Feature: Copy meetings Background: Given there is 1 project with the following: | identifier | dingens | | name | dingens | And the project "dingens" uses the following modules: | meetings | And there is 1 user with: | login | alice | | language | en | | firstname | Alice | | lastname | Alice | And there is 1 user with: | login | bob | And there is 1 user with: | login | charly | And there is 1 user with: | login | dave | And there is a role "user" And the user "alice" is a "user" in the project "dingens" And there is 1 meeting in project "dingens" created by "alice" with: | title | Alices Meeting | | location | CZI | | duration | 1.5 | | start_time | 2013-03-27 18:55:00 | Scenario: Navigate to a meeting page with permission to create meetings Given the role "user" may have the following rights: | view_meetings | | create_meetings | When I am already logged in as "alice" And I go to the Meetings page for the project called "dingens" And I click on "Alices Meeting" Then I should see "Copy" within "#content > .contextual" Scenario: Navigate to a meeting copy page Given the role "user" may have the following rights: | view_meetings | | create_meetings | When I am already logged in as "alice" And I go to the Meetings page for the project called "dingens" And I click on "Alices Meeting" And I click on "Copy" Then the "meeting[title]" field should contain "Alices Meeting" And the "meeting[location]" field should contain "CZI" And the "meeting[duration]" field should contain "1.5" And the "meeting[start_date]" field should contain "2013-03-27" And the "meeting[start_time(4i)]" field should contain "18" And the "meeting[start_time(5i)]" field should contain "55" #And no participant should be selected as attendee #And only invited participants should be selected as invitees Scenario: Navigate to a meeting copy page to make sure the author is selected as invited but not as attendee Given the role "user" may have the following rights: | view_meetings | | create_meetings | And "alice" attended the Meeting "Alices Meeting" When I am already logged in as "alice" And I go to the Meetings page for the project called "dingens" And I click on "Alices Meeting" And I click on "Copy" Then the "meeting[participants_attributes][][invited]" checkbox should be checked And the "meeting[participants_attributes][][attended]" checkbox should not be checked Scenario: Copy a meeting and make sure the author isn''t copied over Given the role "user" may have the following rights: | view_meetings | | create_meetings | When I am already logged in as "alice" And I go to the Meetings page for the project called "dingens" And I click on "Alices Meeting" And I click on "Copy" And I click on "Create" Then I should not see "Alice Alice; Alice Alice" And I should see "Alice Alice" Scenario: Copy a meeting and make sure the agenda is copied over Given the role "user" may have the following rights: | view_meetings | | create_meetings | And the meeting "Alices Meeting" has 1 agenda with: | text | "blubber" | When I am already logged in as "alice" And I go to the Meetings page for the project called "dingens" And I click on "Alices Meeting" And I click on "Copy" And I click on "Create" And I click on "Agenda" And I click on "History" Then I should see "Copied from Meeting #"