--- zh-TW: js: ajax: hide: 隱藏 loading: 正在載入… close_popup_title: 關閉彈出窗口 close_filter_title: Close filter close_form_title: 關閉表單 clipboard: browser_error: 您的瀏覽器不支援複製到剪貼簿。請手動複製選取的文字。 copied_successful: 成功複製到剪貼簿上! button_add_watcher: 新增監看者 button_back_to_list_view: 返回清單 button_cancel: 取消 button_close: 關閉 button_check_all: 勾選全部 button_configure-form: Configure form button_confirm: 確認 button_continue: Continue button_copy: 複製 button_custom-fields: 自訂欄位 button_delete: 删除 button_delete_watcher: 刪除監看者 button_details_view: 詳細檢視 button_duplicate: 複本 button_edit: 編輯 button_filter: 篩選器 button_list_view: 清單檢視 button_show_view: 全螢幕瀏覽 button_log_time: 日誌的時間 button_more: 更多 button_move: 移動 button_open_details: 開啟詳細檢視 button_close_details: Close details view button_open_fullscreen: 開啟全螢幕檢視 button_quote: 引言 button_save: 儲存 button_settings: 設定 button_uncheck_all: 取消全選 button_update: 更新 button_export-pdf: Download PDF button_export-atom: Download Atom description_available_columns: 可用欄 description_current_position: 您在這裏: description_select_work_package: '選取工作項目 #%{id}' description_selected_columns: 所選的欄 description_subwork_package: '子工作項目 #%{id}' error: internal: An internal error has occurred. filter: description: text_open_filter: 使用 ALT 和方向鍵打開此篩選器。 text_close_filter: 要選擇條目離開焦點例如按輸入。離開沒有篩選器的情況下選擇的第一個 (空) 條目。 noneElement: "(無)" time_zone_converted: two_values: "%{from} - %{to} in your local time." only_start: From %{from} in your local time. only_end: Till %{to} in your local time. value_spacer: "-" sorting: criteria: one: 第一個排序條件 two: 第二個排序條件 three: 第三個排序條件 general_text_no: 否 general_text_yes: 是 general_text_No: 否 general_text_Yes: 是 label_activate: 啟用 label_activity_no: 活動條目編號 %{activityNo} label_activity_with_comment_no: 活動條目編號 %{activityNo}。有的使用者評論。 label_add_columns: Add columns label_add_comment: 新增評論 label_add_comment_title: 按一下添加注釋 label_add_selected_columns: 新增所選欄 label_added_by: 新增者 label_added_time_by: 由 %{author} 於%{age} 新增 label_ago: 天前 label_all: 所有 label_all_work_packages: 所有工作項 label_and: 和 label_ascending: 昇冪 label_author: '作者: %{user}' label_between: between label_board_locked: 鎖定 label_board_sticky: 附著 label_create_work_package: 建立新的工作項目 label_created_by: 建立由 label_date: 日期 label_date_with_format: '輸入 %{date_attribute} 使用以下格式: %{format}' label_deactivate: 停用 label_descending: 降冪 label_description: 說明 label_cancel_comment: 取消注釋 label_closed_work_packages: 已關閉 label_collapse: 折疊 label_collapsed: 摺疊 label_collapse_all: 全部摺疊 label_comment: 評論 label_committed_at: 在 %{date} %{committed_revision_link} label_committed_link: 上傳修訂的 %{revision_identifier} label_contains: 包含 label_created_on: 建立於 label_edit_comment: 編輯此評論 label_edit_status: Edit the status of the work package label_equals: 是 label_expand: 展開 label_expanded: 展開 label_expand_all: 全部展開 label_export: 匯出 label_filename: 檔案 label_filesize: 檔案大小 label_greater_or_equal: ">=" label_group_by: 分組依據 label_hide_attributes: 簡略 label_hide_column: 隱藏欄 label_in: 在 label_in_less_than: 少於 label_in_more_than: 多於 label_latest_activity: 最新活動 label_last_updated_on: 最後更新於 label_less_or_equal: "<=" label_less_than_ago: 少於幾天前 label_loading: 讀取中... label_me: 我 label_menu_collapse: 摺疊 label_menu_expand: 展開 label_more_than_ago: 很多天之前 