You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
2562 lines
128 KiB
2562 lines
128 KiB
no_results_title_text: There is currently nothing to display.
no_results_title_text: There has not been any activity for the project within this time frame.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no plugins available.
custom_colors: "Custom colors"
customize: "Customize your OpenProject installation with your own logo. Note: This logo will be publicly accessible."
enterprise_notice: "As a special 'Thank you!' for their financial contribution to develop OpenProject, this tiny feature is only available for Enterprise Edition support subscribers."
manage_colors: "Edit color select options"
alternative_color: "Strong accent color, typically used for most the important button on a screen."
content_link_color: "Font color of most of the links."
primary_color: "Main color."
primary_color_dark: "Typically a darker version of the main color used for hover effects."
header_bg_color: "Background color of the header."
header_item_bg_hover_color: "Background color of clickable header items when hovered with the mouse."
header_item_font_color: "Font color of clickable header items."
header_item_font_hover_color: "Font color of clickable header items when hovered with the mouse."
header_border_bottom_color: "Thin line under the header. Leave this field empty if you don't want any line."
main_menu_bg_color: "Left side menu's background color."
upgrade_to_ee: "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition"
add_token: "Upload an Enterprise Edition support token"
replace_token: "Replace your current support token"
order: "Order Enterprise Edition"
paste: "Paste your Enterprise Edition support token"
required_for_feature: "This feature is only available with an active Enterprise Edition support token."
enterprise_link: "For more information, click here."
show_until: Show until
is_active: currently displayed
is_inactive: currently not displayed
text_overview: 'In this view, you can create custom help texts for attributes view. When defined, these texts can be shown by clicking the help icon next to its belonging attribute.'
label_plural: 'Attribute help texts'
show_preview: 'Preview text'
add_new: 'Add help text'
edit: "Edit help text for %{attribute_caption}"
no_results_content_title: There are currently no authentication modes.
no_results_content_text: Create a new authentication mode
connection_encryption: 'Connection encryption'
plain: 'pole'
simple_tls: 'simple_tls'
start_tls: 'start_tls'
plain_description: "Plain unencrypted connection, no TLS negotiation."
simple_tls_description: "Implicit TLS encryption, but no certificate validation. Use with caution and implicit trust of the LDAP connection."
start_tls_description: "Explicit TLS encryption with full validation. Use for LDAP over TLS/SSL."
section_more_info_link_html: >
This section concerns the connection security of this LDAP authentication source. For more information, visit <a href="%{link}">the Net::LDAP documentation</a>.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no posts for the forum.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no colors.
no_results_content_text: Create a new color
label_no_color: 'No color'
name: 'Actions'
add: 'Add action'
executing_user_value: '(Assign to executing user)'
conditions: 'Conditions'
plural: 'Custom actions'
new: 'New custom action'
edit: 'Edit custom action %{name}'
execute: 'Execute %{name}'
title: 'Custom actions is an Enterprise Edition feature'
description: 'Custom actions streamline everyday work by combining a set of individual steps into one button.'
text_add_new_custom_field: >
To add new custom fields to a project you first need to create them before you can add them to this project.
is_enabled_globally: 'Is enabled globally'
enabled_in_project: 'Enabled in project'
contained_in_type: 'Contained in type'
confirm_destroy_option: "Deleting an option will delete all of its occurrences (e.g. in work packages). Are you sure you want to delete it?"
no_results_title_text: There are currently no custom fields.
no_results_content_text: Create a new custom field
single: 'or'
time_entries: "This time entries view is superseded by the 'Cost reports' module. This view now only supports exporting time entry information to csv. For interactive filtering, please activate the 'Cost reports' module in the project settings."
wiki_pages: "Viki"
messages: "Foorum"
no_results_title_text: There are currently no groups.
no_results_content_text: Create a new group
no_results_title_text: There are currently no users part of this group.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no projects part of this group.
ignore_filenames: >
Specify a list of names to ignore when processing attachments for incoming mails (e.g., signatures or icons). Enter one filename per line.
scheduled: "Deletion has been scheduled and is perfomed in the background. You will be notified of the result."
schedule_failed: "Project cannot be deleted: %{errors}"
failed: "Deletion of project %{name} has failed"
failed_text: "The request to delete project %{name} has failed. The project was left archived."
completed: "Deletion of project %{name} completed"
completed_text: "The request to delete project '%{name}' has been completed."
no_results_title_text: There are currently no projects
no_results_content_text: Create a new project
no_results_title_text: There are currently no activities available.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no forums for the project.
no_results_content_text: Create a new forum
no_results_title_text: There are currently no work package categories.
no_results_content_text: Create a new work package category
no_results_title_text: There are currently no custom fields available.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no types available.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no versions for the project.
no_results_content_text: Create a new version
no_results_title_text: There are currently no members part of this project.
no_results_content_text: Add a member to the project
failed_to_reset_token: "Failed to reset access token: %{error}"
notice_reset_token: "A new %{type} token has been generated. Your access token is:"
token_value_warning: "Note: This is the only time you will see this token, make sure to copy it now."
no_results_title_text: There are currently no access tokens available.
no_results_title_text: There is currently no news to report.
no_results_content_text: Add a news item
no_results_title_text: This user is currently not a member of a project.
priority_color_text: |
Click to assign or change the color of this priority.
It can be used for highlighting work packages in the table.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no status reportings.
no_results_content_text: Add a status reporting
status_readonly_html: |
Check this option to mark work packages with this status as read-only.
No attributes can be changed with the exception of the status.
<strong>Note</strong>: Inherited values (e.g., from children or relations) will still apply.
status_color_text: |
Click to assign or change the color of this status.
It is shown in the status button and can be used for highlighting work packages in the table.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no work package statuses.
no_results_content_text: Add a new status
no_results_title_text: There are currently no types.
no_results_content_text: Create a new type
settings: "Seaded"
form_configuration: "Form configuration"
projects: "Projektid"
enabled_projects: "Enabled projects"
edit_query: "Edit table"
query_group_placeholder: "Give the table a name"
reset: "Reset to defaults"
type_color_text: |
Click to assign or change the color of this type. The selected color distinguishes work packages
in Gantt charts. It is therefore recommended to use a strong color.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no work packages assigned to this version.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no wiki pages.
no_results_content_text: Add a new wiki page
no_results_title_text: There are currently no workflows.
one: 'One descendant work package'
other: '%{count} work package descendants'
could_not_be_saved: "The following work packages could not be saved:"
no_common_statuses_exists: "There is no status available for all selected work packages. Their status cannot be changed."
unsupported_for_multiple_projects: 'Bulk move/copy is not supported for work packages from multiple projects'
no_results_title_text: There are currently no categories available.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no members part of this project.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no members part of this project.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no members part of this project.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no priorities available.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no types available.
no_results_title_text: There are currently no versions available.
label_invitation: Kutse
delete: "Kustuta konto"
delete_confirmation: "Oled kindel, et tahad seda kontot kustutada?"
deleted: "Konto on kustutatud"
other: "Of the data the user created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data the user created from the data of another deleted account."
self: "Of the data you created (e.g. email, preferences, work packages, wiki entries) as much as possible will be deleted. Note however, that data like work packages and wiki entries can not be deleted without impeding the work of the other users. Such data is hence reassigned to an account called \"Deleted user\". As the data of every deleted account is reassigned to this account it will not be possible to distinguish the data you created from the data of another deleted account."
heading: "Kustuta konto %{name}"
other: "Kasutajakonto kustutamine on pöördumatu tegevus."
self: "Oma kasutajakonto kustutamine on pöördumatu tegevus."
other: "Konto kustutatakse süsteemist. Seetõttu ei saa kasutaja enam sisse logida oma praeguste kasutajatunnustega. Küll aga võib ta registreerida end uuesti rakenduse kasutajaks."
self: "Sinu konto kustutatakse süsteemist. Seetõttu ei saa sa enam sisse logida oma praeguste kasutajatunnustega. Küll aga võid sa registreerida end uuesti rakenduse kasutajaks."
other: "Enter the login %{name} to verify the deletion. Once submitted, you will be asked to confirm your password."
self: "Enter your login %{name} to verify the deletion. Once submitted, you will be asked to confirm your password."
error_inactive_activation_by_mail: >
Sinu konto ei ole veel aktiivne. Sulle saadetud e-kirjas on link, millega saad oma konto aktiveerida.
error_inactive_manual_activation: >
Sinu konto pole aktiveeritud veel. Palun oota, kuni administraator aktiveerib selle.
error_self_registration_disabled: >
Konto loomine on hetkel keelatud. Palun küsi administraatoril tekitada konto sulle.
login_with_auth_provider: "või logi sisse oma olemasoleva kontoga"
signup_with_auth_provider: "or sign up using"
auth_source_login: Please login as <em>%{login}</em> to activate your account.
omniauth_login: Please login to activate your account.
actionview_instancetag_blank_option: "Palun vali"
show_until: "Display until"
attachment_content: "Attachment content"
attachment_file_name: "Attachment file name"
downloads: "Allalaaditud failid"
file: "Manus"
filename: "Manus"
filesize: "Suurus"
attribute_name: 'Atribuut'
help_text: 'Help text'
account: "Konto"
attr_firstname: "Eesnimi"
attr_lastname: "Perekonnanimi"
attr_login: "Username attribute"
attr_mail: "E-posti aadress"
base_dn: "Põhiline domeeninimi"
host: "Host"
onthefly: "Kasutaja loomine käigu pealt"
port: "Port"
repository: "Hoidla"
commented: "Kommenteeritud"
actions: "Actions"
default_value: "Vaikeväärtus"
editable: "Muudetav"
field_format: "Formaat"
is_filter: "Kasutatakse filtrina"
is_required: "Nõutav"
max_length: "Maksimaalne pikkus"
min_length: "Lühima lubatud parooli pikkus"
multi_value: "Allow multi-select"
possible_values: "Võimalikud väärtused"
regexp: "Regulaaravaldis"
searchable: "Otsitav"
visible: "Nähtav"
value: "Väärtus"
starts_at: "Valid since"
expires_at: "Expires at"
subscriber: "Subscriber"
encoded_token: "Enterprise support token"
active_user_count_restriction: "Maximum active users"
page: "Page"
row_count: "Number of rows"
column_count: "Number of columns"
widgets: "Widgets"
delay: "Viivitus"
from: "Teema"
to: "Seotud teema"
is_closed: "Teema on suletud"
is_readonly: "Work package read-only"
notes: "Märkmed"
roles: "Rollid"
identifier: "Identifikaator"
latest_activity_at: "Latest activity at"
parent: "Ülemprojekt"
queries: "Päringuid"
types: "Tüübid"
versions: "Versioonid"
work_packages: "Teemad"
column_names: "Väljad"
relations_to_type_column: "Relations to %{type}"
relations_of_type_column: "%{type} relations"
group_by: "Grupeeri tulemused"
filters: "Filtrid"
timeline_labels: "Timeline labels"
url: "URL"
assignable: "Work packages can be assigned to users and groups in possession of this role in the respective project"
activity: "Tegevus"
hours: "Tunnid"
spent_on: "Kuupäev"
type: "Tüüp"
description: "Default text for description"
attribute_groups: ''
is_in_roadmap: "Displayed in roadmap by default"
is_default: "Activated for new projects by default"
is_milestone: "Is milestone"
color: "Värv"
admin: "Administraator"
auth_source: "Autentimise viis"
current_password: "Current password"
force_password_change: "Sunni parooli vahetada järgmisel sisselogimisel"
language: "Keel"
last_login_on: "Viimane sisselogimine"
mail_notification: "Eposti märguandmed"
new_password: "Uus parool"
password_confirmation: "Kinnitus"
consented_at: "Consented at"
comments_sorting: "Kuva kommentaare"
hide_mail: "Peida minu eposti aadress"
impaired: "Hõlbustusfunktsioonidega režiim"
time_zone: "Ajavöönd"
auto_hide_popups: "Auto-hide success notifications"
warn_on_leaving_unsaved: "Warn me when leaving a work package with unsaved changes"
effective_date: "Finish date"
sharing: "Jagamine"
text: "Tekst"
parent_title: "Pärineb lehelt"
redirect_existing_links: "Suuna olemasolevad lingid ümber"
hexcode: Hex kood
begin_insertion: "Begin of the insertion"
begin_deletion: "Begin of the deletion"
children: "Subelements"
done_ratio: "Progress (%)"
end_insertion: "End of the insertion"
end_deletion: "End of the deletion"
fixed_version: "Versioon"
parent: "Pärineb teemast"
parent_issue: "Pärineb teemast"
parent_work_package: "Pärineb teemast"
priority: "Prioriteet"
progress: "Progress (%)"
spent_hours: "Kulutatud aeg"
spent_time: "Kulutatud aeg"
subproject: "Alamprojekt"
time_entries: "Ajakulu"
type: "Tüüp"
watcher: "Jälgija"
uid: "Client ID"
secret: "Client secret"
owner: "Owner"
redirect_uri: "Redirect URI"
client_credentials_user_id: "Client Credentials User ID"
scopes: "Scopes"
confidential: "Confidential"
accepted: "must be accepted."
after: "must be after %{date}."
after_or_equal_to: "must be after or equal to %{date}."
before: "must be before %{date}."
before_or_equal_to: "must be before or equal to %{date}."
blank: "ei tohi olla tühi."
cant_link_a_work_package_with_a_descendant: "A work package cannot be linked to one of its subtasks."
circular_dependency: "This relation would create a circular dependency."
confirmation: "doesn't match %{attribute}."
could_not_be_copied: "could not be (fully) copied."
does_not_exist: "does not exist."
empty: "ei tohi olla tühi."
even: "peab olema paarisarv."
exclusion: "on reserveeritud."
file_too_large: "is too large (maximum size is %{count} Bytes)."
greater_than: "must be greater than %{count}."
greater_than_or_equal_to: "must be greater than or equal to %{count}."
greater_than_or_equal_to_start_date: "must be greater than or equal to the start date."
greater_than_start_date: "must be greater than the start date."
inclusion: "is not set to one of the allowed values."
invalid: "on vigane."
invalid_url: 'is not a valid URL.'
