payload: undefined, parentNode: undefined, childNodes: undefined, expanded: false, totalCount: 0, projectCount: 0, getData: function() { return this.payload; }, setData: function(data) { this.payload = data; return this; }, appendChild: function(node) { if (!this.childNodes) { this.childNodes = [node]; } else { this.childNodes.push(node); } node.parentNode = this; return node.parentNode; }, removeChild: function(node) { var result; jQuery.each(this.childNodes, function(i, e) { if (node === e) { result = node; } }); return result; }, hasChildren: function() { return this.childNodes && this.childNodes.length > 0; }, children: function() { return this.childNodes; }, root: function() { if (this.parentNode) { return this.parentNode.root(); } else { return this; } }, isExpanded: function() { return this.expanded; }, setExpand: function(state) { this.expanded = state; return this.expanded; }, expand: function() { return this.setExpand(true); }, collapse: function() { return this.setExpand(false); }, toggle: function() { return this.setExpand(!this.expanded); }, setExpandedAll: function(state) { if (!this.hasChildren()) { return; } this.setExpand(state); jQuery.each(this.children(), function(i, e) { e.setExpandedAll(state); }); }, expandAll: function() { return this.setExpandedAll(true); }, collapseAll: function() { return this.setExpandedAll(false); }, setDOMElement: function(element) { this.dom_element = element; }, getDOMElement: function() { return this.dom_element; }, iterateWithChildren: function(callback, options) { var root = this.root(); var self = this; var timeline; var filtered_out, hidden; var children = this.children(); var has_children = children !== undefined; // there might not be any payload, due to insufficient rights and // the fact that some user with more rights originally created the // report. if (root.payload === undefined) { // FLAG raise some flag indicating that something is // wrong/missing. return this; } timeline = root.payload.timeline; hidden = this.payload.hide(); filtered_out = this.payload.filteredOut(); options = options || {indent: 0, index: 0, projects: 0}; // ╭─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ The hide_other_group flag is an option that cuases │ // │ iteration to stop when the "other" group, i.e., │ // │ everything that is not otherwise grouped, is reached. │ // │ This effectively hides that group. │ // ╰─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ // the "other" group is reached when we are dealing with a // grouping timeline, the current payload is a project, not root, // but on level 0, and the first level grouping is 0. if (timeline.options.hide_other_group && timeline.isGrouping() && this.payload.is(Timeline.Project) && this !== root && options.indent === 0 && this.payload.getFirstLevelGrouping() === 0) { return; } if (this === root) { options = jQuery.extend({}, {indent: 0, index: 0, projects: 0, traverseCollapsed: false}, options); } if (this === root && timeline.options.hide_tree_root === true) { // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ There used to be a requirement that disabled planning │ // │ elements in root when root should be hidden. That │ // │ requirement was inverted and it is now desired to │ // │ show all such planning elements on the root level of │ // │ the tree. │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ if (has_children) { jQuery.each(children, function(i, e) { e.iterateWithChildren(callback, options); }); } } else { // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ There is a requirement that states that filter status │ // │ should no longer be inherited. The callback therefore │ // │ is only invoked when payload is not filtered out. The │ // │ same is true for incrementing the projects and index │ // │ count. │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ if (!filtered_out && !hidden) { if (callback) { callback.call(this, this, options.indent, options.index); } if (this.payload.is(Timeline.Project)) { options.projects++; } options.index++; } // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ There is a requirement that states that if the │ // │ current node is closed, children that are projects │ // │ should be displayed anyway, and only children that │ // │ are planning elements should be removed from the │ // │ view. Beware, this only works as long as there are no │ // │ projects that are children of planning elements. │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ // if there are children, loop over them, independently of // current node expansion state. if (has_children) { options.indent++; jQuery.each(children, function(i, child) { // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Now, if the node, the children of which we │ // │ are looping over, was expanded, iterate │ // │ over its children, recursively. Do the same │ // │ if the iteration was configured with the │ // │ traverseCollapsed flag. Last but not least, if │ // │ the current child is a project, iterate over it │ // │ only if indentation is not too deep. │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ if (options.traverseCollapsed || self.isExpanded() || child.payload.is(Timeline.Project)) { //do we wan to inherit the hidden status from projects to planning elements? if (!hidden || child.payload.is(Timeline.Project)) { if (!(options.indent > 1 && child.payload.is(Timeline.Project))) { child.iterateWithChildren(callback, options); } } } }); options.indent--; } } if (this === root) { this.totalCount = options.index; this.projectCount = options.projects; } return this; }, // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ The following methods are supposed to be called │ // │ from the root level of the tree, but do │ // │ gracefully retrieve the root if called from │ // │ anywhere else. │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ expandTo: function(level) { var root = this.root(); var i = 0, expandables = [root]; var expand = function (i,e) { return e.expand(); }; var children; var j, c; if (level === undefined) { // "To infinity ... and beyond!" - Buzz Lightyear. level = Infinity; } // collapse all, and expand only as much as is enabled by default. root.collapseAll(); while (i++ < level && expandables.length > 0) { jQuery.each(expandables, expand); children = []; for (j = 0; j < expandables.length; j++) { c = expandables[j].children(); if (c) { children = children.concat(c); } } expandables = children; } return level; }, numberOfProjects: function() { return this.getRootProperty('projectCount'); }, numberOfPlanningElements: function() { return this.getRootProperty('totalCount') - this.getRootProperty('projectCount'); }, height: function() { return this.getRootProperty('totalCount'); }, getRootProperty: function(property) { var root = this.root(); this.iterateWithChildren(); return root[property]; }, containsProjects: function() { return this.numberOfProjects() !