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Feature: Locking meetings
Given there is 1 project with the following:
| identifier | dingens |
| name | dingens |
And the project "dingens" uses the following modules:
| meetings |
And there is 1 user with:
| login | bob |
And there is a role "user"
And the user "bob" is a "user" in the project "dingens"
And there is 1 meeting in project "dingens" created by "bob" with:
| title | Bobs Meeting |
And the meeting "Bobs Meeting" has 1 agenda with:
| text | awesome! |
Scenario: Save a meeting after it has changed while editing
Given the role "user" may have the following rights:
| view_meetings |
| create_meetings |
| create_meeting_agendas |
| edit_meetings |
When I am already logged in as "bob"
And I go to the Meetings page for the project called "dingens"
And I click on "Bobs Meeting"
And I follow "Edit" within ".meeting_agenda"
# Change the text of the agenda to create an editing conflict
And the meeting "Bobs Meeting" has 1 agenda with:
| text | and now for something completely different |
And I fill in "Blabla oder?" for "meeting_agenda_text"
And I click on "Save"
Then I should see "Information has been updated by at least one other user in the meantime."
# Prüfen, ob die Editbox noch sichtbar ist
#And I should see "Text formatting" within "#tab-content-agenda"