#-- copyright #OpenProject is an open source project management software. #Copyright (C) 2012-2020 the OpenProject GmbH #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. #OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: #Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang #Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License #as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 #of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #See docs/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ id: no_results_title_text: Tidak ada yang ditampilkan saat ini. activities: index: no_results_title_text: Belum ada kegiatan untuk proyek dalam jangka waktu ini. admin: plugins: no_results_title_text: Tidak ada plugin yang tersedia saat ini. custom_styles: color_theme: "Color theme" color_theme_custom: "(Custom)" colors: alternative-color: "Alternative" content-link-color: "Link font" primary-color: "Primary" primary-color-dark: "Primary (dark)" header-bg-color: "Header background" header-item-bg-hover-color: "Header background on hover" header-item-font-color: "Header font" header-item-font-hover-color: "Header font on hover" header-border-bottom-color: "Header border" main-menu-bg-color: "Main menu background" main-menu-bg-selected-background: "Main menu when selected" main-menu-bg-hover-background: "Main menu on hover" main-menu-font-color: "Main menu font" main-menu-selected-font-color: "Main menu font when selected" main-menu-hover-font-color: "Main menu font on hover" main-menu-border-color: "Main menu border" custom_colors: "Warna kostum" customize: "Sesuaikan instalasi OpenProject anda dengan logo Anda sendiri. Catatan: Logo ini dapat diakses secara publik." enterprise_notice: "Sebagai 'Terima Kasih' spesial untuk finansial konstributor untuk mengembangkan OpenProject, fitur kecil ini hanya akan tersedia untuk Enterprise Edition dukungan pelanggan." manage_colors: "Edit warna pilih opsi" instructions: alternative-color: "Strong accent color, typically used for the most important button on a screen." content-link-color: "Warna font sebagian besar tautan." primary-color: "Warna utama." primary-color-dark: "Warna yang lebih gelap dari warna utama biasanya dipakai sebagai efek lintasan kursor." header-item-bg-hover-color: "Warna latar belakang \"item header\" yang bisa di klik ketika ditunjuk dengan mouse." header-item-font-color: "Warna font item header yang bisa diklik." header-item-font-hover-color: "Warna font \"item header\" yang bisa di klik ketika ditunjuk dengan mouse." header-border-bottom-color: "Garis tipis di bawah header. Biarkan filed ini kosong jika Anda tidak ingin garis apapun." main-menu-bg-color: "Warna latar belakang menu sisi kiri." theme_warning: Changing the theme will overwrite you custom style. The design will then be lost. Are you sure you want to continue? enterprise: upgrade_to_ee: "Tingkatkan ke edisi enterprise" add_token: "Unggah sebuah token bantuan edisi enterprise" replace_token: "Gantilah token bantuan yang sedang digunakan" order: "Pesanlah edisi enterprise" paste: "Tempelkan token pendukung Edisi Perusahaan Anda" required_for_feature: "Fitur ini hanya tersedia bersama dengan sebuah token pendukung Edisi Perusahaan yang aktif." enterprise_link: "Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, klik di sini." announcements: show_until: Show until is_active: currently displayed is_inactive: currently not displayed attribute_help_texts: text_overview: 'Pada tampilan ini, anda dapat membuat teks-teks bantuan yang dikhususkan untuk tampilan atribut-atribut tersebut. Ketika didefinisikan, teks-teks ini dapat ditampilkan dengan mengklik ikon bantuan pada atribut miliknya.' label_plural: 'Atribut teks bantuan' show_preview: 'Teks pratinjau' add_new: 'Menambahkan teks bantuan' edit: "Mengedit teks bantuan untuk %{attribute_caption}" auth_sources: index: no_results_content_title: Tidak ada mode otentikasi saat ini. no_results_content_text: Buat mode otentikasi baru ldap_auth_sources: technical_warning_html: | This LDAP form requires technical knowledge of your LDAP / Active Directory setup.
Please visit our documentation for detailed instructions. attribute_texts: name: Arbitrary name of the LDAP connection host: LDAP host name or IP address login_map: The attribute key in LDAP that is used to identify the unique user login. Usually, this will be `uid` or `samAccountName`. generic_map: The attribute key in LDAP that is mapped to the OpenProject `%{attribute}` attribute admin_map_html: "Optional: The attribute key in LDAP that if present marks the OpenProject user an admin. Leave empty when in doubt." system_user_dn_html: | Enter the DN of the system user used for read-only access.
Example: uid=openproject,ou=system,dc=example,dc=com system_user_password: Enter the bind password of the system user base_dn: | Enter the Base DN of the subtree in LDAP you want OpenProject to look for users and groups. OpenProject will filter for provided usernames in this subtree only. Example: ou=users,dc=example,dc=com onthefly_register: | If you check this box, OpenProject will automatically create new users from their LDAP entries when they first authenticate with OpenProject. Leave this unchecked to only allow existing accounts in OpenProject to authenticate through LDAP! connection_encryption: 'Enkripsi sambungan' system_account: 'System account' system_account_legend: | OpenProject requires read-only access through a system account to lookup users and groups in your LDAP tree. Please specify the bind credentials for that system user in the following section. ldap_details: 'LDAP details' user_settings: 'Attribute mapping' user_settings_legend: | The following fields are related to how users are created in OpenProject from LDAP entries and what LDAP attributes are used to define the attributes of an OpenProject user (attribute mapping). tls_mode: plain: 'kosong' simple_tls: 'simple_tls' start_tls: 'start_tls' plain_description: "Sambungan polos tidak terenkripsi, tidak ada negosiasi TLS." simple_tls_description: "Enkripsi TLS implisit, tetapi tidak ada validasi sertifikat. Gunakan dengan hati-hati dan kepercayaan tersirat dari koneksi LDAP." start_tls_description: "Enkripsi TLS eksplisit dengan validasi penuh. Gunakan untuk LDAP melalui TLS / SSL." section_more_info_link_html: > This section concerns the connection security of this LDAP authentication source. For more information, visit the Net::LDAP documentation. forums: show: no_results_title_text: Saat ini tidak ada postingan di forum. colors: index: no_results_title_text: Tidak ada warna saat ini. no_results_content_text: Buat warna baru label_no_color: 'No color' custom_actions: actions: name: 'Tindakan' add: 'Tambahkan tindakan' assigned_to: executing_user_value: '(Assign to executing user)' conditions: 'Kondisi' plural: 'Tindakan khusus' new: 'New custom action' edit: 'Edit custom action %{name}' execute: 'Execute %{name}' upsale: title: 'Tindakan khusus adalah fitur Edisi Perusahaan' description: 'Tindakan khusus merampingkan pekerjaan sehari-hari dengan menggabungkan satu set langkah individual menjadi satu tombol.' custom_fields: text_add_new_custom_field: > Untuk menambahkan kolom kustom baru untuk sebuah proyek, pertama-tama Anda harus membuatnya, sebelum Anda dapat menambahkannya ke proyek ini. is_enabled_globally: 'Diaktifkan secara global' enabled_in_project: 'Diaktifkan pada proyek' contained_in_type: 'Terkandung dalam jenis' confirm_destroy_option: "Menghapus sebuah pilihan akan menghapus semua kemunculan yang terjadi (mis. dalam paket pekerjaan). Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapusnya?" tab: no_results_title_text: Tidak ada bidang kustom saat ini. no_results_content_text: Buat bidang kustom baru concatenation: single: 'atau' deprecations: time_entries: "This time entries view is superseded by the 'Cost reports' module. This view now only supports exporting time entry information to csv. For interactive filtering, please activate the 'Cost reports' module in the project settings." global_search: overwritten_tabs: wiki_pages: "Wiki" messages: "Forum" groups: index: no_results_title_text: Tidak ada grup untuk saat ini. no_results_content_text: Buat grup baru users: no_results_title_text: Tidak ada pengguna yang menjadi anggota grup ini. memberships: no_results_title_text: Saat ini tidak ada proyek yang menjadi bagian grup. incoming_mails: ignore_filenames: > Tentukan daftar nama yang harus diabaikan ketika memproses lampiran untuk surat masuk (mis., Tanda tangan atau ikon). Masukkan satu nama file per baris. projects: delete: scheduled: "Penghapusan telah dijadwalkan dan dilakukan di latar belakang. Anda akan diberitahu hasilnya." schedule_failed: "Proyek tidak dapat dihapus: %{errors}" failed: "Penghapusan proyek %{name} telah gagal" failed_text: "The request to delete project %{name} has failed. The project was left archived." completed: "Deletion of project %{name} completed" completed_text: "The request to delete project '%{name}' has been completed." index: no_results_title_text: Tidak ada proyek saat ini no_results_content_text: Buat proyek baru settings: activities: no_results_title_text: There are currently no activities available. forums: no_results_title_text: Tidak ada forum pada project. no_results_content_text: Buat forum baru categories: no_results_title_text: There are currently no work package categories. no_results_content_text: Create a new work package category custom_fields: no_results_title_text: There are currently no custom fields available. types: no_results_title_text: There are currently no types available. versions: no_results_title_text: There are currently no versions for the project. no_results_content_text: Create a new version members: index: no_results_title_text: There are currently no members part of this project. no_results_content_text: Add a member to the project my: access_token: failed_to_reset_token: "Gagal untuk menset ulang akses token: %{error}" notice_reset_token: "Sebuah token baru %{type} telah dibuat. Token akses Anda adalah:" token_value_warning: "Catatan: Anda hanya akan melihat token ini satu kali, pastikan untuk membuat salinannya sekarang." no_results_title_text: There are currently no access tokens available. news: index: no_results_title_text: There is currently no news to report. no_results_content_text: Add a news item users: memberships: no_results_title_text: This user is currently not a member of a project. prioritiies: edit: priority_color_text: | Click to assign or change the color of this priority. It can be used for highlighting work packages in the table. reportings: index: no_results_title_text: There are currently no status reportings. no_results_content_text: Add a status reporting statuses: edit: status_readonly_html: | Check this option to mark work packages with this status as read-only. No attributes can be changed with the exception of the status.
