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Feature: Team Member
As a team member
I want to manage update stories and tasks
So that I can update everyone on the status of the project
Given there is 1 project with:
| name | ecookbook |
And I am working in project "ecookbook"
And the project uses the following modules:
| backlogs |
And the following types are configured to track stories:
| Story |
| Epic |
And the type "Task" is configured to track tasks
And the project uses the following types:
| Story |
| Task |
And there is a default status with:
| name | new |
And there is a default issuepriority with:
| name | Normal |
And there is 1 user with:
| login | paul |
And there is a role "team member"
And the role "team member" may have the following rights:
| view_master_backlog |
| view_taskboards |
| view_work_packages |
| edit_work_packages |
| manage_subtasks |
| add_work_packages |
| assign_versions |
And the user "paul" is a "team member"
And the project has the following sprints:
| name | start_date | effective_date |
| Sprint 001 | 2010-01-01 | 2010-01-31 |
| Sprint 002 | 2010-02-01 | 2010-02-28 |
| Sprint 003 | 2010-03-01 | 2010-03-31 |
| Sprint 004 | 2010-03-01 | 2010-03-31 |
And the project has the following stories in the following sprints:
| subject | sprint |
| Story 1 | Sprint 001 |
| Story 2 | Sprint 001 |
| Story 3 | Sprint 001 |
| Story 4 | Sprint 002 |
And the project has the following tasks:
| subject | parent |
| Task 1 | Story 1 |
And the project has the following impediments:
| subject | sprint | blocks |
| Impediment 1 | Sprint 001 | Story 1 |
| Impediment 2 | Sprint 001 | Story 2 |
And I am already logged in as "paul"
Scenario: Create a task for a story
Given I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 001"
And I want to create a task for Story 1
And I set the subject of the task to A Whole New Task
When I create the task
Then the request should complete successfully
And the 1st task for Story 1 should be A Whole New Task
Scenario: Update a task for a story
Given I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 001"
And I want to edit the task named Task 1
And I set the subject of the task to Whoa there, Sparky
When I update the task
Then the request should complete successfully
And the story named Story 1 should have 1 task named Whoa there, