#-- copyright
# OpenProject is a project management system.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 the OpenProject Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.
# See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details.
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../spec_helper.rb")
describe OpenProject::JournalFormatter::Diff do
include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
# WARNING: the order of the modules is important to ensure that url_for of
# ActionController::UrlWriter is called and not the one of ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
Struct.new("TestJournal", :id, :journaled)
let(:klass) { OpenProject::JournalFormatter::Diff }
let(:id) { 1 }
let(:journal) do
Struct::TestJournal.new(id, Issue.new)
let(:instance) { klass.new(journal) }
let(:key) { "description" }
# calling a helper method (link_to in this case) doesn't work always here
# with rspec-core 2.13.0 in combination with rspec-rails
# see https://github.com/rspec/rspec-core/issues/817
#let(:url) { { :controller => 'journals',
# :action => 'diff',
# :id => journal.id,
# :field => key.downcase,
# :protocol => Setting.protocol,
# :host => Setting.host_name } }
# Setting the url by hand is just a workaround until rspec bug is fixed
let(:url) {"#{Setting.protocol}://#{Setting.host_name}/journals/#{journal.id}/diff/description"}
let(:link) { link_to(I18n.t(:label_details), url, :class => 'description-details') }
describe :render do
describe "WITH the first value beeing nil, and the second a string" do
let(:expected) { I18n.t(:text_journal_set_with_diff,
:label => "#{key.camelize}",
:link => link) }
it { instance.render(key, [nil, "new value"]).should == expected }
describe "WITH the first value beeing a string, and the second a string" do
let(:expected) { I18n.t(:text_journal_changed_with_diff,
:label => "#{key.camelize}",
:link => link) }
it { instance.render(key, ["old value", "new value"]).should == expected }
describe "WITH the first value beeing a string, and the second a string
WITH de as locale" do
let(:expected) { I18n.t(:text_journal_changed_with_diff,
:label => "Beschreibung",
:link => link) }
before do
I18n.locale = :de
it { instance.render(key, ["old value", "new value"]).should == expected }
after do
I18n.locale = :en
describe "WITH the first value beeing a string, and the second nil" do
let(:expected) { I18n.t(:text_journal_deleted_with_diff,
:label => "#{key.camelize}",
:link => link) }
it { instance.render(key, ["old_value", nil]).should == expected }
describe "WITH the first value beeing nil, and the second a string
WITH specifying not to output html" do
let(:expected) { I18n.t(:text_journal_set_with_diff,
:label => key.camelize,
:link => url_for(url)) }
it { instance.render(key, [nil, "new value"], :no_html => true).should == expected }
describe "WITH the first value beeing a string, and the second a string
WITH specifying not to output html" do
let(:expected) { I18n.t(:text_journal_changed_with_diff,
:label => key.camelize,
:link => url_for(url)) }
it { instance.render(key, ["old value", "new value"], :no_html => true).should == expected }
describe "WITH the first value beeing a string, and the second nil" do
let(:expected) { I18n.t(:text_journal_deleted_with_diff,
:label => key.camelize,
:link => url_for(url)) }
it { instance.render(key, ["old_value", nil], :no_html => true).should == expected }