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Feature: Product Owner
As a product owner
I want to manage story details and story priority
So that they get done according to my requirements
Given the following types are configured to track stories:
| Story |
| Epic |
And the type "Task" is configured to track tasks
And there are the following issue status:
| name | is_closed | is_default |
| New | false | true |
| Closed | true | false |
And there is a role "product owner"
And the role "product owner" may have the following rights:
| view_master_backlog |
| view_work_packages |
| add_work_packages |
| edit_work_packages |
| manage_subtasks |
| assign_versions |
And the type "Story" has the default workflow for the role "product owner"
And the type "Epic" has the default workflow for the role "product owner"
And the type "Task" has the default workflow for the role "product owner"
And there is 1 project with:
| name | ecookbook |
And I am working in project "ecookbook"
And there is a default issuepriority
And the project uses the following modules:
| backlogs |
And the project uses the following types:
| Story |
| Epic |
| Task |
And there is 1 user with:
| login | mathias |
And the user "mathias" is a "product owner"
And the project has the following sprints:
| name | start_date | effective_date |
| Sprint 001 | 2010-01-01 | 2010-01-31 |
| Sprint 002 | 2010-02-01 | 2010-02-28 |
| Sprint 003 | 2010-03-01 | 2010-03-31 |
| Sprint 004 | 2010-03-01 | 2010-03-31 |
And the project has the following product owner backlogs:
| Product Backlog |
| Wishlist |
And the project has the following stories in the following product owner backlogs:
| subject | backlog |
| Story 1 | Product Backlog |
| Story 2 | Product Backlog |
| Story 3 | Product Backlog |
| Story 4 | Product Backlog |
And the project has the following stories in the following sprints:
| subject | sprint |
| Story A | Sprint 001 |
| Story B | Sprint 001 |
And I am already logged in as "mathias"
Scenario: View the product backlog
When I go to the master backlog
Then I should see the product backlog
And I should see 4 stories in the "Product Backlog"
And I should see 4 sprint backlogs
And I should see 2 product owner backlogs
Scenario: Create a new story
When I go to the master backlog
And I want to create a story
And I set the backlog of the story to Product Backlog
And I set the subject of the story to A Whole New Story
And I create the story
Then the 1st story in the "Product Backlog" should be "A Whole New Story"
And all positions should be unique for each version
Scenario: Update a story
Given I am on the master backlog
And I want to edit the story with subject Story 3
And I set the subject of the story to Relaxdiego was here
And I set the type of the story to Epic
When I update the story
Then the story should have a subject of Relaxdiego was here
And the story should have a type of Epic
And the story should be at position 3
Scenario: Close a story
Given I am on the master backlog
And I want to edit the story with subject Story 4
And I set the status of the story to Closed
When I update the story
Then the status of the story should be set as closed
Scenario: Move a story to the top
Given I am on the master backlog
When I move the 3rd story to the 1st position
Then the 1st story in the "Product Backlog" should be "Story 3"
Scenario: Move a story to the bottom
Given I am on the master backlog
When I move the 2nd story to the last position
Then the 4th story in the "Product Backlog" should be "Story 2"
Scenario: Move a story down
Given I am on the master backlog
When I move the 2nd story to the 3rd position
Then the 2nd story in the "Product Backlog" should be "Story 3"
And the 3rd story in the "Product Backlog" should be "Story 2"
And the 4th story in the "Product Backlog" should be "Story 4"
Scenario: Move a story up
Given I am on the master backlog
When I move the 4th story to the 2nd position
Then the 2nd story in the "Product Backlog" should be "Story 4"
And the 3rd story in the "Product Backlog" should be "Story 2"
And the 4th story in the "Product Backlog" should be "Story 3"