Note: Inherited values (e.g., from children or relations) will still apply. status_color_text: | Click to assign or change the color of this status. It is shown in the status button and can be used for highlighting work packages in the table. index: no_results_title_text: There are currently no work package statuses. no_results_content_text: Add a new status types: index: no_results_title_text: There are currently no types. no_results_content_text: Create a new type edit: settings: "Pengaturan" form_configuration: "Form configuration" projects: "Project" enabled_projects: "Proyek-proyek yang diaktifkan" edit_query: "Edit table" query_group_placeholder: "Give the table a name" reset: "Disetel ulang ke kondisi bawaan" type_color_text: | Klik untuk menetapkan atau mengubah warna tipe ini. warna yang dipilah akan membedakan paket kerja. versions: overview: no_results_title_text: There are currently no work packages assigned to this version. wiki: no_results_title_text: There are currently no wiki pages. index: no_results_content_text: Add a new wiki page work_flows: index: no_results_title_text: There are currently no workflows. work_packages: x_descendants: other: '%{count} work package descendants' bulk: could_not_be_saved: "The following work packages could not be saved:" move: no_common_statuses_exists: "There is no status available for all selected work packages. Their status cannot be changed." unsupported_for_multiple_projects: 'Bulk move/copy is not supported for work packages from multiple projects' summary: reports: category: no_results_title_text: There are currently no categories available. assigned_to: no_results_title_text: There are currently no members part of this project. responsible: no_results_title_text: There are currently no members part of this project. author: no_results_title_text: There are currently no members part of this project. priority: no_results_title_text: There are currently no priorities available. type: no_results_title_text: There are currently no types available. version: no_results_title_text: There are currently no versions available. label_invitation: Undangan account: delete: "Hapus akun" delete_confirmation: "Yakin Anda ingin menghapus akun?" deleted: "Akun telah dihapus" deletion_info: data_consequences: other: "Data yang dibuat pengguna (seperti email, preferensi, Work Package, entri wiki) akan dihapus. Namun, data seperti Work Package dan entri wiki yang terhubung dengan pengguna lain tidak bisa dihapus. Data seperti ini akan dipindahkan ke sebuah akun bernama \"Pengguna Terhapus\". Karena data dari setiap akun terhapus dipindahkan ke akun tersebut, maka pembedaan antara data yang dibuat pengguna dengan data dari akun terhapus lainnya tidak akan bisa dilakukan." self: "Of the data you created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data you created from the data of another deleted account." heading: "Hapus akun %{name}" info: other: "User yang akan dihapus akan terputus dari alur proses dalam sistem." self: "Jika akun dihapus, Anda akan terputus dari alur proses dalam sistem." login_consequences: other: "Akun akan dihapus dari sistem. User tidak akan bisa Login kembali." self: "Akun Anda akan dihapus dari sistem. Anda tidak akan bisa Login kembali." login_verification: other: "Enter the login %{name} to verify the deletion. Once submitted, you will be asked to confirm your password." self: "Enter your login %{name} to verify the deletion. Once submitted, you will be asked to confirm your password." error_inactive_activation_by_mail: > Akun anda belum diaktifkan. Untuk mengaktifkan, klik pada link yang ada di email anda. error_inactive_manual_activation: > Akun Anda belum diaktifkan. Harap menunggu Administrator untuk mengaktifkan akun Anda. error_self_registration_disabled: > Pendaftaran user dinonaktifkan untuk saat ini. Silakan minta Administrator untuk membuatkan akun Anda. login_with_auth_provider: "atau Login dengan akun yang ada" signup_with_auth_provider: "or sign up using" auth_source_login: Please login as %{login} to activate your account. omniauth_login: Please login to activate your account. actionview_instancetag_blank_option: "Silakan pilih" activerecord: attributes: announcements: show_until: "Display until" attachment: attachment_content: "Attachment content" attachment_file_name: "Attachment file name" downloads: "Download" file: "File" filename: "File" filesize: "Size" attribute_help_text: attribute_name: 'Atribut' help_text: 'Teks bantuan' auth_source: account: "Akun" attr_firstname: "Atribut nama depan" attr_lastname: "Atribut nama belakang" attr_login: "Username attribute" attr_mail: "Atribut email" base_dn: "Base DN" host: "Host" onthefly: "Pembuatan user on-the-fly" port: "Port" changeset: repository: "Repositori" comment: commented: "Komentar" #an object that this comment belongs to custom_action: actions: "Tindakan" custom_field: default_value: "Nilai default" editable: "Dapat diedit" field_format: "Format" is_filter: "Filter" is_required: "Harus diisi" max_length: "Panjang maksimum" min_length: "Panjang minimum" multi_value: "Membolehkan pilihan majemuk" possible_values: "Nilai yang mungkin" regexp: "Regular expression" searchable: "Dapat dicari" visible: "Visible" custom_value: value: "Nilai" enterprise_token: starts_at: "Valid sejak" expires_at: "Berakhir masa berlaku pada" subscriber: "Pelanggan" encoded_token: "Token pendukung perusahaan" active_user_count_restriction: "Pengguna aktif maksimum" grids/grid: page: "Page" row_count: "Number of rows" column_count: "Number of columns" widgets: "Widgets" relation: delay: "Jeda" from: "Paket-Penugasan" to: "Work package terkait" status: is_closed: "Paket-Penugasan telah berakhir" is_readonly: "Work package read-only" journal: notes: "Note" member: roles: "Roles" project: identifier: "Pengenal" latest_activity_at: "Latest activity at" parent: "Sub-Project dari" queries: "Query" types: "Tipe" versions: "Versi" work_packages: "Paket-Penugasan" projects/status: code: 'Status' explanation: 'Status description' codes: on_track: 'On track' at_risk: 'At risk' off_track: 'Off track' query: column_names: "Kolom" relations_to_type_column: "Relasi untuk %{type}" relations_of_type_column: "Relasi %{type}" group_by: "Group" filters: "Filter" timeline_labels: "Label alur waktu" repository: url: "URL" role: assignable: "Paket kerja dapat ditetapkan untuk pengguna-pengguna tunggal dan kelompok-kelompok yang memiliki peran dalam proyek masing-masing" time_entry: activity: "Activity" hours: "Jam" spent_on: "Tanggal" type: "Tipe" type: description: "Default text for description" attribute_groups: '' is_in_roadmap: "Displayed in roadmap by default" is_default: "Activated for new projects by default" is_milestone: "Is milestone" color: "Warna" user: admin: "Administrator" auth_source: "Mode otentikasi" current_password: "Current password" force_password_change: "Ubah password saat pertama Login" language: "Bahasa" last_login_on: "Login terakhir" mail_notification: "Notifikasi email" new_password: "Password baru" password_confirmation: "Konfirmasi" consented_at: "Setuju pada" user_preference: comments_sorting: "Tampilan komentar" hide_mail: "Sembunyikan email saya" impaired: "Mode aksesibel" time_zone: "Time Zone" auto_hide_popups: "Pemberitahuan Auto-hide sukses" warn_on_leaving_unsaved: "Ingatkan saya ketika meninggalkan sebuah paket kerja dengan perubahan yang belum disimpan" version: effective_date: "Finish date" sharing: "Sharing" wiki_content: text: "Teks" wiki_page: parent_title: "Halaman induk" redirect_existing_links: "Redirect link" planning_element_type_color: hexcode: Kode Hexa work_package: begin_insertion: "Begin of the insertion" begin_deletion: "Begin of the deletion" children: "Subelements" done_ratio: "Progress (%)" end_insertion: "End of the insertion" end_deletion: "End of the deletion" version: "Versi" parent: "Induk" parent_issue: "Induk" parent_work_package: "Induk" priority: "Prioritas" progress: "Progress (%)" spent_hours: "Durasi" spent_time: "Durasi" subproject: "Sub-Project" time_entries: "Catatan waktu" type: "Tipe" watcher: "Pemantau" 'doorkeeper/application': uid: "Client ID" secret: "Client secret" owner: "Owner" redirect_uri: "Redirect URI" client_credentials_user_id: "Client Credentials User ID" scopes: "Scopes" confidential: "Confidential" errors: messages: accepted: "harus disetujui." after: "harus setelah %{date}." after_or_equal_to: "harus setelah atau sama dengan %{date}." before: "harus sebelum %{date}." before_or_equal_to: "harus sebelum atau maksimal %{date}." blank: "harus di isi." cant_link_a_work_package_with_a_descendant: "Work package tidak dapat dihubungkan dengan subtask-nya." circular_dependency: "Relasi ini menyebabkan dependensi circular." confirmation: "tidak sesuai dengan %{attribute}." could_not_be_copied: "sebagian tidak dapat dicopy." does_not_exist: "tidak ditemukan." error_unauthorized: "may not be accessed." error_readonly: "was attempted to be written but is not writable." empty: "harus di isi." even: "harus imbang." exclusion: "telah dipesan." file_too_large: "ukuran maksimum yang diperbolehkan %{count} Bytes." greater_than: "harus lebih besar dari %{count}." greater_than_or_equal_to: "harus lebih besar atau sama dengan %{count}." greater_than_or_equal_to_start_date: "must be greater than or equal to the start date." greater_than_start_date: "must be greater than the start date." inclusion: "belum di set dengan nilai yang diperbolehkan." invalid: "tidak valid." invalid_url: 'bukanlah URL yang Valid.' invalid_url_scheme: 'bukanlah sebuah protokol yang didukung (diperbolehkan: %{allowed_schemes}).' less_than_or_equal_to: "harus kurang dari atau sama dengan %{count}." not_a_date: "bukan tanggal yang valid." not_a_datetime: "bukan tanggal waktu yang valid." not_a_number: "harus diisi angka." not_allowed: "is invalid because of missing permissions." not_an_integer: "harus bilangan bulat." not_an_iso_date: "is not a valid date. Required format: YYYY-MM-DD." not_same_project: "harus berasal dari proyek yang sama." odd: "harus ganjil." regex_invalid: "tidak dapat divalidasi dengan ekspresi reguler terkait." smaller_than_or_equal_to_max_length: "harus lebih kecil atau sama dengan panjang maksimum." taken: "sudah dipakai." too_long: "panjang karakter maksimal %{count}." too_short: "minimal %{count} karakter." unchangeable: "cannot be changed." unremovable: "tidak bisa dihapus." wrong_length: "panjang tidak sesuai (harus %{count} karakter)." models: custom_field: at_least_one_custom_option: "Paling tidak, satu pilihan dibutuhkan untuk tersedia." custom_actions: only_one_allowed: "(%{name}) only one value is allowed." empty: "(%{name}) value can't be empty." inclusion: "(%{name}) value is not set to one of the allowed values." not_logged_in: "(%{name}) value cannot be set because you are not logged in." not_an_integer: "(%{name}) is not an integer." smaller_than_or_equal_to: "(%{name}) must be smaller than or equal to %{count}." greater_than_or_equal_to: "(%{name}) must be greater than or equal to %{count}." doorkeeper/application: attributes: redirect_uri: fragment_present: 'cannot contain a fragment.' invalid_uri: 'must be a valid URI.' relative_uri: 'must be an absolute URI.' secured_uri: 'must be an HTTPS/SSL URI.' forbidden_uri: 'is forbidden by the server.' scopes: not_match_configured: "doesn't match available scopes." enterprise_token: unreadable: "tidak dapat dibaca. Apakah Anda yakin ini adalah token pendukung?" grids/grid: overlaps: 'overlap.' outside: 'is outside of the grid.' end_before_start: 'end value needs to be larger than the start value.' parse_schema_filter_params_service: attributes: base: unsupported_operator: "Operator (simbol operasi matematika) tidak didukung." invalid_values: "Nilai tidak valid." id_filter_required: "Sebuah pemilah 'id' dibutuhkan." project: archived_ancestor: 'The project has an archived ancestor.' foreign_wps_reference_version: 'Work packages in non descendant projects reference versions of the project or its descendants.' attributes: types: in_use_by_work_packages: "still in use by work packages: %{types}" query: attributes: project: error_not_found: "tidak ditemukan" public: error_unauthorized: "- The user has no permission to create public views." group_by_hierarchies_exclusive: "saling ekslusif bersama kelompok dengan '%{group_by}'. Anda tidak dapat mengaktifkan keduanya." filters: custom_fields: inexistent: "There is no custom field for the filter." invalid: "The custom field is not valid in the given context." relation: typed_dag: circular_dependency: "Relasi menciptakan lingkaran relasi-relasi." attributes: to: error_not_found: "work package dalam posisi `to` tidak dapat ditemukan atau tidak terlihat" error_readonly: "an existing relation's `to` link is immutable" from: error_not_found: "work package in `from` position not found or not visible" error_readonly: "an existing relation's `from` link is immutable" repository: not_available: "Vendor SCM tidak tersedia" not_whitelisted: "konfigurasi tidak mengijinkan." invalid_url: "bukan tempat penyimpanan atau alamat URL yang benar." must_not_be_ssh: "tidak boleh sebuah url SSH." no_directory: "is not a directory." role: permissions: dependency_missing: "need to also include '%{dependency}' as '%{permission}' is selected." time_entry: attributes: hours: day_limit: "is too high as a maximum of 24 hours can be logged per date." work_package: is_not_a_valid_target_for_time_entries: "Paket-Penugasan #%{id} tidak valid untuk reassigning di Time entri." attributes: due_date: not_start_date: "tanggal mulai dan berakhir pada milestone harus sama." parent: cannot_be_milestone: "parent dari work package tidak bisa berupa milestone." cannot_be_in_another_project: "tidak boleh dari proyek lain." not_a_valid_parent: "tidak valid." start_date: violates_relationships: "can only be set to %{soonest_start} or later so as not to violate the work package's relationships." status_id: status_transition_invalid: "gagal melakukan transisi dari status lama ke status baru untuk role ini." status_invalid_in_type: "is invalid because the current status does not exist in this type." type: cannot_be_milestone_due_to_children: "cannot be a milestone because this work package has children." priority_id: only_active_priorities_allowed: "prioritas harus aktif." category: only_same_project_categories_allowed: "Kategori yang dipilih harus diambil dari kategori yang berlaku pada proyek." does_not_exist: "Kategori yang dipilih tidak ada." estimated_hours: only_values_greater_or_equal_zeroes_allowed: "must be >= 0." type: attributes: attribute_groups: attribute_unknown: "Atribut paket kerja tidak valid digunakan." attribute_unknown_name: "Invalid work package attribute used: %{attribute}" duplicate_group: "The group name '%{group}' is used more than once. Group names must be unique." query_invalid: "The embedded query '%{group}' is invalid: %{details}" group_without_name: "Kelompok tak bernama tidak dibolehkan." user: attributes: password: weak: "Must contain characters of the following classes (at least %{min_count} of %{all_count}): %{rules}." lowercase: "huruf kecil (spt. 