invalid_url_scheme: 'is not a supported protocol (allowed: %{allowed_schemes}).'
less_than_or_equal_to: "must be less than or equal to %{count}."
not_a_date: "is not a valid date."
not_a_datetime: "is not a valid date time."
not_a_number: "pole arv."
not_allowed: "is invalid because of missing permissions."
not_an_integer: "pole täisarv."
not_an_iso_date: "is not a valid date. Required format: YYYY-MM-DD."
not_same_project: "doesn't belong to the same project."
odd: "peab olema paaritu arv."
regex_invalid: "could not be validated with the associated regular expression."
smaller_than_or_equal_to_max_length: "must be smaller than or equal to maximum length."
taken: "on juba kasutusel."
too_long: "is too long (maximum is %{count} characters)."
too_short: "is too short (minimum is %{count} characters)."
unchangeable: "cannot be changed."
unremovable: "cannot be removed."
wrong_length: "is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters)."
at_least_one_custom_option: "At least one option needs to be available."
only_one_allowed: "(%{name}) only one value is allowed."
empty: "(%{name}) value can't be empty."
inclusion: "(%{name}) value is not set to one of the allowed values."
not_logged_in: "(%{name}) value cannot be set because you are not logged in."
not_an_integer: "(%{name}) is not an integer."
smaller_than_or_equal_to: "(%{name}) must be smaller than or equal to %{count}."
greater_than_or_equal_to: "(%{name}) must be greater than or equal to %{count}."
fragment_present: 'cannot contain a fragment.'
invalid_uri: 'must be a valid URI.'
relative_uri: 'must be an absolute URI.'
secured_uri: 'must be an HTTPS/SSL URI.'
forbidden_uri: 'is forbidden by the server.'
not_match_configured: "doesn't match available scopes."
unreadable: "can't be read. Are you sure it is a support token?"
overlaps: 'overlap.'
outside: 'is outside of the grid.'
end_before_start: 'end value needs to be larger than the start value.'
unsupported_operator: "The operator is not supported."
invalid_values: "A value is invalid."
id_filter_required: "An 'id' filter is required."
in_use_by_work_packages: "still in use by work packages: %{types}"
error_not_found: "not found"
error_unauthorized: "- The user has no permission to create public views."
group_by_hierarchies_exclusive: "is mutually exclusive with group by '%{group_by}'. You cannot activate both."
inexistent: "There is no custom field for the filter."
invalid: "The custom field is not valid in the given context."
circular_dependency: "The relationship creates a circle of relationships."
error_not_found: "work package in `to` position not found or not visible"
error_readonly: "an existing relation's `to` link is immutable"
error_not_found: "work package in `from` position not found or not visible"
error_readonly: "an existing relation's `from` link is immutable"
not_available: "SCM vendor is not available"
not_whitelisted: "is not allowed by the configuration."
invalid_url: "is not a valid repository URL or path."
must_not_be_ssh: "must not be an SSH url."
no_directory: "is not a directory."
dependency_missing: "need to also include '%{dependency}' as '%{permission}' is selected."
is_not_a_valid_target_for_time_entries: "Töötunde ei sobi üle kanda teemale #%{id}."
not_start_date: "is not on start date, although this is required for milestones."
cannot_be_milestone: "cannot be a milestone."
cannot_be_in_another_project: "cannot be in another project."
not_a_valid_parent: "on vigane."
violates_relationships: "can only be set to %{soonest_start} or later so as not to violate the work package's relationships."
status_transition_invalid: "is invalid because no valid transition exists from old to new status for the current user's roles."
status_invalid_in_type: "is invalid because the current status does not exist in this type."
cannot_be_milestone_due_to_children: "cannot be a milestone because this work package has children."
only_active_priorities_allowed: "needs to be active."
only_same_project_categories_allowed: "The category of a work package must be within the same project as the work package."
does_not_exist: "The specified category does not exist."
only_values_greater_or_equal_zeroes_allowed: "must be >= 0."
attribute_unknown: "Invalid work package attribute used."
attribute_unknown_name: "Invalid work package attribute used: %{attribute}"
duplicate_group: "The group name '%{group}' is used more than once. Group names must be unique."
query_invalid: "The embedded query '%{group}' is invalid: %{details}"
group_without_name: "Unnamed groups are not allowed."
weak: "Must contain characters of the following classes (at least %{min_count} of %{all_count}): %{rules}."
lowercase: "väiketäht (näiteks \"a\")"
uppercase: "suurtäht (näiteks 'A')"
numeric: "arvuline (nt 1, 2, 3)"
special: "erimärk (nt %, &)"
one: "Vali uus parool, mis erineb eelmisest paroolist."
other: "Vali uus parool, mis erineb eelmiselt kasutatud %{count}-st paroolist."
confirm: "Confirm new password."
description: "'Password confirmation' should match the input in the 'New password' field."
invalid_on_create: "is not a valid status for new users."
error_not_found: "not found"
principal_blank: "Vali vähemalt üks kasutaja või grupp."
role_blank: "need to be assigned."
ungrantable: "has an unassignable role."
unassignable: "cannot be assigned to a project."
undeletable_work_packages_attached: "The version cannot be deleted as it has work packages attached to it."
body: "Kontrolli järgnevad väljad:"
one: "1 viga ei võimaldanud selle %{model} salvestamist"
other: "%{count} viga ei võimaldanud selle %{model} salvestamist"
attachment: "Manus"
attribute_help_text: "Attribute help text"
forum: "Foorum"
comment: "Kommentaar"
custom_action: "Custom action"
custom_field: "Lisaväli"
group: "Grupp"
category: "Kategooria"
status: "Teema olek"
member: "Liige"
news: "Uudised"
project: "Projekt"
query: "Kohandatud päring"
one: "Roll"
other: "Rollid"
type: "Tüüp"
user: "Kasutaja"
version: "Versioon"
wiki: "Viki"
wiki_page: "Viki leht"
workflow: "Töövoog"
work_package: "Teema"
'doorkeeper/application': "OAuth application"
header_invalid_fields: "Järgmiste väljadega esines tõrkeid:"
field_erroneous_label: "This field is invalid: %{full_errors}\nPlease enter a valid value."
created: "Loodud: %{title}"
updated: "Uuendatud: %{title}"
active: "Aktiivne"
assigned_to: "Määratud tegija"
assignee: "Määratud tegija"
attachments: "Manused"
author: "Autor"
base: "Üldine tõrge:"
blocks_ids: "IDs of blocked work packages"
category: "Kategooria"
comment: "Kommentaar"
comments: "Kommentaar"
content: "Sisu"
color: "Värv"
created_at: "Loodud"
created_on: "Loodud"
custom_options: "Võimalikud väärtused"
custom_values: "Lisaväljad"
date: "Kuupäev"
default_columns: "Vaikimisi veerud"
description: "Teave"
display_sums: "Kuva summasid"
due_date: "Finish date"
estimated_hours: "Eeldatav ajakulu"
estimated_time: "Eeldatav ajakulu"
firstname: "Eesnimi"
group: "Grupp"
groups: "Rühmad"
groupname: "Grupi nimi"
id: "ID"
is_default: "Vaikeväärtus"
is_for_all: "Kõikide projektide jaoks"
is_public: "Avalik"
issue: "Teema"
lastname: "Perekonnanimi"
login: "Username"
mail: "E-posti aadress"
name: "Nimi"
password: "Parool"
priority: "Prioriteet"
project: "Projekt"
responsible: "Accountable"
role: "Roll"
roles: "Rollid"
start_date: "Alguskuupäev"
status: "Olek"
subject: "Teema"
summary: "Kokkuvõte"
title: "Pealkiri"
type: "Tüüp"
updated_at: "Uuendatud"
updated_on: "Uuendatud"
user: "Kasutaja"
version: "Versioon"
work_package: "Teema"
button_add: "Lisamine"
button_add_member: Add member
button_add_watcher: "Lisa jälgija"
button_annotate: "Annoteeri"
button_apply: "Rakenda"
button_archive: "Arhiveeri"
button_back: "Tagasi"
button_cancel: "Tühista"
button_change: "Muuda"
button_change_parent_page: "Muuda mis lehelt see pärineb"
button_change_password: "Muuda parool"
button_check_all: "Märgi kõik"
button_clear: "Tühjenda"
button_click_to_reveal: "Click to reveal"
button_close: 'Sulge'
button_collapse_all: "Koonda kõik"
button_configure: "Seadista"
button_continue: "Continue"
button_copy: "Kopeeri"
button_copy_and_follow: "Kopeeri ja järgne"
button_create: "Loo uus"
button_create_and_continue: "Loo uus ja jätka"
button_delete: "Kustuta"
button_decline: "Decline"
button_delete_watcher: "Kustuta jälgija %{name}"
button_download: "Laadi alla"
button_duplicate: "Duplitseeri"
button_edit: "Muuda"
button_edit_associated_wikipage: "Muuda seotud vikilehte \"%{page_title}\""
button_expand_all: "Laienda kõik"
button_filter: "Filter"
button_generate: "Generate"
button_list: "Nimistu"
button_lock: "Lukusta"
button_log_time: "Ajakulu"
button_login: "Logi sisse"
button_move: "Tõsta"
button_move_and_follow: "Tõsta ja järgne"
button_print: "Print"
button_quote: "Tsiteeri"
button_remove: Remove
button_rename: "Nimeta ümber"
button_replace: "Replace"
button_revoke: "Revoke"
button_reply: "Vasta"
button_reset: "Nulli"
button_rollback: "Pöördu tagasi sellesse versiooni"
button_save: "Salvesta"
button_save_back: "Save and back"
button_show: "Kuva"
button_sort: "Sorteeri"
button_submit: "Sisesta"
button_test: "Testi"
button_unarchive: "Paki arhiiv lahti"
button_uncheck_all: "Tühjenda valik"
button_unlock: "Aktiveeri"
button_unwatch: "Ära jälgi"
button_update: "Uuenda"
button_upgrade: "Upgrade"
button_upload: "Upload"
button_view: "Kuva"
button_watch: "Vaata"
button_manage_menu_entry: "Muuda menüükäsk"
button_add_menu_entry: "Lisa menüükäsk"
button_configure_menu_entry: "Muuda menüükäsk"
button_delete_menu_entry: "Kustuta menüükäsk"
checkbox_label: I have noted and do consent to the above.
failure_message: Consent failed, cannot proceed.
title: User Consent
decline_warning_message: You have declined to consent and have been logged out.
user_has_consented: User has consented to your configured statement at the given time.
not_yet_consented: User has not consented yet, will be requested upon next login.
contact_mail_instructions: Define the mail address that users can reach a data controller to perform data change or removal requests.
contact_your_administrator: Please contact your administrator if you want to have your account deleted.
contact_this_mail_address: Please contact %{mail_address} if you want to have your account deleted.
text_update_consent_time: Check this box to force users to consent again. Enable when you have changed the legal aspect of the consent information above.
update_consent_last_time: "Last update of consent: %{update_time}"
started: "Started to copy project \"%{source_project_name}\" to \"%{target_project_name}\". You will be informed by mail as soon as \"%{target_project_name}\" is available."
failed: "Projekti %{source_project_name} ei saa kopeerida"
failed_internal: "Copying failed due to an internal error."
succeeded: "Projekt %{target_project_name} on loodud"
errors: "Tõrge"
project_custom_fields: 'Custom fields on project'
failed: "Ei saanud kopeerida andmeid projektist \"%{source_project_name}\" projekti \"%{target_project_name}\"."
succeeded: "Projekti \"%{source_project_name}\" andmed kopeeriti projekti \"%{target_project_name}\"."
create_new_page: "Viki leht"
- "P"
- "E"
- "T"
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- "N"
- "R"
- "L"
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- "veebruar"
- "märts"
- "aprill"
- "mai"
- "juuni"
- "juuli"
- "august"
- "september"
- "oktoober"
- "november"
- "detsember"
- "pühapäev"
- "esmaspäev"
- "teisipäev"
- "kolmapäev"
- "neljapäev"
- "reede"
- "laupäev"
default: "%d.%m.%Y"
long: "%d %B %Y"
short: "%d %b"
- null
- "jaanuar"
- "veebruar"
- "märts"
- "aprill"
- "mai"
- "juuni"
- "juuli"
- "august"
- "september"
- "oktoober"
- "november"
- "detsember"
- :aasta
- :kuu
- ':päev'
one: "umbes %{count} tundi"
other: "umbes %{count} tundi"
one: "umbes 1 kuu"
other: "umbes %{count} kuud"
one: "umbes 1 aasta"
other: "umbes %{count} aastat"
one: "peaaegu 1 aasta"
other: "peaaegu %{count} aastat"
half_a_minute: "pool minutit"
one: "vähem kui minut"
other: "vähem kui %{count} minutit"
one: "vähem kui sekund"
other: "vähem kui %{count} sekundit"
one: "rohkem kui aasta"
other: "rohkem kui %{count} aastat"
one: "1 päev"
other: "%{count} päeva"
one: "1 minut"
other: "%{count} minutit"
one: "1 kuu"
other: "%{count} kuud"
one: "1 sekund"
other: "%{count} sekundit"
one: "tund"
other: "tundi"
default_activity_development: "Arendamine"
default_activity_management: "Juhtimine"
default_activity_other: "Muu"
default_activity_specification: "Spetsifikatsioon"
default_activity_support: "Klienditugi"
default_activity_testing: "Testimine"
default_color_black: "Must"
default_color_blue: "Sinine"
default_color_blue_dark: "Sinine (tume)"
default_color_blue_light: "Sinine (hele)"
default_color_green_dark: "Roheline (tume)"
default_color_green_light: "Roheline (hele)"
default_color_grey_dark: "Hall (tume)"
default_color_grey_light: "Hall (hele)"
default_color_grey: "Hall"
default_color_magenta: "Purpurviolett"
default_color_orange: "Oranž"
default_color_red: "Punane"
default_color_white: "Valge"
default_color_yellow: "Kollane"
default_status_closed: "Suletud"
default_status_confirmed: "Confirmed"
default_status_developed: "Developed"
default_status_in_development: "In development"
default_status_in_progress: "In progress"
default_status_in_specification: "In specification"
default_status_in_testing: "In testing"
default_status_new: "Uus"
default_status_on_hold: "On hold"
default_status_rejected: "Tagasi lükatud"
default_status_scheduled: "Scheduled"
default_status_specified: "Specified"
default_status_tested: "Tested"
default_status_test_failed: "Test failed"
default_status_to_be_scheduled: "To be scheduled"
default_priority_low: "Aega on"
default_priority_normal: "Tavaline"
default_priority_high: "Pakiline"
default_priority_immediate: "Kohe vaja"
default_role_anonymous: "Anonüümne"
default_role_developer: "Arendaja"
default_role_project_admin: "Project admin"
default_role_non_member: "Mitteliige"
default_role_reader: "Reader"
default_role_member: "Liige"
default_type: "Teema"
default_type_bug: "Veaparandus"
default_type_deliverable: "Deliverable"
default_type_epic: "Epic"
default_type_feature: "Täiendus"
default_type_milestone: "Verstapost"
default_type_phase: "Etapp"
default_type_task: "Ülesanne"
default_type_user_story: "User story"
description_active: "Aktiivne?"
