#-- copyright #OpenProject is an open source project management software. #Copyright (C) 2012-2020 the OpenProject GmbH #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. #OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: #Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang #Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License #as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 #of the License, or (at your option) any later version. #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #See docs/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ #--- sv: activerecord: attributes: cost_entry: work_package: "Arbetspaket" overridden_costs: "Åsidosatta kostnader" spent: "Spenderat" spent_on: "Datum" cost_object: author: "Upphovsman" available: "Tillgängliga" budget: "Planerade" budget_ratio: "Spenderade (förhållande)" created_on: "Skapat den" description: "Beskrivning" fixed_date: "Referensdatum" spent: "Spenderat" status: "Status" subject: "Ämne" type: "Kostnadstyp" updated_on: "Uppdaterat den" cost_type: unit: "Enhetsnamn" unit_plural: "Enhetsnamn plural" work_package: costs_by_type: "Bokade enheter" cost_object_subject: "Budgettitel" labor_costs: "Personalkostnader" material_costs: "Enhetskostnader" overall_costs: "Totalkostnader" spent_costs: "Bokade kostnader" spent_units: "Bokade enheter" rate: rate: "Timpris" user: default_rates: "Standardtimpris" variable_cost_object: labor_budget: "Planerade arbetskostnader" material_budget: "Planerade enhetskostnader" models: cost_object: "Budget" cost_type: one: "Kostnadstyp" other: "Kostnadstyper" material_budget_item: "Enhet" rate: "Timpris" errors: models: work_package: is_not_a_valid_target_for_cost_entries: "Arbetspaket #%{id} är inte ett giltigt mål för omfördelning av kostnadsposterna." nullify_is_not_valid_for_cost_entries: "Kostnadsposterna kan inte tilldelas till ett projekt." attributes: budget: "Planerade kostnader" comment: "Kommentar" cost_object: "Budget" cost_type: "Kostnadstyp" costs: "Kostnader" current_rate: "Nuvarande timpris" hours: "Timmar" units: "Enheter" valid_from: "Gäller från" button_add_budget_item: "Lägg till planerade kostnader" button_add_cost_object: "Lägg till budget" button_add_cost_type: "Lägg till kostnadstyp" button_add_rate: "Lägg till timpris" button_cancel_edit_budget: "Avbryt redigering av budget" button_cancel_edit_costs: "Avbryt redigering av kostnader" button_log_costs: "Logga enhetskostnader" button_log_time: "Logga tid" caption_booked_on_project: "Bokade på projekt" caption_default: "Standard" caption_default_rate_history_for: "Historiskt standardtimpris för %{user}" caption_labor: "Arbetskraft" caption_labor_costs: "Faktiska arbetskraftskostnader" caption_locked_on: "Låst den" caption_material_costs: "Faktiska enhetskostnader" caption_materials: "Enheter" caption_rate_history: "Historiska timpriser" caption_rate_history_for: "Historiska timpriser för %{user}" caption_rate_history_for_project: "Historiska timpriser för %{user} i projekt %{project}" caption_save_rate: "Spara timpris" caption_set_rate: "Ange aktuellt timpris" caption_show_locked: "Visa låst typer" cost_objects_title: "Budgetar" description_date_for_new_rate: "Datum för nytt timpris" events: cost_object: "Budget redigerad" group_by_others: "inte i någon grupp" help_click_to_edit: "Klicka här för att redigera." help_currency_format: "Format på visade valutavärden. %n ersätts med valutavärdet, %u ersätts med valutaenheten." help_override_rate: "Ange ett värde här om du vill åsidosätta standardtimpriset." label_between: "mellan" label_cost_filter_add: "Lägg till filter för kostnadspost" label_costlog: "Loggade enhetskostnader" label_cost_object: "Budget" label_cost_object_id: "Budget #%{id}" label_cost_object_new: "Ny budget" label_cost_object_plural: "Budgetar" label_cost_plural: "Kostnader" label_cost_report: "Kostnadsrapport" label_cost_type_specific: "Budget #%{id}: %{name}" label_cost_type_plural: "Kostnadstyper" label_costs_per_page: "Kostnader per sida" label_currency: "Valuta" label_currency_format: "Formatet för valuta" label_current_default_rate: "Nuvarande standardtimpris" label_date_on: "på" label_deleted_cost_types: "Borttagna kostnadstyper" label_locked_cost_types: "Låsta kostnadstyper" label_deliverable: "Budget" label_display_cost_entries: "Visa enhetskostnader" label_display_time_entries: "Visa rapporterade timmar" label_display_types: "Visa typer" label_edit: "Redigera" label_fixed_cost_object: "Fast budget" label_fixed_date: "Referensdatum" label_generic_user: "Generisk användare" label_greater_or_equal: ">=" label_group_by: "Gruppera efter" label_group_by_add: "Lägg till grupperingsfält" label_hourly_rate: "Timpris" label_include_deleted: "Inkludera borttagna" label_work_package_filter_add: "Lägg till arbetspaketsfilter" label_kind: "Typ" label_less_or_equal: "<=" label_log_costs: "Logga enhetskostnader" label_no: "Nej" label_option_plural: "Alternativ" label_overall_costs: "Totalkostnader" label_rate: "Timpris" label_rate_plural: "Priser" label_status_finished: "Avslutad" label_units: "Kostnadsenheter" label_user: "Användare" label_until: "fram till" label_valid_from: "Gäller från" label_variable_cost_object: "Variabla timpriser baserade på budget" label_view_all_cost_objects: "Visa alla budgetar" label_yes: "Ja" notice_cost_object_conflict: "Arbetspaketen måste tillhöra samma projekt." notice_no_cost_objects_available: "Inga budgetar tillgängliga." notice_something_wrong: "Ett fel inträffade. Försök igen." notice_successful_restore: "Lyckad återställning." notice_successful_lock: "Låst framgångsrikt." notice_cost_logged_successfully: 'Enhetskostnaden loggad framgångsrikt.' permission_edit_cost_entries: "Redigera bokade enhetskostnader" permission_edit_cost_objects: "Redigera budgetar" permission_edit_own_cost_entries: "Redigera egna bokade enhetskostnader" permission_edit_hourly_rates: "Redigera timpriser" permission_edit_own_hourly_rate: "Redigera egna timpriser" permission_edit_rates: "Redigera priser" permission_log_costs: "Boka enhetskostnader" permission_log_own_costs: "Boka enhetskostnader för sig själv" permission_view_cost_entries: "Visa bokade kostnader" permission_view_cost_objects: "Visa budgetar" permission_view_cost_rates: "Visa enhetspriser" permission_view_hourly_rates: "Visa alla timpriser" permission_view_own_cost_entries: "Visa egna bokade kostnader" permission_view_own_hourly_rate: "Visa egna timpriser" permission_view_own_time_entries: "Visa egen spenderad tid" project_module_costs_module: "Budgetar" text_assign_time_and_cost_entries_to_project: "Tilldela rapporterade timmar och kostnader till projektet" text_cost_object_change_type_confirmation: "Är du säker? Denna operation kommer att förstöra information av den specifika budgettypen." text_destroy_cost_entries_question: "%{cost_entries} rapporterades på de arbetspaket som du håller på och tar bort. Vad vill du göra?" text_destroy_time_and_cost_entries: "Ta bort rapporterade timmar och kostnader" text_destroy_time_and_cost_entries_question: "%{hours} timmar, %{cost_entries} rapporterades på de arbetspaket som du håller på att ta bort. Vad vill du göra?" text_reassign_time_and_cost_entries: "Tilldela rapporterade timmar och kostnader på detta arbetspaket:" text_warning_hidden_elements: "Vissa poster kan ha undantagits från summeringen." week: "vecka" js: text_are_you_sure: "Är du säker?"