== 0; }, containsPlanningElements: function() { return this.numberOfPlanningElements() !== 0; } }, getLefthandTree: function() { if (!this.lefthandTree) { // as long as there are no stored filters or aggregates, we only use // the projects as roots. var project = this.getProject(); var tree = Object.create(Timeline.TreeNode); var parent_stack = []; tree.setData(project); // there might not be any payload, due to insufficient rights and // the fact that some user with more rights originally created the // report. if (!project) { // FLAG raise some flag indicating that something is // wrong/missing. return tree; } var count = 1; // for the given node, appends the given planning_elements as children, // recursively. every node will have the planning_element as data. var treeConstructor = function(node, elements) { count += 1; var MAXIMUMPROJECTCOUNT = 12000; if (count > MAXIMUMPROJECTCOUNT) { throw I18n.t('js.timelines.tooManyProjects', {count: MAXIMUMPROJECTCOUNT}); } jQuery.each(elements, function(i, e) { parent_stack.push(node.payload); for (var j = 0; j < parent_stack.length; j++) { if (parent_stack[j] === e) { parent_stack.pop(); return; // no more recursion! } } var newNode = Object.create(Timeline.TreeNode); newNode.setData(e); node.appendChild(newNode); treeConstructor(newNode, newNode.getData().getSubElements()); parent_stack.pop(); }); return node; }; this.lefthandTree = treeConstructor(tree, project.getSubElements()); this.lefthandTree.expandTo(this.options.initial_outline_expansion); } return this.lefthandTree; }, // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ UI and Plotting │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ DEFAULT_COLOR: '#999999', DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR_IN_COMPARISONS: 'none', DEFAULT_LANE_COLOR: '#000000', DEFAULT_LANE_WIDTH: 1, DEFAULT_PARENT_COLOR: '#666666', DEFAULT_STROKE_COLOR: '#000000', DEFAULT_STROKE_COLOR_IN_COMPARISONS: '#000000', DEFAULT_STROKE_DASHARRAY_IN_COMPARISONS: '', // other examples: '-', '- ', '-- ' DEFAULT_COMPARISON_OFFSET: 5, DAY_WIDTH: 16, MIN_CHART_WIDTH: 200, RENDER_BUCKETS: 2, ORIGINAL_BORDER_WIDTH_CORRECTION: 3, BORDER_WIDTH_CORRECTION: 3, HOVER_THRESHOLD: 3, GROUP_BAR_INDENT: -10, PE_DARK_TEXT_COLOR: '#000000', // color on light planning element. PE_DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR: '#000000', // color on timelines background. PE_HEIGHT: 20, PE_LIGHT_TEXT_COLOR: '#ffffff', // color on dark planning element. PE_LUMINANCE_THRESHOLD: 0.5, // threshold above which dark text is rendered. PE_TEXT_ADDITIONAL_OUTSIDE_PADDING_WHEN_MILESTONE: 6, PE_TEXT_ADDITIONAL_OUTSIDE_PADDING_WHEN_EXPANDED_WITH_CHILDREN: 6, PE_TEXT_INSIDE_PADDING: 8, // 4px padding on both sides of the planning element towards an inside labelelement towards an inside label. PE_TEXT_OUTSIDE_PADDING: 6, // space between planning element and text to its right. PE_TEXT_SCALE: 0.1875, // 64 * (1/8 * 1.5) = 12 USE_MODALS: true, scale: 1, zoomIndex: 0, // OUTLINE_LEVELS define possible OUTLINE_CONFIGURATIONS. OUTLINE_LEVELS: ['aggregation', 'level1', 'level2', 'level3', 'level4', 'level5', 'all'], OUTLINE_CONFIGURATIONS: { aggregation: { name: 'timelines.outlines.aggregation', level: 0 }, level1: { name: 'timelines.outlines.level1', level: 1 }, level2: { name: 'timelines.outlines.level2', level: 2 }, level3: { name: 'timelines.outlines.level3', level: 3 }, level4: { name: 'timelines.outlines.level4', level: 4 }, level5: { name: 'timelines.outlines.level5', level: 5 }, all: { name: 'timelines.outlines.all', level: Infinity } }, // ZOOM_SCALES define possible ZOOM_CONFIGURATIONS. ZOOM_SCALES: ['yearly', 'quarterly', 'monthly', 'weekly', 'daily'], ZOOM_CONFIGURATIONS: { daily: {name: 'timelines.zoom.days', scale: 1.40, config: ['months', 'weeks', 'actualDays', 'weekDays']}, weekly: {name: 'timelines.zoom.weeks', scale: 0.89, config: ['months', 'weeks', 'weekDays']}, monthly: {name: 'timelines.zoom.months', scale: 0.53, config: ['years', 'months', 'weeks']}, quarterly: {name: 'timelines.zoom.quarters', scale: 0.21, config: ['year-quarters', 'months', 'weeks']}, yearly: {name: 'timelines.zoom.years', scale: 0.10, config: ['years', 'quarters', 'months']} }, getScale: function() { var day = this.DAY_WIDTH * this.scale; var week = day * 7; var height = Timeline.PE_HEIGHT; return { height: height, week: week, day: day }; }, setScale: function(scale) { // returns width for specified scale if (!scale) { scale = this.scale; } else { this.scale = scale; } var days = this.getDaysBetween( this.getBeginning(), this.getEnd() ); return days * this.DAY_WIDTH * scale; }, getWidth: function() { // width is the wider of the currently visible chart dimensions // (adjusted_width) and the minimum space the timeline needs. return Math.max(this.adjusted_width, this.setScale() + 200); }, resetWidth: function() { delete this.adjusted_width; }, adjustWidth: function(width) { // adjusts for the currently visible chart dimensions. var old_adjusted_width = this.adjusted_width; this.adjusted_width = this.adjusted_width === undefined? width: Math.max(old_adjusted_width, Math.max(width, this.adjusted_width)); if (old_adjusted_width < this.adjusted_width) { this.rebuildAll(); } return this.adjusted_width; }, getHeight: function() { return this.getMeasuredHeight() - this.getMeasuredScrollbarHeight(); }, scaleToFit: function(width) { var scale = width / (this.DAY_WIDTH * this.getDaysBetween( this.getBeginning(), this.getEnd() )); this.setScale(scale); return scale; }, getColorParts: function(color) { return jQuery.map(color.match(/[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/g), function(e, i) { return parseInt(e, 16); }); }, getLimunanceFor: function(color) { var parts = this.getColorParts(color); var result = (0.299 * parts[0] + 0.587 * parts[1] + 0.114 * parts[2]) / 256; return result; }, getMeasuredPathFromText: function(text, limit) { var font = this.paper.getFont('Bitstream Vera Sans'); var o, char, glyph, fontPath = 'M0,0'; var nonWhitespaceProgress = 0, totalFontProgress = 0, charProgress = 0; var p; if (typeof limit === "undefined") { limit = Infinity; } // cufón is awesóme. for (o = 0; o < text.length; o++) { char = text.charAt(o); if (font.glyphs[char] !