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# TODO: check if this step can be removed as it is plugin specific
Given /^there is a standard project named "([^\"]*)"$/ do |name|
steps %Q{
Given there is 1 project with the following:
| Name | #{name} |
And there is a role "Manager"
And there is a role "Developer"
And there is a role "Designer"
And the role "Manager" may have the following rights:
| view_own_hourly_rate |
| view_hourly_rates |
| view_cost_rates |
| view_own_time_entries |
| view_own_cost_entries |
| view_cost_entries |
| view_time_entries |
And the role "Developer" may have the following rights:
| view_own_hourly_rate |
| view_hourly_rates |
| view_cost_rates |
| view_own_time_entries |
| view_own_cost_entries |
| view_cost_entries |
| view_time_entries |
And the role "Designer" may have the following rights:
| view_own_hourly_rate |
| view_hourly_rates |
| view_cost_rates |
| view_own_time_entries |
| view_own_cost_entries |
| view_cost_entries |
| view_time_entries |
And there is 1 user with:
| Login | manager |
| Firstname | Mac |
| Lastname | Moneysack |
| default rate | 10.00 |
And there is 1 user with:
| Login | developer |
| Firstname | Alan |
| Lastname | Kay |
| default rate | 10.00 |
And there is 1 user with:
| Login | designer |
| Firstname | Tom |
| Lastname | Kelley |
| default rate | 10.00 |
And the user "manager" is a "Manager" in the project "#{name}"
And the user "designer" is a "Designer" in the project "#{name}"
And the user "developer" is a "Developer" in the project "#{name}"
Then /^[iI] should (not )?see "([^\"]*)" in the overall sum(?:s)?$/ do |negative, sum|
step %Q{I should #{negative}see "#{sum}" within "tr.sum.all"}
Then /^[iI] should (not )?see "([^\"]*)" in the grouped sum(?:s)?$/ do |negative, sum|
step %Q{I should #{negative}see "#{sum}" within "tr.sum.grouped"}
Then /^[iI] toggle the [oO]ptions fieldset$/ do
page.execute_script <<-JS
f = $$("fieldset").without($("filters")).first();