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#-- copyright
# OpenProject Meeting Plugin
# Copyright (C) 2011-2014 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# See doc/ for more details.
Feature: Close and open meeting agendas
Given there is 1 project with the following:
| identifier | dingens |
| name | dingens |
And the project "dingens" uses the following modules:
| meetings |
And there is 1 user with:
| login | alice |
| language | en |
And there is 1 user with:
| login | bob |
And there is a role "user"
And the user "alice" is a "user" in the project "dingens"
And there is 1 meeting in project "dingens" created by "bob" with:
| title | Bobs Meeting |
Scenario: Navigate to a meeting page with no permission to close meeting agendas
Given the role "user" may have the following rights:
| view_meetings |
When I am already logged in as "alice"
And I go to the show page of the meeting called "Bobs Meeting"
And I follow "Agenda"
Then I should not see "Close" within ".meeting_agenda"
Scenario: Navigate to a meeting page with permission to close the meeting agenda and go to the minutes
Given the role "user" may have the following rights:
| view_meetings |
| close_meeting_agendas |
When I am already logged in as "alice"
And I go to the show page of the meeting called "Bobs Meeting"
And I follow "Minutes" within ".tabs"
Then I should not see "Edit" within ".meeting_minutes"
And I should see "Close the agenda to begin the Minutes" within ".meeting_minutes"
Scenario: Navigate to a meeting page with permission to close and close the meeting agenda copies the text and shows the meeting
Given the role "user" may have the following rights:
| view_meetings |
| close_meeting_agendas |
And the meeting "Bobs Meeting" has 1 agenda with:
| text | "blubber" |
When I am already logged in as "alice"
And I go to the show page of the meeting called "Bobs Meeting"
And I follow "Close" within ".meeting_agenda"
Then I should be on the show page of the meeting called "Bobs Meeting"
And the minutes should contain the following text:
| blubber |
When I follow "Agenda"
Then I should not see "Close" within ".meeting_agenda"
And I should see "Open" within ".meeting_agenda"
Scenario: Navigate to a meeting page with permission to close and open the meeting agenda
Given the role "user" may have the following rights:
| view_meetings |
| close_meeting_agendas |
# This won't work because the needed "click on open" has a confirm() which cucumber doesn't seem to handle
# And the meeting "Bobs Meeting" has 1 agenda with:
# | locked | true |
When I am already logged in as "alice"
And I go to the show page of the meeting called "Bobs Meeting"
And I follow "Agenda"
# And I click on "Open"
Then I should not see "Open" within ".meeting_agenda"
And I should see "Close" within ".meeting_agenda"
Scenario: Navigate to a meeting page with a closed meeting agenda and permission to edit meeting agendas
Given the role "user" may have the following rights:
| view_meetings |
| create_meeting_agendas |
And the meeting "Bobs Meeting" has 1 agenda with:
| locked | true |
When I am already logged in as "alice"
And I go to the show page of the meeting called "Bobs Meeting"
And I follow "Agenda"
Then I should not see "Edit" within ".meeting_agenda"