== undefined && font.glyphs[char].d !== undefined) { charProgress = font.glyphs[char].w || font.w; totalFontProgress += charProgress; // break if limit would be exceeded by appending this char. if (totalFontProgress > limit) { totalFontProgress -= charProgress; break; } glyph = Raphael.pathToRelative(font.glyphs[char].d); for (p = 0; p < glyph.length; p++) { fontPath += (p === 0 ? glyph[p].shift().toLowerCase() : glyph[p].shift()) + glyph[p].join(','); } } else { totalFontProgress += font.w; } if (!/\s/g.test(char)) { nonWhitespaceProgress = totalFontProgress; } fontPath += 'M' + totalFontProgress + ',0'; } return { 'path': fontPath, 'progress': nonWhitespaceProgress }; }, expandTo: function(index) { var level; index = Math.max(index, 0); level = Timeline.OUTLINE_CONFIGURATIONS[Timeline.OUTLINE_LEVELS[index]].level; if (this.options.hide_tree_root) { level++; } level = this.getLefthandTree().expandTo(level); this.expansionIndex = index; this.rebuildAll(); }, zoom: function(index) { if (index === undefined) { index = this.zoomIndex; } index = Math.max(Math.min(this.ZOOM_SCALES.length - 1, index), 0); this.zoomIndex = index; var scale = Timeline.ZOOM_CONFIGURATIONS[Timeline.ZOOM_SCALES[index]].scale; this.setScale(scale); this.resetWidth(); this.triggerResize(); this.rebuildAll(); }, zoomIn: function() { this.zoom(this.zoomIndex + 1); }, zoomOut: function() { this.zoom(this.zoomIndex - 1); }, getSwimlaneStyles: function() { return [{ textColor: '#000000', laneColor: '#e7e7e7' }, { textColor: '#000000', laneColor: '#797979' }, { // laneWidth: 1.5, textColor: '#000000', laneColor: '#424242' }, { // laneWidth: 2, textColor: '#000000', laneColor: '#000000' }]; }, getSwimlaneConfiguration: function() { return { 'actualDays': { // actual days delimiter: this.getBeginning().moveToFirstDayOfMonth().moveToDayOfWeek(Date.CultureInfo.firstDayOfWeek, -1), caption: function() { return this.delimiter.toString('d'); }, next: function() { return this.delimiter.addDays(1); }, overrides: ['weekDays'] }, 'weekDays': { // weekdays delimiter: this.getBeginning().moveToFirstDayOfMonth().moveToDayOfWeek(Date.CultureInfo.firstDayOfWeek, -1), caption: function() { return this.delimiter.toString('ddd')[0]; }, next: function() { return this.delimiter.addDays(1); }, overrides: ['actualDays'] }, 'weeks': { // weeks delimiter: this.getBeginning().moveToFirstDayOfMonth().moveToDayOfWeek(Date.CultureInfo.firstDayOfWeek, -1), caption: function() { return this.delimiter.getWeekOfYear(); }, next: function() { return this.delimiter.addWeeks(1); }, overrides: ['weekDays', 'actualDays'] }, 'months': { // months delimiter: this.getBeginning().moveToFirstDayOfMonth(), caption: function() { return Date.CultureInfo.abbreviatedMonthNames[this.delimiter.getMonth()]; }, next: function() { return this.delimiter.addMonths(1); }, overrides: ['actualDays', 'weekDays', 'quarters'] }, 'year-quarters': { // quarters delimiter: this.getBeginning().moveToMonth(0, -1).moveToFirstDayOfMonth(), caption: function() { return Date.CultureInfo.abbreviatedQuarterNames[this.delimiter.getQuarter()] + " " + this.delimiter.toString('yyyy'); }, next: function() { return this.delimiter.addQuarters(1); }, overrides: ['actualDays', 'weekDays', 'months', 'quarters'] }, 'quarters': { // quarters delimiter: this.getBeginning().moveToMonth(0, -1).moveToFirstDayOfMonth(), caption: function() { return Date.CultureInfo.abbreviatedQuarterNames[this.delimiter.getQuarter()]; }, next: function() { return this.delimiter.addQuarters(1); }, overrides: ['actualDays', 'weekDays', 'months'] }, 'years': { // years delimiter: this.getBeginning().moveToMonth(0, -1).moveToFirstDayOfMonth(), caption: function() { return this.delimiter.toString('yyyy'); }, next: function() { return this.delimiter.addYears(1); }, overrides: ['actualDays', 'weekDays', 'months', 'quarters'] }}; }, getAvailableRows: function() { function renderHistoricalKind(data, val, diff) { if (!data.does_historical_differ(val)) { return ""; } if (typeof diff === "function") { return diff(data[val], data.historical()[val]); } return "changed"; } function historicalHtml(data, val) { var kind = renderHistoricalKind(data, val); return renderHistoricalHtml(data, val, kind); } function renderHistoricalHtml(data, val, kind) { var result = "", theVal; if (data.does_historical_differ(val)) { theVal = data.historical().getAttribute(val); if (!theVal) { theVal = timeline.i18n('timelines.empty'); } result += ''; result += timeline.escape(theVal); result += '' .replace(/%t/, timeline.i18n('timelines.change')) .replace(/%c/, 'icon tl-icon-' + kind); result += '
