Then /^(.+) should be in the (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) position of the sprint named (.+)$/ do |story_subject, position, sprint_name| position = position.to_i story = Story.find(:first, :conditions => ["subject=? and name=?", story_subject, sprint_name], :joins => :fixed_version) story_position(story).should == position.to_i end Then /^I should see (\d+) (?:product )?owner backlogs$/ do |count| sprint_backlogs = page.all(:css, "#owner_backlogs_container .sprint") sprint_backlogs.length.should == count.to_i end Then /^I should see (\d+) sprint backlogs$/ do |count| sprint_backlogs = page.all(:css, "#sprint_backlogs_container .sprint") sprint_backlogs.length.should == count.to_i end Then /^I should see the burndown chart$/ do page.should have_css("#burndown_#{}") end Then /^I should see the Issues page$/ do page.should have_css("#query_form") end Then /^I should see the taskboard$/ do page.should have_css('#taskboard') end Then /^I should see the product backlog$/ do page.should have_css('#owner_backlogs_container') end Then /^I should see (\d+) stories in (?:the )?"(.+?)"$/ do |count, backlog_name| sprint = Sprint.find_by_name(backlog_name) page.all(:css, "#backlog_#{} .story").size.should == count.to_i end Then /^the velocity of "(.+?)" should be "(.+?)"$/ do |backlog_name, velocity| sprint = Sprint.find_by_name(backlog_name) page.find(:css, "#backlog_#{} .velocity").text.should == velocity end Then /^show me the list of sprints$/ do sprints = Sprint.find(:all, :conditions => ["project_id=?",]) puts "\n" puts "\t| #{'id'.ljust(3)} | #{'name'.ljust(18)} | #{'sprint_start_date'.ljust(18)} | #{'effective_date'.ljust(18)} | #{'updated_on'.ljust(20)}" sprints.each do |sprint| puts "\t| #{} | #{} | #{sprint.sprint_start_date.to_s.ljust(18)} | #{sprint.effective_date.to_s.ljust(18)} | #{sprint.updated_on.to_s.ljust(20)} |" end puts "\n\n" end Then /^show me the list of stories$/ do stories = Story.find(:all, :conditions => "project_id=#{}", :order => "position ASC") subject_max = ({|s| s.subject} << "subject").sort{|a,b| a.length <=> b.length}.last.length sprints = @project.versions.find(:all) sprint_max = ({|s|} << "sprint").sort{|a,b| a.length <=> b.length}.last.length puts "\n" puts "\t| #{'id'.ljust(5)} | #{'position'.ljust(8)} | #{'status'.ljust(12)} | #{'rank'.ljust(4)} | #{'subject'.ljust(subject_max)} | #{'sprint'.ljust(sprint_max)} |" stories.each do |story| puts "\t| #{} | #{story.position.to_s.ljust(8)} | #{[0,12].ljust(12)} | #{story.rank.to_s.ljust(4)} | #{story.subject.ljust(subject_max)} | #{(story.fixed_version_id.nil? ? : Sprint.find(story.fixed_version_id)).name.ljust(sprint_max)} |" end puts "\n\n" end Then /^(.+) should be the higher item of (.+)$/ do |higher_subject, lower_subject| higher = Story.find(:all, :conditions => { :subject => higher_subject }) higher.length.should == 1 lower = Story.find(:all, :conditions => { :subject => lower_subject }) lower.length.should == 1 == end Then /^the request should complete successfully$/ do page.driver.response.status.should == 200 end Then /^the request should fail$/ do page.driver.response.status.should == 401 end Then /^the (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) story in (?:the )"(.+?)" should be "(.+)"$/ do |position, version_name, subject| version = Version.find_by_name(version_name) story = Story.at_rank(,, position.to_i) story.should_not be_nil story.subject.should == subject end Then /^all positions should be unique$/ do Story.find_by_sql("select project_id, position, count(*) as dups from issues where not position is NULL group by project_id, position having count(*) > 1").length.should == 0 end Then /^the (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) task for (.+) should be (.+)$/ do |position, story_subject, task_subject| story = Story.find(:first, :conditions => ["subject=?", story_subject]) story.children[position.to_i - 1].subject.should == task_subject end Then /^the server should return an update error$/ do page.driver.response.status.should == 400 end Then /^the server should return (\d+) updated (.+)$/ do |count, object_type| page.all("##{object_type.pluralize} .#{object_type.singularize}").length.should == count.to_i end Then /^the sprint named (.+) should have (\d+) impediments? named (.+)$/ do |sprint_name, count, impediment_subject| sprints = Sprint.find(:all, :conditions => { :name => sprint_name }) sprints.length.should == 1{ |i| i.subject==impediment_subject}.length.should == count.to_i end Then /^the impediment "(.+)" should signal( | un)successful saving$/ do |impediment_subject, negative| negative = !negative.blank? element = {} begin wait_until(5) do element = page.find(:xpath, "//div[contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(@class),' '),' impediment ') and contains(., '#{impediment_subject}')]") !element[:class].include?('saving') || element[:class].include?('error') end rescue Capybara::TimeoutError fail "The impediment '#{impediment_subject}' did not finish saving within within 5 sec" end if negative element[:class].should be_include('error') else element[:class].should_not be_include('error') end end Then /^the sprint should be updated accordingly$/ do sprint = Sprint.find(@sprint_params['id']) sprint.attributes.each_key do |key| unless ['updated_on', 'created_on'].include?(key) (key.include?('_date') ? sprint[key].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") : sprint[key]).should == @sprint_params[key] end end end Then /^the status of the story should be set as (.+)$/ do |status| @story.reload == status end Then /^the story named (.+) should have (\d+) task named (.+)$/ do |story_subject, count, task_subject| stories = Story.find(:all, :conditions => { :subject => story_subject }) stories.length.should == 1 tasks = Task.find(:all, :conditions => { :parent_id => }) tasks.length.should == 1 tasks.first.subject.should == task_subject end Then /^the story should be at the (top|bottom)$/ do |position| if position == 'top' story_position(@story).should == 1 else story_position(@story).should == @story_ids.length end end Then /^the story should be at position (.+)$/ do |position| story_position(@story).should == position.to_i end Then /^the story should have a (.+) of (.+)$/ do |attribute, value| @story.reload if attribute=="tracker" attribute="tracker_id" value = Tracker.find(:first, :conditions => ["name=?", value]).id end @story[attribute].should == value end Then /^the wiki page (.+) should contain (.+)$/ do |title, content| title = Wiki.titleize(title) page = page.should_not be_nil raise "\"#{content}\" not found on page \"#{title}\"" unless page.content.text.match(/#{content}/) end Then /^(issue|task|story) (.+) should have (.+) set to (.+)$/ do |type, subject, attribute, value| issue = Issue.find_by_subject(subject) issue[attribute].should == value.to_i end