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#-- copyright
# ChiliProject is a project management system.
# Copyright (C) 2010-2011 the ChiliProject Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details.
namespace :redmine do
namespace :email do
desc <<-END_DESC
Read an email from standard input.
General options:
unknown_user=ACTION how to handle emails from an unknown user
ACTION can be one of the following values:
ignore: email is ignored (default)
accept: accept as anonymous user
create: create a user account
no_permission_check=1 disable permission checking when receiving
the email
Issue attributes control options:
project=PROJECT identifier of the target project
status=STATUS name of the target status
tracker=TRACKER name of the target tracker
category=CATEGORY name of the target category
priority=PRIORITY name of the target priority
allow_override=ATTRS allow email content to override attributes
specified by previous options
ATTRS is a comma separated list of attributes
If you want to set default values for custom fields, set the value similar to
the attributes above, using the name of the custom field as a key.
Custom ields set this way can only contain characters valid for environment
variables, i.e. no punctuation and no whitespace.
Additionally, you need to set the list of the attributes set this way in the
default_attributes list like this:
default_attributes="CustomField1 CustomField2"
# No project specified. Emails MUST contain the 'Project' keyword:
rake redmine:email:read RAILS_ENV="production" < raw_email
# Fixed project and default tracker specified, but emails can override
# both tracker and priority attributes:
rake redmine:email:read RAILS_ENV="production" \\
project=foo \\
tracker=bug \\
allow_override=tracker,priority < raw_email
task :read => :environment do
options = { :issue => {} }
default_fields = (ENV['default_fields'] || "").split
default_fields |= %w[project status tracker category priority fixed_version]
default_fields.each{ |field| options[:issue][field] = ENV[field] if ENV[field] }
options[:allow_override] = ENV['allow_override'] if ENV['allow_override']
options[:unknown_user] = ENV['unknown_user'] if ENV['unknown_user']
options[:no_permission_check] = ENV['no_permission_check'] if ENV['no_permission_check']
MailHandler.receive(, options)
desc <<-END_DESC
Read emails from an IMAP server.
General options:
unknown_user=ACTION how to handle emails from an unknown user
ACTION can be one of the following values:
ignore: email is ignored (default)
accept: accept as anonymous user
create: create a user account
no_permission_check=1 disable permission checking when receiving
the email
Available IMAP options:
host=HOST IMAP server host (default:
port=PORT IMAP server port (default: 143)
ssl=SSL Use SSL? (default: false)
username=USERNAME IMAP account
password=PASSWORD IMAP password
folder=FOLDER IMAP folder to read (default: INBOX)
Issue attributes control options:
project=PROJECT identifier of the target project
status=STATUS name of the target status
tracker=TRACKER name of the target tracker
category=CATEGORY name of the target category
priority=PRIORITY name of the target priority
allow_override=ATTRS allow email content to override attributes
specified by previous options
ATTRS is a comma separated list of attributes
If you want to set default values for custom fields, set the value similar to
the attributes above, using the name of the custom field as a key.
Custom ields set this way can only contain characters valid for environment
variables, i.e. no punctuation and no whitespace.
Additionally, you need to set the list of the attributes set this way in the
default_attributes list like this:
default_attributes="CustomField1 CustomField2"
Processed emails control options:
move_on_success=MAILBOX move emails that were successfully received
to MAILBOX instead of deleting them
move_on_failure=MAILBOX move emails that were ignored to MAILBOX
# No project specified. Emails MUST contain the 'Project' keyword:
rake redmine:email:receive_iamp RAILS_ENV="production" \\ password=xxx
# Fixed project and default tracker specified, but emails can override
# both tracker and priority attributes:
rake redmine:email:receive_iamp RAILS_ENV="production" \\ password=xxx ssl=1 \\
project=foo \\
tracker=bug \\
task :receive_imap => :environment do
imap_options = {:host => ENV['host'],
:port => ENV['port'],
:ssl => ENV['ssl'],
:username => ENV['username'],
:password => ENV['password'],
:folder => ENV['folder'],
:move_on_success => ENV['move_on_success'],
:move_on_failure => ENV['move_on_failure']}
options = { :issue => {} }
default_fields = (ENV['default_fields'] || "").split
default_fields |= %w[project status tracker category priority fixed_version]
default_fields.each{ |field| options[:issue][field] = ENV[field] if ENV[field] }
options[:allow_override] = ENV['allow_override'] if ENV['allow_override']
options[:unknown_user] = ENV['unknown_user'] if ENV['unknown_user']
options[:no_permission_check] = ENV['no_permission_check'] if ENV['no_permission_check']
Redmine::IMAP.check(imap_options, options)
desc <<-END_DESC
Read emails from an POP3 server.
Available POP3 options:
host=HOST POP3 server host (default:
port=PORT POP3 server port (default: 110)
username=USERNAME POP3 account
password=PASSWORD POP3 password
apop=1 use APOP authentication (default: false)
delete_unprocessed=1 delete messages that could not be processed
successfully from the server (default
behaviour is to leave them on the server)
See redmine:email:receive_imap for more options and examples.
task :receive_pop3 => :environment do
pop_options = {:host => ENV['host'],
:port => ENV['port'],
:apop => ENV['apop'],
:username => ENV['username'],
:password => ENV['password'],
:delete_unprocessed => ENV['delete_unprocessed']}
options = { :issue => {} }
default_fields = (ENV['default_fields'] || "").split
default_fields |= %w[project status tracker category priority fixed_version]
default_fields.each{ |field| options[:issue][field] = ENV[field] if ENV[field] }
options[:allow_override] = ENV['allow_override'] if ENV['allow_override']
options[:unknown_user] = ENV['unknown_user'] if ENV['unknown_user']
options[:no_permission_check] = ENV['no_permission_check'] if ENV['no_permission_check']
Redmine::POP3.check(pop_options, options)
desc "Send a test email to the user with the provided login name"
task :test, [:login] => :environment do |task, args|
login = args[:login]
if login.blank?
abort I18n.t(:notice_email_error, :default => 'Please include the user login to test with. Example: redmine:email:test[example-login]')
user = User.find_by_login(login)
unless user && user.logged?
abort I18n.t(:notice_email_error, :default => "User with login '#{login}' not found")
ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true
puts I18n.t(:notice_email_sent, :value => user.mail)
rescue Exception => e
abort I18n.t(:notice_email_error, e.message)