Feature: Scrum Master As a scrum master I want to manage sprints and their stories So that they get done according the product owner´s requirements Background: Given there is 1 project with: | name | ecookbook | And I am working in project "ecookbook" And the project uses the following modules: | backlogs | And there is a role "scrum master" And the role "scrum master" may have the following rights: | view_master_backlog | | view_taskboards | | update_sprints | | update_stories | | create_impediments | | update_impediments | | update_tasks | | view_wiki_pages | | edit_wiki_pages | | view_issues | | edit_issues | | manage_subtasks | And the backlogs module is initialized And the following trackers are configured to track stories: | Story | And the tracker "Task" is configured to track tasks And the project uses the following trackers: | Story | | Epic | | Task | | Bug | And there are the following issue status: | name | is_closed | is_default | | New | false | true | | In Progress | false | false | | Resolved | false | false | | Closed | true | false | | Rejected | true | false | And there is a default issuepriority with: | name | Normal | And the tracker "Task" has the default workflow for the role "scrum master" And there is 1 user with: | login | markus | | firstname | Markus | | Lastname | Master | And the user "markus" is a "scrum master" And the project has the following sprints: | name | start_date | effective_date | | Sprint 001 | 2010-01-01 | 2010-01-31 | | Sprint 002 | 2010-02-01 | 2010-02-28 | | Sprint 003 | 2010-03-01 | 2010-03-31 | | Sprint 004 | 2.weeks.ago | 1.week.from_now | | Sprint 005 | 3.weeks.ago | 2.weeks.from_now| And the project has the following product owner backlogs: | Product Backlog | | Wishlist | And the project has the following stories in the following backlogs: | subject | backlog | | Story 1 | Product Backlog | | Story 2 | Product Backlog | | Story 3 | Product Backlog | | Story 4 | Product Backlog | And the project has the following stories in the following sprints: | subject | sprint | | Story A | Sprint 001 | | Story B | Sprint 001 | | Story C | Sprint 002 | And the project has the following tasks: | subject | sprint | parent | | Task 1 | Sprint 001 | Story A | And the project has the following impediments: | subject | sprint | blocks | | Impediment 1 | Sprint 001 | Story A | And the project has the following issues: | subject | sprint | tracker | | Epic 1 | Sprint 005 | Epic | And the project has the following stories in the following sprints: | subject | sprint | parent | | Story D | Sprint 005 | Epic 1 | | Story E | Sprint 005 | Epic 1 | And the project has the following tasks: | subject | sprint | parent | | Task 10 | Sprint 005 | Story D | | Task 11 | Sprint 005 | Story D | | Subtask 1 | Sprint 005 | Task 10 | | Subtask 2 | Sprint 005 | Task 10 | | Subtask 3 | Sprint 005 | Task 11 | And the project has the following issues: | subject | sprint | parent | tracker | | Subfeature | Sprint 005 | Task 10 | Bug | | Subsubtask | Sprint 005 | Subfeature | Task | And I am already logged in as "markus" @javascript Scenario: View stories that have a parent ticket Given I am on the master backlog When I open the "Sprint 005" menu Then I should see 2 stories in "Sprint 005" And I should not see "Epic 1" And I should not see "Task 10" And I should not see "Subtask 1" And I should not see "Subfeature" @javascript Scenario: Create an impediment Given I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 001" When I click on the element with class "add_new" within "#impediments" And I fill in "Bad Company" for "subject" And I fill in the ids of the tasks "Task 1" for "blocks_ids" And I select "Markus Master" from "assigned_to_id" And I press "OK" Then I should see "Bad Company" within "#impediments" And the impediment "Bad Company" should signal successful saving @javascript Scenario: Create an impediment blocking an issue of another sprint Given I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 001" When I click on the element with class "add_new" within "#impediments" And I fill in "Bad Company" for "subject" And I fill in the ids of the stories "Story C" for "blocks_ids" And I select "Markus Master" from "assigned_to_id" And I press "OK" Then I should see "Bad Company" within "#impediments" And the impediment "Bad Company" should signal unsuccessful saving And the error alert should show "Blocks (IDs) can only contain the IDs of current sprint's tickets" @javascript Scenario: Create an impediment blocking a non existent issue Given I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 001" When I click on the element with class "add_new" within "#impediments" And I fill in "Bad Company" for "subject" And I fill in "0" for "blocks_ids" And I select "Markus Master" from "assigned_to_id" And I press "OK" Then I should see "Bad Company" within "#impediments" And the impediment "Bad Company" should signal unsuccessful saving And the error alert should show "Blocks (IDs) can only contain the IDs of current sprint's tickets" @javascript Scenario: Create an impediment without specifying what it blocks Given I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 001" When I click on the element with class "add_new" within "#impediments" And I fill in "Bad Company" for "subject" And I fill in "" for "blocks_ids" And I select "Markus Master" from "assigned_to_id" And I press "OK" Then I should see "Bad Company" within "#impediments" And the impediment "Bad Company" should signal unsuccessful saving And the error alert should show "Blocks (IDs) must contain the ID of at least one ticket" @javascript Scenario: Update an impediment Given I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 001" When I click on the impediment called "Impediment 1" And I fill in "Bad Company" for "subject" And I fill in the ids of the tasks "Task 1" for "blocks_ids" And I press "OK" Then I should see "Bad Company" within "#impediments" And the impediment "Bad Company" should signal successful