SecureHeaders::Configuration.default do |config| config.cookies = { secure: true, httponly: true } # Add "; preload" and submit the site to for best protection. config.hsts = "max-age=#{20.years.to_i}; includeSubdomains" config.x_frame_options = "SAMEORIGIN" config.x_content_type_options = "nosniff" config.x_xss_protection = "1; mode=block" config.x_permitted_cross_domain_policies = "none" config.referrer_policy = "origin-when-cross-origin" # Valid for assets assets_src = ["'self'"] asset_host = OpenProject::Configuration.rails_asset_host assets_src << asset_host if asset_host.present? # Valid for iframes frame_src = %w['self'] # Default src default_src = %w('self') # Allow requests to CLI in dev mode connect_src = default_src if FrontendAssetHelper.assets_proxied? connect_src += %w[ws://localhost:* http://localhost:*] assets_src += %w[ws://localhost:* http://localhost:*] end config.csp = { preserve_schemes: true, # Fallback when no value is defined default_src: default_src, # Allowed uri in tag base_uri: %w('self'), # Allow fonts from self, asset host, or DATA uri font_src: assets_src + %w(data:), # Form targets can only be self form_action: %w('self'), # Allow iframe from vimeo (welcome video) frame_src: frame_src + %w('self'), frame_ancestors: %w('self'), # Allow images from anywhere including data urls and blobs (used in resizing) img_src: %w(* data: blob:), # Allow scripts from self script_src: assets_src, # Allow unsafe-inline styles style_src: assets_src + %w('unsafe-inline'), # disallow all object-src object_src: %w('none'), # Connect sources for CLI in dev mode connect_src: connect_src } end