#-- encoding: UTF-8 #-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # Copyright (C) 2012-2014 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ module Project::Copy def self.included(base) base.send :include, CopyModel base.send :include, self::CopyMethods # things that are explicitly excluded when copying a project base.not_to_copy ['id', 'name', 'identifier', 'status', 'lft', 'rgt'] # specify the order of associations to copy base.copy_precedence ['members', 'versions', 'categories', 'work_packages', 'wiki'] end module CopyMethods def copy_attributes(project) begin super with_model(project) do |project| self.enabled_modules = project.enabled_modules self.types = project.types self.custom_values = project.custom_values.collect {|v| v.clone} self.work_package_custom_fields = project.work_package_custom_fields end return self rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound return nil end end def copy_associations(from_model, options = {}) super(from_model, options) if self.save end private # Copies wiki from +project+ def copy_wiki(project) # Check that the source project has a wiki first unless project.wiki.nil? self.wiki = self.build_wiki(project.wiki.attributes.dup.except("id", "project_id")) copy_wiki_pages(project) copy_wiki_menu_items(project) end end # Copies wiki pages from +project+, requires a wiki to be already set def copy_wiki_pages(project) wiki_pages_map = {} project.wiki.pages.each do |page| # Skip pages without content next if page.content.nil? new_wiki_content = WikiContent.new(page.content.attributes.dup.except("id", "page_id", "updated_at")) new_wiki_page = WikiPage.new(page.attributes.dup.except("id", "wiki_id", "created_on", "parent_id")) new_wiki_page.content = new_wiki_content self.wiki.pages << new_wiki_page wiki_pages_map[page.id] = new_wiki_page end self.wiki.save # Reproduce page hierarchy project.wiki.pages.each do |page| if page.parent_id && wiki_pages_map[page.id] wiki_pages_map[page.id].parent = wiki_pages_map[page.parent_id] wiki_pages_map[page.id].save end end end # Copies wiki_menu_items from +project+, requires a wiki to be already set def copy_wiki_menu_items(project) wiki_menu_items_map = {} project.wiki.wiki_menu_items.each do |item| new_item = MenuItems::WikiMenuItem.new new_item.force_attributes = item.attributes.dup.except("id", "wiki_id", "parent_id") new_item.wiki = self.wiki (wiki_menu_items_map[item.id] = new_item.reload) if new_item.save end project.wiki.wiki_menu_items.each do |item| if item.parent_id && (copy = wiki_menu_items_map[item.id]) copy.parent = wiki_menu_items_map[item.parent_id] copy.save end end end # Copies versions from +project+ def copy_versions(project) project.versions.each do |version| new_version = Version.new new_version.attributes = version.attributes.dup.except("id", "project_id", "created_on", "updated_at") self.versions << new_version end end # Copies issue categories from +project+ def copy_categories(project) project.categories.each do |category| new_category = Category.new new_category.send(:assign_attributes, category.attributes.dup.except("id", "project_id"), :without_protection => true) self.categories << new_category end end # Copies issues from +project+ def copy_work_packages(project) # Stores the source issue id as a key and the copied issues as the # value. Used to map the two together for issue relations. work_packages_map = {} # Get issues sorted by root_id, lft so that parent issues # get copied before their children project.work_packages.reorder('root_id, lft').each do |issue| new_issue = WorkPackage.new new_issue.copy_from(issue) new_issue.project = self # Reassign fixed_versions by name, since names are unique per # project and the versions for self are not yet saved if issue.fixed_version new_version = self.versions.select {|v| v.name == issue.fixed_version.name}.first if new_version new_issue.instance_variable_set(:@changed_attributes, new_issue.changed_attributes.merge({"fixed_version_id" => new_version.id})) new_issue.fixed_version = new_version end end # Reassign the category by name, since names are unique per # project and the categories for self are not yet saved if issue.category new_issue.category = self.categories.select {|c| c.name == issue.category.name}.first end # Parent issue if issue.parent_id if (copied_parent = work_packages_map[issue.parent_id]) && copied_parent.reload new_issue.parent_id = copied_parent.id end end self.work_packages << new_issue if new_issue.new_record? logger.info "Project#copy_work_packages: work unit ##{issue.id} could not be copied: #{new_issue.errors.full_messages}" if logger && logger.info else work_packages_map[issue.id] = new_issue unless new_issue.new_record? end end # reload all work_packages in our map, they might be modified by movement in their tree work_packages_map.each { |_,v| v.reload } # Relations after in case issues related each other project.work_packages.each do |issue| new_issue = work_packages_map[issue.id] unless new_issue # Issue was not copied next end # Relations issue.relations_from.each do |source_relation| new_relation = Relation.new new_relation.force_attributes = source_relation.attributes.dup.except("id", "from_id", "to_id") new_relation.to = work_packages_map[source_relation.to_id] if new_relation.to.nil? && Setting.cross_project_work_package_relations? new_relation.to = source_relation.to end new_relation.from = new_issue new_relation.save end issue.relations_to.each do |source_relation| new_relation = Relation.new new_relation.force_attributes = source_relation.attributes.dup.except("id", "from_id", "to_id") new_relation.from = work_packages_map[source_relation.from_id] if new_relation.from.nil? && Setting.cross_project_work_package_relations? new_relation.from = source_relation.from end new_relation.to = new_issue new_relation.save end end end # Copies members from +project+ def copy_members(project) # Copy users first, then groups to handle members with inherited and given roles members_to_copy = [] members_to_copy += project.memberships.select {|m| m.principal.is_a?(User)} members_to_copy += project.memberships.select {|m| !m.principal.is_a?(User)} members_to_copy.each do |member| new_member = Member.new new_member.send(:assign_attributes, member.attributes.dup.except("id", "project_id", "created_on"), :without_protection => true) # only copy non inherited roles # inherited roles will be added when copying the group membership role_ids = member.member_roles.reject(&:inherited?).collect(&:role_id) next if role_ids.empty? new_member.role_ids = role_ids new_member.project = self self.memberships << new_member end end # Copies queries from +project+ def copy_queries(project) project.queries.each do |query| new_query = ::Query.new name: '_' new_query.attributes = query.attributes.dup.except("id", "project_id", "sort_criteria") new_query.sort_criteria = query.sort_criteria if query.sort_criteria new_query.project = self self.queries << new_query end end # Copies boards from +project+ def copy_boards(project) project.boards.each do |board| new_board = Board.new new_board.attributes = board.attributes.dup.except("id", "project_id", "topics_count", "messages_count", "last_message_id") new_board.project = self self.boards << new_board end end # Copies project associations from +project+ def copy_project_associations(project) [:project_a, :project_b].each do |association_type| project.send(:"#{association_type}_associations").each do |association| new_association = ProjectAssociation.new new_association.force_attributes = association.attributes.dup.except("id", "#{association_type}_id") new_association.send(:"#{association_type}=", self) new_association.save end end end #copies timeline associations from +project+ def copy_timelines(project) project.timelines.each do |timeline| copied_timeline = Timeline.new copied_timeline.force_attributes = timeline.attributes.dup.except("id", "project_id", "options") copied_timeline.options = timeline.options if timeline.options.present? copied_timeline.project = self copied_timeline.save end end #copies reporting associations from +project+ def copy_reportings(project) project.reportings_via_source.each do |reporting| copied_reporting = Reporting.new copied_reporting.force_attributes = reporting.attributes.dup.except("id", "project_id") copied_reporting.project = self copied_reporting.save end project.reportings_via_target.each do |reporting| copied_reporting = Reporting.new copied_reporting.force_attributes = reporting.attributes.dup.except("id", "reporting_to_project") copied_reporting.reporting_to_project = self copied_reporting.save end end end end