#-- copyright #OpenProject is an open source project management software. #Copyright (C) 2012-2021 the OpenProject GmbH #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. #OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: #Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang #Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License #as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 #of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #See COPYRIGHT and LICENSE files for more details. #++ zh-CN: js: ajax: hide: "隐藏" loading: "加载中..." attachments: draggable_hint: | 将图片或附件拖到编辑区内即可添加。鼠标在关闭的编辑区上停留将打开这个编辑区。 autocomplete_select: placeholder: multi: "添加“%{name}”" single: "选择“%{name}”" remove: "移除%{name}" active: "活跃的%{label} %{name}" backup: attachments_disabled: 可能无法包含附件,因为它们超出了允许的最大总文件大小。您可以通过配置更改此设置(需要重新启动服务器)。 info: > 您可以在此处触发备份。该过程可能需要一些时间,具体取决于您的数据量(尤其是附件)。准备就绪后,您将收到一封电子邮件。 note: > 新备份将覆盖任何之前的备份。每天只能请求有限次数的备份。 last_backup: 上次备份 last_backup_from: 上次备份自 title: 备份 OpenProject options: 选项 include_attachments: 包含附件 download_backup: 下载备份 request_backup: 请求备份 close_popup_title: "关闭弹出窗口" close_filter_title: "关闭过滤器" close_form_title: "关闭表单" button_add_watcher: "添加关注者" button_add: "添加" button_back: "返回" button_back_to_list_view: "返回列表视图" button_cancel: "取消" button_close: "关闭" button_change_project: "更改项目" button_check_all: "全选" button_configure-form: "配置表单" button_confirm: "确认" button_continue: "继续" button_copy: "复制" button_custom-fields: "自定义字段" button_delete: "删除" button_delete_watcher: "删除关注人" button_details_view: "详细信息视图" button_duplicate: "复制" button_edit: "编辑" button_filter: "筛选器" button_collapse_all: "全部折叠" button_expand_all: "全部展开" button_advanced_filter: "高级筛选" button_list_view: "列表视图" button_show_view: "全屏视图" button_log_time: "记录时间" button_more: "更多" button_open_details: "打开详细信息视图" button_close_details: "关闭细节显示" button_open_fullscreen: "打开全屏视图" button_show_cards: "显示卡片视图" button_show_list: "显示列表视图" button_quote: "引用" button_save: "保存" button_settings: "设置" button_uncheck_all: "全部不选" button_update: "更新" button_export-pdf: "下载 PDF" button_export-atom: "下载原子" button_create: "创建" calendar: title: '日历' too_many: '总共有 %{count} 个工作包,但只能显示 %{max} 个。' card: add_new: '添加新卡' highlighting: inline: '突出显示内联:' entire_card_by: '整个卡' remove_from_list: '从列表中移除卡' caption_rate_history: "费率历史记录" clipboard: browser_error: "您的浏览器不支持复制到剪贴板,请手动复制选定的文本。" copied_successful: "成功复制到剪贴板!" chart: type: '图表类型' axis_criteria: '轴条件' modal_title: '工作包图配置' types: line: '线图' horizontal_bar: '水平条形图' bar: '条形图' pie: '饼图' doughnut: '圆环图' radar: '雷达图' polar_area: '极地区域图' tabs: graph_settings: '通用' dataset: '数据集 %{number}' errors: could_not_load: '无法加载用于显示图表的数据。可能缺少必要的权限。' description_available_columns: "可用的列" description_current_position: "您现在的位置:" description_select_work_package: "选择工作包 #%{id}" description_selected_columns: "选定的列" description_subwork_package: "子工作包 #%{id}" editor: preview: '切换预览模式' source_code: '切换标记源模式' error_saving_failed: '保存文档失败,出现以下错误:%{error}' ckeditor_error: 'CKEditor 发生错误' mode: manual: '切换到标记源' wysiwyg: '切换到 WYSIWYG 编辑器' macro: error: '无法展开宏:%{message}' attribute_reference: macro_help_tooltip: '此文本段正由宏动态呈现。' not_found: '无法找到请求的资源' invalid_attribute: "所选属性 '%{name}' 不存在。" child_pages: button: '链接至子页面' include_parent: '包括上级' text: '[Placeholder] 子页面链接' page: '维基页面' this_page: '本页' hint: | 将此字段留空可列出当前页面的所有子页面。如果您想引用不同的页面,请提供其标题或标识符。 code_block: button: '插入代码片段' title: '插入/编辑代码片段' language: '格式化语言' language_hint: '输入将用于突出显示(如果支持)的格式化语言。' dropdown: macros: '宏' chose_macro: '选择宏' toc: '目录' toolbar_help: '单击可以选择微件并显示工具栏。双击可以编辑微件' wiki_page_include: button: '包括另一个Wiki页的内容' text: '[Placeholder] 包含的 wiki 页面' page: '维基页面' not_set: '(页面未设置)' hint: | 通过指定其标题或Slug来包含其他Wiki页面的内容。 