label_next: 下一個 label_no_data: 沒有資料可顯示 label_no_due_date: 無結束日期 label_no_start_date: 無開始日期 label_none: 無 label_not_contains: 不包含 label_not_equals: 不是 label_on: 開啟 label_open_menu: 開啟選單 label_open_work_packages: 打開 label_password: 密碼 label_previous: 上一個 label_per_page: 每頁: label_please_wait: Please wait label_visibility_settings: 可見度設定 label_quote_comment: 引述這個評論 label_reset: 重置 label_remove_columns: 移除所選欄 label_save_as: 保存為 label_select_watcher: 選擇監看者 label_selected_filter_list: 所選的篩選器 label_show_attributes: 顯示所有屬性 label_show_in_menu: 在功能表中顯示頁面 label_sort_by: 排序方式 label_sorted_by: 排序條件 label_sort_higher: 往上移動 label_sort_lower: 往下移動 label_sorting: 排序 label_sum_for: 總和 label_subject: 主題 label_this_week: 本週 label_today: 今天 label_activity_show_only_comments: 只顯示活動和其評論 label_activity_show_all: 顯示所有的活動 label_total_progress: "%{percent}%總進度" label_visible_for_others: 其他人可見的頁面 label_updated_on: 更新於 label_warning: 警告 label_work_package: 工作項目 label_work_package_plural: 工作項目 label_watch: 監看 label_watch_work_package: 監看工作項目 label_watcher_added_successfully: 成功新增監看者! label_watcher_deleted_successfully: 成功刪除監看者! label_work_package_details_you_are_here: 目前在 %{type} %{subject} 的第 %{tab} 個頁籤 label_unwatch: 取消監看 label_unwatch_work_package: 取消監看工作項目 label_uploaded_by: 上傳者 label_global_queries: 共用的查詢 label_custom_queries: 私人查詢 label_columns: 欄 label_attachments: 檔案 label_drop_files: 將檔案拖曳至此處 label_drop_files_hint: 或按一下要添加的檔 label_add_attachments: 新增附件 label_formattable_attachment_hint: 藉由拖放或從剪貼簿貼上至此欄位來附加和連結檔案。 label_remove_file: 刪除 %{fileName} label_remove_watcher: 刪除關注者 %{name} label_remove_all_files: 刪除所有檔案 label_add_description: 添加 %{file} 的說明 label_upload_notification: '上傳檔案到工作包 #%{id}: %{subject}' label_files_to_upload: '將上傳這些檔案:' label_rejected_files: '不能上傳這些檔案:' label_rejected_files_reason: 這些檔案不能上傳,因為它們的大小大於 %{maximumFilesize} label_wait: 請等待配置... label_upload_counter: "%{count} 個中的 %{done} 個文件已完成" label_validation_error: '由於下列錯誤,無法儲存工作包:' help_texts: show_modal: 顯示屬性說明文字項目 password_confirmation: field_description: 您需要輸入您的帳戶密碼,以確認此更改。 title: 確認您的密碼以便繼續 pagination: no_other_page: You are on the only page. pages: next: Forward to the next page previous: Back to the previous page placeholders: default: "-" subject: 在此輸入主旨 selection: 請選擇 relation_description: 按一下以便為此關係添加描述 project: required_outside_context: 你不是在專案內容範圍內。請先選擇專案內容再選擇類型和狀態 context: 專案內容 work_package_belongs_to: 此工作項目屬於專案 %{projectname}。 click_to_switch_context: Open this work package in that project. text_are_you_sure: 是否確定? types: attribute_groups: error_duplicate_group_name: The name %{group} is used more than once. Group names must be unique. reset_title: Reset form configuration confirm_reset: '警告:您確定要重設表單設定嗎?這將會重新設定所有屬性至它們的預設群組,取消所有可見度勾選和停用所有的自訂欄位。 ' upgrade_to_ee: Upgrade to Enterprise Edition upgrade_to_ee_text: Wow! If you need this feature you are a super pro! Would you mind supporting us OpenSource developers by becoming an Enterprise Edition client? more_information: More information nevermind: Nevermind watchers: label_loading: 正在載入關注者... label_error_loading: An error occurred while loading the watchers label_search_watchers: 搜尋關注者 label_add: 新增監看者 label_discard: 放棄選擇 typeahead_placeholder: Search for possible watchers relation_labels: parent: 主 children: 子階 relates: 關聯於 duplicates: 重複 duplicated: 複製者 blocks: 區塊 blocked: 禁止者 precedes: 前置 follows: 後置 includes: 包括 partof: 一部分 requires: 需求 required: Required by relation_type: relation type relations_hierarchy: hierarchy_headline: 階層 relation_buttons: change_parent: 更改父級 remove_parent: Remove parent group_by_wp_type: Group by work package type group_by_relation_type: Group by relation type add_parent: Add existing parent add_new_child: Create new child add_existing_child: Add existing child remove_child: Remove child add_new_relation: Create new relation update_description: Set or update description of this relation toggle_description: 切換關係描述 update_relation: 按一下此處以更改關聯類型 add_follower: Add follower add_predecessor: Add predecessor remove: 刪除關係 save: Save relation abort: 捨棄 relations_autocomplete: placeholder: Enter the related work package id repositories: select_tag: 選擇標籤 select_branch: 選擇分支 field_value_enter_prompt: 輸入'%{field}'的值 select2: input_too_short: one: Please enter one more character other: |- 請再輸入一個字元 請再{{count}} 輸入更多字元 zero: Please enter more characters load_more: 正在載入更多結果 no_matches: 找不到符合項目 searching: 正在搜尋… selection_too_big: one: You can only select one item other: |- 您只能選擇一個選項 您只能選擇 {{limit}} 項目 zero: You cannot select any items sort: sorted_asc: 'Ascending sort applied, ' sorted_dsc: 'Descending sort applied, ' sorted_no: 'No sort applied, ' sorting_disabled: sorting is disabled activate_asc: activate to apply an ascending sort activate_dsc: activate to apply a descending sort activate_no: activate to remove the sort text_work_packages_destroy_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete the selected work package(s)? text_query_destroy_confirmation: 確定要刪除已選擇的查詢項目嗎? text_attachment_destroy_confirmation: 你確定你想要刪除附件? timelines: gantt_chart: 甘特圖 labels: bar: 列標籤 left: 左 right: 右 farRight: 最右 showNone: "-- 沒有標籤 --" description: 'Select the attributes you want to be shown in the respective positions of the Gantt chart at all times. Note that when hovering an element, its date labels will be shown instead of these attributes. ' button_activate: Activate timeline mode button_deactivate: Deactivate timeline mode cancel: 取消 change: 更改計劃 due_date: 截止日期 empty: "(空)" error: An error has occurred. errors: not_implemented: The timeline could not be rendered because it uses a feature that is not yet implemented. report_comparison: The timeline could not render the configured comparisons. Please check the appropriate section in the configuration, resetting it can help solve this problem. report_epicfail: The timeline could not be loaded due to an unexpected error. report_timeout: The timeline could not be loaded in a reasonable amount of time. filter: column: assigned_to: 負責執行者 type: 類型 due_date: 結束日期 name: 名稱 status: 狀態 responsible: 責任歸屬者 start_date: 起始日期 grouping_other: 其他 noneSelection: "(無)" name: 名稱 new_work_package: 新增工作項目 outline: 重置大綱 outlines: aggregation: 僅顯示聚合 level1: 展開第1層 level2: 展開第2層 level3: 展開第3層 level4: 展開第4層 level5: 展開第5層 all: 顯示全部 project_status: 專案狀態 project_type: 專案類型 really_close_dialog: 您真的要關閉對話視窗並放棄輸入的資料嗎? responsible: 責任歸屬者 save: 儲存 start_date: 起始日期 tooManyProjects: 比 %{count} 更多專案. 