description_attachment_toggle: "Kuva/peida manused"
description_autocomplete: >
See väli kasutab väärtuste automaatset pakkumist. Teema pealkirja sisestamise ajal pakutakse võimalike kandidaatide nimekirja. Võid valida ühe pakutavatest kandidaatidest kasutades noolteklahve ja valida saab tabulaatori või reavahetuse klahviga. Alternatiivina saate sisestada kohe teema numbri.
description_available_columns: "Saadaolevad väljad"
description_choose_project: "Projektid"
description_compare_from: "Compare from"
description_compare_to: "Compare to"
description_current_position: "You are here: "
description_date_from: "Sisestage alguskuupäev"
description_date_range_interval: "Vali vahemik algus- ja lõpukuupäeva abil"
description_date_range_list: "Vali vahemik nimekirjast"
description_date_to: "Sisestage lõpukuupäev"
description_enter_number: "Sisestage number"
description_enter_text: "Sisestage tekst"
description_filter: "Filter"
description_filter_toggle: "Kuva/peida filter"
description_category_reassign: "Vali kategooria"
description_message_content: "Sõnumi sisu"
description_my_project: "Oled liige"
description_notes: "Märkmed"
description_parent_work_package: "Teema sisaldub teises teemas"
description_project_scope: "Otsingu ulatus"
description_query_sort_criteria_attribute: "Sortimise alus"
description_query_sort_criteria_direction: "Sortimissuund"
description_search: "Otsingu väli"
description_select_work_package: "Vali teema"
description_selected_columns: "Valitud väljad"
description_sub_work_package: "Teema sisaldab alamteemasid"
description_toc_toggle: "Kuva/peida sisukord"
description_wiki_subpages_reassign: "Vali uus ülemleht"
direction: vasakult paremale
description: "Customize the form configuration with these additional features:"
add_groups: "Add new attribute groups"
rename_groups: "Rename attributes groups"
description_html: "Upgrade to %{link} to filter and sort on custom fields"
enumeration_activities: "Tegevused (ajajälgimine)"
enumeration_work_package_priorities: "Teemade prioriteedid"
enumeration_system_activity: "Süsteemi tegevus"
enumeration_reported_project_statuses: "Esitatud projekti olek"
error_auth_source_sso_failed: "Single Sign-On (SSO) for user '%{value}' failed"
error_can_not_archive_project: "This project cannot be archived: There is at least one work package assigned to a version defined in this project."
error_can_not_delete_entry: "Unable to delete entry"
error_can_not_delete_custom_field: "Lisavälja ei saa kustutada"
error_can_not_delete_type: "Tüüp on mõnes teemas kasutusel ja seda ei saa kustutada."
error_can_not_delete_standard_type: "Standardseid tüüpe ei saa kustutada."
error_can_not_invite_user: "Failed to send invitation to user."
error_can_not_remove_role: "See roll on kasutuses ja seda ei saa kustutada."
error_can_not_reopen_work_package_on_closed_version: "Suletud versiooni juurde kuulunud teemat ei saa taasavada"
error_can_not_find_all_resources: "Could not find all related resources to this request."
error_check_user_and_role: "Palun vali kasutaja ja roll."
error_code: "Error %{code}"
error_cookie_missing: 'The OpenProject cookie is missing. Please ensure that cookies are enabled, as this application will not properly function without.'
error_custom_option_not_found: "Option does not exist."
error_enterprise_activation_user_limit: "Your account could not be activated (user limit reached). Please contact your administrator to gain access."
error_failed_to_delete_entry: 'Failed to delete this entry.'
error_in_dependent: "Error attempting to alter dependent object: %{dependent_class} #%{related_id} - %{related_subject}: %{error}"
error_invalid_selected_value: "Invalid selected value."
error_invalid_group_by: "Can't group by: %{value}"
error_invalid_query_column: "Invalid query column: %{value}"
error_invalid_sort_criterion: "Can't sort by column: %{value}"
error_journal_attribute_not_present: "Journal does not contain attribute %{attribute}."
error_pdf_export_too_many_columns: "Too many columns selected for the PDF export. Please reduce the number of columns."
error_pdf_failed_to_export: "The PDF export could not be saved: %{error}"
error_token_authenticity: 'Unable to verify Cross-Site Request Forgery token. Did you try to submit data on multiple browsers or tabs? Please close all tabs and try again.'
error_work_package_done_ratios_not_updated: "Teema edenemise astmed jäid uuendamata."
error_work_package_not_found_in_project: "Teemat ei leitud või see ei kuulu siia projekti"
error_must_be_project_member: "peab olema projekti liige"
error_migrations_are_pending: "Your OpenProject installation has pending database migrations. You have likely missed running the migrations on your last upgrade. Please check the upgrade guide to properly upgrade your installation."
error_migrations_visit_upgrade_guides: "Please visit our upgrade guide documentation"
error_no_default_work_package_status: "Teema algolek on määramata. Palun vaata seadistused üle (\"Seadistused -> Teemade olekud\")."
error_no_type_in_project: "Ühtegi tüüpi ei ole seotud selle projektiga. Palun kontrolli projekti seadeid."
error_omniauth_registration_timed_out: "Registreerimine välise autentija kaudu aegus. Palun proovi uuesti."
error_scm_command_failed: "Juurdepääsu katsel versioonihalduse süsteemile ilmnes tõrge: %{value}"
error_scm_not_found: "Versioonihalduse süsteemis ei leidunud otsitavat sissekannet või versiooni."
error_unable_delete_status: "The work package status cannot be deleted since it is used by at least one work package."
error_unable_delete_default_status: "Unable to delete the default work package status. Please select another default work package status before deleting the current one."
error_unable_to_connect: "Ühenduse loomine ebaõnnestus (%{value})"
error_unable_delete_wiki: "Unable to delete the wiki page."
error_unable_update_wiki: "Unable to update the wiki page."
error_workflow_copy_source: "Palun vali lähtepunkti liik või roll"
error_workflow_copy_target: "Palun vali sihtpunkti tüübid ja rollid"
error_menu_item_not_created: Menüü üksust ei saanud lisada
error_menu_item_not_saved: Menüü üksust ei saanud salvestada
error_wiki_root_menu_item_conflict: >
Can't rename "%{old_name}" to "%{new_name}" due to a conflict in the resulting menu item with the existing menu item "%{existing_caption}" (%{existing_identifier}).
error_external_authentication_failed: "Välisel autentimisel ilmnes tõrge. Palun proovi uuesti."
error_attribute_not_highlightable: "Attribute(s) not highlightable: %{attributes}"
project: 'Projekti on muudetud'
changeset: 'Toimikut on muudetud'
message: Sõnum on muudetud
news: Uudised
reply: Vastatud
time_entry: 'Ajalogi on muudetud'
wiki_page: 'Viki leht on muudetud'
work_package_closed: 'Teema on suletud'
work_package_edit: 'Teemat on uuendatud'
work_package_note: 'Teemale on lisatud märkus'
atom: "Atom"
csv: "CSV"
pdf: "PDF"
pdf_with_descriptions: "PDF koos kirjeldustega"
pdf_with_descriptions_and_attachments: "PDF with descriptions and attachments"
pdf_with_attachments: "PDF with attachments"
pdftotext: "Pdftotext available (optional)"
unrtf: "Unrtf available (optional)"
catdoc: "Catdoc available (optional)"
xls2csv: "Xls2csv available (optional)"
catppt: "Catppt available (optional)"
tesseract: "Tesseract available (optional)"
general_csv_decimal_separator: "."
general_csv_encoding: "UTF-8"
general_csv_separator: ","
general_first_day_of_week: "1"
general_lang_name: "Eesti"
general_pdf_encoding: "ISO-8859-1"
general_text_no: "ei"
general_text_yes: "jah"
general_text_No: "Ei"
general_text_Yes: "Jah"
general_text_true: "true"
general_text_false: "väär"
gui_validation_error: "1 viga"
gui_validation_error_plural: "%{count} viga"
projects: "Newest visible projects in this instance."
no_visible_projects: "There are no visible projects in this instance."
users: "Newest registered users in this instance."
community: "OpenProject community"
become_hero: "Become a hero!"
title: "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition"
description: "What are the benefits?"
more_info: "More information"
additional_features: "Additional powerful premium features"
professional_support: "Professional support from the OpenProject experts"
you_contribute: "Developers need to pay their bills, too. With Enterprise Edition you substantially contribute to this Open-Source community effort."
upgrade_enterprise_edition: "Upgrade to Enterprise Edition"
postgres_migration: "Migrating your installation to PostgreSQL"
user_guides: "User guides"
faq: "KKK"
glossary: "Sõnastik"
shortcuts: "Otseteed"
blog: "OpenProject blog"
forums: "Community forum"
newsletter: "Security alerts / Newsletter"
configuration_guide: 'Configuration guide'
instructions_after_registration: "You can sign in as soon as your account has been activated by clicking %{signin}."
instructions_after_logout: "You can sign in again by clicking %{signin}."
instructions_after_error: "You can try to sign in again by clicking %{signin}. If the error persists, ask your admin for help."
title: "No access tokens to display"
description: "All of them have been disabled. They can be re-enabled in the administration menu."
