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# OpenProject is a project management system.
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require 'legacy_spec_helper'
require 'timelog_controller'
describe TimelogController, type: :controller do
fixtures :all
it 'should get new' do
session[:user_id] = 3
get :new, project_id: 1
assert_response :success
assert_template 'edit'
# Default activity selected
assert_select 'option', attributes: { selected: 'selected' },
content: 'Development'
it 'should get new should only show active time entry activities' do
session[:user_id] = 3
get :new, project_id: 1
assert_response :success
assert_template 'edit'
assert_select('option', {content: 'Inactive Activity'}, false)
it 'should get edit existing time' do
session[:user_id] = 2
get :edit, id: 2, project_id: nil
assert_response :success
assert_template 'edit'
# Default activity selected
assert_select 'form', attributes: { action: '/projects/ecookbook/time_entries/2' }
it 'should get edit with an existing time entry with inactive activity' do
te = TimeEntry.find(1)
te.activity = TimeEntryActivity.find_by(name: 'Inactive Activity')!
session[:user_id] = 1
get :edit, project_id: 1, id: 1
assert_response :success
assert_template 'edit'
# Blank option since nothing is pre-selected
assert_select 'option', content: '--- Please select ---'
it 'should post create' do
# TODO: should POST to issues’ time log instead of project. change form
# and routing
session[:user_id] = 3
post :create, project_id: 1,
time_entry: { comments: 'Some work on TimelogControllerTest',
# Not the default activity
activity_id: '11',
spent_on: '2008-03-14',
work_package_id: '1',
hours: '7.3' }
assert_redirected_to action: 'index', project_id: 'ecookbook'
i = WorkPackage.find(1)
t = TimeEntry.find_by(comments: 'Some work on TimelogControllerTest')
refute_nil t
assert_equal 11, t.activity_id
assert_equal 7.3, t.hours
assert_equal 3, t.user_id
assert_equal i, t.work_package
assert_equal i.project, t.project
it 'should post create with blank issue' do
# TODO: should POST to issues’ time log instead of project. change form
# and routing
session[:user_id] = 3
post :create, project_id: 1,
time_entry: { comments: 'Some work on TimelogControllerTest',
# Not the default activity
activity_id: '11',
work_package_id: '',
spent_on: '2008-03-14',
hours: '7.3' }
assert_redirected_to action: 'index', project_id: 'ecookbook'
t = TimeEntry.find_by(comments: 'Some work on TimelogControllerTest')
refute_nil t
assert_equal 11, t.activity_id
assert_equal 7.3, t.hours
assert_equal 3, t.user_id
it 'should update' do
entry = TimeEntry.find(1)
assert_equal 1, entry.work_package_id
assert_equal 2, entry.user_id
session[:user_id] = 1
put :update, id: 1,
time_entry: { work_package_id: '2',
hours: '8' }
assert_redirected_to action: 'index', project_id: 'ecookbook'
assert_equal 8, entry.hours
assert_equal 2, entry.work_package_id
assert_equal 2, entry.user_id
it 'should destroy' do
session[:user_id] = 2
delete :destroy, id: 1
assert_redirected_to action: 'index', project_id: 'ecookbook'
assert_equal I18n.t(:notice_successful_delete), flash[:notice]
assert_nil TimeEntry.find_by(id: 1)
it 'should destroy should fail' do
# simulate that this fails (e.g. due to a plugin), see #5700
TimeEntry.class_eval do
before_destroy :stop_callback_chain
def stop_callback_chain; false; end
session[:user_id] = 2
delete :destroy, id: 1
assert_redirected_to action: 'index', project_id: 'ecookbook'
assert_equal I18n.t(:notice_unable_delete_time_entry), flash[:error]
refute_nil TimeEntry.find_by(id: 1)
# remove the simulation
TimeEntry._destroy_callbacks.reject { |callback| callback.filter == :stop_callback_chain }
it 'should index all projects' do
get :index
assert_response :success
assert_template 'index'
refute_nil assigns(:total_hours)
assert_equal '162.90', '%.2f' % assigns(:total_hours)
assert_select 'form',
attributes: { action: '/time_entries', id: 'query_form' }
it 'should index at project level' do
get :index, project_id: 'ecookbook'
assert_response :success
assert_template 'index'
refute_nil assigns(:entries)
assert_equal 4, assigns(:entries).size
# project and subproject
assert_equal [1, 3], assigns(:entries).map(&:project_id).uniq.sort
refute_nil assigns(:total_hours)
assert_equal '162.90', '%.2f' % assigns(:total_hours)
# display all time by default
assert_equal '2007-03-12'.to_date, assigns(:from)
assert_equal '2007-04-22'.to_date, assigns(:to)
assert_select 'form',
attributes: { action: '/projects/ecookbook/time_entries', id: 'query_form' }
it 'should index at project level with date range' do
get :index, project_id: 'ecookbook', from: '2007-03-20', to: '2007-04-30'
assert_response :success
assert_template 'index'
refute_nil assigns(:entries)
assert_equal 3, assigns(:entries).size
refute_nil assigns(:total_hours)
assert_equal '12.90', '%.2f' % assigns(:total_hours)
assert_equal '2007-03-20'.to_date, assigns(:from)
assert_equal '2007-04-30'.to_date, assigns(:to)
assert_select 'form',
attributes: { action: '/projects/ecookbook/time_entries', id: 'query_form' }
it 'should index at project level with period' do
get :index, project_id: 'ecookbook', period: '7_days'
assert_response :success
assert_template 'index'
refute_nil assigns(:entries)
refute_nil assigns(:total_hours)
assert_equal - 7, assigns(:from)
assert_equal, assigns(:to)
assert_select 'form',
attributes: { action: '/projects/ecookbook/time_entries', id: 'query_form' }
it 'should index one day' do
get :index, project_id: 'ecookbook', from: '2007-03-23', to: '2007-03-23'
assert_response :success
assert_template 'index'
refute_nil assigns(:total_hours)
assert_equal '4.25', '%.2f' % assigns(:total_hours)
assert_select 'form',
attributes: { action: '/projects/ecookbook/time_entries', id: 'query_form' }
it 'should index at issue level' do
get :index, work_package_id: 1
assert_response :success
assert_template 'index'
refute_nil assigns(:entries)
assert_equal 2, assigns(:entries).size
refute_nil assigns(:total_hours)
assert_equal 154.25, assigns(:total_hours)
# display all time based on what's been logged
assert_equal '2007-03-12'.to_date, assigns(:from)
assert_equal '2007-04-22'.to_date, assigns(:to)
assert_select 'form',
attributes: { action: work_package_time_entries_path(1), id: 'query_form' }
it 'should index atom feed' do
get :index, project_id: 1, format: 'atom'
assert_response :success
assert_equal 'application/atom+xml', response.content_type
refute_nil assigns(:items)
assert assigns(:items).first.is_a?(TimeEntry)