=grid-item-columns($columns) width: 100% / 12 * $columns .grid-items-lines $grid-items-background: $base-body-color $grid-item-background: $base-body-color $grid-item-border: 1px solid transparentize($base-font-color, 0.8) $grid-item-columns: 4 $grid-item-big-columns: 8 $grid-item-color: $base-font-color $grid-item-height: 14em +clearfix position: relative .grid-item +transition(all 0.2s ease-in-out) height: $grid-item-height background: $grid-item-background width: 100% overflow: hidden float: left padding: 2em border-right: $grid-item-border border-bottom: $grid-item-border cursor: pointer //+media($large-screen) +grid-item-columns($grid-item-columns) &:hover background: transparentize($grid-item-color, 0.95) .grid-item img display: block height: 2.5em margin-bottom: 1.2em opacity: .2 .grid-item h1 color: $grid-item-color font-size: 1.3em margin-bottom: .4em .grid-item p color: transparentize($grid-item-color, 0.4) //+media($medium-screen) max-width: 70% .grid-item-big //+media($large-screen) +grid-item-columns($grid-item-big-columns) p //+media($medium-screen) max-width: 60% // this, below, might not be the most beautiful solution but it removes the outer borders by using the background color. .bottom-cover position: absolute bottom: 0px width: 100% height: 3px background: $grid-items-background .right-cover position: absolute right: 0px height: 100% width: 4px background: $grid-items-background