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16 lines
704 B

<tr id="principal_role-<%= %>">
<td class="role assigned_global_role_<%= principal_role.role_id%>">
<%=h principal_role.role %>
<%= call_hook(:principal_roles_table_row, :user => @user, :principal_role => principal_role )%>
<td class="buttons">
<% buttons = {:edit => false} %>
<%= call_hook(:principal_roles_edit_button_needed, :buttons => buttons) %>
<% if buttons[:edit]%>
<%= link_to_function l(:button_edit), "return false;", :class => 'icon icon-edit' %>
<%= link_to_remote(l(:button_delete), { :url => principal_role_url(,
:method => :delete },
:class => 'icon icon-del') %>