access_token: "Access token"
action: "Tegevus"
expiration: "Aegub"
indefinite_expiration: "Mitte kunagi"
label_accessibility: "Accessibility"
label_account: "Konto"
label_active: "Aktiivne"
label_activate_user: 'Activate user'
label_active_in_new_projects: "Active in new projects"
label_activity: "Tegevus"
label_add_edit_translations: "Add and edit translations"
label_add_another_file: "Lisa veel mõni fail"
label_add_columns: "Lisa valitud väljad"
label_add_note: "Lisa märge"
label_add_related_work_packages: "Lisa seotud teemasid"
label_add_subtask: "Lisa alamtoiming"
label_added: "lisatud"
label_added_time_by: "Lisatud %{author} poolt %{age} tagasi"
label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_assignee: "Täiendavad üleminekud on lubatud juhul kui kasutaja on tööpaketi teostaja"
label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_author: "Täiendavad üleminekud on lubatud juhul kui kasutaja on tööpaketi autor"
label_administration: "Haldamine"
label_advanced_settings: "Täpsemad seaded"
label_age: "Vanus"
label_ago: "päeva tagasi"
label_all: "kõik"
label_all_time: "kogu aeg"
label_all_words: "Kõik sõnad"
label_all_open_wps: "All open"
label_always_visible: "Always displayed"
label_announcement: "Announcement"
label_api_access_key: "API ligipääsutunnus"
label_api_access_key_created_on: "API ligipääsutunnus on loodud %{value} tagasi"
label_api_access_key_type: "API"
label_applied_status: "Rakendatud olek"
label_archive_project: "Archive project"
label_ascending: "Kasvav"
label_assigned_to_me_work_packages: "Minu teemad"
label_associated_revisions: "Seotud muudatused"
label_attachment_delete: "Kustuta fail"
label_attachment_new: "Loo uus fail"
label_attachment_plural: "Failid"
label_attribute: "Atribuut"
label_attribute_plural: "Atribuudid"
label_auth_source: "Autentimise viis"
label_auth_source_new: "Uus autentimise viis"
label_auth_source_plural: "Autentimise viisid"
label_authentication: "Autentimine"
label_available_project_work_package_categories: 'Available work package categories'
label_available_project_work_package_types: 'Available work package types'
label_available_project_forums: 'Available forums'
label_available_project_versions: 'Available versions'
label_available_project_repositories: 'Available repositories'
label_api_documentation: "API documentation"
label_between: "between"
label_blocked_by: "blokeeritud"
label_blocks: "blokeerib"
label_blog: "Blogi"
label_forums_locked: "Lukus"
label_forum_new: "Uus foorum"
label_forum_plural: "Foorumid"
label_forum_sticky: "Külgejääv"
label_boolean: "Tõeväärtus"
label_branch: "Haru"
label_browse: "Sirvi"
label_bulk_edit_selected_work_packages: "Muuda valitud teemasid korraga"
label_bundled: '(Bundled)'
label_calendar: "Kalender"
label_calendar_show: "Kuva kalender"
label_category: "Kategooria"
label_consent_settings: "User Consent"
label_wiki_menu_item: Viki menüüvalik
label_select_main_menu_item: Vali uus peamenüü valik
label_select_project: "Select a project"
label_required_disk_storage: "Required disk storage"
label_send_invitation: Send invitation
label_change_plural: "Muutused"
label_change_properties: "Muuda andmeid"
label_change_status: "Muuda olekut"
label_change_status_of_user: "Change status of #{username}"
label_change_view_all: "Vaata kõiki muutusi"
label_changes_details: "Kõigi muutuste üksikasjad"
label_changeset: "Changeset"
label_changeset_id: "Changeset ID"
label_changeset_plural: "Toimikud"
label_checked: "märgitud"
label_check_uncheck_all_in_column: "Check/Uncheck all in column"
label_check_uncheck_all_in_row: "Check/Uncheck all in row"
label_child_element: "Child element"
label_chronological_order: "Kronoloogilises järjekorras"
label_close_versions: "Sule lõpetatud versioonid"
label_closed_work_packages: "suletud"
label_collapse: "Koonda"
label_collapsed_click_to_show: "Collapsed. Click to show"
label_configuration: configuration
label_comment_add: "Lisa kommentaar"
label_comment_added: "Kommentaar lisatud"
label_comment_delete: "Kustuta kommentaarid"
label_comment_plural: "Kommentaarid"
label_commits_per_author: "Sissekandeid autori kohta"
label_commits_per_month: "Sissekandeid kuu kohta"
label_confirmation: "Kinnitus"
label_contains: "sisaldab"
label_content: "Sisu"
label_copied: "kopeeritud"
label_copy_to_clipboard: "Copy to clipboard"
label_copy_same_as_target: "Sama mis sihtkoht"
label_copy_source: "Lähtepunkt"
label_copy_target: "Sihtpunkt"
label_copy_workflow_from: "Kopeeri töövoog"
label_copy_project: "Kopeeri projekt"
label_core_version: "Tuumiku versioon"
label_current_status: "Praegune olek"
label_current_version: "Praegune versioon"
label_custom_field_add_no_type: "Add this field to a work package type"
label_custom_field_new: "Uus lisaväli"
label_custom_field_plural: "Lisaväljad"
label_custom_field_default_type: "Määramata tüüp"
label_custom_style: "Kavandamine"
label_date: "Kuupäev"
label_date_and_time: "Date and time"
label_date_from: "Algus"
label_date_from_to: "Kuupäevast %{start} kuni %{end}"
label_date_range: "Kuupäevavahemik"
label_date_to: "Lõpp"
label_day_plural: "päeva"
label_default: "Vaikimisi"
label_delete_user: "Delete user"
label_delete_project: "Delete project"
label_deleted: "kustutatud"
label_deleted_custom_field: "(kustutatud lisaväli)"
label_descending: "Kahanev"
label_details: "Üksikasjad"
label_development_roadmap: "Development roadmap"
label_diff: "diff"
label_diff_inline: "Põimitult"
label_diff_side_by_side: "kõrvuti"
label_disabled: "keelatud"
label_display: "Kuva"
label_display_per_page: "Lehe kohta: %{value}"
label_display_used_statuses_only: "Kuva ainult olekud, mis on kasutatud selle tüübi poolt"
label_download: "%{count} allalaadimine"
label_download_plural: "%{count} allalaadimisi"
label_downloads_abbr: "A/L"
label_duplicated_by: "dubleeris"
label_duplicate: "duplicate"
label_duplicates: "duplikaadid"
label_edit: "Muuda"
label_enable_multi_select: "Võimalda mitmene valik"
label_enabled_project_custom_fields: 'Enabled custom fields'
label_enabled_project_modules: 'Enabled modules'
label_enabled_project_activities: 'Enabled time tracking activities'
label_end_to_end: "otsast lõpuni"
label_end_to_start: "lõpust alguseni"
label_enumeration_new: "Uus loendatav väärtus"
label_enumeration_value: "Enumeration value"
label_enumerations: "Loendid"
label_enterprise: "Enterprise"
label_enterprise_active_users: "%{current}/%{limit} booked active users"
label_enterprise_edition: "Enterprise Edition"
label_environment: "Keskkond"
label_estimates_and_time: "Estimates and time"
label_equals: "võrdub"
label_everywhere: "everywhere"
label_example: "Näide"
label_import: "Import"
label_export_to: "Saadaval ka:"
label_expanded_click_to_collapse: "Expanded. Click to collapse"
label_f_hour: "%{value} tund"
label_f_hour_plural: "%{value} tundi"
label_feed_plural: "Kanalid"
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label_file_added: "Fail on lisatud"
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label_filters_toggle: "Show/hide filters"
label_float: "Ujuvkomaarv"
label_folder: "Folder"
label_follows: "järgneb"
label_force_user_language_to_default: "Sea keel kasutajatele, kellel on vaikimisi keeleks valitud mittelubatud keel"
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label_general: "Üldine"
label_generate_key: "Genereeri võti"
label_git_path: "Tee .git kataloog"
label_greater_or_equal: ">="
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label_group_new: "Uus rühm"
label_group: "Grupp"
label_group_named: "Group %{name}"
label_group_plural: "Rühmad"
label_help: "Abi"
label_here: here
label_hide: "Peida"
label_history: "Ajalugu"
label_hierarchy_leaf: "Hierarchy leaf"
label_home: "Avaleht"
label_subject_or_id: "Subject or ID"
label_impressum: "Legal notice"
label_in: "sisaldub hulgas"
label_in_less_than: "on väiksem kui"
label_in_more_than: "on suurem kui"
label_inactive: "Inactive"
label_incoming_emails: "Sissetulevad e-postisõnumid"
label_includes: 'includes'
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label_index_by_title: "Indeks pealkirja järgi"
label_information: "Teave"
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label_integer: "Täisarv"
label_internal: "Sisemine"
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label_invite_user: "Invite user"
label_show_hide: "Show/hide"
label_show_all_registered_users: "Show all registered users"
label_journal: "Journal"
label_journal_diff: "Kirjelduse võrdlus"
label_language: "Keel"
label_jump_to_a_project: "Mine projekti..."
label_keyword_plural: 'Keywords'
label_language_based: "Põhineb kasutaja keelel"
label_last_activity: "Last activity"
label_last_change_on: "Last change on"
label_last_changes: "%{count} viimast muudatust"
label_last_login: "Viimane sisselogimine"
label_last_month: "eelmisel kuul"
label_last_n_days: "viimasel %{count} päeval"
label_last_week: "eelmisel nädalal"
label_latest_revision: "Viimane versioon"
label_latest_revision_plural: "Viimased versioonid"
label_ldap_authentication: "LDAP autentimine"
label_less_or_equal: "<="
label_less_than_ago: "vähem kui päev tagasi"
label_list: "Nimistu"
label_loading: "Laadimine..."
label_lock_user: 'Lock user'
label_logged_as: "Logitud sisse kui"
label_login: "Logi sisse"
label_custom_logo: "Custom logo"
label_custom_favicon: "Custom favicon"
label_custom_touch_icon: "Custom touch icon"
label_logout: "Logi välja"
label_main_menu: "Ääremenüü"
label_manage_groups: "Manage groups"
label_managed_repositories_vendor: "Managed %{vendor} repositories"
label_max_size: "Maksimaalne suurus"
label_me: "mina"
label_member_new: "Uus liige"
label_member_all_admin: "(All roles due to admin status)"
label_member_plural: "Liikmed"
label_menu_item_name: "Menüüvaliku nimi"
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label_message_posted: "Sõnum on lisatud"
label_min_max_length: "Min - Max pikkus"
label_minute_plural: "minutes"
label_missing_api_access_key: "Missing API access key"
label_missing_feeds_access_key: "Missing RSS access key"
label_modification: "%{count} muudatust"
label_modified: "muudetud"
label_module_plural: "Moodulid"
label_modules: "Moodulid"
label_month: "Kuu"
label_months_from: "kuu kaugusel"
label_more: "Rohkem"
label_more_than_ago: "vanem kui"
label_move_work_package: "Tõsta teema ümber"
label_my_account: "Oma konto"
label_my_account_data: "Oma konto andmed"
label_my_projects: "Minu projektid"
label_my_queries: "Mu omaloodud päringud"
label_never: "Mitte kunagi"
label_new: "Uus"
label_new_features: "New features"
label_new_statuses_allowed: "Uued olekud lubatud"
label_news_added: "Uudis lisatud"
label_news_comment_added: "Kommentaar lisatud uudisele"
label_news_latest: "Viimased uudised"
label_news_new: "Lisa uudis"
label_news_edit: "Muuda uudist"
label_news_plural: "Uudised"
label_news_view_all: "Kõik uudised"
label_next: "Järgmine"
label_next_week: "Järgmine nädal"
label_no_change_option: "(Ei muutu)"
label_no_data: "Pole"
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label_nothing_display: "Pole midagi näidata"
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label_none: "pole"
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label_not_equals: "ei ole"
label_notify_member_plural: "Saada liikmetele teavitused e-kirjaga"
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label_open_work_packages: "avatud"
label_open_work_packages_plural: "avatud"
label_openproject_website: "OpenProject website"
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label_options: "Valikud"
label_other: "Muu"
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label_overall_spent_time: "Kokku kulutatud aeg"
label_overview: "Ülevaade"
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label_part_of: "part of"
label_password_lost: "Forgot your password?"
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label_password_rule_special: "Erimärgid"
label_password_rule_uppercase: "Suurtäheline"
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label_precedes: "eelneb"
label_preferences: "Eelistused"
label_preview: "Eelvaade"
label_previous: "Eelmine"
label_previous_week: "Eelmine nädal"
label_principal_invite_via_email: " or invite new users via email"
label_principal_search: "Add existing users or groups"
label_privacy_policy: "Data privacy and security policy"
label_product_version: "Product version"
label_professional_support: "Professionaalne kasutajatugi"
label_profile: "Profiil"
label_project_all: "Kõik projektid"
label_project_count: "Total number of projects"
label_project_copy_notifications: "Saada e-postiga teateid projekti kopeerimise ajal"
label_project_latest: "Viimased projektid"
label_project_default_type: "Luba määramata tüüp"
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label_project_new: "Uus projekt"
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label_project_hide_details: "Hide project details"
label_public_projects: "Avalikud projektid"
label_query_new: "Uus päring"
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label_query_menu_item: "Päringu menüüvalik"
label_read: "Loe..."
label_register: "Create a new account"
label_register_with_developer: "Registreeru kui arendaja"
label_registered_on: "Registreeritud"
label_registration_activation_by_email: "konto aktiveerimine e-posti teel"
label_registration_automatic_activation: "automaatne konto aktiveerimine"
label_registration_manual_activation: "konto aktiveerimine käsitsi"
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label_relation_delete: "Kustuta seos"
label_relation_new: "Uus seos"
label_release_notes: "Release notes"
label_remove_columns: "Eemalda valitud väljad"
label_renamed: "ümber nimetatud"
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label_report: "Aruanne"
label_report_bug: "Report a bug"
label_report_plural: "Aruanded"
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label_reporting: "Aruandlus"
label_reporting_plural: "Aruandlused"
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label_requires: 'requires'
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label_roadmap_overdue: "%{value} hiljaks jäänud"
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label_role_search: "Assign role to new members"
label_scm: "Lähtekoodi haldusvahendid"
label_search: "Otsi"
label_send_information: "Saada konto andmed kasutajale"
label_send_test_email: "Saada kontrollkiri"
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label_sort_by: "Sorteeri %{value} järgi"
label_sorted_by: "Sorteeritud %{value} järgi"
label_sort_higher: "Nihuta üles"
label_sort_highest: "Nihuta esimeseks"
label_sort_lower: "Nihuta alla"
label_sort_lowest: "Nihuta viimaseks"
label_spent_time: "Kulutatud aeg"
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label_stay_logged_in: "Püsi sisselogituna"
label_storage_free_space: "Remaining disk space"
label_storage_used_space: "Used disk space"
label_storage_group: "Storage filesystem %{identifier}"
label_storage_for: "Encompasses storage for"
label_string: "Tekst"
label_subproject: "Alamprojekt"
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label_summary: "Kokkuvõte"
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label_this_year: "sel aastal"
label_time_entry_plural: "Kulutatud aeg"
label_time_sheet_menu: "Time sheet"
label_time_tracking: "Ajakulu arvestus"
label_today: "täna"
label_top_menu: "Ülemine menüü"
label_topic_plural: "Teemad"
label_total: "Kokku"
label_type_new: "Uus tüüp"
label_type_plural: "Tüübid"
label_ui: "Kasutajaliides"
label_update_work_package_done_ratios: "Uuenda edenemise astmeid"
label_updated_time: "Uuendatud %{value} tagasi"
label_updated_time_at: "%{author} %{age}"
label_updated_time_by: "Uuendatud %{author} poolt %{age} tagasi"
label_upgrade_guides: 'Upgrade guides'
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label_used_by_types: "Used by types"
label_used_in_projects: "Used in projects"
label_user: "Kasutaja"
label_user_and_permission: "Users & Permissions"
label_user_named: "User %{name}"
label_user_activity: "%{value}-s tegevus"
label_user_anonymous: "Anonüümne"
label_user_mail_option_all: "Kõigi sündmuste kohta minu projektides"
label_user_mail_option_none: "Sündmusi pole"
label_user_mail_option_only_assigned: "Ainult minule määratud tööde kohta"
label_user_mail_option_only_my_events: "Ainult tööde kohta, mida ma jälgin või millega olen seotud"
label_user_mail_option_only_owner: "Ainult minu omanduses olevate asjade kohta"
label_user_mail_option_selected: "For any event on the selected projects only"
label_user_new: "Uus kasutaja"
label_user_plural: "Kasutajad"
label_user_search: "Otsi kasutajat"
label_user_settings: "User settings"
label_version_new: "Uus versioon"
label_version_plural: "Versioonid"
label_version_sharing_descendants: "Alamprojektidega"
label_version_sharing_hierarchy: "Projektihierarhiaga"
label_version_sharing_none: "Ei jaga"
label_version_sharing_system: "Kõigi projektidega"
label_version_sharing_tree: "Projekti puuga"
label_videos: "Videos"
label_view_all_revisions: "Kogu ajalugu"
label_view_diff: "Vaata erinevusi"
label_view_revisions: "Haru ajalugu"
label_watched_work_packages: "Jälgitavad teemad"
label_what_is_this: "What is this?"
label_week: "Nädal"
label_wiki_content_added: "Viki leht on lisatud"
label_wiki_content_updated: "Viki leht on uuendatud"
label_wiki_toc: "Sisukord"
label_wiki_toc_empty: "Table of Contents is empty as no headings are present."