saving @javascript Scenario: Update an impediment to block an issue of another sprint Given I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 001" When I click on the impediment called "Impediment 1" And I fill in "Bad Company" for "subject" And I fill in the ids of the stories "Story C" for "blocks_ids" And I press "OK" Then I should see "Bad Company" within "#impediments" And the impediment "Bad Company" should signal unsuccessful saving And the error alert should show "Blocks (IDs) can only contain the IDs of current sprint's tickets" @javascript Scenario: Update an impediment to block a non existent issue Given I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 001" When I click on the impediment called "Impediment 1" And I fill in "Bad Company" for "subject" And I fill in "0" for "blocks_ids" And I press "OK" Then I should see "Bad Company" within "#impediments" And the impediment "Bad Company" should signal unsuccessful saving And the error alert should show "Blocks (IDs) can only contain the IDs of current sprint's tickets" @javascript Scenario: Update an impediment to not block anything Given I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 001" When I click on the impediment called "Impediment 1" And I fill in "Bad Company" for "subject" And I fill in "" for "blocks_ids" And I press "OK" Then I should see "Bad Company" within "#impediments" And the impediment "Bad Company" should signal unsuccessful saving And the error alert should show "Blocks (IDs) must contain the ID of at least one ticket" Scenario: Update sprint details Given I am on the master backlog And I want to edit the sprint named Sprint 001 And I want to set the name of the sprint to sprint xxx And I want to set the start_date of the sprint to 2010-03-01 And I want to set the effective_date of the sprint to 2010-03-20 When I update the sprint Then the request should complete successfully And the sprint should be updated accordingly Scenario: Update sprint with no name Given I am on the master backlog And I want to edit the sprint named Sprint 001 And I want to set the name of the sprint to an empty string When I update the sprint Then the server should return an update error Scenario: Move a story from product backlog to sprint backlog Given I am on the master backlog When I move the story named Story 1 up to the 1st position of the sprint named Sprint 001 Then the request should complete successfully When I move the story named Story 4 up to the 2nd position of the sprint named Sprint 001 And I move the story named Story 2 up to the 1st position of the sprint named Sprint 002 And I move the story named Story 4 up to the 1st position of the sprint named Sprint 001 Then Story 4 should be in the 1st position of the sprint named Sprint 001 And Story 1 should be in the 2nd position of the sprint named Sprint 001 And Story 2 should be in the 1st position of the sprint named Sprint 002 Scenario: Move a story down in a sprint Given I am on the master backlog When I move the story named Story A below Story B Then the request should complete successfully And Story A should be in the 2nd position of the sprint named Sprint 001 And Story B should be the higher item of Story A Scenario: Download printable cards for the task board Given I have selected card label stock Avery 8435B And I move the story named Story 4 up to the 1st position of the sprint named Sprint 001 And I am on the issues index page And I follow "Sprint 001" Then the request should complete successfully When I follow "Export cards" Then the request should complete successfully Scenario: view the sprint notes Given I have set the content for wiki page Sprint Template to Sprint Template And I have made Sprint Template the template page for sprint notes And I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 001" When I view the sprint notes Then the request should complete successfully Then the wiki page Sprint 001 should contain Sprint Template Scenario: edit the sprint notes Given I have set the content for wiki page Sprint Template to Sprint Template And I have made Sprint Template the template page for sprint notes And I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 001" When I edit the sprint notes Then the request should complete successfully Then the wiki page Sprint 001 should contain Sprint Template Scenario: View tasks that have subtasks Given I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 005" Then I should see "Task 10" within "#tasks" And I should see "Task 11" within "#tasks" And I should not see "Subtask 1" And I should not see "Subtask 2" And I should not see "Subtask 3" And I should not see "Epic 1" And I should not see "Subfeature" And I should not see "Subsubtask" Scenario: Move stories around in the backlog that have a parent ticket Given I am on the master backlog When I move the story named Story D below Story E Then the request should complete successfully And Story D should be in the 2nd position of the sprint named Sprint 005 And Story E should be the higher item of Story D Scenario: View epic, stories, tasks, subtasks in the issue list Given I am on the issues index page Then I should see "Epic 1" within "#content" And I should see "Story D" within "#content" And I should see "Story E" within "#content" And I should see "Task 10" within "#content" And I should see "Task 11" within "#content" And I should see "Subtask 1" within "#content" And I should see "Subtask 2" within "#content" And I should see "Subtask 3" within "#content" And I should see "Subfeature" within "#content" And I should see "Subsubtask" within "#content" Scenario: Move a task with subtasks around in the taskboard Given I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 005" When I move the task named Task 10 below Task 11 Then the request should complete successfully And Task 11 should be the higher task of Task 10 And the story named Story D should have 1 task named Task 10 And the story named Story D should have 1 task named Task 11