您可以通过使用冒号分隔另一个项目的Wiki页面,如下例所示。 work_package_button: button: '插入创建工作包按钮' type: '工作包类型' button_style: '使用按键风格' button_style_hint: '可选:选中以使宏显示为按钮,而不是链接。' without_type: '创建工作包' with_type: '创建工作包(种类:%{typename})' embedded_table: button: '嵌入工作包表' text: '[Placeholder] 嵌入式工作包表' embedded_calendar: text: '[Placeholder]嵌入式日历' admin: type_form: custom_field: '自定义字段' inactive: '非活动' drag_to_activate: "从此处拖动字段将其激活" add_group: "增加属性组" add_table: "添加相关工作包表" edit_query: '编辑查询' new_group: '新的组' reset_to_defaults: '重置为默认值' enterprise: text_reprieve_days_left: "%{days} days until end of grace period" text_expired: "expired" trial: confirmation: "确认电子邮件地址" confirmation_info: > 我们在 %{date}向您的 %{email} 发送了一封电子邮件。请查看您的电子邮件并点击提供的确认链接以开始 14 天的试用。 form: general_consent: > 我同意服务条款隐私政策。 invalid_email: "电子邮件地址无效" label_company: "公司" label_first_name: "名字" label_last_name: "姓氏" label_domain: "域" label_subscriber: "订阅者" label_maximum_users: "最大活动用户数" label_starts_at: "开始时间:" label_expires_at: "到期时间" receive_newsletter: 我想要接收 OpenProject 简报。 taken_domain: 每个域名只能有一个活跃的试用。 taken_email: 每个用户只能创建一个试用。 email_not_received: "没有收到电子邮件?您可以使用右侧的链接重新发送电子邮件。" try_another_email: "或者尝试使用另一个电子邮件地址。" next_steps: "后续步骤" resend_link: "重新发送" resend_success: "已重新发送电子邮件。请查看您的电子邮件并点击提供的确认链接。" resend_warning: "无法重新发送电子邮件。" session_timeout: "您的会话超时。请尝试重新加载该页面或重新发送电子邮件。" status_label: "状态:" status_confirmed: "已确认" status_waiting: "电子邮件已发送 - 等待确认" test_ee: "免费测试企业版 14 天" quick_overview: "快速了解 OpenProject 企业版的项目管理和团队协作。" upsale: become_hero: "成为英雄!" benefits: description: "本地部署的 Enterprise Edition 具有哪些优势?" high_security: "安全功能" high_security_text: "单点登录(SAML、OpenID Connect、CAS)、双重身份验证和 LDAP 组自动同步。" installation: "安装支持" installation_text: "经验丰富的软件工程师将指导您在自己的基础结构中完成整个安装和设置过程。" premium_features: "高级功能" premium_features_text: "敏捷面板,自定义主题和徽标,图表,包含自定义操作的智能工作流,全文搜索工作包附件和多选自定义字段。" professional_support: "专业支持" professional_support_text: "从高级支持工程师那里获得可靠的个性化支持,这些工程师拥有在业务关键型环境中运行 OpenProject 的专业知识。" button_start_trial: "开始免费试用" button_book_now: "立即预订" confidence: > 我们秉承开源和开放心态,有信心提供经得起考验和充分支持的企业级项目管理软件。 link_quote: "获取报价" text: > OpenProject 企业版以社区版为基础。它包括高级功能和专业支持,主要面向拥有 10 个以上用户并使用 OpenProject 管理业务关键型项目的组织。 unlimited: "不受限制" you_contribute: "开发者也需要支付账单。使用企业版,您可以为这项开源社区工作提供大力支持。" custom_actions: date: specific: '于' current_date: '当前日期' error: internal: "发生了内部错误。" cannot_save_changes_with_message: "由于%{error} 原因,无法保存您的更改。" query_saving: "无法保存此视图。" embedded_table_loading: "无法加载嵌入式视图:%{message}" enumeration_activities: "活动 (时间跟踪)" enumeration_doc_categories: "文档类别" enumeration_work_package_priorities: "工作包优先级" filter: description: text_open_filter: "使用 ALT 和方向键打开筛选器。" text_close_filter: "要选择一个条目,请离开焦点,例如可以按 Enter。要在不使用筛选器的情况下离开,请选择第一个(空)条目。" noneElement: "(无)" time_zone_converted: two_values: "%{from} - %{to}(以您的当地时间为基准)。" only_start: "从您的当地时间 %{from} 开始。" only_end: "至您的当地时间 %{to} 结束。" value_spacer: "-" sorting: criteria: one: "第一个排序条件" two: "第二个排序条件" three: "第三个排序条件" upsale_for_more: "有关更高级的筛选器, 请查看" upsale_link: '企业版' general_text_no: "否" general_text_yes: "是" general_text_No: "否" general_text_Yes: "是" hal: error: update_conflict_refresh: "点击此处刷新资源并更新到最新版本。" edit_prohibited: "已阻止对此工作包编辑 %{attribute}。此属性来自于关系继承(如子项目)或其他无法配置的来源。" format: date: "%{attribute} 不是有效日期 - 需要 YYYY-MM-DD。" general: "发生错误。" homescreen: blocks: new_features: text_new_features: "了解新功能和产品更新。" learn_about: "详细了解新功能" standard: learn_about_link: https://www.openproject.org/openproject-11-3-release current_new_feature_html: > 该版本包含各种新功能和改进:
bim: learn_about_link: https://www.openproject.org/openproject-11-3-release current_new_feature_html: > 该版本包含各种新功能和改进:
