hr: js: grid: add_widget: 'Add widget' remove: 'Remove widget' upsale: text: "Some widgets, like the work package graph widget, are only available in the " link: 'enterprise edition.' widgets: custom_text: title: 'Prilagođeni teskt' documents: title: 'Dokumenti' no_results: 'No documents yet.' members: title: 'Članovi' no_results: 'No visible members.' view_all_members: 'Pogledaj sve članove' add: 'Član' too_many: 'Displaying %{count} of %{total} members.' news: title: 'Vijesti' at: 'at' no_results: 'Nema promjena za izvjestiti.' project_description: title: 'Opis projekta' no_results: "No description has been written yet. One can be provided in the 'Project settings'." project_details: title: 'Detalji o projektu' no_results: 'No custom fields have been defined for projects.' project_status: title: 'Status projekta' on_track: 'On track' off_track: 'Off track' at_risk: 'At risk' not_set: 'Not set' subprojects: title: 'Potprojekti' no_results: 'No subprojects.' time_entries_list: title: 'Spent time (last 7 days)' no_results: 'No time entries for the last 7 days.' work_packages_accountable: title: "Work packages I am accountable for" work_packages_assigned: title: 'Radni paketi dodijeljeni meni' work_packages_created: title: 'Work packages created by me' work_packages_watched: title: 'Work packages watched by me' work_packages_table: title: 'Work packages table' work_packages_graph: title: 'Work packages graph' work_packages_calendar: title: 'Kalendar' work_packages_overview: title: 'Work packages overview' placeholder: 'Click to edit ...'