# /api/v3/documents/{id} --- get: parameters: - description: Document id example: '1' in: path name: id required: true schema: type: integer responses: '200': content: application/hal+json: examples: response: value: _embedded: attachments: _embedded...: elements: [] _links: self: href: "/api/v3/documents/1/attachments" _type: Collection count: 2 total: 2 project: _type: Project... _links: addAttachment: href: "/api/v3/documents/1/attachments" method: post attachments: href: "/api/v3/documents/1/attachments" project: href: "/api/v3/projects/19" title: Some project self: href: "/api/v3/documents/1" title: Some document _type: Document createdAt: '2018-12-10T20:53:39Z' description: format: markdown html: "

Videlicet deserunt aequitas cognatus. Concedo quia est quia pariatur vorago vallum. Calco autem atavus accusamus conscendo cornu ulterius. Tam patria ago consectetur ventito sustineo nihil caecus. Supra officiis eos velociter somniculosus tonsor qui. Suffragium aduro arguo angustus cogito quia tolero vulnus. Supplanto sortitus cresco apud vestrum qui.

" raw: Videlicet deserunt aequitas cognatus. Concedo quia est quia pariatur vorago vallum. Calco autem atavus accusamus conscendo cornu ulterius. Tam patria ago consectetur ventito sustineo nihil caecus. Supra officiis eos velociter somniculosus tonsor qui. Suffragium aduro arguo angustus cogito quia tolero vulnus. Supplanto sortitus cresco apud vestrum qui. id: 1 title: Some other document schema: "$ref": "../components/schemas/document_model.yml" description: OK headers: {} '404': content: application/hal+json: examples: response: value: _type: Error errorIdentifier: urn:openproject-org:api:v3:errors:NotFound message: The requested resource could not be found. description: |- Returned if the document does not exist or if the user does not have permission to view it. **Required permission** `view documents` in the project the document belongs to headers: {} tags: - Documents description: '' operationId: View_document summary: View document