label_activate: "激活" label_add_column_after: "之后添加列" label_add_column_before: "在之前添加列" label_add_columns: "增添列" label_add_comment: "添加评论" label_add_comment_title: "写下评论并输入@ 以通知其他人" label_add_row_after: "之后添加行" label_add_row_before: "之前添加行" label_add_selected_columns: "添加所选的列" label_added_by: "添加人" label_added_time_by: "由 %{author} 在 %{age} 添加" label_ago: "天前" label_all: "所有" label_all_work_packages: "所有工作包" label_and: "和" label_ascending: "升序" label_author: "作者: %{user}" label_avatar: "头像" label_between: "介于" label_board: "面板" label_board_locked: "锁定" label_board_plural: "面板" label_board_sticky: "置顶" label_change: "更改" label_create: "创建" label_create_work_package: "创建新的工作包" label_created_by: "创建者" label_date: "日期" label_date_with_format: "以%{format} 的格式输入 %{date_attribute}" label_deactivate: "停用" label_descending: "降序" label_description: "描述" label_details: "详细信息" label_display: "显示" label_cancel_comment: "取消注释" label_closed_work_packages: "关闭" label_collapse: "折叠" label_collapsed: "折叠" label_collapse_all: "全部折叠" label_comment: "评论" label_committed_at: "在 %{date} %{committed_revision_link}" label_committed_link: "上传的修订 %{revision_identifier}" label_contains: "包含" label_created_on: "创建" label_edit_comment: "编辑此注释" label_edit_status: "编辑工作包的状态" label_email: "电子邮件" label_equals: "是" label_expand: "展开" label_expanded: "展开" label_expand_all: "全部展开" label_expand_project_menu: "展开项目菜单" label_export: "导出" label_export_preparing: "导出文件已开始准备并将很快被下载。" label_filename: "文件" label_filesize: "大小" label_general: "通用" label_global_roles: "全局角色" label_greater_or_equal: ">=" label_group: '组' label_group_by: "分组依据" label_group_plural: "组" label_hide_attributes: "隐藏显示" label_hide_column: "隐藏列" label_hide_project_menu: "折叠项目菜单" label_in: "在" label_in_less_than: "在小于" label_in_more_than: "在多于" label_incoming_emails: "传入电子邮件" label_information_plural: "信息" label_import: "导入" label_latest_activity: "最新活动" label_last_updated_on: "最后更新日期" label_learn_more_link: "了解更多信息" label_less_or_equal: "<=" label_less_than_ago: "小于数日前" label_loading: "正在加载..." label_mail_notification: "电子邮件通知" label_me: "我" label_meeting_agenda: "议程" label_meeting_minutes: "会议记录" label_menu_collapse: "折叠" label_menu_expand: "展开" label_more_than_ago: "更多天前" label_next: "下一个" label_no_color: "无颜色" label_no_data: "没有要显示的数据" label_no_due_date: "没有完成日期" label_no_start_date: "没有开始日期" label_no_value: "无值" label_none: "无" label_not_contains: "不包含" label_not_equals: "不是" label_on: "于" label_open_menu: "打开菜单" label_open_context_menu: "打开菜单目录" label_open_work_packages: "打开" label_password: "密码" label_previous: "上一个" label_per_page: "每页:" label_please_wait: "请稍等" label_project_plural: "项目" label_visibility_settings: "可见性设置" label_quote_comment: "引用这个评论" label_recent: "最近" label_reset: "重置" label_remove: "移除" label_remove_column: "删除列" label_remove_columns: "删除选定的列" label_remove_row: "删除行" label_report: "报告" label_repository_plural: "代码库" label_save_as: "另存为" label_select_watcher: "选择一位关注者..." label_selected_filter_list: "所选的筛选器" label_show_attributes: "显示所有属性" label_show_in_menu: "在菜单中显示视图" label_sort_by: "排序按" label_sorted_by: "排序按照" label_sort_higher: "向上移动" label_sort_lower: "向下移动" label_sorting: "排序" label_spent_time: "已耗时间" label_star_query: "最爱" label_press_enter_to_save: "按回车键可以保存。" label_public_query: "公开" label_sum: "总计" label_sum_for: "总和" label_total_sum: "总和" label_subject: "主题" label_this_week: "这一周" label_today: "今天" label_time_entry_plural: "已耗时间" label_up: "向上" label_user_plural: "用户" label_activity_show_only_comments: "仅显示批注的活动" label_activity_show_all: "显示所有项目" label_total_progress: "%{percent} %总进度" label_total_amount: "总计: %{amount}" label_updated_on: "更新于" label_value_derived_from_children: "(来自子项的值)" label_children_derived_duration: "工作包的子项派生持续时间" label_warning: "警告" label_work_package: "工作包" label_work_package_parent: "父工作包" label_work_package_plural: "工作包" label_watch: "关注" label_watch_work_package: "关注工作包" label_watcher_added_successfully: "已成功添加的关注者 !" label_watcher_deleted_successfully: "已成功删除关注者!" label_work_package_details_you_are_here: "您在 %{type} %{subject} 的 %{tab} 选项卡。" label_unwatch: "取消关注" label_unwatch_work_package: "取消工作包关注" label_uploaded_by: "上传者" label_default_queries: "默认视图" label_starred_queries: "收藏夹视图" label_global_queries: "公共视图" label_custom_queries: "私有视图" label_columns: "列" label_attachments: 文件 label_drop_files: 将文件拖至此处 label_drop_files_hint: 或单击以添加文件 label_drop_folders_hint: 您不能将文件夹作为附件上载。请选择单个文件。 label_add_attachments: "添加附件" label_formattable_attachment_hint: "将文件拖拽到此区域或从剪贴板粘贴以附加文件" label_remove_file: "删除 %{fileName}" label_remove_watcher: "删除关注者 %{name}" label_remove_all_files: 删除所有文件 label_add_description: "为%{file} 添加说明" label_upload_notification: "正在上传文件…" label_work_package_upload_notification: "正在为 #%{id}: %{subject} 工作包上传文件" label_wp_id_added_by: "#%{id},由 %{author} 添加" label_files_to_upload: "这些文件将被上传:" label_rejected_files: "这些文件无法上传:" label_rejected_files_reason: "这些文件不能上传,因为它们大于 %{maximumFilesize}" label_wait: "请等待配置..." label_upload_counter: "%{count} 个中的 %{done} 个文件已完成" label_validation_error: "由于下列错误,无法保存工作包:" label_version_plural: "版本" label_view_has_changed: "此视图有未保存的变更。单击以保存。" help_texts: show_modal: '显示属性帮助文本项' onboarding: buttons: skip: '跳过' next: '下一个' got_it: '知道了' steps: help_menu: 'The Help (?) menu provides additional help resources. Here you can find a user guide and helpful how-to videos and more.
Enjoy your work with OpenProject!' members: '邀请新成员加入您的项目。' project_selection: 'Please click on one of the demo projects that we have prepared. Demo data is currently only available in English.
The general demo project suits best for classical project management, while the Scrum project is better for agile project management.' quick_add_button: 'Click on the plus (+) icon in the header navigation to create a new project or to invite coworkers.' sidebar_arrow: "Use the return arrow in the top left corner to return to the project’s main menu." welcome: '通过三分钟的导览了解最重要的功能
我们建议您完成所有步骤。您可以随时重新浏览介绍。' wiki: 'Within the wiki you can document and share knowledge together with your team.' backlogs: overview: "Manage your work in the backlogs view." sprints: "On the right you have the product backlog and the bug backlog, on the left you have the respective sprints. Here you can create epics, user stories, and bugs, prioritize via drag & drop and add them to a sprint." task_board_arrow: 'To see your task board, open the sprint drop-down...' task_board_select: '...and select the task board entry.' task_board: "The task board visualizes the progress for this sprint. Click on the plus (+) icon next to a user story to add new tasks or impediments.
The status can be updated by drag and drop." boards: overview: 'Select boards to shift the view and manage your project using the agile boards view.' lists: 'Here you can create multiple lists (columns) within your board. This feature allows you to create a Kanban board, for example.' add: 'Click on the plus (+) icon to create a new card or add an existing card to the list on the board.' drag: 'Drag and drop your cards within a given list to reorder them, or to move them to another list.
You can click the info (i) icon in the upper right-hand corner or double-click a card to open its details.' wp: toggler: "Now let's have a look at the work package section, which gives you a more detailed view of your work." list: 'This work package overview provides a list of all the work in your project, such as tasks, milestones, phases, and more.
