import IAugmentedJQuery = angular.IAugmentedJQuery; import {WorkPackageResourceInterface} from '../../../api/api-v3/hal-resources/work-package-resource.service'; export class DropModel { public files:File[]; public filesCount:number; public isUpload:boolean; public isDelayedUpload:boolean; public isWebLink:boolean; public webLinkUrl:string; protected config:any = { imageFileTypes: ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png'], maximumAttachmentFileSize: 0, // initialized during init process from ConfigurationService }; constructor(protected $location:ng.ILocationService, protected dataTransfer:any, protected workPackage:WorkPackageResourceInterface) { this.files = dataTransfer.files; this.filesCount = this.files.length; this.isUpload = this._isUpload(dataTransfer); this.isDelayedUpload = this.workPackage.isNew; this.isWebLink = !this.isUpload; this.webLinkUrl = dataTransfer.getData('URL'); } public isWebImage():boolean { if (angular.isDefined(this.webLinkUrl)) { const ext = (this.webLinkUrl.split('.') as any[]).pop(); return (this.config.imageFileTypes.indexOf(ext.toLowerCase()) > -1); } return false; } public isAttachmentOfCurrentWp():boolean { if (this.isWebLink) { // weblink does not point to our server, so it can't be an attachment if (!(this.webLinkUrl.indexOf(this.$ > -1)) { return false; } var isAttachment:boolean = false; this.workPackage.attachments.elements.forEach(attachment => { if (this.webLinkUrl.indexOf(attachment.href as string) > -1) { isAttachment = true; return; } }); return isAttachment; } return false; } public removeHostInformationFromUrl():string { return this.webLinkUrl.replace(window.location.origin, ''); } protected _isUpload(dt:DataTransfer):boolean { if (dt.types && this.filesCount > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < dt.types.length; i++) { if (dt.types[i] === 'Files') { return true; } } } return false; } }