label_wiki_dont_show_menu_item: "Ära näita seda vikilehte projektimenüüs"
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label_wiki_show_index_page_link: "Kuva alammenüü valik \"Sisukord\""
label_wiki_show_menu_item: "Näita lehe nime projektimenüüs"
label_wiki_show_new_page_link: "Näita alammenüüs valikut 'Loo uus alamleht'"
label_wiki_show_submenu_item: "Näita kui alammenüüd (<--) "
label_wiki_start: "Esileht"
label_work_package: "Teema"
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label_work_package_category_plural: "Teema kategooriad"
label_work_package_hierarchy: "Work package hierarchy"
label_work_package_new: "Uus teema"
label_work_package_note_added: "Märkus lisatud teemale"
label_work_package_edit: "Muuda teemat %{name}"
label_work_package_plural: "Teemad"
label_work_package_priority_updated: "Teema prioriteet uuendatud"
label_work_package_status: "Teema olek"
label_work_package_status_new: "Uus olek"
label_work_package_status_plural: "Teemade olekud"
label_work_package_types: "Work package types"
label_work_package_updated: "Teema uuendatud"
label_work_package_tracking: "Teemasid jälgida"
label_work_package_view_all: "Kuva kõiki teemasid"
label_workflow: "Töövoog"
label_workflow_plural: "Töövood"
label_workflow_summary: "Kokkuvõte"
one: "1 suletud"
other: "%{count} suletud"
one: "1 kommentaar"
other: "%{count} kommentaari"
one: "1 avatud"
other: "%{count} avatud"
one: "1 projekt"
other: "%{count} projekti"
label_year: "Aasta"
label_yesterday: "eile"
label_keyboard_function: "Funktsioon"
label_keyboard_shortcut: "Otsetee"
label_keyboard_accesskey: "Kiirklahv"
label_keyboard_shortcut_help_heading: "Saadavalolevad kiirklahvid"
label_keyboard_shortcut_within_project: "Projektiga seotud kiirklahvid:"
label_keyboard_shortcut_global_shortcuts: "Igal pool töötavad kiirklahvid:"
label_keyboard_shortcut_some_pages_only: "Erikiirklahvid:"
label_keyboard_shortcut_search_global: "Üldine otsing"
label_keyboard_shortcut_search_project: "Leia projekt"
label_keyboard_shortcut_go_my_page: "Go to my page"
label_keyboard_shortcut_show_help: "Kuva käesolevat abiteksti"
label_keyboard_shortcut_go_overview: "Mine projekti ülevaate juurde"
label_keyboard_shortcut_go_work_package: "Mine projekti teemade juurde"
label_keyboard_shortcut_go_wiki: "Mine projekti viki juurde"
label_keyboard_shortcut_go_activity: "Mine projekti tegevuste juurde"
label_keyboard_shortcut_go_calendar: "Mine projekti kalendri juurde"
label_keyboard_shortcut_go_news: "Mine projekti uudiste juurde"
label_keyboard_shortcut_go_timelines: "Mine ajakava juurde"
label_keyboard_shortcut_new_work_package: "Lisa uus teema"
label_keyboard_shortcut_details_package: "Show work packages details pane"
label_keyboard_shortcut_go_edit: "Muuda valitut üksust (üksikasjade lehel)"
label_keyboard_shortcut_open_more_menu: "Ava \"näita rohkem\" menüü (üksikasjade lehel)"
label_keyboard_shortcut_go_preview: "Näita eelvaadet (ainult toimetamisel)"
label_keyboard_shortcut_focus_previous_item: "Liigu eelmisele loendi elemendile (töötab vaid valitud loendites)"
label_keyboard_shortcut_focus_next_item: "Liigu järgmisele loendi elemendile (töötab vaid valitud loendites)"
using_abstract_auth_source: "Can't use an abstract authentication source."
ldap_error: "LDAP-Error: %{error_message}"
ldap_auth_failed: "Could not authenticate at the LDAP-Server."
macro_execution_error: "Error executing the macro %{macro_name}"
macro_unavailable: "Macro %{macro_name} cannot be displayed."
placeholder: '[Placeholder] Macro %{macro_name}'
missing_or_invalid_parameter: 'Missing or invalid macro parameter.'
timeline: 'This legacy timeline macro has been removed and is no longer available. You can replace the functionality with an embedded table macro.'
removed: 'The macro does no longer exist.'
page_not_found: "Cannot find the wiki page '%{name}'."
no_project_context: 'Calling create_work_package_link macro from outside project context.'
invalid_type: "No type found with name '%{type}' in project '%{project}'."
link_name: 'Uus teema'
link_name_type: 'New %{type_name}'
actions: 'Actions'
mail_body_account_activation_request: "Uus kasutaja (%{value}) on registreerunud. Konto aktiveerimine ootab sinu nõusolekut:"
mail_body_account_information: "Sinu konto andmed"
mail_body_account_information_external: "Sa võid kasutada oma %{value} kontot sisselogimiseks."
mail_body_lost_password: "Link viib sind parooli muutmise juurde:"
mail_body_register: "Aktiveerimaks su konto, kasuta linki:"
mail_body_reminder: "%{count} Sulle määratud teema tähtaeg jõuab kätte järgmise %{days} päeva jooksul:"
mail_body_wiki_content_added: "Kasutaja %{author} lisas uue lehekülje \"%{id}\" vikisse."
mail_body_wiki_content_updated: "Kasutaja %{author} toimetas lehekülje \"%{id}\" sisu vikis."
mail_subject_account_activation_request: "%{value} konto aktiveerimise nõuet"
mail_subject_lost_password: "Sinu \"%{value}\" parool"
mail_subject_register: "Sinu \"%{value}\" konto aktiveerimine"
mail_subject_reminder: "%{count} teema tähtaeg jõuab kätte järgmise %{days} päeva jooksul"
mail_subject_wiki_content_added: "Lisatud vikileht \"%{id}\""
mail_subject_wiki_content_updated: "Uuendatud vikileht \"%{id}\""
subject: User activation limit reached
message: |
A new user (%{email}) tried to create an account on an OpenProject environment that you manage (%{host}).
The user cannot activate their account since the user limit has been reached.
label: "To allow the user to sign in you can either: "
a: "Upgrade your payment plan ([here](upgrade_url))"
b: "Lock or delete an existing user ([here](users_url))"
more_actions: "Rohkem tegevusi"
noscript_description: "OpenProject vajab JavaScripti sisselülitamist su veebilehitsejas!"
noscript_heading: "JavaScript ei ole sisselülitatud"
noscript_learn_more: "Loe rohkem"
notice_accessibility_mode: The accessibility mode can be enabled in your [account settings](url).
notice_account_activated: "Su konto on aktiveeritud. Saad nüüd sisse logida."
notice_account_already_activated: The account has already been activated.
notice_account_invalid_token: Invalid activation token
notice_account_invalid_credentials: "Vale kasutajanimi või parool"
notice_account_invalid_credentials_or_blocked: "Sisestatud kasutajanimi ja parool ei ole õiged või on kasutajakonto blokeeritud mitmekordse nurjunud sisselogimiskatse pärast. Kui nii, siis kasutajakonto blokk eemaldatakse mõningase aja pärast."
notice_account_lost_email_sent: "Sulle saadeti e-kiri parooli vahetamise juhistega."
notice_account_new_password_forced: "Parooli vahetamine on kohustuslik."
notice_account_password_expired: "Parool on vananenud %{days} eest. Palun vali uus parool."
notice_account_password_updated: "Parooli uuendamine õnnestus."
notice_account_pending: "Sinu konto on loodud ja ootab nüüd administraatori kinnitust."
notice_account_register_done: "Konto loomine õnnestus. Konto aktiveerimiseks vajuta vastaval lingil Sulle saadetud e-kirjas."
notice_account_unknown_email: "Tundmatu kasutaja."
notice_account_update_failed: "Account setting could not be saved. Please have a look at your account page."
notice_account_updated: "Konto on õnnelikult uuendatud."
notice_account_other_session_expired: "All other sessions tied to your account have been invalidated."
notice_account_wrong_password: "Vale parool"
notice_account_registered_and_logged_in: "Tere, teie konto on aktiveeritud. Teid logitakse nüüd sisse."
notice_activation_failed: The account could not be activated.
notice_auth_stage_verification_error: "Could not verify stage '%{stage}'."
notice_auth_stage_wrong_stage: "Expected to finish authentication stage '%{expected}', but '%{actual}' returned."
notice_auth_stage_error: "Authentication stage '%{stage}' failed."
notice_can_t_change_password: "See konto kasutab välist autentimisallikat. Siin ei saa selle konto parooli vahetada."
notice_custom_options_deleted: "Option '%{option_value}' and its %{num_deleted} occurrences were deleted."
notice_email_error: "Kirja saatmisel tekkis viga (%{value})"
notice_email_sent: "%{value}-le saadeti kiri"
notice_failed_to_save_work_packages: "%{count} teemat %{total}-st ei õnnestunud salvestada: %{ids}."
notice_failed_to_save_members: "Liiget või liikmeid ei õnnestunud salvestada: %{errors}."
notice_file_not_found: "Sellist lehte ei leitud."
notice_forced_logout: "Sind logiti automaatselt välja %{ttl_time} tegevuseta minuti järel."
notice_internal_server_error: "Lehel, mida Sa üritasid avada, ilmnes tõrge. Kui probleem on püsiv, siis pöörduge abi saamiseks rakenduse %{app_title} administraatori poole."
notice_work_package_done_ratios_updated: "Teema edenemise astmed on uuendatud."
notice_locking_conflict: "Teine kasutaja uuendas vahepeal neid andmeid."
notice_locking_conflict_additional_information: "Uuendused on tehtud %{users} poolt."
notice_locking_conflict_reload_page: "Palun laadi lehekülg uuesti, kontrolli tehtud muudatusi ja püüa neid uuesti salvestada."
notice_member_added: Added %{name} to the project.
notice_members_added: Added %{number} users to the project.
notice_member_removed: "Removed %{user} from project."
notice_member_deleted: "%{user} has been removed from the project and deleted."
notice_no_principals_found: "Ühtki kasutajat ega gruppi ei leitud."
notice_bad_request: "Vigane päring."
notice_not_authorized: "Sul ei ole sellele lehele ligipääsuks õigusi."
notice_not_authorized_archived_project: "See projekt on arhiveeritud."
notice_password_confirmation_failed: "Your password is not correct. Cannot continue."
notice_principals_found_multiple: "There are %{number} results found. \n Tab to focus the first result."
notice_principals_found_single: "There is one result. \n Tab to focus it."
notice_project_not_deleted: "Projekti ei ole kustutatud."
notice_successful_connection: "Ühenduse loomine õnnestus."
notice_successful_create: "Loomine õnnestus."
notice_successful_delete: "Kustutamine õnnestus."
notice_successful_update: "Uuendamine õnnestus."
notice_to_many_principals_to_display: "Leiti liiga palju tulemusi. Palun otsi täpsemini sisestades uue kasutaja või grupi nime."
notice_unable_delete_time_entry: "Ajakulu sissekande kustutamine ei õnnestunud."
notice_user_missing_authentication_method: User has yet to choose a password or another way to sign in.
notice_user_invitation_resent: An invitation has been sent to %{email}.
present_access_key_value: "Your %{key_name} is: %{value}"
notice_automatic_set_of_standard_type: "Vaikimisi tüüp valitakse automaatselt."
notice_logged_out: "You have been logged out."
notice_wont_delete_auth_source: The authentication mode cannot be deleted as long as there are still users using it.
notice_project_cannot_update_custom_fields: "You cannot update the project's available custom fields. The project is invalid: %{errors}"
notice_attachment_migration_wiki_page: >
This page was generated automatically during the update of OpenProject. It contains all attachments previously associated with the %{container_type} "%{container_name}".
delimiter: ""
precision: 3
separator: "."
delimiter: ""
precision: 1
format: "%n %u"
one: "Baiti"
other: "Baiti"
gb: "GB"
kb: "KB"
mb: "MB"
tb: "TB"
heading_getting_started: "Get an overview"
text_getting_started_description: "Get a quick overview of project management and team collaboration with OpenProject."
text_show_again: "You can restart this video from the help menu"
welcome: "Welcome to OpenProject"
select_language: "Please select your language"
permission_add_work_package_notes: "Märkusi lisada"
permission_add_work_packages: "Teemasid lisada"
permission_add_messages: "Postitusi lisada"
permission_add_project: "Projekte luua"
permission_add_subprojects: "Alamprojekte luua"
permission_add_work_package_watchers: "Jälgijaid lisada"
permission_assign_versions: "Assign versions"
permission_browse_repository: "Read-only access to repository (browse and checkout)"
permission_change_wiki_parent_page: "Muuta viki ülemlehti"
permission_comment_news: "Uudiseid kommenteerida"
permission_commit_access: "Read/write access to repository (commit)"
permission_copy_projects: "Kopeerida projekte"
permission_delete_work_package_watchers: "Jälgijaid eemaldada"
permission_delete_work_packages: "Teemasid kustutada"
permission_delete_messages: "Postitusi kustutada"
permission_delete_own_messages: "Omi postitusi kustutada"
permission_delete_reportings: "Teadaandeid kustutada"
permission_delete_timelines: "Kustutada ajakavasid"
permission_delete_wiki_pages: "Kustutada vikilehti"
permission_delete_wiki_pages_attachments: "Kustutada manuseid"
permission_edit_work_package_notes: "Märkusi toimetada"
permission_edit_work_packages: "Teemasid muuta"
permission_edit_messages: "Muuta sõnumeid"
permission_edit_own_work_package_notes: "Oma märkusi toimetada"
permission_edit_own_messages: "Muuta enda sõnumeid"
permission_edit_own_time_entries: "Muuta enda ajalogisid"
permission_edit_project: "Muuta projekti"
permission_edit_reportings: "Muuta teadaandeid"
permission_edit_time_entries: "Muuta ajalogisid"
permission_edit_timelines: "Muuta ajakavasid"
permission_edit_wiki_pages: "Muuta vikilehti"
permission_export_work_packages: "Export work packages"
permission_export_wiki_pages: "Eksportida vikilehti"
permission_list_attachments: "Kuvada manuseid"
permission_log_time: "Logida ajakulu"
permission_manage_forums: "Hallata foorumeid"
permission_manage_categories: "Kategooriaid hallata"
permission_manage_work_package_relations: "Teemade seoseid hallata"
permission_manage_members: "Halda liikmeid"
permission_manage_news: "Halda uudiseid"
permission_manage_project_activities: "Halda projekti tegevusi"
permission_manage_public_queries: "Manage public views"
permission_manage_repository: "Halda hoidlat"
permission_manage_subtasks: "Halda alamülesandeid"
permission_manage_versions: "Halda versioone"
permission_manage_wiki: "Halda vikit"
permission_manage_wiki_menu: "Halda viki menüüd"
permission_move_work_packages: "Teemasid liigutada"
permission_protect_wiki_pages: "Kaitse viki lehekülgi"
permission_rename_wiki_pages: "Nimeta viki lehekülgi ümber"
permission_save_queries: "Save views"
permission_select_project_modules: "Vali projekti mooduleid"
permission_manage_types: "Muuta tüüpe"
permission_view_calendar: "Kuva kalendrit"
permission_view_changesets: "View repository revisions in OpenProject"
permission_view_commit_author_statistics: "Kuvada sissekandestatistikat autorite kohta"
permission_view_work_package_watchers: "Jälgijate nimekirja kuvada"
permission_view_work_packages: "View work packages"
permission_view_messages: "Kuva sõnumeid"
permission_view_members: "View members"
permission_view_reportings: "Kuvada teadaandeid"
permission_view_time_entries: "Kuva ajakulu"
permission_view_timelines: "Kuvada ajakavu"
permission_view_wiki_edits: "Kuva viki toimetuste ajalugu"
permission_view_wiki_pages: "Kuva vikit"
default: "-"
confirmation: "If you continue, the project %{identifier} and all related data will be permanently destroyed."