'; } return result; } function historicalKindDate(oldVal, newVal) { if (oldVal && newVal) { return (newVal < oldVal ? 'postponed' : 'preponed'); } return "changed"; } var map = { "type": "getTypeName", "status": "getStatusName", "responsible": "getResponsibleName", "assigned_to": "getAssignedName", "project": "getProjectName" }; var timeline = this; return { all: ['due_date', 'type', 'status', 'responsible', 'start_date'], general: function (data, val) { if (!map[val]) { return; } val = map[val]; var result = ""; var theVal = data.getAttribute(val); result += historicalHtml(data, val); return jQuery(result + '' + timeline.escape(theVal) + ''); }, start_date: function(data) { var kind = renderHistoricalKind(data, "start_date", historicalKindDate), result = ''; result += renderHistoricalHtml(data, "start_date", kind); if (data.start_date !== undefined) { result += '' + timeline.escape(data.start_date) + ''; } return jQuery(result); }, due_date: function(data) { var kind = renderHistoricalKind(data, "due_date", historicalKindDate), result = ''; result += renderHistoricalHtml(data, "due_date", kind); if (data.due_date !== undefined) { result += '' + timeline.escape(data.due_date) + ''; } return jQuery(result); } }; }, getUiRoot: function() { return this.uiRoot; }, getEventHandlerSuffix: function() { if (this.event_handler_suffix === undefined) { this.event_handler_suffix = this.getUiRoot().attr('id'); } return this.event_handler_suffix; }, getTooltip: function() { var tooltip = this.getUiRoot().find('.tl-tooltip'); return tooltip; }, getChart: function() { return this.getUiRoot().find('.tl-chart'); }, i18n: function(key) { var value = this.options.i18n[key]; var message; if (value === undefined) { message = 'translation missing: ' + key; if (console && console.log) { console.log(message); } return message; } else { return value; } }, setupUI: function() { this.setupToolbar(); this.setupChart(); }, setupToolbar: function() { // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Builds the following dom and adds it to root: │ // │ │ // │
│ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ var toolbar = jQuery('
'); var timeline = this; var i, c, containers = [ 0, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, // zooming 1, 0, 0 // outline ]; var icon = '
'; for (i = 0; i < containers.length; i++) { c = jQuery('
'); if (containers[i] !== 0) { c.css({ 'width': containers[i] + 'px', 'height': '20px' }); } containers[i] = c; toolbar.append(c); } this.getUiRoot().append(toolbar); var currentContainer = 0; if (Timeline.USE_MODALS) { // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Add element │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ containers[currentContainer++].append( jQuery(icon .replace(/%t/, timeline.i18n('timelines.new_work_package')) .replace(/%c/, 'icon icon-add') ).click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); timeline.addPlanningElement(); return false; })); // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Spacer │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ containers[currentContainer++].css({ 'background-color': '#000000' }); } else { currentContainer += 2; } // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Zooming │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ // drop-down var form = jQuery('
'); var zooms = jQuery(''); for (i = 0; i < Timeline.ZOOM_SCALES.length; i++) { zooms.append(jQuery( '')); } form.append(zooms); containers[currentContainer + 3].append(form); // slider var slider = jQuery('
').slider({ min: 1, max: Timeline.ZOOM_SCALES.length, range: 'min', value: zooms[0].selectedIndex + 1, slide: function(event, ui) { zooms[0].selectedIndex = ui.value - 1; }, change: function(event, ui) { zooms[0].selectedIndex = ui.value - 1; timeline.zoom(ui.value - 1); } }).css({ // top right bottom left 'margin': '4px 6px 3px' }); containers[currentContainer + 1].append(slider); zooms.change(function() { slider.slider('value', this.selectedIndex + 1); }); // zoom out containers[currentContainer].append( jQuery(icon .replace(/%t/, timeline.i18n('timelines.zoom.out')) .replace(/%c/, 'icon tl-icon-zoomout') ).click(function() { slider.slider('value', slider.slider('value') - 1); })); // zoom in containers[currentContainer + 2].append( jQuery(icon .replace(/%t/, timeline.i18n('timelines.zoom.in')) .replace(/%c/, 'icon tl-icon-zoomin') ).click(function() { slider.slider('value', slider.slider('value') + 1); })); currentContainer += 4; // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Spacer │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ containers[currentContainer++].css({ 'background-color': '#000000' }); // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Outline │ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ // drop-down // TODO this is very similar to the way the zoom dropdown is // assembled. Refactor to avoid code duplication! form = jQuery('
'); var outlines = jQuery(''); for (i = 0; i < Timeline.OUTLINE_LEVELS.length; i++) { outlines.append(jQuery( '')); } form.append(outlines); containers[currentContainer + 1].append(form); outlines.change(function() { timeline.expandTo(this.selectedIndex); }); // perform outline action again (icon mostly a divider from zooms) containers[currentContainer].append( jQuery(icon .replace(/%t/, timeline.i18n('timelines.outline')) .replace(/%c/, 'icon tl-icon-outline') ).click(function() { timeline.expandTo(outlines[0].selectedIndex); })); currentContainer += 2; this.updateToolbar = function() { slider.slider('value', timeline.zoomIndex + 1); outlines[0].selectedIndex = timeline.expansionIndex; }; }, setupChart: function() { // ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ // │ Builds the following dom and adds it to root: │ // │ │ // │
│ // │
│ // │
│ // │
│ // │
│ // │
│ // │
│ // │
(optional) │ // │
│ // │
│ // │ │ // │
│ // │
│ // │
│ // │
│ // │
│ // │
│ // │
│ // ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ var timeline = jQuery('
'); var tlLeft = jQuery('
') .append(jQuery('
')) .append(jQuery('
')); var tlRight = jQuery('
') .append(jQuery('
')) .append(jQuery('
')); var paper = jQuery('
'); // there is a bug in IE8 that draws over the left edge of the VML // graphic. This additional border compensates for that bug w/o // penalizing the design in other browsers. if (jQuery.browser.msie) { paper.css({'border-left': '1px solid white'}); Timeline.BORDER_WIDTH_CORRECTION = Timeline.ORIGINAL_BORDER_WIDTH_CORRECTION + 1; } var tlScrollContainer = jQuery('
') //.append(jQuery('
')) .append(paper); var tlTooltip = jQuery('
') .append('
') .append('
