//-- copyright // OpenProject is a project management system. // // Copyright (C) 2012-2013 the OpenProject Team // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. // // See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. //++ // Boilerplate code for remote autocompletion/infinite scrolling. // Borrows graciously from select2 (function ($, undefined) { "use strict"; function TimelinesAutocompleter (object, args) { this.element = object; this.opts = null; this.fakeInput = null; this.initOptions(args); this.setupInput(); this.initSelect2(); } TimelinesAutocompleter.prototype = $.extend(TimelinesAutocompleter.prototype, { initOptions: function (args) { var self = this; this.opts = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.timelinesAutocomplete.defaults); this.opts = $.extend(true, this.opts, args[0]); if (!(this.element.attr("data-ajaxURL") === "" || this.element.attr("data-ajaxURL") === null || this.element.attr("data-ajaxURL") === undefined)) { this.opts.ajax.url = this.element.attr("data-ajaxURL"); } }, setupInput: function () { var attrs_to_copy = {}, currentName, select2id, values = []; $("input[name='" + $(this.element).attr("name")+"']").remove(); for(var i = 0; i < $(this.element).get(0).attributes.length; i++) { currentName = $(this.element).get(0).attributes[i].name; if(currentName.indexOf("data-") === 0 || $.inArray(currentName, this.opts.allowedAttributes) !== -1) { //only ones starting with data- attrs_to_copy[currentName] = $(this.element).attr(currentName); } } select2id = $(this.element).attr("id"); this.fakeInput = $(this.element).after("").siblings(":input#" + select2id); this.fakeInput.attr(attrs_to_copy); if (!($(this.element).attr("data-selected") === "" || $(this.element).attr("data-selected") === null || $(this.element).attr("data-selected") === undefined)) { JSON.parse($(this.element).attr('data-selected')).each(function (elem) { values.push(elem[1]); }); this.fakeInput.val(values); } }, initSelect2: function () { $(this.element).remove(); $(this.fakeInput).select2(this.opts); if (this.opts.sortable) { var input = $(this.fakeInput); input.select2("container").find("ul.select2-choices").sortable({ containment: 'parent', start: function() { input.select2("onSortStart"); }, update: function() { input.select2("onSortEnd"); } }); } } }); $.fn.timelinesAutocomplete = function () { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0), autocompleter; $(this).each(function () { autocompleter = new TimelinesAutocompleter($(this), args); }); } $.fn.timelinesAutocomplete.defaults = { multiple: true, allowedAttributes: ["title", "placeholder", "id", "name"], minimumInputLength: 0, ajax: { null_element: null, dataType: 'json', quietMillis: 500, contentType: "application/json", data: function (term, page) { return { q: term, //search term page_limit: 10, // page size page: page // current page number }; }, results: function (data, page) { var active_items = []; data.results.items.each(function (e) { active_items.push(e); }); active_items = this.add_null_element(active_items, page); return {'results': active_items, 'more': data.results.more}; }, add_null_element: function (results, page) { if (this.null_element === null || this.null_element === undefined || page !== 1) { return results; } return [this.null_element].concat(results); } }, formatResult: function (item, container, query) { var match = item.name.toUpperCase().indexOf(query.term.toUpperCase()), tl = query.term.length, markup = []; if (match < 0) { return "" + OpenProject.Helpers.markupEscape(item.name) + ""; } markup.push(OpenProject.Helpers.markupEscape( item.name.substring(0, match))); markup.push(""); markup.push(OpenProject.Helpers.markupEscape( item.name.substring(match, match + tl))); markup.push(""); markup.push(OpenProject.Helpers.markupEscape( item.name.substring(match + tl, item.name.length))); return markup.join(""); }, formatSelection: function (item) { return OpenProject.Helpers.markupEscape(item.name); }, initSelection: function (element, callback) { var data = []; if (!($(element).attr("data-selected") === "" || $(element).attr("data-selected") === null || $(element).attr("data-selected") === undefined)) { JSON.parse($(element).attr('data-selected')).each(function (elem) { data.push({id: elem[1], name: elem[0]}); }); } return callback(data); } } }(jQuery));