info: "Deleting the project is an irreversible action."
project_verification: "Enter the project's name %{name} to verify the deletion."
subprojects_confirmation: "Its subproject(s): %{value} will also be deleted."
title: "Delete the project %{name}"
warning_one: Members of the project will have to relocate the project's repositories.
warning_two: Existing links to the project will no longer work.
title: Change the project's identifier
are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to archive the project '%{name}'?"
project_module_activity: "Tegevus"
project_module_forums: "Foorumid"
project_module_calendar: "Kalender"
project_module_work_package_tracking: "Teemasid jälgida"
project_module_news: "Uudised"
project_module_repository: "Hoidla"
project_module_time_tracking: "Ajakulu arvestus"
project_module_timelines: "Perioodid"
project_module_wiki: "Viki"
attribute_and_direction: "%{attribute} (%{direction})"
active_or_archived: "Active or archived"
assigned_to_role: "Omistatud rollile"
member_of_group: "Omistatud rühmale"
assignee_or_group: "Assignee or belonging group"
subproject_id: "Alamprojekt"
name_or_identifier: "Name or identifier"
at_identifier: 'at %{identifier}'
atom_revision_feed: 'Atom revision feed'
autofetch_information: "Check this if you want repositories to be updated automatically when accessing the repository module page.\nThis encompasses the retrieval of commits from the repository and refreshing the required disk storage."
readwrite: 'Read + Write'
read: 'Read-only'
none: 'No checkout access, you may only view the repository through this application.'
access_permission: 'Your permissions on this repository'
url: "Checkout URL"
base_url_text: "The base URL to use for generating checkout URLs (e.g., https://myserver.example.org/repos/).\nNote: The base URL is only used for rewriting checkout URLs in managed repositories. Other repositories are not altered."
git: |-
The data contained in this repository can be downloaded to your computer with Git.
Please consult the documentation of Git if you need more information on the checkout procedure and available clients.
subversion: |-
The data contained in this repository can be downloaded to your computer with Subversion.
Please consult the documentation of Subversion if you need more information on the checkout procedure and available clients.
enable_instructions_text: "Displays checkout instructions defined below on all repository-related pages."
instructions: "Checkout instructions"
show_instructions: "Display checkout instructions"
text_instructions: "This text is displayed alongside the checkout URL for guidance on how to check out the repository."
not_available: "Checkout instructions are not defined for this repository. Ask your administrator to enable them for this repository in the system settings."
create_managed_delay: "Please note: The repository is managed, it is created asynchronously on the disk and will be available shortly."
create_successful: "The repository has been registered."
delete_sucessful: "The repository has been deleted."
confirmation: "If you continue, this will permanently delete the managed repository."
info: "Deleting the repository is an irreversible action."
info_not_managed: "Note: This will NOT delete the contents of this repository, as it is not managed by OpenProject."
managed_path_note: "The following directory will be erased: %{path}"
repository_verification: "Enter the project's identifier %{identifier} to verify the deletion of its repository."
subtitle: "Do you really want to delete the %{repository_type} of the project %{project_name}?"
subtitle_not_managed: "Do you really want to remove the linked %{repository_type} %{url} from the project %{project_name}?"
title: "Delete the %{repository_type}"
title_not_managed: "Remove the linked %{repository_type}?"
build_failed: "Unable to create the repository with the selected configuration. %{reason}"
managed_delete: "Unable to delete the managed repository."
managed_delete_local: "Unable to delete the local repository on filesystem at '%{path}': %{error_message}"
empty_repository: "The repository exists, but is empty. It does not contain any revisions yet."
exists_on_filesystem: "The repository directory already exists in the filesystem."
filesystem_access_failed: "An error occurred while accessing the repository in the filesystem: %{message}"
not_manageable: "This repository vendor cannot be managed by OpenProject."
path_permission_failed: "An error occurred trying to create the following path: %{path}. Please ensure that OpenProject may write to that folder."
unauthorized: "You're not authorized to access the repository or the credentials are invalid."
unavailable: "The repository is unavailable."
exception_title: "Cannot access the repository: %{message}"
disabled_or_unknown_type: "The selected type %{type} is disabled or no longer available for the SCM vendor %{vendor}."
disabled_or_unknown_vendor: "The SCM vendor %{vendor} is disabled or no longer available."
remote_call_failed: "Calling the managed remote failed with message '%{message}' (Code: %{code})"
remote_invalid_response: "Received an invalid response from the managed remote."
remote_save_failed: "Could not save the repository with the parameters retrieved from the remote."
managed_url: "This is the URL of the managed (local) Git repository."
path: >-
Specify the path to your local Git repository ( e.g., %{example_path} ). You can also use remote repositories which are cloned to a local copy by using a value starting with http(s):// or file://.
path_encoding: "Override Git path encoding (Default: UTF-8)"
local_title: "Link existing local Git repository"
local_url: "Local URL"
local_introduction: "If you have an existing local Git repository, you can link it with OpenProject to access it from within the application."
managed_introduction: "Let OpenProject create and integrate a local Git repository automatically."
managed_title: "Git repository integrated into OpenProject"
managed_url: "Managed URL"
path: "Path to Git repository"
path_encoding: "Teeraja kodeering"
go_to_revision: "Go to revision"
managed_remote: "Managed repositories for this vendor are handled remotely."
managed_remote_note: "Information on the URL and path of this repository is not available prior to its creation."
managed_url: "Managed URL"
automatic_managed_repos_disabled: "Disable automatic creation"
automatic_managed_repos: "Automatic creation of managed repositories"
automatic_managed_repos_text: "By setting a vendor here, newly created projects will automatically receive a managed repository of this vendor."
scm_vendor: "Source control management system"
scm_type: "Repository type"
local: "Link existing local repository"
existing: "Link existing repository"
managed: "Create new repository in OpenProject"
not_available: "Disk storage consumption is not available for this repository."
update_timeout: "Keep the last required disk space information for a repository for N minutes.\nAs counting the required disk space of a repository may be costly, increase this value to reduce performance impact."
existing_title: "Existing Subversion repository"
existing_introduction: "If you have an existing Subversion repository, you can link it with OpenProject to access it from within the application."
existing_url: "Existing URL"
managed_url: "This is the URL of the managed (local) Subversion repository."
url: "Enter the repository URL. This may either target a local repository (starting with %{local_proto} ), or a remote repository.\nThe following URL schemes are supported:"
managed_title: "Subversion repository integrated into OpenProject"
managed_introduction: "Let OpenProject create and integrate a local Subversion repository automatically."
managed_url: "Managed URL"
password: "Repository Password"
username: "Repository username"
truncated: "Sorry, we had to truncate this directory to %{limit} files. %{truncated} entries were omitted from the list."
named_repository: "%{vendor_name} repository"
update_settings_successful: "The settings have been sucessfully saved."
url: "URL to repository"
cannot_annotate: "This file cannot be annotated."
search_input_placeholder: "Search ..."
setting_email_delivery_method: "Email delivery method"
setting_sendmail_location: "Location of the sendmail executable"
setting_smtp_enable_starttls_auto: "Automatically use STARTTLS if available"
setting_smtp_ssl: "Use SSL connection"
setting_smtp_address: "SMTP server"
setting_smtp_port: "SMTP port"
setting_smtp_authentication: "SMTP authentication"
setting_smtp_user_name: "SMTP username"
setting_smtp_password: "SMTP password"
setting_smtp_domain: "SMTP HELLO domain"
setting_activity_days_default: "Projektide ajalugu näidatakse"
setting_app_subtitle: "Rakenduse alamnimetus"
setting_app_title: "Rakenduse nimetus"
setting_attachment_max_size: "Manuste suurim lubatud suurus"
setting_autofetch_changesets: "Autofetch repository changes"
setting_autologin: "Automaatne sisselogimine"
setting_available_languages: "Kõik keeled"
setting_bcc_recipients: "Salakoopia vastuvõtjad"
setting_brute_force_block_after_failed_logins: "Block user after this number of failed login attempts"
setting_brute_force_block_minutes: "Time the user is blocked for"
setting_cache_formatted_text: "Vormindatud teksti jaoks kasutatakse vahemälu"
setting_use_wysiwyg_description: "Select to enable CKEditor5 WYSIWYG editor for all users by default. CKEditor has limited functionality for GFM Markdown."
setting_column_options: "Teemade nimekirja vaikimisi veerud"
setting_commit_fix_keywords: "Paranduste võtmesõnad"
setting_commit_logs_encoding: "Sissekannete kodeering"
setting_commit_logtime_activity_id: "Tegevus kulunud ajal"
setting_commit_logtime_enabled: "Luba ajakulu sisestamine"
setting_commit_ref_keywords: "Viitade võtmesõnad"
setting_consent_time: "Consent time"
setting_consent_info: "Consent information text"
setting_consent_required: "Consent required"
setting_consent_decline_mail: "Consent contact mail address"
setting_cross_project_work_package_relations: "Võimalda seostada teemasid teistest projektidest"
setting_date_format: "Kuupäevaformaat"
setting_default_language: "Vaikimisi keel"
setting_default_notification_option: "Vaikimisi teavitatakse"
setting_default_projects_modules: "Uue projekti vaikimisi moodulid"
setting_default_projects_public: "Uued projektid on vaikimisi avalikud"
setting_diff_max_lines_displayed: "Enim korraga näidatavaid erinevusi"
setting_display_subprojects_work_packages: "Kuva ka alamprojektide teemad peaprojekti teemade juures"
setting_emails_footer: "E-kirja jalus"
setting_emails_header: "E-kirja päis"
setting_email_login: "Use email as login"
setting_enabled_scm: "Kasutatavad lähtekoodi haldusvahendid"
setting_feeds_enabled: "Luba tellitavaid uudisvoogusid"
setting_feeds_limit: "Uudisvoogude suurim uudiste arv"
setting_file_max_size_displayed: "Teksti sees kuvatava tekstifaili maksimaalne suurus"
setting_host_name: "Serveri nimi ja teerada"
setting_invitation_expiration_days: "Activation email expires after"
setting_work_package_done_ratio: "Määra teema edenemise aste"
setting_work_package_done_ratio_field: "kasutades vastavat välja"
setting_work_package_done_ratio_status: "kasutades teema olekut"
setting_work_package_done_ratio_disabled: "Ära kuva edenemist"
setting_work_package_list_default_columns: "Kuva vaikimisi"
setting_work_package_list_summable_columns: "Summeeruvad"
setting_work_package_properties: "Teemade atribuudid"
setting_work_package_startdate_is_adddate: "Uute teemade alguskuupäevaks käesolev päev"
setting_work_packages_export_limit: "Teemade ekspordi limiit"
setting_journal_aggregation_time_minutes: "Display journals as aggregated within"
setting_log_requesting_user: "Logi iga taotluse kasutajanimi, nimi ja epost"
setting_login_required: "Autentimine kohustuslik"
setting_mail_from: "Saatja e-posti aadress"
setting_mail_handler_api_key: "Veebiteenuse API võti"
setting_mail_handler_body_delimiters: "Kärbi e-kirja lõpp peale sellist rida"
setting_mail_handler_body_delimiter_regex: "Truncate emails matching this regex"
setting_mail_handler_ignore_filenames: "Ignored mail attachments"
setting_new_project_user_role_id: "Projekti looja vaikimisi roll oma loodud projektis"
setting_password_active_rules: "Võimaldatud tähemärgid"
setting_password_count_former_banned: "Arv kordi kui eelnevalt kasutatud parooli kasutamine on keelatud"
setting_password_days_valid: "Number of days, after which to enforce a password change"
setting_password_min_length: "Lühima lubatud parooli pikkus"
setting_password_min_adhered_rules: "Minimaalne nõutav erineva tähemärgiklassi kasutamine paroolis"
setting_per_page_options: "Kuvatud tulemuste arv lehe kohta"
setting_plain_text_mail: "E-kiri tavalise tekstina (ilma HTML-ta)"
setting_protocol: "Protokoll"
setting_security_badge_displayed: "Display security badge"
setting_registration_footer: "Registration footer"
setting_repositories_automatic_managed_vendor: "Automatic repository vendor type"
setting_repositories_encodings: "Manuste ja hoidlate kodeering"
setting_repository_authentication_caching_enabled: "Enable caching for authentication request of version control software"
setting_repository_storage_cache_minutes: "Repository disk size cache"
setting_repository_checkout_display: "Show checkout instructions"
setting_repository_checkout_base_url: "Checkout base URL"
setting_repository_checkout_text: "Checkout instruction text"
setting_repository_log_display_limit: "Enim ajaloos näidatavaid sissekandeid"
setting_repository_truncate_at: "Maximum number of files displayed in the repository browser"
setting_rest_api_enabled: "Luba REST API kasutamine"
setting_self_registration: "Omaloodud konto aktiveerimine"
setting_sequential_project_identifiers: "Genereeri järjestikused projektitunnused"
setting_session_ttl: "Sessiooni aegumise aeg"
setting_session_ttl_hint: "Väärtus alla 5-e mõjub nii, nagu sessioon ei aeguks kunagi"
setting_session_ttl_enabled: "Seansi lõppemine"
setting_start_of_week: "Week starts on"
setting_sys_api_enabled: "Enable repository management web service"
setting_sys_api_description: "The repository management web service provides integration and user authorization for accessing repositories."