Work packages can be created and edited directly from this view. To access the details of a particular work package, simply double-click its row.' full_view: 'The work package details view provides all the relevant information pertaining to a given work package, such as its description, status, priority, activities, dependencies, and comments.' back_button: 'Use the return arrow in the top left corner to exit and return to the work package list.' create_button: 'The + Create button will add a new work package to your project.' timeline_button: 'You can activate the Gantt chart view to create a timeline for your project.' timeline: 'Here you can edit your project plan, create new work packages, such as tasks, milestones, phases, and more, as well as add dependencies. All team members can see and update the latest plan at any time.' notifications: title: "Notifications" channel: "Channel" no_unread: "No unread notifications" reasons: mentioned: 'mentioned' watched: 'watched' assigned: 'assigned' responsible: 'accountable' facets: unread: 'Unread' all: '全部' center: and_more_users: other: 'and %{count} others' mark_all_read: 'Mark all as read' mark_as_read: 'Mark as read' text_update_date: "%{date} by" total_count_warning: "Showing the %{newest_count} most recent notifications. %{more_count} more are not displayed." settings: title: "Notification settings" notify_me: "Notify me" reasons: mentioned: title: 'I am @mentioned' description: 'Receive a notification every time someone mentions me anywhere' involved: title: 'Assigned to me or accountable' description: 'Receive notifications for all activities on work packages for which I am assignee or accountable.' watched: 'Updates on watched items' work_package_commented: 'All new comments' work_package_created: 'New work packages' work_package_processed: 'All status changes' work_package_prioritized: 'all priority changes' work_package_scheduled: 'All date changes' global: immediately: title: 'Notify me immediately' description: 'These settings apply to all projects. You can create project-specific exceptions below.' delayed: title: 'Also notify me for' description: 'Receive notifications for these activities on work packages in all projects:' project_specific: title: 'Project-specific notification settings' description: 'These project-specific settings override default settings above' add: 'Add setting for project' already_selected: 'This project is already selected' password_confirmation: field_description: '输入密码以确认更改' title: '输入密码以继续' pagination: no_other_page: "您位于唯一页面上。" pages: next: "前进到下一页" previous: "返回到上一页" placeholders: default: '-' subject: '在此处输入标题' selection: '请选择' relation_description: '点击为此关系添加描述' project: required_outside_context: > 请选择要创建工作包的项目以查看所有属性。 您只能选择已激活上述类型的项目。 context: '项目上下文' work_package_belongs_to: '此工作包属于项目%{projectname}。' click_to_switch_context: '在该项目中打开此工作包。' confirm_template_load: '切换模板将重新加载页面,您将丢失此表单上的所有输入。是否继续?' use_template: "使用模板" no_template_selected: "(无)" copy: copy_options: "复制选项" autocompleter: label: '项目自动补全' reminders: settings: daily: add_time: 'Add time' enable: 'Enable daily email reminders' explanation: 'You will receive these reminders only for unread notifications and only at hours you specify.' time_label: 'Time %{counter}:' title: 'Send me daily email reminders for unread notifications' immediate: title: 'Send me an email reminder' mentioned: 'Immediately when someone @mentions me' alerts: title: 'Email alerts for other items (that are not work packages)' explanation: > Notifications today are limited to work packages. You can choose to continue receiving email alerts for these events until they are included in notifications: news_added: '添加新闻' news_commented: 'Comment on a news item' document_added: 'Documents added' forum_messages: 'New forum messages' wiki_page_added: '添加 Wiki 页面' wiki_page_updated: '更新 Wiki 页面' membership_added: 'Membership added' membership_updated: 'Membership updated' title: 'Email reminders' text_are_you_sure: "是否确定?" text_data_lost: "All entered data will be lost." types: attribute_groups: error_duplicate_group_name: "名称 %{group} 已多次使用。