<%#-- copyright OpenProject Costs Plugin Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ++#%>

<%= l(:caption_materials) %>

<%= VariableCostObject.human_attribute_name(:material_budget) %>

<% @cost_object.material_budget_items.each do |material_budget_item| %> <% end %> <% if User.current.allowed_to?(:view_cost_rates, @project) %> <% end %>
<%= MaterialBudgetItem.human_attribute_name(:units) %> <%= MaterialBudgetItem.human_attribute_name(:cost_type) %> <%= MaterialBudgetItem.human_attribute_name(:comment) %> <%= MaterialBudgetItem.human_attribute_name(:budget) %>
<%=h pluralize(material_budget_item.units, material_budget_item.cost_type.unit, material_budget_item.cost_type.unit_plural) %> <%=h material_budget_item.cost_type.name %> <%=h material_budget_item.comments %> <%= material_budget_item.costs_visible_by?(User.current) ? number_to_currency(material_budget_item.costs) : "" %>
<%= number_to_currency(@cost_object.material_budget) %>

<%= l(:caption_material_costs) %>

<% @cost_object.cost_entries.visible(User.current, @project).all(:include => [:cost_type]).group_by(&:work_package).each do |work_package, cost_entries| entries = cost_entries.inject(Hash.new) do |results, entry| result = results[entry.cost_type.id.to_s] unless result result = CostEntry.new(:cost_type => entry.cost_type, :cost_object => @cost_object, :overridden_costs => 0.0, :units => 0) results[entry.cost_type.id.to_s] = result end result.overridden_costs += entry.real_costs result.units += entry.units results end.values entries.each do |c| %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if User.current.allowed_to?(:view_cost_rates, @project) %> <% end %>
<%= CostEntry.human_attribute_name(:work_package)%> <%= CostEntry.human_attribute_name(:units) %> <%= CostEntry.human_attribute_name(:cost_type) %> <%= CostEntry.human_attribute_name(:costs) %>
<%= link_to_work_package work_package %> <%= link_to pluralize(c.units, c.cost_type.unit, c.cost_type.unit_plural), {:controller => "/costlog", :action => "index", :cost_type_id => c.cost_type, :work_package_id => work_package} %> <%= c.cost_type %> <%= c.costs_visible_by?(User.current) ? number_to_currency(c.real_costs) : "" %>
<%= number_to_currency(@cost_object.spent_material) %>

<%= l(:caption_labor) %>

<%= VariableCostObject.human_attribute_name(:labor_budget)%>

<% @cost_object.labor_budget_items.each do |labor_budget_item| %> <% if labor_budget_item.costs_visible_by?(User.current) %> <% else %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if User.current.allowed_to?(:view_hourly_rates, @project) || User.current.allowed_to?(:view_own_hourly_rate, @project) %> <% end %>
<%= LaborBudgetItem.human_attribute_name(:hours) %> <%= LaborBudgetItem.human_attribute_name(:user) %> <%= LaborBudgetItem.human_attribute_name(:comment) %> <%= LaborBudgetItem.human_attribute_name(:budget) %>
<%= labor_budget_item.hours %>h <%=h labor_budget_item.user.name %> <%=h labor_budget_item.comments %> <%= number_to_currency(labor_budget_item.costs)%>
<%= number_to_currency(@cost_object.labor_budget) %>

<%= l(:caption_labor_costs) %>

<% @cost_object.time_entries.visible(User.current, @project).all.group_by(&:work_package).each do |work_package, time_entries| entries = time_entries.inject(Hash.new) do |results, entry| result = results[entry.user.id.to_s] unless result result = TimeEntry.new(:user => entry.user, :overridden_costs => 0) result.hours = 0 results[entry.user.id.to_s] = result end result.overridden_costs += entry.real_costs result.hours += entry.hours results end.values entries.each do |t| %> <% end %> <% end %>
<%= TimeEntry.human_attribute_name(:work_package) %> <%= TimeEntry.human_attribute_name(:hours) %> <%= TimeEntry.human_attribute_name(:user) %> <%= TimeEntry.human_attribute_name(:costs) %>
<%= link_to_work_package work_package %> <%= link_to "#{t.hours}h", {:controller => "/timelog", :action => "index", :work_package_id => work_package} %> <%=h t.user.name %> <%= number_to_currency(t.real_costs) %>
<%= number_to_currency(@cost_object.spent_labor) %>