請使用較好的篩選條件. selection_mode: notification: 按一下任何標示的工作項目來建立關聯。按 ESC 取消。 zoom: in: 放大 out: 縮小 auto: Auto zoom days: 日 weeks: 週 months: 月 quarters: 季 years: 年 slider: 縮放滑動器 tl_toolbar: zooms: 縮放等級 outlines: 層次結構級別 unsupported_browser: title: 系統不支援您的瀏覽器版本 message: The browser version you are using is no longer supported by OpenProject. update_message: Please update your browser. update_ie_user: Please switch to Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, or upgrade to Microsoft Edge. learn_more: 了解更多 close_warning: Ignore this warning. wiki_formatting: strong: 粗體 italic: 斜體 underline: 底線 deleted: 已刪除 code: 行間內程式碼 heading1: 標題 1 heading2: 標題 2 heading3: 標題 3 unordered_list: 項目符號清單 ordered_list: 編號清單 quote: 引言 unquote: 取消引言 preformatted_text: 預先格式化文字 wiki_link: 連結到一個 Wiki 頁面 image: 圖片 work_packages: bulk_actions: move: 整批移動 edit: 整批編輯 copy: 整批複製 delete: 整批刪除 button_clear: 清除 comment_added: 成功添加注釋。 comment_send_failed: An error has occurred. Could not submit the comment. comment_updated: 注釋已成功更新。 confirm_edit_cancel: Are you sure you want to cancel editing the work package? description_filter: 篩選器 description_enter_text: 輸入文字 description_options_hide: 隱藏選項 description_options_show: 顯示選項 error: edit_prohibited: Editing %{attribute} is blocked for this work package. Either this attribute is derived from relations (e.g, children) or otherwise not configurable. format: date: "%{attribute} is no valid date - YYYY-MM-DD expected." general: An error has occurred. edit_attribute: "%{attribute} - 編輯" key_value: "%{key}: %{value}" label_enable_multi_select: 啟用多個選項 label_disable_multi_select: 停用多個選項 label_filter_add: 新增篩選器 label_options: 選項 label_column_multiselect: '組合的下拉欄位: 使用方向鍵選擇,用 enter 鍵確認,用backspace鍵刪除' label_switch_to_single_select: Switch to single select label_switch_to_multi_select: Switch to multi select message_error_during_bulk_delete: 刪除工作項目時發生錯誤 message_successful_bulk_delete: 成功刪除工作包 message_successful_show_in_fullscreen: Click here to open this work package in fullscreen view. message_view_spent_time: Show spent time for this work package no_value: 沒有值 inline_create: title: 點擊添加新的工作項目到此清單 create: header: New %{type} header_no_type: New work package (Type not yet set) header_with_parent: 'New %{type} (Child of %{parent_type} #%{id})' button: 建立 hierarchy: show: Show hierarchy mode hide: Hide hierarchy mode toggle_button: Click to toggle hierarchy mode. leaf: Work package leaf at level %{level}. children_collapsed: Hierarchy level %{level}, collapsed. Click to show the filtered children children_expanded: Hierarchy level %{level}, expanded. Click to collapse the filtered children faulty_query: title: Work packages could not be loaded. description: Your query is erroneous and could not be processed. no_results: title: No work packages to display. description: Either none have been created or all work packages are filtered out. property_groups: details: 詳細資料 people: 人員 estimatesAndTime: 預估與時間 other: 其他 properties: assignee: 負責執行者 author: 作者 createdAt: 建立於 description: 說明 date: 日期 dueDate: 截止日期 estimatedTime: 預估時間 spentTime: 耗時 category: 類別 percentageDone: 完成百分比 priority: 優先等級 projectName: 專案 responsible: 責任歸屬者 startDate: 起始日期 status: 狀態 subject: 主題 