组名不能重复。" error_no_table_configured: "请为 %{group} 配置一个表。" reset_title: "重置表单配置" confirm_reset: > 警告:确定想要重置表单配置吗?这会将属性重置为它们的默认组,并禁用所有自定义字段。 upgrade_to_ee: "升级到本地部署的 Enterprise Edition" upgrade_to_ee_text: "哇!如果您需要使用此功能,说明您非常专业!您是否愿意成为企业版客户来支持 OpenSource 开发人员?" more_information: "更多信息" nevermind: "我愿意" edit: form_configuration: "表单配置" projects: "项目" settings: "设置" time_entry: project: '项目' work_package: '工作包' work_package_required: '需要先选择一个工作包。' activity: '活动' comment: '评论' duration: '持续时间' spent_on: '日期' hours: '小时' title: '记录时间' two_factor_authentication: label_two_factor_authentication: '双重身份验证' watchers: label_loading: 正在加载关注者... label_error_loading: 加载关注者时出错 label_search_watchers: 搜索关注者 label_add: 添加关注人 label_discard: 放弃选择 typeahead_placeholder: 寻找可能的观察者 relation_labels: parent: "父" children: "子类" relates: "关于" duplicates: "重复项" duplicated: "复制于" blocks: "块" blocked: "阻止于" precedes: "前置项" follows: "后置项" includes: "包括" partof: "隶属于" requires: "需要" required: "请求" relation_type: "关系类型" relations_hierarchy: parent_headline: "父" hierarchy_headline: "层次结构" children_headline: "子类" relation_buttons: set_parent: "设置父级" change_parent: "更改父级" remove_parent: "删除上一级" hierarchy_indent: "缩进层次结构" hierarchy_outdent: "减少缩进层次结构" group_by_wp_type: "按工作包类型分组" group_by_relation_type: "按关系类型分组" add_parent: "添加现有的上一级" add_new_child: "创建子结点" create_new: "新建" add_existing: "添加现有" add_existing_child: "增加现有的子节点" remove_child: "删除子结点" add_new_relation: "创建新的关系" add_existing_relation: "添加现有关系" update_description: "设置或更新此关系的描述" toggle_description: "切换关系描述" update_relation: "点击以更改关系类型" add_follower: "添加后置项" add_predecessor: "添加前置项" remove: "删除关系" save: "保存关系" abort: "放弃" relations_autocomplete: placeholder: "键入内容进行搜索" parent_placeholder: "选择新父级,或按 Escape 键来取消。" autocompleter: placeholder: "键入内容进行搜索" notFoundText: "没有找到条目" typeToSearchText: "键入内容进行搜索" repositories: select_tag: '选择标签' select_branch: '选择分支' field_value_enter_prompt: "为'%{field}'输入值" project_menu_details: "详细信息" scheduling: manual: '手动计划' automatic: '自动计划' sort: sorted_asc: '升序排列已应用, ' sorted_dsc: '降序排列已应用, ' sorted_no: '无序已应用, ' sorting_disabled: '排序被禁用' activate_asc: '激活以进行升序排序' activate_dsc: '激活以进行降序排序' activate_no: '激活以移除排序' text_work_packages_destroy_confirmation: "确实要删除所选的工作包吗?" text_query_destroy_confirmation: "确定要删除所选视图吗?" text_attachment_destroy_confirmation: "你确定要删除这个附件?" timelines: quarter_label: '第 %{quarter_number} 季度' gantt_chart: '甘特图' labels: title: '标签配置' bar: '条形标签' left: '左' right: '右' farRight: '最右' showNone: '--没有标签--' description: > 选择要在甘特图的各个位置显示的属性。请注意, 在元素上悬停时, 将显示其日期标签而不是这些属性。 button_activate: '显示甘特图' button_deactivate: '隐藏甘特图' cancel: 取消 change: "更改计划" due_date: "完成日期" empty: "(空)" error: "发生错误。" errors: not_implemented: "不会呈现时间轴,因为它使用了一种尚未实现的功能。" report_comparison: "时间轴不能呈现配置对比。请检查配置中的相应内容,重置它可以帮助解决这一问题。" report_epicfail: "发生意外错误,无法加载时间线。" report_timeout: "不能在合理的时间内加载时间线。" filter: grouping_other: "其他" noneSelection: "(无)" name: "名称" outline: "重置大纲" outlines: aggregation: "仅显示聚合" level1: "展开 1 级" level2: "展开 2 级" level3: "展开 3 级" level4: "展开 4 级" level5: "展开 5 级" all: "全部显示" project_status: "项目状态" really_close_dialog: "你真的想要关闭对话框并丢失输入的数据吗?" responsible: "责任人" save: 保存 start_date: "开始日期" tooManyProjects: "超过 %{count} 个项目。请使用一个更好的筛选器 !" selection_mode: notification: '点击任何突出显示的工作包以创建关系。按 Escape 键可以取消。' zoom: in: "放大" out: "缩小" auto: "自动缩放" days: "天" weeks: "周" months: "月" quarters: "季度" years: "年" slider: "缩放滑块" description: > 选择自动缩放不可用时应显示的初始缩放级别。 tl_toolbar: zooms: "缩放级别" outlines: "层次结构级别" upsale: ee_only: '企业版特定功能' wiki_formatting: strong: "加强" italic: "斜体" underline: "下划线" deleted: "已删除" code: "内联代码" heading1: "标题 1" heading2: "标题 2" heading3: "标题 3" unordered_list: "无序列表" ordered_list: "顺序列表" quote: "引用" unquote: "取消引用" preformatted_text: "预格式化文本" wiki_link: "链接到一个 Wiki 页面" image: "图片" work_packages: bulk_actions: move: '批量更改项目' edit: '批量编辑' copy: '批量复制' delete: '批量删除' button_clear: "清除" comment_added: "注释已成功添加。" comment_send_failed: "出错。