class FixAttachableJournals < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] # Adds attachable_journals to all journals where the # attachment was created before the journal as long as there # is no attachable_journal associated to the journal yet. # # This does not fix journals where the attachment has been deleted in the meantime as # we no longer have the necessary information to recreate the journals. def up statement = <<~SQL WITH existing_attachments AS ( SELECT id, created_at, file, container_id, container_type, author_id FROM attachments), existing_attachable_journals AS ( SELECT journal_id, attachable_journals.attachment_id FROM journals LEFT OUTER JOIN attachable_journals ON = attachable_journals.journal_id LEFT OUTER JOIN attachments ON attachable_journals.attachment_id = INSERT INTO attachable_journals (journal_id, attachment_id, filename) SELECT journal_id, attachment_id, existing_attachments.file filename FROM journals JOIN existing_attachments ON journals.created_at >= existing_attachments.created_at AND journals.user_id = existing_attachments.author_id AND journals.journable_id = existing_attachments.container_id AND journals.journable_type = existing_attachments.container_type LEFT OUTER JOIN existing_attachable_journals ON = existing_attachable_journals.attachment_id AND = existing_attachable_journals.journal_id WHERE attachment_id IS NULL SQL ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute statement end # Does not require a down statement as a bug is fixed. end