'); timeline .append(tlLeft) .append(tlRight) .append(tlScrollContainer) .append(tlTooltip); this.getUiRoot().append(timeline); // store the paper element for later use. this.paperElement = paper[0]; }, completeUI: function() { var timeline = this; // construct tree on left-hand-side. this.rebuildTree(); // lift the curtain, paper otherwise doesn't show w/ VML. jQuery('.timeline').removeClass('tl-under-construction'); this.paper = new Raphael(this.paperElement, 640, 480); // perform some zooming. if there is a zoom level stored with the // report, zoom to it. otherwise, zoom out. this also constructs // timeline graph. if (this.options.zoom_factor && this.options.zoom_factor.length === 1) { this.zoom( this.pnum(this.options.zoom_factor[0]) ); } else { this.zoomOut(); } // perform initial outline expansion. if (this.options.initial_outline_expansion && this.options.initial_outline_expansion.length === 1) { this.expandTo( this.pnum(this.options.initial_outline_expansion[0]) ); } // zooming and initial outline expansion have consequences in the // select inputs in the toolbar. this.updateToolbar(); this.getChart().scroll(function() { timeline.adjustTooltip(); }); jQuery(window).scroll(function() { timeline.adjustTooltip(); }); }, getMeasuredHeight: function() { return this.getUiRoot().find('.tl-left-main').height(); }, getMeasuredScrollbarHeight: function() { var p, div, h, hh; // this method is built on the assumption that the width of a // vertical scrollbar is equal o the height of a horizontal one. if // that symmetry is broken, this method will need to be repaired. if (this.scrollbar_height !== undefined) { return this.scrollbar_height; } p = jQuery('

').css({ 'width': "100%", 'height': "200px" }); div = jQuery('

').css({ 'position': "absolute", 'top': "0", 'left': "0", 'visibility': "hidden", 'width': "200px", 'height': "150px", 'overflow': "hidden" }); div.append(p); jQuery('body').append(div); h = p[0].offsetWidth; div.css({'overflow': 'scroll'}); hh = p[0].offsetWidth; if (h === hh) { hh = div[0].clientWidth; } div.remove(); this.scrollbar_height = (h - hh); return this.scrollbar_height; }, escape: function(string) { return jQuery('
').text(string).html(); }, psub: function(string, map) { return string.replace(/#\{(.+?)\}/g, function(m, p, o, s) { return map[p]; }); }, pnum: function(string) { return parseInt(string.replace(/[^\d\-]/g, ''), 10); }, /** * Filter helper for multi select filters based on IDs. * * Assumption is that array is an array of strings while object is a object * with an id field which contains a number */ filterOutBasedOnArray: function (array, object) { return !Timeline.idInArray(array, object); }, idInArray: function (array, object) { // when object is not set, check if the (none) a.k.a. -1 option is selected var id = object ? object.id + '' : '-1'; if (jQuery.isArray(array) && array.length > 0) { return jQuery.inArray(id, array) !== -1; } else { // if there is no array, we just accept. return true; } }, rebuildAll: function() { var timeline = this; var root = timeline.getUiRoot(); delete this.table_offset; window.clearTimeout(this.rebuildTimeout); this.rebuildTimeout = timeline.defer(function() { timeline.rebuildTree(); // The minimum width of the whole timeline should be the actual // width of the table added to the minimum chart width. That way, // the floats never break. if (timeline.options.hide_chart == null) { root.find('.timeline').css({ 'min-width': root.find('.tl-left-main').width() + Timeline.MIN_CHART_WIDTH }); } if (timeline.options.hide_chart !== 'yes') { timeline.rebuildGraph(); } else { var chart = timeline.getUiRoot().find('.tl-chart'); chart.css({ display: 'none'}); } timeline.adjustScrollingForChangedContent(); }); }, adjustScrollingForChangedContent: function() { var current_height = Math.max(jQuery("body").height(), jQuery("#content").height()); if(current_height < jQuery(window).scrollTop()) { jQuery(window).scrollTop(current_height - jQuery(window).height()); } }, rebuildTree: function() { var where = this.getUiRoot().find('.tl-left-main'); var tree = this.getLefthandTree(); var table = jQuery('
'); var body = jQuery(''); var head = jQuery(''); var row, cell, link, span, text; var timeline = this; var rows = this.getAvailableRows(); var first = true; // for the first row var previousGroup = -1; var headerHeight = this.decoHeight(); // subtract 1px border if this is not firefox. in firefox, we need // an additional pixel in the header. no idea where this comes from, // it works fine in chrome and ie. if (jQuery.browser.mozilla === undefined) { headerHeight--; } // head table.append(head); row = jQuery(''); // there is always a name. cell = jQuery(''); cell.append(timeline.i18n('timelines.filter.column.name')); // only compensate for the chart decorations if we're actualy // showing one. if (timeline.options.hide_chart == null) { cell.css({'height': headerHeight + 'px'}); } row.append(cell); // everything else. var header = function(key) { var th = jQuery(''); th.append(timeline.i18n('timelines.filter.column.' + key)); return th; }; jQuery.each(timeline.options.columns, function(i, e) { row.append(header(e)); }); head.append(row); // body table.append(body); row = jQuery(''); tree.iterateWithChildren(function(node, indent) { var data = node.getData(); var group; // create a new cell with the name for the current level. row = jQuery(''); cell = jQuery( '' ); row.append(cell); var contentWrapper = jQuery(''); cell.addClass('tl-indent-' + indent); // check for start of a new group. if (timeline.isGrouping() && data.is(Timeline.Project)) { if (indent === 0) { group = data.getFirstLevelGrouping(); if (previousGroup !== group) { body.append(jQuery( '' + timeline.escape(data.getFirstLevelGroupingName()) + '')); previousGroup = group; } } } if (node.hasChildren()) { cell.addClass(node.isExpanded() ? 'tl-expanded' : 'tl-collapsed'); link = jQuery('
