# Changelog * `#2463` Squashed old migrations ## 3.0.3 * `#1790` Adapt Meeting Plugin to the acts_as_journalized changes ## 3.0.2 * `#1602` Copyright notice updates and wiring to specific Core versions because of coming update to acts_as_journalized ## 3.0.1 * `#1673` Fixed missing translation in diff view ## 3.0.0 * `#1554` Execute release ## 3.0.0.rc2 * `#1529` First public release * `#1551` Fixed bug: Not possible to withdraw invitation ## 2013-07-04 Christian Ratz * fix time zones bug ## 2013-06-27 Christian Ratz * new pagination * fix time zones bug ## 2013-06-21 Christian Ratz * Use final plugin name schema ## 2013-06-14 Christian Ratz * added dependency to OpenProject core >= 3.0.0beta1 ## 2013024 Christian Ratz * RC1 of the Rails 3 version * This version is no longer compatible with the Rails 2 core ## 2013-03-22 Jens Ulferts * fixes routes * removes unnecessary code * shows only the users as possible participants who have the required permissions * adds missing html_safe * fixes mailer i18n issue ## 2013-03-18 Hagen Schink * Swtiched to version 0.2.5 * Rails 3.2-ified plug-in