setting_time_format: "Aja esitusviis"
setting_accessibility_mode_for_anonymous: "Võimalda külalistel kasutada hõlbustus- ja juurdepääsetavusrežiimi"
setting_user_format: "Kasutaja nime esitamise vorm"
setting_user_default_timezone: "Users default time zone"
setting_users_deletable_by_admins: "Luba administraator-rolliga kasutajatel kustutada kasutajate kontosid"
setting_users_deletable_by_self: "Luba kasutajatel kustuta oma konto"
setting_welcome_text: "Welcome block text"
setting_welcome_title: "Welcome block title"
setting_welcome_on_homescreen: "Display welcome block on homescreen"
setting_wiki_compression: "Viki ajaloo tihendamine"
setting_work_package_group_assignment: "Luba teemade andmine gruppidele"
setting_work_package_list_default_highlighting_mode: "Default highlighting mode"
setting_work_package_list_default_highlighted_attributes: "Default inline highlighted attributes"
general: "Üldine"
other: "Muu"
passwords: "Paroolid"
session: "Seanss"
brute_force_prevention: "Automatiseeritud kasutajate blokeerimine"
default_preferences: "Default preferences"
deletion: "Deletion"
inline: "Highlight attribute(s) inline"
none: "No highlighting"
status: "Entire row by Status"
type: "Entire row by Type"
priority: "Entire row by Priority"
markdown: 'Markdown'
plain: 'Plain text'
status_active: "aktiivne"
status_archived: "archived"
status_invited: ktsutud
status_locked: lukustatud
status_registered: registreeritud
sentence_connector: "ja"
skip_last_comma: "väär"
text_accessibility_hint: "The accessibility mode is designed for users who are blind, motorically handicaped or have a bad eyesight. For the latter focused elements are specially highlighted. Please notice, that the Backlogs module is not available in this mode."
text_access_token_hint: "Access tokens allow you to grant external applications access to resources in OpenProject."
text_analyze: "Analüüsi täiendavalt: %{subject}"
text_are_you_sure: "Kas oled kindel?"
text_are_you_sure_with_children: "Oled Sa kindel oma soovis see teema koos selle alamteemadega täielikult kustutada?"
text_assign_to_project: "Määra projektile"
text_form_configuration: >
You can customize which fields will be displayed in work package forms. You can freely group the fields to reflect the needs for your domain.
text_form_configuration_required_attribute: "Attribute is marked required and thus always shown"
text_caracters_maximum: "%{count} märki kõige rohkem."
text_caracters_minimum: "Peab olema vähemalt %{count} märki pikk."
text_comma_separated: "Lubatud erinevad väärtused (komaga eraldatult)."
text_comment_wiki_page: "Comment to wiki page: %{page}"
text_custom_field_possible_values_info: "Lubatud erinevad väärtused (igaüks eraldi real)."
text_custom_field_hint_activate_per_project: >
When using custom fields: Keep in mind that custom fields need to be activated per project, too.
text_custom_field_hint_activate_per_project_and_type: >
Custom fields need to be activated per work package type and per project.
text_custom_logo_instructions: >
A white logo on transparent background is recommended. For best results on both, conventional and retina displays, make sure your image's dimensions are 460px by 60px.
text_custom_favicon_instructions: >
This is the tiny icon that appears in your browser window/tab next to the page's title. It's needs to be a squared 32 by 32 pixels sized PNG image file with a transparent background.
text_custom_touch_icon_instructions: >
This is the icon that appears in your mobile or tablet when you place a bookmark on your homescreen. It's needs to be a squared 180 by 180 pixels sized PNG image file. Please make sure the image's background is not transparent otherwise it will look bad on iOS.
text_database_allows_tsv: "Database allows TSVector (optional)"
text_default_administrator_account_changed: "Algne administraatori konto on muudetud"
text_default_encoding: "Vaikimisi: UTF-8"
text_destroy: "Kustuta"
text_destroy_with_associated: "Kustutamiseks määratud teema(de)ga on seostatud veel objekte. Objektid on järgnevate tüüpidega:"
text_destroy_what_to_do: "Mis sa soovid ette võtta?"
text_diff_truncated: "... Osa erinevusi jäi välja, sest neid on näitamiseks liiga palju."
text_email_delivery_not_configured: "E-kirjade saatmine ei ole seadistatud ja teavitusi ei saadeta.\nKonfigureeri oma SMTP server failis config/configuration.yml ja taaskäivita OpenProject."
text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: "Määra neile uus väärtus:"
text_enumeration_destroy_question: "Selle väärtusega on %{count} objekti."
text_file_repository_writable: "Manuste kataloog on kirjutatav"
text_git_repo_example: "hoidla peab olema paljas (bare) ja kohalik (nt. /gitrepo, c:\\gitrepo)"
text_hint_date_format: "Enter a date in the form of YYYY-MM-DD. Other formats may be changed to an unwanted date."
text_hint_disable_with_0: "Note: Disable with 0"
text_hours_between: "Between %{min} and %{max} hours."
text_work_package_added: "%{author} lisas uue teema %{id}."
text_work_package_category_destroy_assignments: "Jäta teemadel kategooria määramata"
text_work_package_category_destroy_question: "Kustutatavat kategooriat kasutab %{count} teema(t). Mis Sa soovid nendega ette võtta?"
text_work_package_category_reassign_to: "Määra teemad sellesse kategooriasse"
text_work_package_updated: "%{author} uuendas teemat %{id}."
text_work_package_watcher_added: "You have been added as a watcher to Work package %{id} by %{watcher_setter}."
text_work_packages_destroy_confirmation: "Oled Sa kindel oma soovis valitud teema(d) kustutada?"
text_work_packages_ref_in_commit_messages: "Teemadele ja parandustele viitamine sissekannete märkustes"
text_journal_added: "%{label} %{value} lisatud"
text_journal_aggregation_time_explanation: "Combine journals for display if their age difference is less than the specified timespan. This will also delay mail notifications by the same amount of time."
text_journal_changed: "%{label} changed from %{old} <br/><strong>to</strong> %{new}"
text_journal_changed_plain: "%{label} changed from %{old} \nto %{new}"
text_journal_changed_no_detail: "%{label} uuendatud"
text_journal_changed_with_diff: "%{label} uuendatud (%{link})"
text_journal_deleted: "%{label} kustutatud (%{old})"
text_journal_deleted_with_diff: "%{label} kustutatud (%{link})"
text_journal_set_to: "%{label} on nüüd %{value}"
text_journal_set_with_diff: "%{label} määratud (%{link})"
text_latest_note: "The latest comment is: %{note}"
text_length_between: "Pikkus peab olema %{min} kuni %{max} märki."
text_line_separated: "Lubatud erinevad väärtused (igaüks eraldi real)."
text_load_default_configuration: "Laadi vaikeasetused"
text_min_max_length_info: "0 tähendab, et piiranguid ei ole"
text_no_roles_defined: There are no roles defined.
text_no_access_tokens_configurable: "There are no access tokens which can be configured."
text_no_configuration_data: "Rollid, valdkonnad, olekud ja töövood ei ole veel seadistatud.\\nVäga soovitav on laadida vaikeasetused. Peale laadimist saad neid ise muuta."
text_no_notes: "There are no comments available for this work package."
text_notice_too_many_values_are_inperformant: "Note: Displaying more than 100 items per page can increase the page load time."
text_notice_security_badge_displayed_html: >
Note: if enabled, this will display a badge with your installation status in the <a href="%{information_panel_path}">%{information_panel_label}</a> administration panel, and on the home page. It is displayed to administrators only. <br/> The badge will check your current OpenProject version against the official OpenProject release database to alert you of any updates or known vulnerabilities. For more information on what the check provides, what data is needed to provide available updates, and how to disable this check, please visit <a href="%{more_info_url}">the configuration documentation</a>.
text_own_membership_delete_confirmation: "Sa võtad endalt ära osa või kõik õigused ega saa edaspidi seda projekti võib-olla enam muuta.\nOled sa jätkamises kindel?"
text_plugin_assets_writable: "Lisamoodulite abifailide kataloog on kirjutatav"
text_powered_by: "Jooksutab %{link}"
text_project_identifier_info: "Lubatud on ainult väikesed tähed (a-z), numbrid ja kriipsud. Peab algama väikse tähega."
text_reassign: "Reassign to work package:"
text_regexp_info: "ehk teisisõnu ^[A-Z0-9]+$"
text_regexp_multiline: 'The regex is applied in a multi-line mode. e.g., ^---\s+'
text_repository_usernames_mapping: "Seosta OpenProject kasutaja hoidlasse sissekannete tegijaga. Sama nime või e-postiga kasutajad seostatakse automaatselt."
text_select_mail_notifications: "Tegevused, millest peaks e-kirjaga teavitama."
text_status_changed_by_changeset: "Kehtestati toimikus %{value}."
text_table_difference_description: "In this table the single %{entries} are shown. You can view the difference between any two entries by first selecting the according checkboxes in the table. When clicking on the button below the table the differences are shown."
text_time_logged_by_changeset: "Kehtestati toimikus %{value}."
text_tip_work_package_begin_day: "teema avamise päev"
text_tip_work_package_begin_end_day: "teema avati ja sulgeti samal päeval"
text_tip_work_package_end_day: "teema sulgemise päev on täna"
text_type_no_workflow: "Selle tüübi jaoks ei ole töövooge defineeritud"
text_unallowed_characters: "Lubamatud märgid"
text_user_invited: The user has been invited and is pending registration.
text_user_wrote: "%{value} kirjutas:"
text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: "The work package contains unsaved text that will be lost if you leave this page."
text_what_did_you_change_click_to_add_comment: "What did you change? Click to add comment"
text_wiki_destroy_confirmation: "Oled Sa kindel oma soovis kustutada see Viki koos kogu sisuga?"
text_wiki_page_destroy_children: "Kustuta järglaslehed ja kõik nende järglased"
text_wiki_page_destroy_question: "Sellel vikilehel on %{descendants} järglasleht(e) ja järeltulija(t). Mis Sa soovid ette võtta?"
text_wiki_page_nullify_children: "Muuda järglaslehed uuteks juurlehtedeks"
text_wiki_page_reassign_children: "Määra järglaslehed teise lehe alla"
text_workflow_edit: "Töövoo muutmiseks vali roll ja valdkond"
text_zoom_in: "Vaata lähemalt"
text_zoom_out: "Vaata kaugemalt"
text_setup_mail_configuration: "Configure your email provider"
am: "enne lõunat"
default: "%m.%d.%Y %I:%M %p"
long: "%d. %B, %Y. aastal, kell %H:%M"
short: "%d %b %H:%M"
time: "%I:%M %p"
pm: "pärast lõunat"
show: "Kuva ajakava"
end: "kuni"
start: "alates"
color: "Värv"
colors: "Värvid"
associations: "Sõltuvused"
button_delete_all: "Kustuta kõik"
change: "Muudatus planeerimises"
children: "Alamelemendid"
color_could_not_be_saved: "Värvi ei saa salvestada"
current_planning: "Kehtiv plaan"
dates: "Kuupäevad"
dates_are_calculated_based_on_sub_elements: "Kuupäevad on arvutatud alamelementide järgi."
delete_all: "Kustuta kõik"
delete_thing: "Kustuta"
duration: "kestus"
one: "1 päev"
other: "%{count} päeva"
edit_color: "Muuda värvi"
edit_thing: "Muuda"
edit_timeline: "Muuda ajakulu sissekannet %{timeline}"
delete_timeline: "Kustuta ajakulu aruanne %{timeline}"
empty: "(tühi)"
enable_type_in_project: 'Luba kasutada tüüpi "%{type}" projektis'
end: "Lõpp"
not_implemented: "Ajakava ei saa koostada, kuna see kasutab funktsiooni, mis pole veel realiseeritud."
report_comparison: "Ajakava ei saa kujutada konfigureeritud võrdlusi. Palun kontrollige konfiguratsiooni vastavat jaotist, selle andmete algväärtustamine võib aidata probleemi lahendada."
report_epicfail: "Ajakava ei saa laadida ootamatu tõrke tõttu."
report_timeout: "Ajakava ei saa laadida vastuvõetava aja jooksul."