无法提交评论。" comment_updated: "注释已成功更新。" confirm_edit_cancel: "是否确定想要取消编辑工作包?" description_filter: "筛选器" description_enter_text: "输入文本" description_options_hide: "隐藏选项" description_options_show: "显示选项" edit_attribute: "%{attribute} - 编辑" key_value: "%{key}: %{value}" label_enable_multi_select: "启用多选" label_disable_multi_select: "禁用多选" label_filter_add: "添加筛选器" label_filter_by_text: "按文本筛选" label_options: "选项" label_column_multiselect: "组合式的下拉字段: 使用箭头键选择,用 enter 键确认选择,用退格键删除" message_error_during_bulk_delete: 试图删除工作包时出错。 message_successful_bulk_delete: 已成功删除工作包。 message_successful_show_in_fullscreen: "单击此处以全屏视图打开此工作包。" message_view_spent_time: "显示这个工作包所花费的时间" message_work_package_read_only: "工作包被锁定在此状态。除状态外,其他属性均不可更改。" message_work_package_status_blocked: "由于处于关闭状态并且分配了关闭版本,因此工作包状态不可写。" placeholder_filter_by_text: "主题, 描述, 评论,..。" inline_create: title: '单击此处将新工作包添加至此列表' create: title: '新工作包' header: '新 %{type}' header_no_type: '新工作包(类型尚未设置)' header_with_parent: '新的 %{type} (%{parent_type} #%{id} 子)' button: '创建' copy: title: '复制工作包' hierarchy: show: "显示层次结构模式" hide: "隐藏层次结构模式" toggle_button: '单击以切换层次结构模式。' leaf: '工作包叶处于 %{level} 级。' children_collapsed: '层次结构级别 %{level} 已折叠。单击以显示筛选的子任务' children_expanded: '层次结构级别 %{level} 已展开。单击以折叠筛选的子任务' faulty_query: title: 无法加载工作包。 description: 您的视图不正确,无法处理。 no_results: title: 没有要显示的工作包。 description: 没有已创建的工作包或所有工作包都被筛选排除。 limited_results: 手动排序模式下只能显示 %{count} 个工作包。请通过筛选减少结果。 property_groups: details: "详细信息" people: "人员" estimatesAndTime: "估计与时间" other: "其他" properties: assignee: "指定人" author: "作者" createdAt: "创建" description: "描述" date: "日期" dueDate: "完成日期" estimatedTime: "估计的时间" spentTime: "已耗时间" category: "类别" percentageDone: "完成百分比" priority: "优先级" projectName: "项目" responsible: "责任人" startDate: "开始日期" status: "状态" subject: "主题" subproject: "子项目" title: "标题" type: "类型" updatedAt: "更新于" versionName: "版本" version: "版本" default_queries: latest_activity: "最新活动" created_by_me: "由我创建" assigned_to_me: "分配给我" recently_created: "最近创建" all_open: "全部打开" summary: "摘要" jump_marks: pagination: "跳转到表格分页" label_pagination: "单击此处跳过工作包表格并转到分页" content: "跳到内容" label_content: "单击此处跳过菜单,转到内容" placeholders: default: "-" formattable: "%{name}:点击以编辑…" query: column_names: "列" group_by: "汇总结果根据" group: "分组依据" group_by_disabled_by_hierarchy: "分组依据已禁用,因为层次结构模式处于活动状态。" hierarchy_disabled_by_group_by: "层次结构模式已禁用,因为结果依据 %{column} 分组。" sort_ascending: "升序排序" sort_descending: "降序排序" move_column_left: "左移列" move_column_right: "右移列" hide_column: "隐藏列" insert_columns: "插入列..." filters: "筛选器" display_sums: "显示汇总" confirm_edit_cancel: "确定要取消编辑此视图的名称吗?标题将重置为上一个值。" click_to_edit_query_name: "单击可以编辑此视图的标题。" rename_query_placeholder: "此视图的名称" star_text: "将该视图标记为收藏项,并添加到左侧的已保存视图边栏中。" public_text: > 发布此视图,以允许其他用户访问您的视图。具有“管理公共视图”权限的用户可以修改或移除公共查询。这不会影响工作包结果在该视图中的可见性,并且用户可能会看到不同的结果,具体取决于他们的权限。 errors: unretrievable_query: "无法从 URL 检索视图" not_found: "无此视图" duplicate_query_title: "此视图的名称已存在。仍要更改?" text_no_results: "未找到匹配的视图。" scheduling: is_parent: "此工作包的日期会自动从其子项推导出。可激活“手动计划”来设置日期。" is_switched_from_manual_to_automatic: "由于与其他工作包的关系,在从手动计划切换为自动计划后,此工作包的日期可能需要重新计算。" table: configure_button: '配置工作包表' summary: "行为工作包且列为工作包属性的表格。" text_inline_edit: "大多数此表格的单元格为激活工作包属性的直接编辑功能的按钮。" text_sort_hint: "使用表格标题中的链接,您可以对表格中的列排序、分组、重排序、删除和添加。" text_select_hint: "请使用Alt+方向键打开选择框。" table_configuration: button: '配置当前工作包表' choose_display_mode: '将工作包显示为' modal_title: '工作包表配置' embedded_tab_disabled: "此配置选项卡不适用于您正在编辑的嵌入式视图。" default: "默认" display_settings: '显示设置' default_mode: "扁平列表" hierarchy_mode: "层次结构" hierarchy_hint: "所有过滤的表结果都将使用其上级进行扩充。 可以展开和折叠层次结构。" display_sums_hint: "在表结果下方一行中显示所有可累加属性的总和。" show_timeline_hint: "在表格的右侧显示交互式甘特图。 您可以通过拖动表格和甘特图之间的分隔线来更改其宽度。" highlighting: '突出显示' highlighting_mode: description: "使用颜色突出显示" none: "无突出显示" inline: '突出显示的属性' inline_all: '全部属性' entire_row_by: '整行' status: '状态' priority: '优先级' type: '类型' sorting_mode: description: '选择对您的工作包排序的模式:' automatic: '自动' manually: '手动' warning: '激活自动排序模式时,您将丢失以前的排序结果。' columns_help_text: "使用上面的输入字段向表视图中添加列。