'); link.click({'node': node, 'timeline': timeline}, function(event) { event.data.node.toggle(); event.data.timeline.rebuildAll(); }); link.append(node.isExpanded() ? '-' : '+'); cell.append(link); } cell.append(contentWrapper); text = timeline.escape(data.subject || data.name); if (data.getUrl instanceof Function) { text = jQuery('').append(text).attr("title", text); } if (data.is(Timeline.Project)) { text.addClass('tl-project'); } span = jQuery('').append(text); contentWrapper.append(span); // the node will later need to know where on the screen the // corresponding table cell is, i.e. for computing the vertical // index for planning elements inside the chart. node.setDOMElement(cell); var added = data.is(Timeline.PlanningElement) && data.isNewlyAdded(); var change_detected = added || data.is(Timeline.PlanningElement) && data.hasAlternateDates(); var deleted = data.is(Timeline.PlanningElement) && data.isDeleted(); // everything else jQuery.each(timeline.options.columns, function(i, e) { var cell = jQuery(''); if (typeof rows[e] === "function") { cell.append(rows[e].call(data, data)); } else { cell.append(rows.general.call(data, data, e)); } row.append(cell); }); body.append(row); if (data.is(Timeline.Project)) { row.addClass('tl-project-row'); } if (change_detected) { span.prepend( // the empty span is for a rendering bug in chrome. the anchor // would not be displayed as inline, unless there is a change // in the css after the rendering (nop changes suffice) or // there is some prepended content. this span provides for // exactly that. jQuery('' .replace(/%t/, timeline.i18n('timelines.change')) .replace(/%c/, added? 'icon tl-icon-added' : deleted? 'icon tl-icon-deleted' : 'icon tl-icon-changed') )); } // attribute a special class to the first row. this is for // additional indentation, however only when we are not in a // grouping. if (first) { first = false; if (!timeline.isGrouping()) { row.addClass('tl-first-row'); } } }); // attribute a special class to the last row if (row !== undefined) { row.addClass('tl-last-row'); row.find('td').append(timeline.scrollbarBox()); } where.empty().append(table); var change = []; var maxWidth = jQuery("#content").width() * 0.25; table.find(".tl-word-ellipsis").each(function (i, e) { e = jQuery(e); var indent = e.offset().left - e.parent().offset().left; if (e.width() > maxWidth - indent) { change.push({e: e, w: maxWidth - indent}); } }); var i; for (i = 0; i < change.length; i += 1) { change[i].e.css("width", change[i].w); } }, scrollbarBox: function() { var scrollbar_height = this.getMeasuredScrollbarHeight(); return jQuery('
').css({ 'height': scrollbar_height, 'width': scrollbar_height }); }, decoHeight: function() { var config = Timeline.ZOOM_SCALES[this.zoomIndex]; var lanes = Timeline.ZOOM_CONFIGURATIONS[config].config.length; return 12 * lanes; // -1 is for coordinates starting at 0. }, getPaper: function() { return this.paper; }, rebuildGraph: function() { var timeline = this; var tree = timeline.getLefthandTree(); var chart = timeline.getUiRoot().find('.tl-chart'); chart.css({'display': 'none'}); var width = timeline.getWidth(); var height = timeline.getHeight(); // clear and resize timeline.paper.clear(); timeline.paper.setSize(width, height); timeline.defer(function() { // rebuild content timeline.rebuildBackground(tree, width, height); chart.css({'display': 'block'}); timeline.rebuildForeground(tree); }); }, finishGraph: function() { var root = this.getUiRoot(); var info = jQuery(''); // this will be called asynchronously and finishes up the graph // building process. this.setupEventHandlers(); root.append(info); }, rebuildBackground: function(tree, width, height) { var beginning = this.getBeginning(); var scale = this.getScale(); var end = this.getEnd(); var deco = this.decoHeight(); deco--; this.paper.rect(0, deco, width, height).attr({ 'fill': '#fff', 'stroke': '#fff', // 'stroke-opacity': 0, 'stroke-width': 0 }); // horizontal bar. this.paper.path( this.psub('M0 #{y}H#{w}', { y: deco + 0.5, // the vertical line otherwise overlaps. w: width }) ); // *** beginning decorations *** var lastDivider, caption, captionElement, bbox, dividerPath; var padding = 2; lastDivider = 0; var swimlanes = this.getSwimlaneConfiguration(); var styles = this.getSwimlaneStyles(); var config = Timeline.ZOOM_SCALES[this.zoomIndex]; var key, i, left, first, timeline = this; var m, x, y; var currentStyle = 0, lastOverrideGroup; for (i = Timeline.ZOOM_CONFIGURATIONS[config].config.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { key = Timeline.ZOOM_CONFIGURATIONS[config].config[i]; if (swimlanes.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // if the current swimlane has more overrides, we assume a // change in quality of the seperation and switch styles to a // more solid one. lastOverrideGroup is set to the length of the // override-array of the current swimlane. if (swimlanes[key].overrides.length > lastOverrideGroup) { currentStyle++; } lastOverrideGroup = swimlanes[key].overrides.length; lastDivider = 0; dividerPath = ''; first = true; while (lastDivider < width || swimlanes[key].delimiter.compareTo(end) <= 0) { caption = swimlanes[key].caption() || ''; if (caption.length === undefined) { caption = caption.toString(); // caption needs to be a string. } swimlanes[key].next(); left = timeline.getDaysBetween(beginning, swimlanes[key].delimiter) * scale.day; bbox = {height: 8}; m = timeline.getMeasuredPathFromText(caption); x = (lastDivider + (left - lastDivider) / 2) - (m.progress / 16); y = (deco - padding); if (jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version === '8.0') { y -= 2; // ugly, but neccessary. } captionElement = timeline.paper.path(m.path); captionElement .translate(x, y) .scale(0.125, 0.125, 0, 0) .attr({ 'fill': styles[currentStyle].textColor || timeline.DEFAULT_COLOR, 'stroke': 'none' }); lastDivider = left; dividerPath += timeline.psub('M#{x} #{y}v#{b} M#{x} #{d}v#{h}', { x: left, y: deco - bbox.height - 2 * padding, h: height, b: bbox.height + 2 * padding, d: timeline.decoHeight() + 1 }); } timeline.paper.path(dividerPath).attr({ 'stroke': styles[currentStyle].laneColor || timeline.DEFAULT_LANE_COLOR, 'stroke-width': styles[currentStyle].laneWidth || timeline.DEFAULT_LANE_WIDTH, 'stroke-linecap': 'butt' // the vertical line otherwise overlaps. }); // altered deco ceiling for next decorations. deco -= bbox.height + 2 * padding; // horizontal bar. timeline.paper.path( timeline.psub('M0 #{y}H#{w}', { y: deco + 0.5, // the vertical line otherwise overlaps. w: width }) ); } } this.frameLine(); this.nowLine(); }, getRelativeVerticalOffsetCorrectionForIE8: function() { if (this.relative_vertical_offset_correction_for_ie8 === undefined) { var table = this.getUiRoot().find('table').first(); var lastCell = table.find('td').last(); var height_from_cell = lastCell.last().outerHeight() + lastCell.last().position().top - table.position().top; var height_from_table = table.outerHeight(); this.relative_vertical_offset_correction_for_ie8 = 1 + height_from_table - height_from_cell; } return this.relative_vertical_offset_correction_for_ie8; }, getRelativeVerticalOffset: function(offset) { var result; if (this.table_offset === undefined) { this.table_offset = this.getUiRoot().find('.tl-left-main table').position().top; } if (offset !