timeframe_start: "Perioodi algus "
timeframe_end: "Perioodi lõpp "
compare_to_relative: "Suhtelise võrdluse väärtus "
compare_to_absolute: "Absoluutse võrdluse väärtus "
planning_element_time_relative_one: "Teatud perioodis olevate teemade algus "
planning_element_time_relative_two: "Teatud perioodis olevate teemade lõpp "
planning_element_time_absolute_one: "The start for work packages in a certain timeframe "
planning_element_time_absolute_two: "The end for work packages in a certain timeframe "
sortation: "Sorteeri"
alphabet: "tähestikuliselt"
explicit_order: "käsitsi"
project_sortation: "Sorteeri projektid"
date: "ajaliselt"
default: "vaikimisi"
assigned_to: "Määratud tegija"
type: "Tüüp"
due_date: "Lõppkuupäev"
name: "Nimi"
status: "Olek"
start_date: "Alguskuupäev"
columns: "Väljad"
comparisons: "Võrdlused"
absolute: "Absoluutne"
none: "Mittemingi"
relative: "Suhteline"
compare_relative_prefix: "Compare current planning to"
compare_relative_suffix: "tagasi"
compare_absolute: "Võrdle praegust plaani kuupäeval %{date} kehtinud plaaniga"
days: "päeva"
weeks: "nädalat"
months: "kuud"
exclude_own_work_packages: "Ära kuva minu poolt lisatud teemad"
exclude_reporters: "Peida muud projektid"
exclude_empty: "Peida tühjad projektid"
grouping: "Rühmitamine"
grouping_hide_group: "Peida rühm \"%{group}\""
grouping_one: "Esimene grupeerimise kriteerium"
grouping_one_phrase: "On alamprojektiks projektile"
grouping_other: "Muu"
hide_chart: "Peida diagramm"
noneElement: "(pole)"
noneSelection: "(pole)"
outline: "Esmase kontuuri laiendamine"
parent: "Näita alamprojekte"
work_package_filters: "Filtreeri teemasid"
work_package_responsible: "Show work packages with accountable"
work_package_assignee: "Kuva teemad nende tegijatega"
types: "Kuva tüübid"
status: "Kuva olek"
project_time_filter: "Projektid teatud teema tüübiga ja teatud ajakavaga"
project_time_filter_timeframe: "Ajakava"
project_time_filter_historical_from: "alates"
project_time_filter_historical_to: "kuni"
project_time_filter_historical: "%{start_label} %{startdate} %{end_label} %{enddate}"
project_time_filter_relative: "%{start_label} %{startspan}%{startspanunit} tagasi, %{end_label} %{endspan}%{endspanunit} praegusest"
project_filters: "Filtreeri projektid"
project_responsible: "Show projects with accountable"
project_status: "Kuva projekti olek"
timeframe: "Kuva ajakava"
timeframe_end: "kuni"
timeframe_start: "alates"
timeline: "Üldseaded"
zoom: "Suurendus"
history: "Ajalugu"
new_color: "Uus värv"
new_association: "Uus sõltuvus"
new_work_package: "Uus teema"
new_reporting: "Uus aruandlus"
new_timeline: "Uus aruanne ajakava kohta"
no_projects_for_reporting_available: "Pole ühtki projekti mille juurde võiks lisada aruandluse."
no_right_to_view_timeline: "Sul pole lingitud ajakava vaatamiseks vajalikke õigusi."
no_timeline_for_id: "Ei ole olemas ajakava, mille ID on %{id}."
notice_successful_deleted_all_elements: "Kõikide elementide kustutamine õnnestus"
outline: "Lähtesta kontuur"
aggregation: "Näita ainult summeeritult"
level1: "Laienda tasemele 1"
level2: "Laienda tasemele 2"
level3: "Laienda tasemele 3"
level4: "Laienda tasemele 4"
level5: "Laienda tasemele 5"
all: "Näita kõiki"
show: "Projekti %{title} oleku aruanne"
edit_delete: "oleku aruanne projektile %{title}"
history: "Projekti %{title} olekute ajalugu"
delete: "Kustuta olek: %{comment}"
edit: "Muuda olekut: %{comment}"
show: "Olek: %{comment}"
planning_element_update: "Muudatus: %{title}"
type_could_not_be_saved: "Tüüpi ei saa salvestada"
reporting_could_not_be_saved: "Aruandlust ei saa salvestada"
properties: "Atribuudid"
really_delete_color: >
Kas oled kindel, et tahad seda värvi kustutada? Tüübid, mis seda värvi kasutavad, jäävad alles.
really_delete_reporting: >
Kas sa oled kindel, et tahad seda aruannet kustutada? Eelmised aruande olekud kustutatakse ka ära.
start: "Algus"
timeline: "Perioodi aruanne"
timelines: "Perioodi aruanded"
settings: "Perioodid"
vertical_work_package: "Vertikaalsed teemad"
you_are_viewing_the_selected_timeline: "Sa näed valitud perioodi aruannet"
in: "Vaata lähemalt"
out: "Vaata kaugemalt"
days: "Päevad"
weeks: "Nädalad"
months: "Kuud"
quarters: "Kvartalid"
years: "Aastad"
title_remove_and_delete_user: Remove the invited user from the project and delete him/her.
title_enterprise_upgrade: "Upgrade to unlock more users."
tooltip_user_default_timezone: >
The default time zone for new users. Can be changed in a user's settings.
tooltip_resend_invitation: >
Sends another invitation email with a fresh token in case the old one expired or the user did not get the original email. Can also be used for active users to choose a new authentication method. When used with active users their status will be changed to 'invited'.
setting_email_login: >
If enabled a user will be unable to chose a login during registration. Instead their given email address will serve as the login. An administrator may still change the login separately.
apply_filter: Eelseadistatud filtri rakendamine
additional_resources: "Additional resources"
getting_started: "Getting started"
help_and_support: "Help and support"
total_progress: "Täielik edenemine"
all: "kõik"
active: "aktiivne"
activate: "Aktiveerimine"
activate_and_reset_failed_logins: "Aktiveeri ja unusta ebaõnnestunud sisselogimised"
authentication_provider: "Autentimisteenuse pakkuja"
authentication_settings_disabled_due_to_external_authentication: >
See kasutaja autendib end välise autentimisteenuse pakkuja abil, seega ei saa parooli OpenProject'is muuta.
authorization_rejected: "You are not allowed to sign in."
assign_random_password: "Assign random password (sent to user via email)"
blocked: "ajutiselt blokeeritud"
one: "ajutiselt blokeeritud (üks ebaõnnestunud sisselogimise katse)"
other: "ajutiselt blokeeritud (%{count} ebaõnnestunud sisselogimise katset)"
confirm_status_change: "You are about to change the status of '%{name}'. Are you sure you want to continue?"
deleted: "Kustutatud kasutaja"
error_status_change_failed: "Kasutaja oleku muutmine nurjus järgmiste tõrgete tõttu: %{errors}"
invite: Invite user via email
invited: ktsutud
lock: "Lukustada jäädavalt"
locked: "lukustatud jäädavalt"
no_login: "This user authenticates through login by password. Since it is disabled, they cannot log in."
password_change_unsupported: Change of password is not supported.
registered: "registreeritud"
reset_failed_logins: "Lähtesta ebaõnnestunud sisselogimised"
mail_notifications: "Send email notifications"
mail_project_explanaition: "For unselected projects, you will only receive notifications about things you watch or you're involved in (e.g. work packages you're the author or assignee of)."
mail_self_notified: "I want to be notified of changes that I make myself"
status_user_and_brute_force: "%{user} ja %{brute_force}"
status_change: "Status change"
unlock: "Aktiveeri"
unlock_and_reset_failed_logins: "Aktiveeri ja lähtesta ebaõnnestunud sisselogimised"
version_status_closed: "suletud"
version_status_locked: "lukustatud"
version_status_open: "avatud"
note: Note
note_password_login_disabled: "Password login has been disabled by %{configuration}."
warning: Hoiatus
warning_attachments_not_saved: "%{count} faili ei saa salvestada."
warning_imminent_user_limit: >
You invited more users than are supported by your current plan. Invited users may not be able to join your OpenProject environment. Please <a href="%{upgrade_url}">upgrade your plan</a> or block existing users in order to allow invited and registered users to join.
warning_registration_token_expired: |
The activation email has expired. We sent you a new one to %{email}.
Please click the link inside of it to activate your account.
warning_user_limit_reached: >
User limit reached. You cannot activate any more users. Please <a href="%{upgrade_url}">upgrade your plan</a> or block members to allow for additional users.
warning_user_limit_reached_instructions: >
You reached your user limit (%{current}/%{max} active users). Please contact sales@openproject.com to upgrade your Enterprise Edition plan and add additional users.
menu_item: "Menüüvalik"
menu_item_setting: "Nähtavus"
wiki_menu_item_for: "Menüüvalik vikilehele \"%{title}\""
wiki_menu_item_setting: "Nähtavus"
wiki_menu_item_new_main_item_explanation: >
Sa oled kustutamas ainsat viki põhilehele viivat menüüvalikut. Nüüd pead sa valima ühe viki lehtedest, mille jaoks genereeritakse uus peamine menüüvalik. Kui soovid hoopiski vabaneda vikilehtedest, siis palu projekti administraatoril viki moodul välja lülitada.
wiki_menu_item_delete_not_permitted: Ainsa vikilehe menüüvalikut ei saa kustutada.
query_menu_item_for: "Menüüvalik päringule \"%{title}\""
updated_automatically_by_child_changes: |
_Uuendati automaatselt, kuna muudeti alamteemat %{child}_
info: "Deleting the work package is an irreversible action."
title: "Delete the work package"
nothing_to_preview: "Eelvaateks pole midagi näidata"
lock_version: "Lock Version"
code_400: "Bad request: %{message}"
code_401: "You need to be authenticated to access this resource."
code_401_wrong_credentials: "You did not provide the correct credentials."
code_403: "You are not authorized to access this resource."
code_404: "The requested resource could not be found."
code_409: "Could not update the resource because of conflicting modifications."
code_500: "An internal error has occured."
date: "YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601 date only)"
duration: "ISO 8601 duration"
invalid_content_type: "Expected CONTENT-TYPE to be '%{content_type}' but got '%{actual}'."
invalid_format: "Invalid format for property '%{property}': Expected format like '%{expected_format}', but got '%{actual}'."
invalid_json: "The request could not be parsed as JSON."
invalid_relation: "The relation is invalid."
invalid_resource: "For property '%{property}' a link like '%{expected}' is expected, but got '%{actual}'."
invalid_user_status_transition: "The current user account status does not allow this operation."
missing_content_type: "not specified"
missing_request_body: "There was no request body."
missing_or_malformed_parameter: "The query parameter '%{parameter}' is missing or malformed."
multipart_body_error: "The request body did not contain the expected multipart parts."
multiple_errors: "Multiple field constraints have been violated."
unable_to_create_attachment: "The attachment could not be created"
unable_to_create_attachment_permissions: "The attachment could not be saved due to lacking file system permissions"
context_not_parsable: "The context provided is not a link to a resource."
unsupported_context: "The resource given is not supported as context."
context_object_not_found: "Cannot find the resource given as the context."
done_ratio: "Done ratio cannot be set on parent work packages, when it is inferred by status or when it is disabled."
due_date: "Finish date cannot be set on parent work packages."
estimated_hours: "Estimated hours cannot be set on parent work packages."
invalid_user_assigned_to_work_package: "The chosen user is not allowed to be '%{property}' for this work package."
start_date: "Start date cannot be set on parent work packages."
writing_read_only_attributes: "You must not write a read-only attribute."
schema: 'Schema'
status: 'Pre-authorization'
invalid_request: 'The request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter value, or is otherwise malformed.'
invalid_redirect_uri: "The requested redirect uri is malformed or doesn't match client redirect URI."
unauthorized_client: 'The client is not authorized to perform this request using this method.'
access_denied: 'The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.'
invalid_scope: 'The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed.'
invalid_code_challenge_method: 'The code challenge method must be plain or S256.'
server_error: 'The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.'
temporarily_unavailable: 'The authorization server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.'
credential_flow_not_configured: 'Resource Owner Password Credentials flow failed due to Doorkeeper.configure.resource_owner_from_credentials being unconfigured.'
resource_owner_authenticator_not_configured: 'Resource Owner find failed due to Doorkeeper.configure.resource_owner_authenticator being unconfigured.'
admin_authenticator_not_configured: 'Access to admin panel is forbidden due to Doorkeeper.configure.admin_authenticator being unconfigured.'
unsupported_response_type: 'The authorization server does not support this response type.'
invalid_client: 'Client authentication failed due to unknown client, no client authentication included, or unsupported authentication method.'
invalid_grant: 'The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client.'
unsupported_grant_type: 'The authorization grant type is not supported by the authorization server.'
revoked: "The access token was revoked"
expired: "The access token expired"
unknown: "The access token is invalid"
title: "Your browser is outdated and unsupported."
message: "You may run into errors and degraded experience on this page."
update_message: 'Please update your browser.'
close_warning: "Ignore this warning."
singular: "OAuth application"
plural: "OAuth applications"
named: "OAuth application '%{name}'"
new: "New OAuth application"
default_scopes: "(Default scopes)"
name: "The name of your application. This will be displayed to other users upon authorization."
redirect_uri_html: >
The allowed URLs authorized users can be redirected to. One entry per line. <br/> If you're registering a desktop application, use the following URL.
confidential: "Check if the application will be used where the client secret can be kept confidential. Native mobile apps and Single Page Apps are assumed non-confidential."
client_credential_user_id: "Optional user ID to impersonate when clients use this application. Leave empty to allow public access only"
register_intro: "If you are developing an OAuth API client application for OpenProject, you can register it using this form for all users to use."
default_scopes: ""
client_id: "Client ID"
client_secret_notice: >
This is the only time we can print the client secret, please note it down and keep it secure. It should be treated as a password and cannot be retrieved by OpenProject at a later time.
authorize: "Authorize"
cancel: "Cancel and deny authorization."
prompt_html: "Authorize <strong>%{application_name}</strong> to use your account <em>%{login}</em>?"
title: "Authorize %{application_name}"
wants_to_access_html: >
This application requests access to your OpenProject account. <br/> <strong>It has requested the following permissions:</strong>
api_v3: "Full API access"
api_v3_text: "Application will receive full read & write access to the OpenProject API to perform actions on your behalf."
created_date: "Approved on"
scopes: "Õigused"
successful_application_revocation: "Revocation of application %{application_name} successful."
none_given: "No OAuth applications have been granted access to your user account."
one: 'one active token'
other: '%{count} active token'
authorization_code: "Authorization code flow"
client_credentials: "Client credentials flow"
client_credentials: "User used for Client credentials"
client_credentials_impersonation_set_to: "Client credentials user set to"
client_credentials_impersonation_warning: "Note: Clients using the 'Client credentials' flow in this application will have the rights of this user"
client_credentials_impersonation_html: >
By default, OpenProject provides OAuth 2.0 authorization via %{authorization_code_flow_link}. You can optionally enable %{client_credentials_flow_link}, but you must provide a user on whose behalf requests will be performed.
authorization_error: "An authorization error has occurred."
revoke_my_application_confirmation: "Do you really want to remove this application? This will revoke %{token_count} active for it."
my_registered_applications: "Registered OAuth applications"