title: 標題 type: 類型 updatedAt: 更新於 versionName: 版本 version: 版本 jump_marks: pagination: Jump to table pagination label_pagination: Click here to skip over the work packages table and go to pagination content: Jump to content label_content: Click here to skip over the menu and go to the content placeholders: default: "-" description: 點擊此處輸入描述… query: column_names: 欄 group_by: 分組依據 group: 分組依據 group_by_disabled_by_hierarchy: Group by is disabled due to the hierarchy mode being active. hierarchy_disabled_by_group_by: Hierarchy mode is disabled due to results being grouped by %{column}. hierarchy_mode: Hierarchy mode sort_ascending: 昇冪排序 sort_descending: 降冪排序 move_column_left: 欄向左移 move_column_right: 欄向右移 hide_column: 隱藏欄 insert_columns: 插入欄... filters: 篩選器 display_sums: 顯示加總 errors: unretrievable_query: 無法從 URL 取得查詢結果 not_found: There is no such query text_no_results: No matching queries were found. table: summary: Table with rows of work package and columns of work package attributes. text_inline_edit: Most cells of this table are buttons that activate inline-editing functionality of that attribute. text_sort_hint: With the links in the table headers you can sort, group, reorder, remove and add table columns. text_select_hint: Select boxes should be opened with 'ALT' and arrow keys. tabs: overview: 概要 activity: 活動 relations: 關連 watchers: 監看者 attachments: 附加檔 time_relative: days: 天 weeks: 週 months: 月 toolbar: settings: columns: 欄 sort_by: 排序條件... group_by: 分組條件... display_sums: 顯示總和 display_hierarchy: Display hierarchy hide_hierarchy: Hide hierarchy hide_sums: 隱藏總和 save: 儲存 save_as: 另存為… export: 匯出... publish: 發佈 ... page_settings: 重新命名查詢... delete: 删除 filter: 篩選器 unselected_title: 工作項目 search_query_label: 查詢儲存的搜索篩選器 search_query_title: 按一下此處,搜索儲存的篩選器查詢 modals: label_settings: 重新命名查詢 label_name: 名稱 label_delete_page: 刪除本頁 button_apply: 套用 button_save: 儲存 button_submit: 提交 button_cancel: 取消 form_submit: title: Confirm to continue text: Are you sure you want to perform this action? upsale_relation_columns: 需要檢視工作項目清單的關係嗎 upsale_relation_columns_link: 請查閱企業版 destroy_work_package: title: 確認刪除 %{label} text: 您確定要刪除以下 %{label}? has_children: '此工作項目包含 %{childUnits}:' deletes_children: 所有的子工作項目將會被一併刪除。 notice_successful_create: 建立成功 notice_successful_delete: 刪除成功 notice_successful_update: 更新成功 notice_bad_request: 錯誤的請求 relations: empty: 關連不存在 remove: 刪除關係 inplace: button_edit: "%{attribute}: 編輯" button_save: "%{attribute}: 儲存" button_cancel: "%{attribute}: 取消" button_save_all: 儲存 button_cancel_all: 取消 link_formatting_help: 文本格式説明 btn_preview_enable: 預覽 btn_preview_disable: 停用預覽 null_value_label: 沒有值 clear_value_label: "-" errors: required: "%{field} 不能為空白" number: "%{field} 不是一個有效的數字" maxlength: "%{field} 不能包含多於 %{maxLength} 個為位數" minlength: "%{field} 不能少於 %{minLength} 位數" messages_on_field: 'This field is invalid: %{messages}' error_could_not_resolve_version_name: 無法解析版本名稱 error_could_not_resolve_user_name: 無法解決使用者名稱 units: workPackage: one: work package other: 工作項目 child_work_packages: one: one child work package other: "%{count} 個子工作項目" hour: one: 1 hour other: "%{count} 一個小時" zero: 0 hours zen_mode: button_activate: Activate zen mode button_deactivate: Deactivate zen mode