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Feature: The issue hierarchy between backlogs stories and backlogs tasks can not span project boundaries
As a scrum user
I want to limit the issue hierarchy to not span project boundaries between backlogs stories and backlogs tasks
So that I can manage stories more securely
Given there is 1 project with:
| name | parent_project |
| identifier | parent_project |
And I am working in project "parent_project"
And the project uses the following modules:
| backlogs |
And there is a role "scrum master"
And the role "scrum master" may have the following rights:
| view_master_backlog |
| view_taskboards |
| update_sprints |
| update_stories |
| create_impediments |
| update_impediments |
| update_tasks |
| view_wiki_pages |
| edit_wiki_pages |
| view_work_packages |
| edit_work_packages |
| manage_subtasks |
| create_tasks |
| add_issues |
| add_work_packages |
And the backlogs module is initialized
And the following trackers are configured to track stories:
| Story |
And the tracker "Task" is configured to track tasks
And the project uses the following trackers:
| Story |
| Epic |
| Task |
| Bug |
And the tracker "Task" has the default workflow for the role "scrum master"
And there are the following issue status:
| name | is_closed | is_default |
| New | false | true |
| In Progress | false | false |
| Resolved | false | false |
| Closed | true | false |
| Rejected | true | false |
And there is a default issuepriority with:
| name | Normal |
And there is 1 user with:
| login | markus |
| firstname | Markus |
| Lastname | Master |
And there is 1 project with:
| name | child_project |
And the project uses the following modules:
| backlogs |
And the user "markus" is a "scrum master" in the project "parent_project"
And the user "markus" is a "scrum master" in the project "child_project"
And the "cross_project_issue_relations" setting is set to true
And I am already logged in as "markus"
Scenario: Adding a task in the child project as a child to the story is inhibited
Given the project "parent_project" has the following issues:
| subject | tracker |
| Story A | Story |
When I go to the issues/new page of the project called "child_project"
And I select "Task" from "issue_tracker_id"
And I fill in "Task 0815" for "issue_subject"
And I fill in the id of the issue "Story A" as the parent issue
And I click on the first button matching "Create"
Then I should be notified that the issue "Story A" is an invalid parent to the issue "Task 0815" because of cross project limitations