require 'spec_helper' require 'features/work_packages/shared_contexts' require 'features/work_packages/details/inplace_editor/shared_examples' describe 'activity comments', js: true, selenium: true do let(:project) { FactoryGirl.create :project, is_public: true } let!(:work_package) { FactoryGirl.create(:work_package, project: project, journal_notes: initial_comment) } let(:wp_page) {, project) } let(:selector) { '.work-packages--activity--add-comment' } let(:comment_field) { wp_page, 'comment', selector: selector, trigger: '.inplace-editing--trigger-container' } let(:initial_comment) { 'the first comment in this WP' } before do login_as(user) allow(user.pref).to receive(:warn_on_leaving_unsaved?).and_return(false) end context 'with permission' do let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create :admin } before do wp_page.visit! wp_page.ensure_page_loaded end describe 'preview' do let(:field) { comment_field } it_behaves_like 'a previewable field' end context 'in edit state' do before do comment_field.activate! end describe 'editing' do it 'buttons are disabled when empty' do expect(page).to have_selector("#{selector} .inplace-edit--control--save[disabled]") comment_field.cancel_by_click end end describe 'submitting comment' do it 'does not submit with enter' do comment_field.input_element.set 'this is a comment' comment_field.submit_by_enter expect(page).to_not have_selector('.user-comment .message', text: 'this is a comment') end it 'submits with click' do comment_field.input_element.set 'this is a comment!1' comment_field.submit_by_click expect(page).to have_selector('.user-comment .message', text: 'this is a comment!1') end it 'submits comments repeatedly' do comment_field.input_element.set 'this is my first comment!1' comment_field.submit_by_click expect(page).to have_selector('.user-comment > .message', count: 2) expect(page).to have_selector('.user-comment > .message', text: 'this is my first comment!1') expect(comment_field.editing?).to be false comment_field.activate! expect(comment_field.editing?).to be true comment_field.input_element.set 'this is my second comment!1' comment_field.submit_by_click expect(page).to have_selector('.user-comment > .message', count: 3) expect(page).to have_selector('.user-comment > .message', text: 'this is my second comment!1') end end describe 'cancel comment' do it do expect(comment_field.editing?).to be true comment_field.input_element.set 'this is a comment' # Escape should NOT cancel the editing comment_field.cancel_by_escape expect(comment_field.editing?).to be true expect(page).to_not have_selector('.user-comment .message', text: 'this is a comment') # Click should cancel the editing comment_field.cancel_by_click expect(comment_field.editing?).to be false expect(page).to_not have_selector('.user-comment .message', text: 'this is a comment') end end it 'saves while in preview mode' do comment_field.input_element.set '*Highlight*' preview = comment_field.element.find('.jstb_preview') # Enable preview expect(comment_field.element).to have_selector('strong', text: 'Highlight') comment_field.submit_by_click expect(page).to have_selector('.user-comment .message', text: 'Highlight') end describe 'autocomplete' do let!(:wp2) { FactoryGirl.create(:work_package, project: project, subject: 'AutoFoo') } it 'autocompletes the other work package' do comment_field.input_element.send_keys("##{}") expect(page).to have_selector('.atwho-view-ul li', text: wp2.to_s.strip) end end describe 'quoting' do it 'can quote a previous comment' do expect(page).to have_selector('.user-comment .message', text: initial_comment) # Hover comment page.find('.user-comment > .message').hover # Quote this comment page.find('.comments-icons .icon-quote').click expect(comment_field.editing?).to be true # Add our comment quote = comment_field.input_element[:value] expect(quote).to include("> #{initial_comment}") quote << "\nthis is some remark under a quote" comment_field.input_element.set(quote) comment_field.submit_by_click expect(page).to have_selector('.user-comment > .message', count: 2) expect(page).to have_selector('.user-comment > .message blockquote') end end describe 'with an existing comment' do it 'allows to edit an existing comment' do comment_field.input_element.set 'Comment with *bold text*' comment_field.submit_by_click expect(page).to have_selector('.user-comment .message strong', text: 'bold text') expect(page).to have_selector('.user-comment .message', text: 'Comment with bold text') # Hover the new activity activity = page.find('#activity-2') page.driver.browser.action.move_to(activity.native).perform # Check the edit textarea activity.find('.icon-edit').click edit = wp_page, 'comment', selector: '.user-comment--form' edit.expect_value 'Comment with *bold text*' edit.set_value 'Comment with _italic text_' edit.submit_by_click expect(page).to have_selector('.user-comment .message em', text: 'italic text') expect(page).to have_selector('.user-comment .message', text: 'Comment with italic text') end end end end context 'with no permission' do let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user, member_in_project: project, member_through_role: role) } let(:role) { FactoryGirl.create :role, permissions: %i(view_work_packages) } before do wp_page.visit! wp_page.ensure_page_loaded end it 'does not show the field' do expect(page).to have_no_selector(selector, visible: true) end end end