'a')" uppercase: "huruf besar (spt. 'A')" numeric: "numerik (spt. ' 1')" special: "special (spt. ' %')" reused: other: "has been used before. Please choose one that is different from your last %{count}." match: confirm: "Konfirmasi password baru." description: "Isian konfirmasi password tidak sama dengan masukan password." status: invalid_on_create: "bukan status yang valid untuk user baru." auth_source: error_not_found: "tidak ditemukan" member: principal_blank: "Silakan pilih setidaknya satu user atau grup." role_blank: "need to be assigned." attributes: roles: ungrantable: "has an unassignable role." principal: unassignable: "cannot be assigned to a project." version: undeletable_work_packages_attached: "The version cannot be deleted as it has work packages attached to it." template: body: "Silakan periksa isian berikut :" header: other: "%{count} error menyebabkan %{model} gagal untuk disimpan" models: attachment: "File" attribute_help_text: "Atribut teks bantuan" forum: "Forum" comment: "Komentar" custom_action: "Custom action" custom_field: "Isian kustom" group: "Grup" category: "Kategori" status: "Status Work Package" member: "Member" news: "News" project: "Project" query: "Query kustom" role: other: "Roles" type: "Tipe" user: "User" version: "Versi" wiki: "Wiki" wiki_page: "Halaman Wiki" workflow: "Workflow" work_package: "Paket-Penugasan" 'doorkeeper/application': "OAuth application" errors: header_invalid_fields: "Eror pada isian berikut :" field_erroneous_label: "Bidang ini tidak valid: %{full_errors} masukkan nilai yang berlaku." activity: created: "Dibuat : %{title}" updated: "Diupdate : %{title}" #common attributes of all models attributes: active: "Aktif" assigned_to: "Pelimpahan" assignee: "Pelimpahan" attachments: "Lampiran" author: "Penulis" base: "Error :" blocks_ids: "List ID dari work package yang diblokir" category: "Kategori" comment: "Komentar" comments: "Komentar" content: "Konten" color: "Warna" created_at: "Dibuat" created_on: "Dibuat" custom_options: "Nilai yang mungkin" custom_values: "Isian kustom" date: "Tanggal" default_columns: "Kolom default" description: "Deskripsi" display_sums: "Tampilkan jumlah" due_date: "Finish date" estimated_hours: "Estimasi Waktu" estimated_time: "Estimasi Waktu" firstname: "Nama depan" group: "Grup" groups: "Grup" groupname: "Nama grup" id: "ID" is_default: "Nilai default" is_for_all: "Untuk semua Project" is_public: "Publik" #kept for backwards compatibility issue: "Paket-Penugasan" lastname: "Nama belakang" login: "Username" mail: "Email" name: "Nama" password: "Password" priority: "Prioritas" project: "Project" public: "Publik" responsible: "Accountable" role: "Role" roles: "Roles" start_date: "Tanggal start" status: "Status" subject: "Perihal" summary: "Ringkasan" title: "Judul" type: "Tipe" updated_at: "Diperbarui" updated_on: "Diperbarui" uploader: "Uploader" user: "User" version: "Versi" work_package: "Paket-Penugasan" button_add: "Tambah" button_add_member: Add member button_add_watcher: "Tambah pemantau" button_annotate: "Anotasi" button_apply: "Apply" button_archive: "Arsip" button_back: "Kembali" button_cancel: "Batal" button_change: "Ubah" button_change_parent_page: "Ubah halaman induk" button_change_password: "Ubah password" button_check_all: "Cek semua" button_clear: "Clear" button_click_to_reveal: "Click to reveal" button_close: 'Tutup' button_collapse_all: "Tutup semua" button_configure: "Konfigurasi" button_continue: "Lanjutkan" button_copy: "Salin" button_copy_and_follow: "Salin dan amati" button_create: "Buat baru" button_create_and_continue: "Buat baru dan lanjut" button_delete: "Hapus" button_decline: "Tolak" button_delete_watcher: "Hapus pemantau, %{name}" button_download: "Download" button_duplicate: "Duplikasi" button_edit: "Edit" button_edit_associated_wikipage: "Edit Wiki terkait: %{page_title}" button_expand_all: "Buka semua" button_filter: "Filter" button_generate: "Generate" button_list: "List" button_lock: "Lock" button_log_time: "Catatan waktu" button_login: "Login" button_move: "Pindahkan" button_move_and_follow: "Pindahkan dan amati" button_print: "Cetak" button_quote: "Kutipan" button_remove: Remove button_rename: "Ubah nama" button_replace: "Ganti" button_revoke: "Revoke" button_reply: "Balas" button_reset: "Reset" button_rollback: "Kembali ke versi ini" button_save: "Simpan" button_save_back: "Save and back" button_show: "Tampilkan" button_sort: "Urutkan" button_submit: "Kirim" button_test: "Test" button_unarchive: "Batalkan arsip" button_uncheck_all: "Uncek semua" button_unlock: "Unlock" button_unwatch: "Unwatch" button_update: "Update" button_upgrade: "Tingkatkan" button_upload: "Unggah" button_view: "Lihat" button_watch: "Pantau" button_manage_menu_entry: "Mengkonfigurasi menu item" button_add_menu_entry: "Tambah menu item" button_configure_menu_entry: "Mengkonfigurasi menu item" button_delete_menu_entry: "Hapus menu item" consent: checkbox_label: Saya telah memperhatikan dan menyetujui hal di atas. failure_message: Persetujuan gagal, tidak bisa dilanjutkan. title: Persetujuan Pengguna decline_warning_message: Anda telah menolak untuk menyetujui dan telah dikeluarkan. user_has_consented: User has consented to your configured statement at the given time. not_yet_consented: User has not consented yet, will be requested upon next login. contact_mail_instructions: Define the mail address that users can reach a data controller to perform data change or removal requests. contact_your_administrator: Please contact your administrator if you want to have your account deleted. contact_this_mail_address: Please contact %{mail_address} if you want to have your account deleted. text_update_consent_time: Check this box to force users to consent again. Enable when you have changed the legal aspect of the consent information above. update_consent_last_time: "Last update of consent: %{update_time}" copy_project: started: "Started to copy project \"%{source_project_name}\" to \"%{target_project_name}\". You will be informed by mail as soon as \"%{target_project_name}\" is available." failed: "Tidak dapat meng-copy Project %{source_project_name}" failed_internal: "Copying failed due to an internal error." succeeded: "Project %{target_project_name} telah dibuat" errors: "Eror" project_custom_fields: 'Field kustom pada proyek' text: failed: "Tidak dapat meng-copy Project \"%{source_project_name}\" ke Project \"%{target_project_name}\"." succeeded: "Project \"%{source_project_name}\" ke \"%{target_project_name}\" telah di-copy." create_new_page: "Halaman Wiki" date: abbr_day_names: - "Min" - "Sen" - "Sel" - "Rab" - "Kam" - "Jum" - "Sab" abbr_month_names: - null - "Jan" - "Feb" - "Mar" - "Apr" - "Mei" - "Jun" - "Jul" - "Agt" - "Sep" - "Okt" - "Nop" - "Des" day_names: - "Minggu" - "Senin" - "Selasa" - "Rabu" - "Kamis" - "Jumat" - "Sabtu" formats: #Use the strftime parameters for formats. #When no format has been given, it uses default. #You can provide other formats here if you like! default: "%m/%d/%Y" long: "%B %d, %Y" short: "%b %d" #Don't forget the nil at the beginning; there's no such thing as a 0th month month_names: - null - "Januari" - "Februari" - "Maret" - "April" - "Mei" - "Juni" - "Juli" - "Agustus" - "September" - "Oktober" - "Nopember" - "Desember" #Used in date_select and datime_select. order: - :tahun - :bulan - :hari datetime: distance_in_words: about_x_hours: other: "sekitar %{count} jam" about_x_months: other: "sekitar %{count} bulan" about_x_years: other: "sekitar %{count} tahun" almost_x_years: other: "hampir %{count} tahun" half_a_minute: "setengah menit" less_than_x_minutes: other: "kurang dari %{count} menit" less_than_x_seconds: other: "kurang dari %{count} detik" over_x_years: other: "lebih dari %{count} tahun" x_days: other: "%{count} hari" x_minutes: other: "%{count} menit" x_months: other: "%{count} bulan" x_seconds: other: "%{count} detik" units: hour: other: "jam" default_activity_development: "Pengembangan" default_activity_management: "Manajemen" default_activity_other: "Lainnya" default_activity_specification: "Spesifikasi" default_activity_support: "Support" default_activity_testing: "Pengujian" default_color_black: "Hitam" default_color_blue: "Biru" default_color_blue_dark: "Biru (gelap)" default_color_blue_light: "Biru (terang)" default_color_green_dark: "Hijau (gelap)" default_color_green_light: "Hijau (terang)" default_color_grey_dark: "Abu-abu (gelap)" default_color_grey_light: "Abu-abu (terang)" default_color_grey: "Abu-abu" default_color_magenta: "Magenta" default_color_orange: "Oranye" default_color_red: "Merah" default_color_white: "Putih" default_color_yellow: "Kuning" default_status_closed: "Closed" default_status_confirmed: "Confirmed" default_status_developed: "Developed" default_status_in_development: "In development" default_status_in_progress: "In Progress" default_status_in_specification: "In specification" default_status_in_testing: "In testing" default_status_new: "Baru" default_status_on_hold: "On hold" default_status_rejected: "Rejected" default_status_scheduled: "Scheduled" default_status_specified: "Specified" default_status_tested: "Tested" default_status_test_failed: "Test failed" default_status_to_be_scheduled: "To be scheduled" default_priority_low: "Low" default_priority_normal: "Normal" default_priority_high: "High" default_priority_immediate: "Segera" default_role_anonymous: "Anonimus" default_role_developer: "Pengembang" default_role_project_admin: "Project admin" default_role_non_member: "Non member" default_role_reader: "Pembaca" default_role_member: "Member" default_type: "Work Package" default_type_bug: "Bug" default_type_deliverable: "Penyampaian" default_type_epic: "Epic" default_type_feature: "Fitur" default_type_milestone: "Milestone" default_type_phase: "Fase" default_type_task: "Tugas" default_type_user_story: "User story" description_active: "Aktif?" description_attachment_toggle: "Tampil/sembunyikan lampiran" description_autocomplete: > Isian Autocomplete. Saat mengetik judul Paket-Penugasan, Anda akan menemui daftar pilihan. Pilih salah satu dengan tombol panah atas dan panah bawah dan tentukan pilihan dengan tombol tab atau enter. Atau Anda dapat memasukkan nomor Paket-Penugasan secara langsung. description_available_columns: "Kolom tersedia" description_choose_project: "Project" description_compare_from: "Bandingkan dari" description_compare_to: "Bandingkan dengan" description_current_position: "You are here: " description_date_from: "Masukkan tanggal start" description_date_range_interval: "Pilih durasi dengan memilih tanggal start dan finish" description_date_range_list: "Pilih durasi dari daftar" description_date_to: "Masukkan tanggal finish" description_enter_number: "Masukkan nomor" description_enter_text: "Masukkan teks" description_filter: "Filter" description_filter_toggle: "Tampil/sembunyikan Filter" description_category_reassign: "Pilih kategori" description_message_content: "Isi pesan" description_my_project: "Anda adalah member" description_notes: "Note" description_parent_work_package: "Induk Paket-Penugasan" description_project_scope: "Cari Scope" description_query_sort_criteria_attribute: "Urutkan atribut" description_query_sort_criteria_direction: "Arah Urutan" description_search: "Kolom pencarian" description_select_work_package: "Pilih Paket-Penuagasan" description_selected_columns: "Kolom dipilih" description_sub_work_package: "Sub Paket-Penugasan" description_toc_toggle: "Tampil/sembunyikan daftar isi" description_wiki_subpages_reassign: "Pilih halaman induk baru" #Text direction: Left-to-Right (ltr) or Right-to-Left (rtl) direction: ltr ee: upsale: form_configuration: description: "Kustomisasi konfigurasi formulir dengan fitur-fitur tambahan ini:" add_groups: "Menambahkan atribut kelompok-kelompok baru" rename_groups: "Menamai ulang atribut kelompok-kelompok" project_filters: description_html: "Filtering and sorting on custom fields is an enterprise edition feature." enumeration_activities: "Time tracking activities" enumeration_work_package_priorities: "Paket-Penugasan prioritas" enumeration_reported_project_statuses: "Status Project yang di-Report" error_auth_source_sso_failed: "Single Sign-On (SSO) untuk pengguna '%{value}' gagal" error_can_not_archive_project: "This project cannot be archived: %{errors}" error_can_not_delete_entry: "Tidak dapat menghapus isian" error_can_not_delete_custom_field: "Tidak dapat menghapus isian kustom" error_can_not_delete_type: "Tipe ini berisi Work Package dan tidak dapat dihapus." error_can_not_delete_standard_type: "Tipe