== undefined) { result = offset.position().top - this.table_offset; if (jQuery.browser.msie) { result += this.getRelativeVerticalOffsetCorrectionForIE8(); } return result; } return this.table_offset; }, getRelativeVerticalBottomOffset: function(offset) { var result; result = this.getRelativeVerticalOffset(offset); if (offset.find("div").length === 1) { result -= jQuery(offset.find("div")[0]).height(); } if (offset !== undefined) result += offset.outerHeight(); return result; }, rebuildForeground: function(tree) { var timeline = this; var previousGrouping = -1; var grouping; var width = timeline.getWidth(); var previousNode; var render_bucket = []; var pre_render_bucket = []; var post_render_bucket = []; var text_render_bucket = []; //iterate over all planning elements and find vertical ones to draw. jQuery.each(timeline.verticalPlanningElementIds(), function (i, e) { var pl = timeline.getPlanningElement(e); // the planning element should have been loaded already. however, // it might not have been, or it might not even exist. in that // case, we simply ignore it. if (pl === undefined) { return; } var pet = pl.getPlanningElementType(); var node = Object.create(Timeline.TreeNode); node.setData(pl); if (pl.vertical) { if (pet && pet.is_milestone) { post_render_bucket.push(function () { pl.renderVertical(node); }); } else { pre_render_bucket.push(function () { pl.renderVertical(node); }); } } }); tree.iterateWithChildren(function(node, indent, index) { var currentElement = node.getDOMElement(); var currentOffset = timeline.getRelativeVerticalOffset(currentElement); var previousElement, previousEnd, groupHeight; var groupingChanged = false; var pl = node.getData(); // if the grouping changed, put a grey box here. if (timeline.isGrouping() && indent === 0 && pl.is(Timeline.Project)) { grouping = pl.getFirstLevelGrouping(); if (previousGrouping !== grouping) { groupingChanged = true; // previousEnd is the vertical position at which a previous // element ended. It is calculated by adding the previous // element's vertical offset to it's height. if (previousNode !== undefined) { previousElement = previousNode.getDOMElement(); previousEnd = timeline.getRelativeVerticalOffset(previousElement) + previousElement.outerHeight(); } else { // Reading decoHeight does not work equally well in // SVG/VML and WebKit/Mozilla, so we need some additional // adjustment. This is cumulative to the alterations for // anti-aliasing below. previousEnd = timeline.decoHeight(); if (jQuery.browser.webkit) { previousEnd -= 1; } else if (jQuery.browser.msie) { previousEnd += 1; } } // groupHeight is the height gap between the vertical position // at which the current element begins (currentOffset) and the // position the previous element ended (previousEnd). groupHeight = currentOffset - previousEnd; // 0.5 is added or subtracted for subpixel anti-aliasing to // produce a sharp edge. Webkit seems to tends to anti-alias // upwards, while trident and gecko need to be corrected in // the other direction. if (jQuery.browser.webkit) { previousEnd += 0.5; } else { previousEnd -= 0.5; } if (jQuery.browser.msie) { previousEnd -= timeline.getRelativeVerticalOffsetCorrectionForIE8(); groupHeight += timeline.getRelativeVerticalOffsetCorrectionForIE8(); } // draw grey box. timeline.paper.rect( Timeline.GROUP_BAR_INDENT, previousEnd, width - 2 * Timeline.GROUP_BAR_INDENT, groupHeight ).attr({ 'fill': '#bbb', 'fill-opacity': 0.5, 'stroke-width': 1, 'stroke-opacity': 1, 'stroke': Timeline.DEFAULT_STROKE_COLOR }); previousGrouping = grouping; } } // if there is a new project, draw a black line. if (pl.is(Timeline.Project)) { if (!groupingChanged) { if (jQuery.browser.webkit) { currentOffset += 0.5; } else { currentOffset -= 0.5; } // draw lines between projects timeline.paper.path( timeline.psub('M0 #{y}h#{w}', { y: currentOffset, w: width }) ).attr({ 'stroke-width': 1, 'stroke': Timeline.DEFAULT_STROKE_COLOR }); } } else if (pl.is(Timeline.PlanningElement)) { } previousNode = node; if (pl.is(Timeline.PlanningElement)) { text_render_bucket.push(function () { pl.renderForeground(node); }); } render_bucket.push(function() { pl.render(node); }); }); var render_next_bucket = function() { if (jQuery.each(pre_render_bucket.splice(0, Timeline.RENDER_BUCKETS), function(i, e) { e.call(); }).length !== 0) { timeline.defer(render_next_bucket); } else if (jQuery.each(render_bucket.splice(0, Timeline.RENDER_BUCKETS), function(i, e) { e.call(); }).length !== 0) { timeline.defer(render_next_bucket); } else if (jQuery.each(post_render_bucket.splice(0, Timeline.RENDER_BUCKETS), function(i, e) { e.call(); }).length !== 0) { timeline.defer(render_next_bucket); } else if (jQuery.each(text_render_bucket.splice(0, Timeline.RENDER_BUCKETS), function(i, e) { e.call(); }).length !