require Rails.root.join('config/constants/open_project/inflector') OpenProject::Inflector.rule do |_, abspath| if abspath.match?(/open_project\/version(\.rb)?\z/) || abspath.match?(/lib\/open_project\/\w+\/version(\.rb)?\z/) "VERSION" end end OpenProject::Inflector.rule do |basename, abspath| case basename when /\Aapi_(.*)\z/ 'API' + default_inflect($1, abspath) when /\A(.*)_api\z/ default_inflect($1, abspath) + 'API' when 'api' 'API' end end OpenProject::Inflector.rule do |basename, abspath| if basename =~ /\Aar_(.*)\z/ 'AR' + default_inflect($1, abspath) end end OpenProject::Inflector.rule do |basename, abspath| case basename when /\Aoauth_(.*)\z/ 'OAuth' + default_inflect($1, abspath) when /\A(.*)_oauth\z/ default_inflect($1, abspath) + 'OAuth' when 'oauth' 'OAuth' end end OpenProject::Inflector.rule do |basename, abspath| if basename =~ /\A(.*)_sso\z/ default_inflect($1, abspath) + 'SSO' end end # Instruct zeitwerk to 'ignore' all the engine gems' lib initialization files. # As it is complicated to return all the paths where such an initialization file might exist, # we simply return the general OpenProject namespace for such files. OpenProject::Inflector.rule do |_basename, abspath| if abspath =~ /\/lib\/openproject-\w+.rb\z/ 'OpenProject' end end OpenProject::Inflector.inflection( 'rss' => 'RSS', 'sha1' => 'SHA1', 'sso' => 'SSO', 'csv' => 'CSV', 'pdf' => 'PDF', 'scm' => 'SCM', 'imap' => 'IMAP', 'pop3' => 'POP3', 'cors' => 'CORS', 'openid_connect' => 'OpenIDConnect', 'pdf_export' => 'PDFExport' ) Rails.autoloaders.each do |autoloader| autoloader.inflector = end Rails.autoloaders.main.ignore(Rails.root.join('lib/plugins')) Rails.autoloaders.main.ignore(Rails.root.join('lib/open_project/patches')) Rails.autoloaders.main.ignore(Rails.root.join('lib/generators')) Rails.autoloaders.main.ignore(Bundler.bundle_path.join('**/*.rb')) # Comment in to enable zeitwerk logging. # Rails.autoloaders.main.log!