hu: activerecord: attributes: ldap_groups/synchronized_group: dn: 'DN' auth_source: 'LDAP csatlakozás' sync_users: 'Sync users' ldap_groups/synchronized_filter: filter_string: 'LDAP szűrő' auth_source: 'LDAP csatlakozás' group_name_attribute: "Group name attribute" sync_users: 'Sync users' base_dn: "Search base DN" models: ldap_groups/synchronized_group: 'Synchronized LDAP group' ldap_groups/synchronized_filter: 'LDAP Group synchronization filter' errors: models: ldap_groups/synchronized_filter: must_contain_base_dn: "Filter base DN must be contained within the LDAP connection's base DN" ldap_groups: label_menu_item: 'LDAP group synchronization' label_group_key: 'LDAP group filter key' label_synchronize: 'Szinkronizálás' settings: name_attribute: 'LDAP groups name attribute' name_attribute_text: 'The LDAP attribute used for naming the OpenProject group when created by a filter' synchronized_filters: add_new: 'Add synchronized LDAP filter' singular: 'LDAP Group synchronization filter' plural: 'LDAP Group synchronization filters' label_n_groups_found: one: "1 group found by the filter" other: "%{count} groups found by the filter" zero: "No groups were found by the filter" destroy: title: 'Remove synchronized filter %{name}' confirmation: "If you continue, the synchronized filter %{name} and all groups %{groups_count} created through it will be removed." removed_groups: "Warning: This will remove the following groups from OpenProject and remove it from all projects!" verification: "Enter the filter name %{name} to verify the deletion." form: group_name_attribute_text: 'Enter the attribute of the LDAP group used for setting the OpenProject group name.' filter_string_text: 'Enter the RFC4515 LDAP filter that returns groups in your LDAP to synchronize with OpenProject.' base_dn_text: > Enter the search base DN to use for this filter. It needs to be below the base DN of the selected LDAP connection. Leave this option empty to reuse the base DN of the connection synchronized_groups: add_new: 'Add synchronized LDAP group' destroy: title: 'Remove synchronized group %{name}' confirmation: "If you continue, the synchronized group %{name} and all %{users_count} users synchronized through it will be removed." info: "Note: The OpenProject group itself and members added outside this LDAP synchronization will not be removed." verification: "Adja meg a csoport nevét %{name} a törlés megerősítéséhez." help_text_html: | Ez a modul lehetővé teszi az LDAP és az OpenProject csoportok közötti szinkronizálást. Attól függ, hogy az LDAP-csoportoknak az OpenProject használatához a groupOfNames / memberOf attribútumot kell használniuk.
A csoportokat óránként szinkronizáljuk egy cron feladattal. Kérjük, olvassa el a témával kapcsolatos dokumentációinkat . no_results: 'No synchronized groups found.' no_members: 'This group has no synchronized members yet.' plural: 'Synchronized LDAP groups' singular: 'Synchronized LDAP group' form: auth_source_text: 'Select which LDAP connection should be used.' sync_users_text: > If you enable this option, found users will also be automatically created in OpenProject. Without it, only existing accounts in OpenProject will be added to groups. dn_text: 'Enter the full DN of the group in LDAP' group_text: 'Select an existing OpenProject group that members of the LDAP group shall be synchronized with'