# Report a bug If you find a bug please create bug report. 1. Login to the [OpenProject developer plattform](https://community.openproject.com/login) 2. Open the [bug form](https://community.openproject.com/projects/openproject/work_packages/new?type=1). 3. Add a precise subject 3. Add a detailed description. 4. Attach a file (optional). 5. Press Create. # Information you should add to the bug description ## Preconditions to reproduce the bug Prior to detailing which steps to take to reproduce the error, the necessary preconditions which have to be met should be stated. * Which browser did you use when you experienced the error? * Do you receive any error messages in the rails console or browser console when the error occurs? Please include the error message if applicable. Example: ``` * Forum exists * Forum messages exist with many replies ``` ## Steps to reproduce the bug * The steps that led to the bug should be listed in the description in order to replicate the bug and determine the underlying problem. Example: ``` 1. Go to forum 2. Scroll to bottom of messages ``` ## Actual behavior * The actual, erroneous behavior should be stated briefly and concisely. Example: ``` * Not possible to switch to next entry in pagination ``` ## Expected behavior * If known, the expected behavior of the application should be described concicesly. Example: ``` * Possible to switch to next pagination page ``` ## Screenshots * If applicable, a screenshot should be added to the bug report in order to explain the bug visually. * The unintended behavior should be marked in the screenshot (e.g. by using red color). * The screenshot can be attached as a file and can be integrated in the description with the following syntax: "!Name_of_screenshot.png!" (without quotation marks) (Notice: *Name_of_screenshot* should be replaced with the respective name of the file. The file ending (here: *.png*) has to be adjusted to the appropriate file type of the screenshot.) ## Example of bug reporting ![Report a bug: Bug example](https://openproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Forum-bug1.png "Report a bug: Bug example")