standar tidak dapat dihapus." error_can_not_invite_user: "Gagal untuk mengirimkan undangan kepada pengguna." error_can_not_remove_role: "Role ini sedang dipakai dan tidak dapat dihapus." error_can_not_reopen_work_package_on_closed_version: "Paket-Penugasan yang telah berakhir tidak dapat dibuka kembali" error_can_not_find_all_resources: "Tidak dapat menemukan semua sumber daya terkait permintaan ini." error_can_not_unarchive_project: "This project cannot be unarchived: %{errors}" error_check_user_and_role: "Silakan pilih user dan Role." error_code: "Error %{code}" error_cookie_missing: 'The OpenProject cookie is missing. Please ensure that cookies are enabled, as this application will not properly function without.' error_custom_option_not_found: "Pilihan tidak ada." error_enterprise_activation_user_limit: "Your account could not be activated (user limit reached). Please contact your administrator to gain access." error_failed_to_delete_entry: 'Gagal untuk menghapus isian ini.' error_in_dependent: "Error attempting to alter dependent object: %{dependent_class} #%{related_id} - %{related_subject}: %{error}" error_invalid_selected_value: "Invalid selected value." error_invalid_group_by: "Tidak dapat dikelompokkan dengan: %{value}" error_invalid_query_column: "Permintaan tidak valid kolom: %{value}" error_invalid_sort_criterion: "Tidak dapat diurutkan dengan kolom: %{value}" error_journal_attribute_not_present: "Journal does not contain attribute %{attribute}." error_pdf_export_too_many_columns: "Kolom yang dipilih utnuk ekspor PDF terlalu banyak. Mohon kurangi jumlah kolom." error_pdf_failed_to_export: "The PDF export could not be saved: %{error}" error_token_authenticity: 'Unable to verify Cross-Site Request Forgery token. Did you try to submit data on multiple browsers or tabs? Please close all tabs and try again.' error_work_package_done_ratios_not_updated: "Paket-Penugasan selesai, rasio tidak diupdate." error_work_package_not_found_in_project: "Paket-Penugasan tidak ditemukan atau tidak termasuk dalam Project ini" error_must_be_project_member: "harus sbg Project Member" error_migrations_are_pending: "Instalasi OpenProject anda tertunda karena migrasi databse. kemungkinan anda melewatkan migrasi yang ada saat upgrade terakhir. silahkan periksa panduan upgrade untuk meng-upgrade dengan benar." error_migrations_visit_upgrade_guides: "Silahkan kunjungi panduan dokumentasi upgrade kami" error_no_default_work_package_status: "Status Paket-Penugasan default tidak didefinisikan. Silakan periksa konfigurasi (ke \"Administrasi -> Paket-Penugasan Status\")." error_no_type_in_project: "Tidak ada Tipe terasosiasi dengan Project ini. Silakan cek Pengaturan Project." error_omniauth_registration_timed_out: "Timed out. Silakan coba lagi." error_scm_command_failed: "Error ketika mengakses repositori: %{value}" error_scm_not_found: "Entri atau revisi tidak ditemukan dalam repositori." error_unable_delete_status: "Work package tidak dapat dihapus karena dipakai oleh work package lain." error_unable_delete_default_status: "Status default tidak dapat dihapus. Tentukan nilai default lain sebelum menghapus status yang anda ingin hapus." error_unable_to_connect: "Tidak dapat terhubung (%{value})" error_unable_delete_wiki: "Unable to delete the wiki page." error_unable_update_wiki: "Unable to update the wiki page." error_workflow_copy_source: "Silakan pilih sumber Tipe atau Role" error_workflow_copy_target: "Silakan pilih target Tipe dan Role" error_menu_item_not_created: Menu item tidak bisa ditambahkan error_menu_item_not_saved: Menu item tidak bisa disimpan error_wiki_root_menu_item_conflict: > Can't rename "%{old_name}" to "%{new_name}" due to a conflict in the resulting menu item with the existing menu item "%{existing_caption}" (%{existing_identifier}). error_external_authentication_failed: "Error selama otentikasi eksternal. Silakan coba lagi." error_attribute_not_highlightable: "Attribute(s) not highlightable: %{attributes}" events: project: 'Project edited' changeset: 'Set-Perubahan telah diedit' message: Pesan telah diedit news: News reply: Telah direspon time_entry: 'Timelog telah diedit' wiki_page: 'Halaman Wiki telah diedit' work_package_closed: 'Paket-Penugasan telah berakhir' work_package_edit: 'Paket-Penugasan telah diedit' work_package_note: 'Catatan Paket-Penugasan telah ditambah' export: format: atom: "Atom" csv: "CSV" pdf: "PDF" pdf_with_descriptions: "PDF disertai deskripsi" pdf_with_descriptions_and_attachments: "PDF with descriptions and attachments" pdf_with_attachments: "PDF with attachments" image: omitted: "Image not exported." extraction: available: pdftotext: "Pdftotext available (optional)" unrtf: "Unrtf available (optional)" catdoc: "Catdoc available (optional)" xls2csv: "Xls2csv available (optional)" catppt: "Catppt available (optional)" tesseract: "Tesseract available (optional)" general_csv_decimal_separator: "." general_csv_encoding: "UTF-8" general_csv_separator: "," general_first_day_of_week: "7" general_lang_name: "Indonesion" general_pdf_encoding: "ISO-8859-1" general_text_no: "no" general_text_yes: "yes" general_text_No: "No" general_text_Yes: "Yes" general_text_true: "true" general_text_false: "false" gui_validation_error: "1 error" gui_validation_error_plural: "%{count} error" homescreen: additional: projects: "Newest visible projects in this instance." no_visible_projects: "There are no visible projects in this instance." users: "Newest registered users in this instance." blocks: community: "OpenProject community" upsale: become_hero: "Menjadi seorang pahlawan!" title: "Tingkatkan ke edisi enterprise" description: "What are the benefits?" more_info: "Informasi lebih lanjut" additional_features: "Tambahan fitur premium yang sangat berdaya guna" professional_support: "Dukungan profesional dari para ahli OpenProject" you_contribute: "Pengembang harus membayar tagihan mereka juga. Dengan Edisi Perusahaan, Anda secara substansial menyumbang kepada upaya komunitas Open-Source ini." links: upgrade_enterprise_edition: "Tingkatkan ke edisi enterprise" postgres_migration: "Migrasi instalasi anda ke PostgreSQL" user_guides: "User guides" faq: "FAQ" glossary: "Glossary" shortcuts: "Shortcuts" blog: "OpenProject blog" forums: "Community forum" newsletter: "Peringatan keamanan / Jurnal berkala" journals: changes_retracted: "The changes where retracted." links: configuration_guide: 'Petunjuk Konfigurasi' instructions_after_registration: "Anda dapat login setelah akun Anda diaktifkan, klik %{signin}." instructions_after_logout: "Anda dapat login kembali dengan mengklik %{signin}." instructions_after_error: "Anda dapat login lagi dengan mengklik %{signin}. Jika masih muncul error, tanyakan admin Anda untuk bantuan." my_account: access_tokens: no_results: title: "No access tokens to display" description: "All of them have been disabled. They can be re-enabled in the administration menu." access_token: "Access token" headers: action: "Action" expiration: "Expires" indefinite_expiration: "Never" label_accessibility: "Kemampuan akses" label_account: "Akun" label_active: "Aktif" label_activate_user: 'Pengguna diaktifkan' label_active_in_new_projects: "Aktif dalam proyek-proyek baru" label_activity: "Activity" label_add_edit_translations: "Add and edit translations" label_add_another_file: "Tambah file lain" label_add_columns: "Tambahkan kolom terpilih" label_add_note: "Tambahkan catatan" label_add_related_work_packages: "Tambahkan Paket-Penugasan terkait" label_add_subtask: "Tambahkan Sub-Tugas" label_added: "ditambahkan" label_added_time_by: "Ditambahkan oleh %{author} %{age} yang lalu" label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_assignee: "Tambahan transisi diperbolehkan ketika user mendapat penugasan" label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_author: "Tambahan transisi diperbolehkan ketika user adalah Penulis" label_administration: "Administrasi" label_advanced_settings: "Advanced settings" label_age: "Usia" label_ago: "hari yang lalu" label_all: "semua" label_all_time: "Sepanjang waktu" label_all_words: "Semua kata" label_all_open_wps: "All open" label_always_visible: "Always displayed" label_announcement: "Announcement" label_api_access_key: "API access key" label_api_access_key_created_on: "API access key dibuat %{value} yg lalu" label_api_access_key_type: "API" label_applied_status: "Status berjalan" label_archive_project: "Proyek arsip" label_ascending: "Askending" label_assigned_to_me_work_packages: "Paket-Penugasan yang saya kerjakan" label_associated_revisions: "Revisi terkait" label_attachment_delete: "Hapus file" label_attachment_new: "File baru" label_attachment_plural: "File" label_attribute: "Atribut" label_attribute_plural: "Atribut" label_auth_source: "Mode otentikasi" label_auth_source_new: "Mode otentikasi baru" label_auth_source_plural: "Mode otentikasi" label_authentication: "Otentikasi" label_available_project_work_package_categories: 'Available work package categories' label_available_project_work_package_types: 'Available work package types' label_available_project_forums: 'Forums tersedia' label_available_project_versions: 'Available versions' label_available_project_repositories: 'Available repositories' label_api_documentation: "API documentation" label_between: "antara" label_blocked_by: "diblokir oleh" label_blocks: "blok" label_blog: "Blog" label_forums_locked: "Locked" label_forum_new: "Forum baru" label_forum_plural: "Forum" label_forum_sticky: "Sticky" label_boolean: "Boolean" label_branch: "Branch" label_browse: "Browse" label_bulk_edit_selected_work_packages: "Edit masal Paket-Penugasan yang dipilih" label_bundled: '(dibundel)' label_calendar: "Kalender" label_calendar_show: "Tampilkan kalender" label_category: "Kategori" label_consent_settings: "Persetujuan Pengguna" label_wiki_menu_item: Wiki menu item label_select_main_menu_item: Pilih item main menu baru label_select_project: "Memilih sebuah proyek" label_required_disk_storage: "Storage yang dibutuhkan" label_send_invitation: Kirim undangan label_change_plural: "Perubahan" label_change_properties: "Ubah properti" label_change_status: "Ubah status" label_change_status_of_user: "Mengganti status #{username}" label_change_view_all: "Tampilkan semua perubahan" label_changes_details: "Rincian semua perubahan" label_changeset: "Changeset" label_changeset_id: "Changeset ID" label_changeset_plural: "Set perubahan" label_checked: "terpilih" label_check_uncheck_all_in_column: "Check/Uncheck all in column" label_check_uncheck_all_in_row: "Check/Uncheck all in row" label_child_element: "Sub-elemen" label_chronological_order: "Urutan kronologis" label_close_versions: "Tutup versi yang sudah komplit" label_closed_work_packages: "berakhir" label_collapse: "Tampilkan" label_collapsed_click_to_show: "Collapsed. 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label_version_sharing_tree: "Dengan Project tree" label_videos: "Videos" label_view_all_revisions: "Tampilkan semua revisi" label_view_diff: "Lihat perbedaan" label_view_revisions: "Lihat revisi" label_watched_work_packages: "Paket-Penugasan yang telah diakses" label_what_is_this: "What is this?" label_week: "Minggu" label_wiki_content_added: "Halaman Wiki ditambahkan" label_wiki_content_updated: "Halaman Wiki diupdate" label_wiki_toc: "Daftar isi" label_wiki_toc_empty: "Table of Contents is empty as no headings are present." label_wiki_dont_show_menu_item: "Sembunyikan halaman Wiki ini dalam navigasi Project" label_wiki_edit: "Edit Wiki" label_wiki_edit_plural: "Wiki edit" label_wiki_page_attachments: "Lampiran halaman Wiki" label_wiki_page_id: "Wiki page ID" label_wiki_navigation: "Wiki navigasi" label_wiki_page: "Halaman Wiki" label_wiki_page_plural: "Halaman Wiki" label_wiki_show_index_page_link: "Tampilkan item submenu 'Daftar isi'" label_wiki_show_menu_item: "Tampilkan sebagai item menu navigasi Project" label_wiki_show_new_page_link: "Tampilkan submenu item 'Buat sub-halaman baru'" label_wiki_show_submenu_item: "Tampilkan sebagai submenu item " label_wiki_start: "Homepage" label_work_package: "Paket-Penugasan" label_work_package_added: "Paket-Penugasan telah ditambah" label_work_package_attachments: "Lampiran paket kerja" label_work_package_category_new: "Kategori Baru" label_work_package_category_plural: "Kategori Paket-Penugasan" label_work_package_hierarchy: "Work package hierarchy" label_work_package_new: "Paket-Penugasan baru" label_work_package_note_added: "Catatan Paket-Penugasan telah ditambah" label_work_package_edit: "Edit Paket-Penugasan %{name}" label_work_package_plural: "Paket-Penugasan" label_work_package_priority_updated: "Paket-Penugasan prioritas telah diupdate" label_work_package_status: "Status Work Package" label_work_package_status_new: "Status baru" label_work_package_status_plural: "Status Paket-Penugasan" label_work_package_types: "Work package types" label_work_package_updated: "Paket-Penugasan telah diupdate" label_work_package_tracking: "Tracking Paket-Penugasan" label_work_package_view_all: "Lihat semua Paket-Penugasan" label_workflow: "Workflow" label_workflow_plural: "Alur kerja" label_workflow_summary: "Ringkasan" label_x_closed_work_packages_abbr: zero: "0 closed" other: "%{count} tertutup" label_x_comments: zero: "no comments" other: "%{count} komentar" label_x_open_work_packages_abbr: zero: "0 open" other: "%{count} terbuka" label_x_projects: zero: "no projects" other: "%{count} proyek" label_year: "Tahun" label_yesterday: "kemarin" auth_source: using_abstract_auth_source: "Can't use an abstract authentication source." ldap_error: "LDAP-Error: %{error_message}" ldap_auth_failed: "Authentikasi pada LDAP-Server gagal." macro_execution_error: "ERROR eksekusi makro %{macro_name}" macro_unavailable: "Makro %{macro_name} tidak dapat ditampilkan." macros: placeholder: '[Placeholder] Macro %{macro_name}' errors: missing_or_invalid_parameter: 'Missing or invalid macro parameter.' legacy_warning: timeline: 'This legacy timeline macro has been removed and is no longer available. You can replace the functionality with an embedded table macro.' include_wiki_page: removed: 'The macro does no longer exist.' wiki_child_pages: errors: page_not_found: "Cannot find the wiki page '%{name}'." create_work_package_link: errors: no_project_context: 'Pemanggilan makro create_work_package_link dari paket diluar konteks.' invalid_type: "Tidak ditemukan tipe '%{type}' dalam paket '%{project}'." link_name: 'Paket-Penugasan baru' link_name_type: 'Sesuatu yang baru %{type_name}' mail: actions: 'Tindakan' mail_body_account_activation_request: "User (%{value}) telah terdaftar. Akun Anda menunggu persetujuan Anda:" mail_body_account_information: "Info akun Anda" mail_body_account_information_external: "Anda dapat gunakan akun %{value} untuk login." mail_body_lost_password: "Untuk mengubah password, klik link berikut :" mail_body_register: "Untuk mengaktifkan akun Anda, klik link berikut :" mail_body_reminder: "%{count} Paket-Penugasan yang dilimpahkan kepada Anda akan berakhir dalam %{days} hari :" mail_body_group_reminder: "%{count} work package(s) that are assigned to group \"%{group}\" are due in the next %{days} days:" mail_body_wiki_content_added: "Halaman Wiki '%{id}' telah ditambahkan oleh %{author}." mail_body_wiki_content_updated: "Halaman Wiki '%{id}' telah diupdate oleh %{author}." mail_subject_account_activation_request: "Permintaan aktivasi akun %{value}" mail_subject_lost_password: "Password Anda %{value}" mail_subject_register: "Kode aktivasi Akun Anda %{value}" mail_subject_reminder: "%{count} Paket-Penugasan akan berakhir %{days} hari lagi" mail_subject_group_reminder: "For group \"%{group}\" %{count} work package(s) due in the next %{days} days" mail_subject_wiki_content_added: "Halaman Wiki '%{id}' telah ditambahkan" mail_subject_wiki_content_updated: "Halaman Wiki '%{id}' telah diupdate" mail_user_activation_limit_reached: subject: User activation limit reached message: | A new user (%{email}) tried to create an account on an OpenProject environment that you manage (%{host}). The user cannot activate their account since the user limit has been reached. steps: label: "To allow the user to sign in you can either: " a: "Upgrade your payment plan ([here](upgrade_url))" #here turned into a link b: "Lock or delete an existing user ([here](users_url))" #here turned into a link more_actions: "Fungsi lainnya" noscript_description: "Aktifkan JavaScript di browser Anda untuk menjalankan Software ini!" noscript_heading: "JavaScript dinonaktifkan" noscript_learn_more: "Pelajari lebih lanjut" notice_accessibility_mode: The accessibility mode can be enabled in your [account settings](url). notice_account_activated: "Akun Anda telah diaktifkan. Sekarang Anda bisa Login." notice_account_already_activated: The account has already been activated. notice_account_invalid_token: Invalid activation token notice_account_invalid_credentials: "User atau Password tidak valid" notice_account_invalid_credentials_or_blocked: "User atau password tidak valid. Atau akun sedang diblokir karena beberapa kali gagal login. Jika itu yang terjadi, pemblokiran akan dibuka secara otomatis dalam beberapa menit kedepan." notice_account_lost_email_sent: "Email berisi instruksi untuk memilih password baru sudah dikirimkan kepada Anda." notice_account_new_password_forced: "Perbarui Password." notice_account_password_expired: "Password Anda kadaluwarsa setelah %{days} hari. Silakan set yang baru." notice_account_password_updated: "Password berhasil diperbarui." notice_account_pending: "Akun Anda telah dibuat, sekarang menunggu persetujuan administrator." notice_account_register_done: "Akun berhasil dibuat. Untuk mengaktifkan akun Anda, klik pada link yang ada di email Anda." notice_account_unknown_email: "User tak diketahui." notice_account_update_failed: "Account setting could not be saved. Please have a look at your account page." notice_account_updated: "Akun berhasil diperbarui." notice_account_other_session_expired: "All other sessions tied to your account have been invalidated." notice_account_wrong_password: "Password salah" notice_account_registered_and_logged_in: "Selamat datang, akun Anda telah diaktifkan. Anda sudah login sekarang." notice_activation_failed: The account could not be activated. notice_auth_stage_verification_error: "Tidak dapat memeriksa tahap '%{stage}'." notice_auth_stage_wrong_stage: "Diharapkan untuk menyelesaikan pembuktian keaslian tahap '%{expected}', namun '%{actual}' dikembalikan." notice_auth_stage_error: "Pembuktian keaslian tahap '%{stage}' gagal." notice_can_t_change_password: "Akun ini menggunakan otentikasi eksternal. Ubah password tidak bisa dilakukan." notice_custom_options_deleted: "Pilihan '%{option_value}' dan kejadian %{num_deleted} ini dihapus." notice_email_error: "Error saat mengirim e-mail (%{value})" notice_email_sent: "Email telah dikirim ke %{value}" notice_failed_to_save_work_packages: "Gagal menyimpan %{count} Paket-Penugasan untuk %{total} yang terpilih: %{ids}." notice_failed_to_save_members: "Gagal menyimpan member : %{errors}." notice_file_not_found: "Halaman yang Anda akses sudah dihapus atau dipindahkan." notice_forced_logout: "Anda secara otomatis telah Logout setelah %{ttl_time} menit tanpa aktivitas." notice_internal_server_error: "Error pada halaman yang Anda akses. Jika Anda tetap mengalami masalah hubungi administrator %{app_title} untuk bantuan." notice_work_package_done_ratios_updated: "Paket-Penugasan selesai, rasio telah diupdate." notice_locking_conflict: "Informasi telah diperbarui oleh setidaknya satu user lain." notice_locking_conflict_additional_information: "Diupdate oleh %{users}." notice_locking_conflict_reload_page: "Silahkan reload halaman, tinjau perubahan dan reapply." notice_member_added: Added %{name} to the project. notice_members_added: Added %{number} users to the project. notice_member_removed: "Removed %{user} from project." notice_member_deleted: "%{user} has been removed from the project and deleted." notice_no_principals_found: "Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan." notice_bad_request: "Bad Request." notice_not_authorized: "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengakses halaman ini." notice_not_authorized_archived_project: "Project yang Anda coba akses telah diarsipkan." notice_password_confirmation_failed: "Password Anda tidak tepat. Tidak dapat melanjutkan." notice_principals_found_multiple: "Ada beberapa %{number} hasil yang ditemukan. \n Tab untuk fokus ke hasil pertama." notice_principals_found_single: "Ada satu hasil.\n Tab untuk lebih fokus." notice_project_not_deleted: "Project tidak dihapus." notice_successful_connection: "Sambungan berhasil." notice_successful_create: "Berhasil dibuat." notice_successful_delete: "Berhasil dihapus." notice_successful_update: "Berhasil diperbarui." notice_to_many_principals_to_display: "Ada terlalu banyak hasil. Persempit pencarian dengan mengetik nama member baru (atau grup)." notice_unable_delete_time_entry: "Entri time log tidak bisa dihapus." notice_user_missing_authentication_method: User has yet to choose a password or another way to sign in. notice_user_invitation_resent: Sebuah undangan telah dikirim ke %{email}. present_access_key_value: "Your %{key_name} is: %{value}" notice_automatic_set_of_standard_type: "Set Tipe standar secara otomatis." notice_logged_out: "Anda telah logout." notice_wont_delete_auth_source: The authentication mode cannot be deleted as long as there are still users using it. notice_project_cannot_update_custom_fields: "You cannot update the project's available custom fields. The project is invalid: %{errors}" notice_attachment_migration_wiki_page: > Halaman ini dihasilkan secara otomatis selama pembaharuan OpenProject. Ini berisi semua lampiran yang terkait sebelumnya dengan %{container_type} "%{container_name}". #Default format for numbers number: format: delimiter: "" precision: 3 separator: "." human: format: delimiter: "" precision: 1 storage_units: format: "%n %u" units: byte: other: "Byte" gb: "GB" kb: "kB" mb: "MB" tb: "TB" onboarding: heading_getting_started: "Mendapatkan gambaran" text_getting_started_description: "Mendapatkan gambaran singkat mengenai manajemen proyek dan tim kolaborasi bersama OpenProject." text_show_again: "You can restart this video from the help menu" welcome: "Welcome to OpenProject" select_language: "Please select your language" permission_add_work_package_notes: "Tambahkan catatan" permission_add_work_packages: "Tambah Paket-Penugasan" permission_add_messages: "Kirim pesan" permission_add_project: "Buat Project" permission_add_subprojects: "Buat Sub Project" permission_add_work_package_watchers: "Tambah pemantau" permission_assign_versions: "Assign versions" permission_browse_repository: "Read-only access to repository (browse and checkout)" permission_change_wiki_parent_page: "Ubah halaman induk Wiki" permission_comment_news: "Komentar berita" permission_commit_access: "Read/write access to repository (commit)" permission_copy_projects: "Copy Project" permission_delete_work_package_watchers: "Hapus pemantau" permission_delete_work_packages: "Hapus Paket-Penugasan" permission_delete_messages: "Hapus pesan" permission_delete_own_messages: "Hapus pesan" permission_delete_reportings: "Hapus Laporan" permission_delete_timelines: "Menghapus Timeline" permission_delete_wiki_pages: "Hapus halaman Wiki" permission_delete_wiki_pages_attachments: "Hapus lampiran" permission_edit_work_package_notes: "Edit catatan" permission_edit_work_packages: "Edit Paket-Penugasan" permission_edit_messages: "Edit pesan" permission_edit_own_work_package_notes: "Edit catatan saya" permission_edit_own_messages: "Edit pesan" permission_edit_own_time_entries: "Edit Time log" permission_edit_project: "Edit Project" permission_edit_reportings: "Edit pelaporan" permission_edit_time_entries: "Edit Time log" permission_edit_timelines: "Edit Timeline" permission_edit_wiki_pages: "Edit halaman Wiki" permission_export_work_packages: "Ekspor work packages" permission_export_wiki_pages: "Ekspor halaman Wiki" permission_list_attachments: "Daftar lampiran" permission_log_time: "Catat durasi" permission_manage_forums: "Kelola Forum" permission_manage_categories: "Kelola kategori Paket-Penugasan" permission_manage_work_package_relations: "Kelola relasi Paket-Penugasan" permission_manage_members: "Kelola member" permission_manage_news: "Kelola Berita" permission_manage_project_activities: "Kelola Project Activity" permission_manage_public_queries: "Manage public views" permission_manage_repository: "Kelola repositori" permission_manage_subtasks: "Kelola Sub-Tugas" permission_manage_versions: "Kelola Versi" permission_manage_wiki: "Kelola Wiki" permission_manage_wiki_menu: "Kelola menu Wiki" permission_move_work_packages: "Pindahkan Paket-Penugasan" permission_protect_wiki_pages: "Proteksi halaman Wiki" permission_rename_wiki_pages: "Rename halaman Wiki" permission_save_queries: "Save views" permission_select_project_modules: "Pilih modul Project" permission_manage_types: "Pilih Tipe" permission_view_calendar: "Lihat kalender" permission_view_changesets: "View repository revisions in OpenProject" permission_view_commit_author_statistics: "Lihat commit statistik penulis" permission_view_work_package_watchers: "Lihat daftar pemantau" permission_view_work_packages: "View work packages" permission_view_messages: "Lihat pesan" permission_view_members: "Tampilkan Anggota" permission_view_reportings: "Lihat laporan" permission_view_time_entries: "Lihat durasi" permission_view_timelines: "Lihat Timeline" permission_view_wiki_edits: "Lihat Wiki histori" permission_view_wiki_pages: "Lihat Wiki" placeholders: default: "Hapus nilai" project: destroy: confirmation: "If you continue, the project %{identifier} and all related data will be permanently destroyed." info: "Deleting the project is an irreversible action." project_verification: "Enter the project's name %{name} to verify the deletion." subprojects_confirmation: "Its subproject(s): %{value} will also be deleted." title: "Delete the project %{name}" identifier: warning_one: Members of the project will have to relocate the project's repositories. warning_two: Existing links to the project will no longer work. title: Change the project's identifier archive: are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to archive the project '%{name}'?" archived: "Archived" project_module_activity: "Activity" project_module_forums: "Forum" project_module_calendar: "Kalender" project_module_work_package_tracking: "Tracking Paket-Penugasan" project_module_news: "News" project_module_repository: "Repositori" project_module_time_tracking: "Time tracking" project_module_timelines: "Timeline" project_module_wiki: "Wiki" query: attribute_and_direction: "%{attribute} (%{direction})" #possible query parameters (e.g. issue queries), #which are not attributes of an AR-Model. query_fields: active_or_archived: "Aktif atau arsip" assigned_to_role: "Ditugaskan untuk Role" member_of_group: "Ditugaskan untuk Grup" assignee_or_group: "Penerima atau anggota kelompok" subproject_id: "Sub-Project" name_or_identifier: "Nama atau pengenal" repositories: at_identifier: 'at %{identifier}' atom_revision_feed: 'Atom revision feed' autofetch_information: "Beri centang untuk update otomatis dari repository ketika laman modul repository dibuka. Termasuk juga me-refresh kebutuhan storage disk." checkout: access: readwrite: 'Read + Write' read: 'Read-only' none: 'No checkout access, you may only view the repository through this application.' access_permission: 'Your permissions on this repository' url: "Checkout URL" base_url_text: "URL dasar yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan URL target (misalnya, https://myserver.example.org/repos/). Catatan: URL dasar hanya digunakan untuk menulis ulang URL target dalam repositori yang dikelola. Repositori lain tidak berubah." default_instructions: git: |- Data yang terdapat dalam repositori ini dapat diunduh ke komputer Anda dengan Git. Silahkan periksa dokumentasi Git jika Anda memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut tentang prosedur target dan klien yang tersedia. subversion: |- Data yang terdapat dalam repositori ini dapat diunduh ke komputer Anda dengan Git. Silahkan periksa dokumentasi Git jika Anda memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut tentang prosedur target dan klien yang tersedia. enable_instructions_text: "Displays checkout instructions defined below on all repository-related pages." instructions: "Checkout instructions" show_instructions: "Display checkout instructions" text_instructions: "This text is displayed alongside the checkout URL for guidance on how to check out the repository." not_available: "Checkout instructions are not defined for this repository. Ask your administrator to enable them for this repository in the system settings." create_managed_delay: "Catatan: repository dikelola secara asinkron sehingga mungkin belum tampak ketika di-load." create_successful: "Registrasi repository berhasil." delete_sucessful: "Repository dihapus." destroy: confirmation: "If you continue, this will permanently delete the managed repository." info: "Deleting the repository is an irreversible action." info_not_managed: "Note: This will NOT delete the contents of this repository, as it is not managed by OpenProject." managed_path_note: "Berikut direktory yang akan dihapus: %{path}" repository_verification: "Enter the project's identifier %{identifier} to verify the deletion of its repository." subtitle: "Do you really want to delete the %{repository_type} of the project %{project_name}?" subtitle_not_managed: "Do you really want to remove the linked %{repository_type} %{url} from the project %{project_name}?" title: "Delete the %{repository_type}" title_not_managed: "Remove the linked %{repository_type}?" errors: build_failed: "Pembuatan repository gagal. %{reason}" managed_delete: "Unable to delete the managed repository." managed_delete_local: "Unable to delete the local repository on filesystem at '%{path}': %{error_message}" empty_repository: "Pada repository yang ditemukan belum terdapat revisi sama sekali." exists_on_filesystem: "The repository directory already exists in the filesystem." filesystem_access_failed: "An error occurred while accessing the repository in the filesystem: %{message}" not_manageable: "Repository dari vendor yang anda pilih belum bisa dikelola oleh OpenProject." path_permission_failed: "Terjadi error saat membuat %{path}. Pastikan OpenProject memiliki hak akses di folder." unauthorized: "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk mengakses repository, atau terjadi kesalahan data login." unavailable: "Repository tidak ditemukan." exception_title: "Repository tidak dapat diakses: %{message}" disabled_or_unknown_type: "Tipe yang anda pilih %{type}, telah di disable atau tidak lagi terdapat pada %{vendor}." disabled_or_unknown_vendor: "SCM Vendor ini tidak ditemukan: %{vendor}" remote_call_failed: "Calling the managed remote failed with message '%{message}' (Code: %{code})" remote_invalid_response: "Received an invalid response from the managed remote." remote_save_failed: "Could not save the repository with the parameters retrieved from the remote." git: instructions: managed_url: "URL ini dikelola dengan Git lokal." path: >- Menetukan jejak ke tempat penyimpanan lokal Git (mis. %{example_path} ). Anda dapat juga menggunakan tempat penyimpanan jarak jauh yang dikloning ke salinan lokal dengan menggunakan nilai yang dimulai dengan http(s):// atau file://. path_encoding: "Encoding git (Default: UTF-8)" local_title: "Ambil dari Git lokal" local_url: "Local URL" local_introduction: "Repository Git lokal yang anda miliki dapat dihubungkan dengan OpenProject untuk dikelola dari dalam." managed_introduction: "Perbolehkan Repository Git lokal untuk dikelola secara otomatis oleh OpenProject." managed_title: "Repository Git telah terintegrasi" managed_url: "Managed URL" path: "Path Git" path_encoding: "Path encoding" go_to_revision: "Go to revision" managed_remote: "Managed repositories for this vendor are handled remotely." managed_remote_note: "Information on the URL and path of this repository is not available prior to its creation." managed_url: "Managed URL" settings: automatic_managed_repos_disabled: "Nonaktifkan pembuatan otomatis" automatic_managed_repos: "Pembuatan otomatis di repository" automatic_managed_repos_text: "By setting a vendor here, newly created projects will automatically receive a managed repository of this vendor." scm_vendor: "Source control management system" scm_type: "Tipe repositori" scm_types: local: "Kaitkan dengan repository lokal" existing: "Kaitkan dengan repository" managed: "Buat repository baru dalam OpenProject" storage: not_available: "Storage tidak tersedia untuk repository ini." update_timeout: "Pertahankan informasi kebutuhan disk repository selama N menit. Semakin besar nilai N akan mengurangi beban komputasi." subversion: existing_title: "Repository Subversion yang sudah ada" existing_introduction: "Repository Git lokal yang anda miliki dapat dihubungkan dengan OpenProject untuk dikelola dari dalam." existing_url: "URL yang ada" instructions: managed_url: "Ini adalah URL dari repositori Subversion (lokal) yang dikelola." url: "Masukkan URL dari repository anda. Untuk lokal repository URL dimulai dengan (%{local_proto}).\nSkema URL yang diterima:" managed_title: "Repository Subversion telah diintegrasikan ke OpenProject" managed_introduction: "Ijinkan OpenProject membuat dan mengintegrasikan Subversion lokal secara otomatis." managed_url: "Managed URL" password: "Password Repository" username: "Username Repository" truncated: "Maaf, kami harus menyingkat direktori ini ke file %{limit}. Isian %{truncated} dihilangkan dari daftar." named_repository: "%{vendor_name} repository" update_settings_successful: "Setting berhasil disimpan." url: "URL repositori" warnings: cannot_annotate: "This file cannot be annotated." search_input_placeholder: "Mencari ..." setting_email_delivery_method: "Email delivery method" setting_sendmail_location: "Location of the sendmail executable" setting_smtp_enable_starttls_auto: "Automatically use STARTTLS if available" setting_smtp_ssl: "Use SSL connection" setting_smtp_address: "SMTP server" setting_smtp_port: "SMTP port" setting_smtp_authentication: "SMTP authentication" setting_smtp_user_name: "SMTP username" setting_smtp_password: "SMTP password" setting_smtp_domain: "SMTP HELLO domain" setting_activity_days_default: "Hari ditampilkan pada Project aktiviti" setting_app_subtitle: "Subjudul aplikasi" setting_app_title: "Judul aplikasi" setting_attachment_max_size: "Ukuran lampiran maks." setting_autofetch_changesets: "Ambil perubahan repository secara otomatis" setting_autologin: "Autologin" setting_available_languages: "Bahasa yang tersedia" setting_bcc_recipients: "Penerima blind carbon copy (bcc)" setting_brute_force_block_after_failed_logins: "Jumlah percobaan login sebelum diblokir" setting_brute_force_block_minutes: "Waktu tunggu blokir" setting_cache_formatted_text: "Cache teks yang diformat" setting_use_wysiwyg_description: "Select to enable CKEditor5 WYSIWYG editor for all users by default. CKEditor has limited functionality for GFM Markdown." setting_column_options: "Sesuaikan tampilan daftar Paket-Penugasan" setting_commit_fix_keywords: "Perbaiki kata kunci" setting_commit_logs_encoding: "Commit pesan enkoding" setting_commit_logtime_activity_id: "Aktifitas selama waktu login" setting_commit_logtime_enabled: "Aktifkan time logging" setting_commit_ref_keywords: "Referensi kata kunci" setting_consent_time: "Consent time" setting_consent_info: "Consent information text" setting_consent_required: "Consent required" setting_consent_decline_mail: "Consent contact mail address" setting_cross_project_work_package_relations: "Mungkinkan relasi cross-project Paket-Penugasan" setting_date_format: "Format tanggal" setting_default_language: "Bahasa default" setting_default_notification_option: "Opsi notifikasi default" setting_default_projects_modules: "Modul default aktif untuk Project baru" setting_default_projects_public: "Project baru default untuk publik" setting_diff_max_lines_displayed: "Maks. tampilan baris diff" setting_display_subprojects_work_packages: "Tampilkan Paket-Penugasan pada Sub-Project secara default" setting_emails_footer: "Email footer" setting_emails_header: "Email header" setting_email_login: "Use email as login" setting_enabled_scm: "Aktifkan SCM" setting_feeds_enabled: "Aktifkan Feed" setting_feeds_limit: "Batasan konten feed" setting_file_max_size_displayed: "Ukuran maks. file teks yang ditampilkan inline" setting_host_name: "Nama host" setting_invitation_expiration_days: "Activation email expires after" setting_work_package_done_ratio: "Hitung Paket-Penugasan dengan Rasio Penyelesaian" setting_work_package_done_ratio_field: "Gunakan isian Paket-Penugasan" setting_work_package_done_ratio_status: "Gunakan status Paket-Penugasan" setting_work_package_done_ratio_disabled: "Nonaktifkan (sembunyikan progress)" setting_work_package_list_default_columns: "Tampilkan secara default" setting_work_package_list_summable_columns: "Summable" setting_work_package_properties: "Properti Paket-Penugasan" setting_work_package_startdate_is_adddate: "Gunakan tanggal sekarang untuk start Paket-Penugasan" setting_work_packages_export_limit: "Limit export Paket-Penugasan" setting_journal_aggregation_time_minutes: "Tampilkan jurnal sebagai gabungan dengan selisih waktu (menit)" setting_log_requesting_user: "Catat user login, nama dan email untuk semua permintaan" setting_login_required: "Diperlukan otentikasi" setting_mail_from: "Emisi alamat email" setting_mail_handler_api_key: "API key" setting_mail_handler_body_delimiters: "Potong email setelah baris ini" setting_mail_handler_body_delimiter_regex: "Truncate emails matching this regex" setting_mail_handler_ignore_filenames: "Ignored mail attachments" setting_new_project_user_role_id: "Role yang diberikan kepada user non-admin yang membuat Project" setting_password_active_rules: "Character classes aktif" setting_password_count_former_banned: "Jumlah password yang dilarang untuk digunakan kembali" setting_password_days_valid: "Jumlah hari sebelum perintah penggantian password" setting_password_min_length: "Panjang minimum" setting_password_min_adhered_rules: "Jumlah Min. class yang diperlukan" setting_per_page_options: "Opsi objek per halaman" setting_plain_text_mail: "Teks (no HTML)" setting_protocol: "Protocol" setting_security_badge_displayed: "Display security badge" setting_registration_footer: "Footer pendaftaran" setting_repositories_automatic_managed_vendor: "Automatic repository vendor type" setting_repositories_encodings: "Encoding repositori" setting_repository_authentication_caching_enabled: "Hidupkan cache untuk otentikasi permintaan dari version control software" setting_repository_storage_cache_minutes: "Besar cache pada disk untuk repository" setting_repository_checkout_display: "Show checkout instructions" setting_repository_checkout_base_url: "Checkout base URL" setting_repository_checkout_text: "Checkout instruction text" setting_repository_log_display_limit: "Jumlah maks. revisi yang ditampilkan di file log" setting_repository_truncate_at: "Jumlah maksimum file yang ditampilkan dalam browser tempat penyimpanan" setting_rest_api_enabled: "Aktifkan REST web service" setting_self_registration: "Registrasi mandiri" setting_sequential_project_identifiers: "Buat pengenal Project" setting_session_ttl: "Sesi kadaluwarsa ketika tidak aktif" setting_session_ttl_hint: "Nilai di bawah 5 akan didisable" setting_session_ttl_enabled: "Sesi telah berakhir" setting_start_of_week: "Minggu dimulai pada" setting_sys_api_enabled: "Aktifkan web service untuk manajemen repository" setting_sys_api_description: "Repository management web service menyediakan integrasi fungsi dan otorisasi untuk akses repository." setting_time_format: "Format waktu" setting_accessibility_mode_for_anonymous: "Aktifkan mode Aksesibilitas untuk user anonim" setting_user_format: "Format tampilan user" setting_user_default_timezone: "Users default time zone" setting_users_deletable_by_admins: "Akun user dapat dihapus oleh admin" setting_users_deletable_by_self: "User diijinkan menghapus akun mereka sendiri" setting_welcome_text: "Welcome block text" setting_welcome_title: "Welcome block title" setting_welcome_on_homescreen: "Display welcome block on homescreen" setting_work_package_group_assignment: "Mungkinkan penugasan ke Grup" setting_work_package_list_default_highlighting_mode: "Default highlighting mode" setting_work_package_list_default_highlighted_attributes: "Default inline highlighted attributes" settings: general: "Umum" other: "Lainnya" passwords: "Password" session: "Sesi" brute_force_prevention: "Pemblokiran otomatis user" user: default_preferences: "Default preferences" deletion: "Deletion" highlighting: mode_long: inline: "Highlight attribute(s) inline" none: "No highlighting" status: "Entire row by Status" type: "Entire row by Type" priority: "Entire row by Priority" text_formatting: markdown: 'Markdown' plain: 'Plain text' status_active: "aktif" status_archived: "diarsipkan" status_invited: invited status_locked: terkunci status_registered: telah terdaftar #Used in array.to_sentence. support: array: sentence_connector: "dan" skip_last_comma: "false" text_accessibility_hint: "Modus aksesibilitas dirancang untuk pengguna yang buta, terkendala secara motorik atau