您可以拖放列来将它们重新排序。" upsale: attribute_highlighting: '需要特定的工作包以脱颖而出?' relation_columns: '需要查看工作包列表中的关系吗?' check_out_link: '签出企业版。' relation_filters: filter_work_packages_by_relation_type: '按关系类型筛选工作包' tabs: overview: 概述 activity: 活动 relations: 关系 watchers: 关注人 attachments: 附件 time_relative: days: "天" weeks: "周" months: "月" toolbar: settings: configure_view: "配置视图…" columns: "列..." sort_by: "排序..." group_by: "分组..." display_sums: "显示汇总" display_hierarchy: "显示层次结构" hide_hierarchy: "隐藏层次结构" hide_sums: "隐藏汇总" save: "保存" save_as: "另存为..." export: "导出..." visibility_settings: "可见性设置…" page_settings: "重命名视图…" delete: "删除" filter: "筛选器" unselected_title: "工作包" search_query_label: "搜索已保存的视图" search_query_title: "单击可以搜索已保存的视图" placeholder_query_title: "为此视图设置标题" modals: label_settings: "重命名视图" label_name: "名称" label_delete_page: "删除当前页面" button_apply: "应用" button_save: "保存" button_submit: "提交" button_cancel: "取消" form_submit: title: '确认已继续' text: '是否确定想要执行此操作?' destroy_work_package: title: "确认删除%{label}" text: "是否确实要删除以下%{label}?" has_children: "工作包有 %{childUnits}:" confirm_deletion_children: "我确认所列工作包的全部子工作包都将递归移除。" deletes_children: "所有子工作包及其子级也将递归删除。" destroy_time_entry: title: "确认删除时间条目" text: "确定要删除以下时间条目?" notice_no_results_to_display: "无可供显示的结果。" notice_successful_create: "成功创建。" notice_successful_delete: "成功删除。" notice_successful_update: "成功更新。" notice_job_started: "作业已开始。" notice_bad_request: "错误的请求。" relations: empty: 不存在关联 remove: 删除关系 inplace: button_edit: "%{attribute}: 编辑" button_save: "%{attribute}: 保存" button_cancel: "%{attribute}: 取消" button_save_all: "保存" button_cancel_all: "取消" link_formatting_help: "文本格式帮助" btn_preview_enable: "预览" btn_preview_disable: "禁用预览" null_value_label: "无值" clear_value_label: "-" errors: required: '%{field} 不能为空' number: '%{field} 不是一个有效的数字' maxlength: '%{field} 不能超过 %{maxLength} 位数' minlength: '%{field} 不能少于 %{minLength} 位数' messages_on_field: '此字段无效:%{messages}' error_could_not_resolve_version_name: "无法解析版本名称" error_could_not_resolve_user_name: "不能确定用户名" error_attachment_upload: "文件上传失败: %{error}" error_attachment_upload_permission: "您没有上传此资源上文件的权限。" units: workPackage: other: "工作包" child_work_packages: other: "%{count} 子工作包" hour: one: "1 小时" other: "%{count} 小时" zero: "0 h" zen_mode: button_activate: '激活 zen 模式' button_deactivate: '取消激活 zen 模式' global_search: all_projects: "在所有项目中" search: "搜索" close_search: "关闭搜索" current_project: "在当前项目中" current_project_and_all_descendants: "在当前项目和子项目中" title: all_projects: "所有项目" project_and_subprojects: "和所有子项目" search_for: "搜索" views: card: '卡片' list: '表' timeline: '甘特图' invite_user_modal: back: '返回' invite: '邀请' title: invite: '邀请用户' invite_to_project: '邀请%{type}加入 %{project}' User: '用户' Group: '群组' PlaceholderUser: '占位符用户' invite_principal_to_project: '邀请 %{principal} 加入 %{project}' project: label: '项目' required: '请选择一个项目' lacking_permission: '请选择其他项目,因为您缺少将用户分配至当前选定项目的权限。' lacking_permission_info: '您缺少将用户分配至您当前所在项目的权限。您需要选择其他项目。' next_button: '下一个' no_results: '没有找到项目' no_invite_rights: '您无权邀请成员加入此项目' type: required: '请选择要邀请的类型' user: title: '用户' description: '基于所选项目中所分配角色的权限' group: title: '组' description: '基于所选项目中所分配角色的权限' placeholder: title: '占位符用户' title_no_ee: '占位符用户(Enterprise Edition 特定功能)' description: '无法访问该项目并且未发送电子邮件。' description_no_ee: '无法访问该项目并且未发送电子邮件。
请参见 Enterprise Edition' principal: label: name_or_email: '用户名或电子邮件地址' name: '名称' already_member_message: '已经是 %{project} 的成员' no_results_user: '没有找到用户' invite_user: '邀请:' no_results_placeholder: '没有找到占位符' create_new_placeholder: '创建新的占位符:' no_results_group: '没有找到群组' next_button: '下一个' required: user: '请选择一个用户' placeholder: '请选择一个占位符' group: '请选择一个群组' role: label: '%{project} 中的角色' no_roles_found: '没有找到角色' description: '这是 %{principal} 在加入您的项目时将获得的角色。角色定义了允许其执行哪些操作以及允许其查看哪些信息。详细了解角色和权限。' required: '请选择一个角色' next_button: '下一个' message: label: '邀请消息' description: '我们将向 %{principal} 发送一封电子邮件,您可以在此处添加要向其发送的个人消息。提供邀请说明可能会很有用,您也可以添加一些有关该项目的信息以帮助他们入门。' next_button: '检查邀请' summary: next_button: '发送邀请' success: title: '%{principal} 已被邀请!' description: user: '该用户现在可以登录以访问 %{project}。同时,您已经可以与该用户一起制定计划并分配工作包等。' placeholder: '现在可以在 %{project} 中使用占位符。同时,您已经可以与该用户一起制定计划并分配工作包等。' group: '该群组现已加入 %{project}。同时,您已经可以与该群组一起制定计划并分配工作包等。' next_button: '继续' forms: submit_success_message: '表单已成功提交' load_error_message: '加载表单时出错' validation_error_message: '请修正表单中存在的错误' advanced_settings: '高级设置'