== 0) { timeline.defer(render_next_bucket); } else { timeline.finishGraph(); } }; render_next_bucket(); }, frameLine: function () { var timeline = this; var scale = timeline.getScale(); var beginning = timeline.getBeginning(); var decoHeight = timeline.decoHeight(); var linePosition; this.calculateTimeFilter(); if (this.frameStart) { linePosition = (timeline.getDaysBetween(beginning, this.frameStart)) * scale.day; timeline.paper.path( timeline.psub("M#{position} #{top}L#{position} #{height}", { 'position': linePosition, 'top': decoHeight, 'height': this.getHeight() }) ).attr({ 'stroke': 'blue', 'stroke-dasharray': '- ' }); } if (this.frameEnd) { linePosition = ((timeline.getDaysBetween(beginning, this.frameEnd) + 1) * scale.day); timeline.paper.path( timeline.psub("M#{position} #{top}L#{position} #{height}", { 'position': linePosition, 'top': decoHeight, 'height': this.getHeight() }) ).attr({ 'stroke': 'blue', 'stroke-dasharray': '- ' }); } }, nowLine: function () { var timeline = this; var scale = timeline.getScale(); var beginning = timeline.getBeginning(); var ms_in_a_day = 86400000; // 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 var todayPosition = (timeline.getDaysBetween(beginning, Date.today())) * scale.day; todayPosition += (Date.now() - Date.today()) / ms_in_a_day * scale.day; var decoHeight = timeline.decoHeight(); var currentTimeElement = timeline.paper.path( timeline.psub("M#{today} #{top}L#{today} #{height}", { 'today': todayPosition, 'top': decoHeight, 'height': this.getHeight() }) ).attr({ 'stroke': 'red', 'stroke-dasharray': '- ' }); var setDateTime = 5 * 60 * 1000; var setDate = function () { var newTodayPosition = (timeline.getDaysBetween(beginning, Date.today())) * scale.day; newTodayPosition += (Date.now() - Date.today()) / ms_in_a_day * scale.day; if (Math.abs(newTodayPosition - todayPosition) > 0.1) { currentTimeElement.transform( timeline.psub("t#{trans},0", { 'trans': newTodayPosition - todayPosition }) ); } if (scale.day === timeline.getScale().day) { window.setTimeout(setDate, setDateTime); } }; window.setTimeout(setDate, setDateTime); }, adjustTooltip: function(renderable, element) { renderable = renderable || this.currentNode; element = element || this.currentElement; if (!renderable) { return; } var chart = this.getChart(); var offset = chart.position(); var tooltip = this.getTooltip(); var bbox = element.getBBox(); var content = tooltip.find('.tl-tooltip-inner'); var arrow = tooltip.find('.tl-tooltip-arrow'); var arrowOffset = this.pnum(arrow.css('left')); var padding = (tooltip.outerWidth() - tooltip.width()) / 2; var duration = tooltip.css('display') !== 'none' ? 0 : 0; var info = ""; var r = renderable.getResponsible(); // construct tooltip content information. info += ""; info += this.escape(renderable.subject); info += ""; if (renderable.is(Timeline.PlanningElement)) { info += " (*" + renderable.id + ")"; } info += "
"; info += this.escape(renderable.start_date); if (renderable.due_date !== renderable.start_date) { // only have a second date if it is different. info += " – " + this.escape(renderable.due_date); } info += "
"; if (r && r.name) { // if there is a responsible, show the name. info += r.name; } content.html(info); // calculate position of tooltip var left = offset.left; left -= chart.scrollLeft(); left += bbox.x; if (renderable.start_date && renderable.due_date) { left += bbox.width / 2; } else if (renderable.due_date) { left += bbox.width - Timeline.HOVER_THRESHOLD; } else { left += Timeline.HOVER_THRESHOLD; } left -= arrowOffset; var min_left = this.getUiRoot().find('.tl-left').position().left; min_left += this.getUiRoot().find('.tl-left').width(); min_left -= arrowOffset; var max_left = this.getUiRoot().find('.tl-right').position().left; max_left -= tooltip.outerWidth(); max_left -= padding; max_left += arrowOffset; left = Math.max(min_left, Math.min(max_left, left)); var margin = offset.left; margin -= chart.scrollLeft(); margin += (bbox.x); if (renderable.start_date && renderable.due_date) { margin += bbox.width / 2; } else if (renderable.due_date) { margin += bbox.width - Timeline.HOVER_THRESHOLD; } else { margin += Timeline.HOVER_THRESHOLD; } margin -= left; margin -= arrowOffset; var max_margin = tooltip.width(); max_margin -= padding; max_margin -= arrowOffset; margin = Math.min(max_margin, Math.max(margin, 0)); margin -= padding; var top = offset.top; top += bbox.y; top -= tooltip.outerHeight(); top--; // random offset. if (top < jQuery(window).scrollTop() - 80) { top = jQuery(window).scrollTop() - 80; } this.currentNode = renderable; this.currentElement = element; tooltip.clearQueue(); arrow.clearQueue(); tooltip.animate({left: left, top: top}, duration, 'swing'); arrow.animate({'margin-left': margin}, duration, 'swing'); }, setupEventHandlers: function() { var tree = this.getLefthandTree(); this.setupResizeHandlers(); //this.setupHoverHandlers(tree); }, setupResizeHandlers: function() { var timeline = this, timeout; var handler_name = 'resize.' + timeline.getEventHandlerSuffix(); jQuery(window).unbind(handler_name); jQuery(window).bind(handler_name, function() { window.clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = window.setTimeout(function() { timeline.triggerResize(); }, 1087); // http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2008-05-08/ }); }, triggerResize: function() { var root = this.getUiRoot(); var width = root.width() - root.find('.tl-left-main').width() - Timeline.BORDER_WIDTH_CORRECTION; this.adjustWidth(width); }, addHoverHandler: function(node, e) { var tooltip = this.getTooltip(); var timeline = this; e.unhover(); e.click(function(e) { if (Timeline.USE_MODALS) { var payload = node.getData(); timeline.modalHelper.createModal(payload.getUrl()); e.stopPropagation(); } }); e.attr({'cursor': 'pointer'}); e.hover( function() { timeline.adjustTooltip(node.getData(), e); tooltip.show(); }, function() { delete tooltip.currentNode; delete tooltip.currentElement; tooltip.hide(); }, node, node ); }, addPlanningElement: function() { var projects = this.projects; var project, projectID; for (project in projects) { if (projects.hasOwnProperty(project)) { if (projects[project].permissions.edit_planning_elements === true) { projectID = projects[project].identifier; break; } } } if (typeof projectID !== "undefined") { this.modalHelper.create(projectID); } } }; // This polyfill covers the main use case which is creating a new object // for which the prototype has been chosen but doesn't take the second // argument into account: // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/create if (!Object.create) { Object.create = function(o) { if (arguments.length > 1) { throw new Error( 'Object.create implementation only accepts the first parameter.' ); } function F() {} F.prototype = o; return new F(); }; }