memiliki penglihatan yang buruk. Untuk elemen-elemen fokus terakhir secara khusus diperhatikan. Harap diperhatikan, bahwa modul Backlogs tidak tersedia dalam modus ini." text_access_token_hint: "Access tokens allow you to grant external applications access to resources in OpenProject." text_analyze: "Analisa lanjut: %{subject}" text_are_you_sure: "Anda yakin?" text_are_you_sure_with_children: "Hapus Paket-Penugasan dan semua paket turunannya?" text_assign_to_project: "Tetapkan untuk Project" text_form_configuration: > Anda dapat mengkustom field-field mana yang akan ditampilkan dalam form paket kerja. Anda dapat dengan bebas mengelompokkan field-field untuk mencerminkan kebutuhan-kebutuhan untuk domain Anda. text_form_configuration_required_attribute: "Atribut ditandai \"diperlukan\" dan dengan demikian selalu ditampilkan" text_caracters_maximum: "maks. %{count} karakter." text_caracters_minimum: "Panjang katakter setidaknya %{count} karakter." text_comma_separated: "Jika ada beberapa nilai, pisahkan dengan koma." text_comment_wiki_page: "Comment to wiki page: %{page}" text_custom_field_possible_values_info: "Satu baris untuk tiap nilai" text_custom_field_hint_activate_per_project: > Ketika menggunakan filed kustom: Perlu diingat bahwa field kustom perlu diaktifkan per proyek, juga. text_custom_field_hint_activate_per_project_and_type: > Field-field kustom perlu diaktifkan per jenis paket kerja dan per proyek. text_custom_logo_instructions: > Logo putih dalam latar belakang transparan lebih disarankan. Untuk hasil terbaik pada keduanya, konvensional dan tampilan retina, pastikan dimensi gambar Anda adalah 460px kali 110px. text_custom_favicon_instructions: > Ini adalah ikon mungil yang tampak dalam jendela/tab browser Anda disebelah judul halaman. Disyaratkan file gambar dalam format PNG berbentuk kotak ukuran 32 kali 32 pixel dengan latar belakang transparan. text_custom_touch_icon_instructions: > Ini adalah ikon yang tampak dalam handphone atau tablet Anda ketika Anda menempatkan penanda halaman dalam layar depan. Disyaratkan file gambar dalam format PNG berbentuk kotak ukuran 180 kali 180 pixel. Pastikan latar belakang gambar tidak transparan; jika sebaliknya, akan tampak buruk pada iOS. text_database_allows_tsv: "Database allows TSVector (optional)" text_default_administrator_account_changed: "Akun administrator default terlah dirubah" text_default_encoding: "Default: UTF-8" text_destroy: "Hapus" text_destroy_with_associated: "Ada tambahan objek terasosiasi dengan Work Package yang akan dihapus. Objek tersebut adalah Tipe :" text_destroy_what_to_do: "Apa yang ingin Anda lakukan?" text_diff_truncated: "... diff ini telah dipotong karena melebihi batas maks. yang dapat ditampilkan." text_email_delivery_not_configured: "Email delivery is not configured, and notifications are disabled.\nConfigure your SMTP server to enable them." text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: "Atur kembali ke nilai ini:" text_enumeration_destroy_question: "%{count} objek telah diperuntukkan untuk nilai ini." text_file_repository_writable: "Lampiran direktori bisa ditulisi" text_git_repo_example: "repositori lokal dan polos (spt. /gitrepo, c:\\gitrepo)" text_hint_date_format: "Enter a date in the form of YYYY-MM-DD. Other formats may be changed to an unwanted date." text_hint_disable_with_0: "Note: Disable dengan 0" text_hours_between: "Between %{min} and %{max} hours." text_work_package_added: "Paket-Penugasan %{id} telah dilaporkan oleh %{author}." text_work_package_category_destroy_assignments: "Hapus kategori penugasan" text_work_package_category_destroy_question: "Sejumlah Paket-Penugasan (%{count}) ditujukan untuk kategori ini. Apa yang ingin Anda lakukan?" text_work_package_category_reassign_to: "Kembalikan Paker-Penugasan ke kategori ini" text_work_package_updated: "Paket-Penugasan %{id} telah dilaporkan oleh %{author}." text_work_package_watcher_added: "You have been added as a watcher to Work package %{id} by %{watcher_changer}." text_work_package_watcher_removed: "You have been removed from watchers of Work package %{id} by %{watcher_changer}." text_work_packages_destroy_confirmation: "Yakin akan menghapus?" text_work_packages_ref_in_commit_messages: "Referencing & fixing Paket-Penugasan di pesan terkirim" text_journal_added: "%{label} %{value} ditambahkan" text_journal_aggregation_time_explanation: "Bila selisih umur jurnal lebih kecil dari yang ditentukan, gabungkan jurnal tersebut. Notifikasi mail akan tertunda hingga pengabungan selesai." text_journal_changed: "%{label} changed from %{old}
to %{new}" text_journal_changed_plain: "%{label} changed from %{old} \nto %{new}" text_journal_changed_no_detail: "%{label} telah diupdate" text_journal_changed_with_diff: "%{label} dirubah menjadi (%{link})" text_journal_deleted: "%{label} telah dihapus (%{old})" text_journal_deleted_with_diff: "%{label} telah dihapus menjadi (%{link})" text_journal_set_to: "%{label} diset menjadi %{value}" text_journal_set_with_diff: "set %{label} (%{link})" text_latest_note: "The latest comment is: %{note}" text_length_between: "Panjang antara %{min} dan %{max} karakter." text_line_separated: "Jika ada beberapa nilai, satu baris untuk tiap nilai." text_load_default_configuration: "Pakai konfigurasi default" text_min_max_length_info: "0 berarti tidak ada pembatasan" text_no_roles_defined: There are no roles defined. text_no_access_tokens_configurable: "There are no access tokens which can be configured." text_no_configuration_data: "Role, Tipe, status Paket-Penugasan dan Alur-Tugas belum dikonfigurasi. Disarankan untuk menggunakan konfigurasi default. Anda bisa mengubahnya setelah konfigurasi dibuat." text_no_notes: "There are no comments available for this work package." text_notice_too_many_values_are_inperformant: "Catatan: Menampilkan lebih dari 100 item per halaman dapat meningkatkan delay waktu membuka halaman." text_notice_security_badge_displayed_html: > Note: if enabled, this will display a badge with your installation status in the %{information_panel_label} administration panel, and on the home page. It is displayed to administrators only.
The badge will check your current OpenProject version against the official OpenProject release database to alert you of any updates or known vulnerabilities. For more information on what the check provides, what data is needed to provide available updates, and how to disable this check, please visit the configuration documentation. text_own_membership_delete_confirmation: "Anda akan menghapus hak akses Anda dan mungkin Anda tidak dapat lagi mengedit Project ini. Apakah Anda yakin Anda ingin melanjutkan?" text_plugin_assets_writable: "Plugin aset direktori, bisa ditulisi" text_powered_by: "Didukung oleh %{link}" text_project_identifier_info: "Hanya huruf kecil (a-z), angka, garis dan garis bawah yang diperbolehkan, harus diawali dengan huruf kecil." text_reassign: "Reassign to work package:" text_regexp_info: "spt. ^[A-Z0-9]+$" text_regexp_multiline: 'The regex is applied in a multi-line mode. e.g., ^---\s+' text_repository_usernames_mapping: "Pilih atau update user untuk dipetakan ke setiap username yang ditemukan di log repositori. User dengan username dan repositori atau email yang sama otomatis akan dipetakan." text_select_mail_notifications: "Select actions for which email notifications should be sent." text_status_changed_by_changeset: "Applied in changeset %{value}." text_table_difference_description: "In this table the single %{entries} are shown. You can view the difference between any two entries by first selecting the according checkboxes in the table. When clicking on the button below the table the differences are shown." text_time_logged_by_changeset: "Applied in changeset %{value}." text_tip_work_package_begin_day: "Paket-Penugasan dimulai hari ini" text_tip_work_package_begin_end_day: "Paket-Penugasan dimulai dan diakhiri hari ini" text_tip_work_package_end_day: "Paket-Penugasan diakhiri hari ini" text_type_no_workflow: "Tidak ada alur kerja untuk Tipe ini" text_unallowed_characters: "Unallowed characters" text_user_invited: The user has been invited and is pending registration. text_user_wrote: "%{value} wrote:" text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: "Paket kerja berisi teks yang belum disimpan yang akan hilang jika Anda meninggalkan halaman ini." text_what_did_you_change_click_to_add_comment: "What did you change? Click to add comment" text_wiki_destroy_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this wiki and all its content?" text_wiki_page_destroy_children: "Hapus sub-halaman dan semua turunannya" text_wiki_page_destroy_question: "Halaman ini memiliki %{descendants} sub-halaman dan turunannya. Apa yang ingin Anda lakukan?" text_wiki_page_nullify_children: "Tetapkan sub-halaman sebagai halaman utama" text_wiki_page_reassign_children: "Tetapkan sub halaman ke halaman induk ini" text_workflow_edit: "Select a role and a type to edit the workflow" text_zoom_in: "Zoom in" text_zoom_out: "Zoom out" text_setup_mail_configuration: "Configure your email provider" time: am: "am" formats: default: "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p" long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M" short: "%d %b %H:%M" time: "%I:%M %p" pm: "pm" timeframe: show: "Tampilkan Timeframe" end: "untuk" start: "dari" timelines: admin_menu: color: "Warna" colors: "Warna" associations: "Dependensi" button_delete_all: "Hapus semua" change: "Perubahan dalam perencanaan" children: "Sub-elemen" color_could_not_be_saved: "Warna tidak dapat disimpan" current_planning: "Perencanaan saat ini" dates: "Tanggal" dates_are_calculated_based_on_sub_elements: "Tanggal dihitung berdasarkan pada sub-elemen." delete_all: "Hapus semua" delete_thing: "Hapus" duration: "Durasi" duration_days: other: "%{count} hari" edit_color: "Edit warna" edit_thing: "Edit" edit_timeline: "Edit laporan timeline %{timeline}" delete_timeline: "Hapus laporan Timeline %{timeline}" empty: "(kosong)" enable_type_in_project: 'Aktifkan Tipe "%{type}"' end: "Finish" errors: not_implemented: "Timeline tidak bisa dirender karena syarat fitur yang digunakan belum diimplementasikan." report_comparison: "Timeline tidak bisa merender komparasi yang dikonfigurasikan. Periksa di bagian konfigurasi, cara resetting mungkin bisa memecahkan masalah ini." report_epicfail: "Error : Timeline tidak dapat dibuka karena ada kesalahan." report_timeout: "Timeline tidak dapat dibuka untuk sementara waktu." filter: errors: timeframe_start: "Timeframe start " timeframe_end: "Timeframe finish " compare_to_relative: "The value of the relative comparison " compare_to_absolute: "The value of the absolute comparison " planning_element_time_relative_one: "Awal untuk Paket-Penugasan dalam jangka waktu tertentu " planning_element_time_relative_two: "Akhir Paket-Penugasan dalam jangka waktu tertentu " planning_element_time_absolute_one: "Awal Paket-Penugasan dalam jangka waktu tertentu " planning_element_time_absolute_two: "Akhir Paket-Penugasan dalam jangka waktu tertentu " sort: sortation: "Sort by" alphabet: "alphabet" explicit_order: "explicit order" project_sortation: "Sort projects by" date: "date" default: "default" column: assigned_to: "Pelimpahan" type: "Tipe" due_date: "Tanggal finish" name: "Nama" status: "Status" start_date: "Tanggal start" columns: "Kolom" comparisons: "Komparasi" comparison: absolute: "Absolut" none: "Kosong" relative: "Relatif" compare_relative_prefix: "Bandingkan dengan" compare_relative_suffix: "yang lalu" compare_absolute: "Bandingkan perencanaan saat ini dengan %{date}" time_relative: days: "hari" weeks: "minggu" months: "bulan" exclude_own_work_packages: "Sembunyikan Paket-Penugasan dari Project ini" exclude_reporters: "Sembunyikan Project lainnya" exclude_empty: "Sembunyikan Project yang kosong" grouping: "Gruping" grouping_hide_group: "Sembunyikan grup \"%{group}\"" grouping_one: "Kriteria gruping pertama" grouping_one_phrase: "Adalah Sub-Project dari" grouping_other: "Lainnya" hide_chart: "Sembunyikan grafik" noneElement: "(kosong)" noneSelection: "(kosong)" outline: "Outline inisial untuk ekspansi" parent: "Tampilkan Sub-Project dari" work_package_filters: "Filter Paket-Penugasan" work_package_responsible: "Show work packages with accountable" work_package_assignee: "Tunjukkan Paket-Penugasan beserta pelimpahannya" types: "Tunjukka Tipe" status: "Tunjukkan status" project_time_filter: "Project dengan Paket-Penugasan Tipe tertentu, dalam jangka waktu tertentu" project_time_filter_timeframe: "Timeframe" project_time_filter_historical_from: "dari" project_time_filter_historical_to: "untuk" project_time_filter_historical: "%{start_label} %{startdate} %{end_label} %{enddate}" project_time_filter_relative: "%{start_label} %{startspan}%{startspanunit} ago, %{end_label} %{endspan}%{endspanunit} dari sekarang" project_filters: "Filter Project" project_responsible: "Show projects with accountable" project_status: "Tampilkan status Project" timeframe: "Tampilkan Timeframe" timeframe_end: "untuk" timeframe_start: "dari" timeline: "Pengaturan Umum" zoom: "Zoom faktor" history: "Histori" new_color: "Warna baru" new_association: "Dependensi baru" new_work_package: "Paket-Penugasan baru" new_reporting: "Pelaporan baru" new_timeline: "Laporan Timeline baru" no_projects_for_reporting_available: "Tidak ada Project yang terasosiasi dengan laporan yang akan dibuat." no_right_to_view_timeline: "Anda tidak memiliki ijin untuk melihat Timeline terkait." no_timeline_for_id: "Tidak ada Timeline dengan ID %{id}." notice_successful_deleted_all_elements: "Semua elemen berhasil dihapus" outline: "Reset Outline" outlines: aggregation: "Hanya tampilkan agregasi" level1: "Buka level 1" level2: "Buka level 2" level3: "Buka level 3" level4: "Buka level 4" level5: "Buka level 5" all: "Tampilkan semua" reporting_for_project: show: "Status reported to project: %{title}" edit_delete: "status report for project: %{title}" history: "History for status for project: %{title}" reporting: delete: "Delete status: %{comment}" edit: "Edit status: %{comment}" show: "Status: %{comment}" planning_element_update: "Update: %{title}" type_could_not_be_saved: "Tipe tidak bisa disimpan" reporting_could_not_be_saved: "Pelaporan tidak bisa disimpan" properties: "Properti" really_delete_color: > Yakin ingin menghapus? Tipe yang menggunakan warna tersebut tidak akan dihapus. really_delete_reporting: > Status Reporting sebelumnya akan terhapus juga. Yakin ingin menghapus? start: "Start" timeline: "Laporan Timeline" timelines: "Laporan Timeline" settings: "Timeline" vertical_work_package: "Paket-Penugasan vertikal" you_are_viewing_the_selected_timeline: "Anda sedang melihat laporan Timeline terpilih" zoom: in: "Zoom in" out: "Zoom out" days: "Hari" weeks: "Minggu" months: "Bulan" quarters: "Kuartal" years: "Tahun" title_remove_and_delete_user: Remove the invited user from the project and delete him/her. title_enterprise_upgrade: "Upgrade to unlock more users." tooltip_user_default_timezone: > The default time zone for new users. Can be changed in a user's settings. tooltip_resend_invitation: > Kirim email undangan lain dengan token yang baru dalam hal yang lama kadaluwarsa atau pengguna tidak mendapat email yang asli. Dapat juga digunakan oleh pengguna aktif untuk memilih metode otentikasi baru. Ketika digunakan bersama pengguna aktif, status mereka akan berganti menjadi 'diundang'. tooltip: setting_email_login: > If enabled a user will be unable to chose a login during registration. Instead their given email address will serve as the login. An administrator may still change the login separately. queries: apply_filter: Terapkan Filter yang telah dikonfigurasikan top_menu: additional_resources: "Additional resources" getting_started: "Getting started" help_and_support: "Help and support" total_progress: "Total progress" user: all: "semua" active: "aktif" activate: "Aktifkan" activate_and_reset_failed_logins: "Aktifkan dan reset gagal login" authentication_provider: "Otentikasi provider" authentication_settings_disabled_due_to_external_authentication: > User ini mengotentikasi secara eksternal, sehingga tidak ada penggantian password dalam sistem ini. authorization_rejected: "Anda tidak diijinkan untuk login." assign_random_password: "Assign random password (sent to user via email)" blocked: "dilock sementara" blocked_num_failed_logins: other: "dilock sementara (karena %{count} kali gagal login)" confirm_status_change: "Anda sedang mengubah status '%{name}'. Apakah Anda yakin ingin melanjutkan?" deleted: "User telah dihapus" error_status_change_failed: "Mengubah status user gagal karena : %{errors}" invite: Invite user via email invited: invited lock: "Lock permanen" locked: "telah dilock secara permanen" no_login: "User ini mengotentikasi melalui login dengan password. Selama dinonaktifkan, maka tidak bisa login." password_change_unsupported: Perubahan password tidak didukung. registered: "telah terdaftar" reset_failed_logins: "Reset gagal login" settings: mail_notifications: "Send email notifications" mail_project_explanaition: "For unselected projects, you will only receive notifications about things you watch or you're involved in (e.g. work packages you're the author or assignee of)." mail_self_notified: "I want to be notified of changes that I make myself" status_user_and_brute_force: "%{user} dan %{brute_force}" status_change: "Perubahan status" text_change_disabled_for_provider_login: "The name is set by your login provider and can thus not be changed." unlock: "Unlock" unlock_and_reset_failed_logins: "Unlock dan reset gagal login" version_status_closed: "berakhir" version_status_locked: "terkunci" version_status_open: "buka" note: Catatan note_password_login_disabled: "Password login telah dinonaktifkan (by %{configuration})." warning: Warning warning_attachments_not_saved: "%{count} file tidak akan disimpan." warning_imminent_user_limit: > You invited more users than are supported by your current plan. Invited users may not be able to join your OpenProject environment. Please upgrade your plan or block existing users in order to allow invited and registered users to join. warning_registration_token_expired: | The activation email has expired. We sent you a new one to %{email}. Please click the link inside of it to activate your account. warning_user_limit_reached: > User limit reached. You cannot activate any more users. Please upgrade your plan or block members to allow for additional users. warning_user_limit_reached_instructions: > You reached your user limit (%{current}/%{max} active users). Please contact sales@openproject.com to upgrade your Enterprise Edition plan and add additional users. 0: > warning_bar: protocol_mismatch: title: 'Protocol setting mismatch' text_html: > Your application is running with its protocol setting set to %{set_protocol}, but the request is an %{actual_protocol} request. This will result in errors! Go to System settings and change the "Protocol" setting to correct this. hostname_mismatch: title: 'Hostname setting mismatch' text_html: > Your application is running with its host name setting set to %{set_hostname}, but the request is a %{actual_hostname} hostname. This will result in errors! Go to System settings and change the "Host name" setting to correct this. menu_item: "Menu item" menu_item_setting: "Visibilitas" wiki_menu_item_for: "Menu untuk Halaman Wiki \"%{title}\"" wiki_menu_item_setting: "Visibilitas" wiki_menu_item_new_main_item_explanation: > You are deleting the only main wiki menu item. You now have to choose a wiki page for which a new main item will be generated. To delete the wiki the wiki module can be deactivated by project administrators. wiki_menu_item_delete_not_permitted: The wiki menu item of the only wiki page cannot be deleted. query_menu_item_for: "Menu item for query \"%{title}\"" #TODO: merge with work_packages top level key work_package: updated_automatically_by_child_changes: | _Update otomatis dengan merubah nilai dari turunan Paket-Penugasan %{child}_ destroy: info: "Deleting the work package is an irreversible action." title: "Delete the work package" nothing_to_preview: "Tidak ada pre-view" api_v3: attributes: lock_version: "Lock Version" errors: code_400: "Bad request: %{message}" code_401: "Anda perlu dikonfirmasi untuk mengakses sumber ini." code_401_wrong_credentials: "You did not provide the correct credentials." code_403: "Anda tidak diizinkan untuk mengakses sumber ini." code_404: "The requested resource could not be found." code_409: "Could not update the resource because of conflicting modifications." code_500: "An internal error has occured." expected: date: "YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601 date only)" duration: "ISO 8601 duration" invalid_content_type: "Diharapkan CONTENT-TYPE untuk menjadi '%{content_type}' tetapi mendapat '%{actual}'." invalid_format: "Invalid format for property '%{property}': Expected format like '%{expected_format}', but got '%{actual}'." invalid_json: "The request could not be parsed as JSON." invalid_relation: "The relation is invalid." invalid_resource: "For property '%{property}' a link like '%{expected}' is expected, but got '%{actual}'." invalid_user_status_transition: "The current user account status does not allow this operation." missing_content_type: "not specified" missing_request_body: "There was no request body." missing_or_malformed_parameter: "Parameter query '%{parameter}' hilang atau salah bentuk." multipart_body_error: "The request body did not contain the expected multipart parts." multiple_errors: "Multiple field constraints have been violated." unable_to_create_attachment: "Unduhan tidak bisa dibuat" unable_to_create_attachment_permissions: "The attachment could not be saved due to lacking file system permissions" render: context_not_parsable: "The context provided is not a link to a resource." unsupported_context: "The resource given is not supported as context." context_object_not_found: "Cannot find the resource given as the context." validation: done_ratio: "Done ratio cannot be set on parent work packages, when it is inferred by status or when it is disabled." due_date: "Finish date cannot be set on parent work packages." estimated_hours: "Estimated hours cannot be set on parent work packages." invalid_user_assigned_to_work_package: "Pilihan pengguna tidak diperbolehkan untuk menjadi '%{property}' untuk paket pekerjaan ini." start_date: "Start date cannot be set on parent work packages." eprops: invalid_gzip: "is invalid gzip: %{message}" invalid_json: "is invalid json: %{message}" resources: schema: 'Schema' doorkeeper: pre_authorization: status: 'Pre-authorization' errors: messages: #Common error messages invalid_request: 'The request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter value, or is otherwise malformed.' invalid_redirect_uri: "The requested redirect URI is malformed or doesn't match client redirect URI." unauthorized_client: 'The client is not authorized to perform this request using this method.' access_denied: 'The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.' invalid_scope: 'The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed.' invalid_code_challenge_method: 'The code challenge method must be plain or S256.' server_error: 'The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.' temporarily_unavailable: 'The authorization server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.' #Configuration error messages credential_flow_not_configured: 'Resource Owner Password Credentials flow failed due to Doorkeeper.configure.resource_owner_from_credentials being unconfigured.' resource_owner_authenticator_not_configured: 'Resource Owner find failed due to Doorkeeper.configure.resource_owner_authenticator being unconfigured.' admin_authenticator_not_configured: 'Access to admin panel is forbidden due to Doorkeeper.configure.admin_authenticator being unconfigured.' #Access grant errors unsupported_response_type: 'The authorization server does not support this response type.' #Access token errors invalid_client: 'Client authentication failed due to unknown client, no client authentication included, or unsupported authentication method.' invalid_grant: 'The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client.' unsupported_grant_type: 'The authorization grant type is not supported by the authorization server.' invalid_token: revoked: "The access token was revoked" expired: "The access token expired" unknown: "The access token is invalid" unsupported_browser: title: "Your browser is outdated and unsupported." message: "You may run into errors and degraded experience on this page." update_message: 'Mohon tingkatkan browsermu.' close_warning: "Abaikan peringatan ini." oauth: application: singular: "OAuth application" plural: "OAuth applications" named: "OAuth application '%{name}'" new: "New OAuth application" default_scopes: "(Default scopes)" instructions: name: "The name of your application. This will be displayed to other users upon authorization." redirect_uri_html: > The allowed URLs authorized users can be redirected to. One entry per line.
If you're registering a desktop application, use the following URL. confidential: "Check if the application will be used where the client secret can be kept confidential. Native mobile apps and Single Page Apps are assumed non-confidential." scopes: "Check the scopes you want the application to grant access to. If no scope is checked, api_v3 is assumed." client_credential_user_id: "Optional user ID to impersonate when clients use this application. Leave empty to allow public access only" register_intro: "If you are developing an OAuth API client application for OpenProject, you can register it using this form for all users to use." default_scopes: "" client_id: "Client ID" client_secret_notice: > This is the only time we can print the client secret, please note it down and keep it secure. It should be treated as a password and cannot be retrieved by OpenProject at a later time. authorization_dialog: authorize: "Authorize" cancel: "Cancel and deny authorization." prompt_html: "Authorize %{application_name} to use your account %{login}?" title: "Authorize %{application_name}" wants_to_access_html: > This application requests access to your OpenProject account.
It has requested the following permissions: scopes: api_v3: "Full API v3 access" api_v3_text: "Application will receive full read & write access to the OpenProject API v3 to perform actions on your behalf." grants: created_date: "Approved on" scopes: "Hak akses" successful_application_revocation: "Revocation of application %{application_name} successful." none_given: "No OAuth applications have been granted access to your user account." x_active_tokens: other: '%{count} active token' flows: authorization_code: "Authorization code flow" client_credentials: "Client credentials flow" client_credentials: "User used for Client credentials" client_credentials_impersonation_set_to: "Client credentials user set to" client_credentials_impersonation_warning: "Note: Clients using the 'Client credentials' flow in this application will have the rights of this user" client_credentials_impersonation_html: > By default, OpenProject provides OAuth 2.0 authorization via %{authorization_code_flow_link}. You can optionally enable %{client_credentials_flow_link}, but you must provide a user on whose behalf requests will be performed. authorization_error: "An authorization error has occurred." revoke_my_application_confirmation: "Do you really want to remove this application? This will revoke %{token_count} active for it." my_registered_applications: "Registered OAuth applications"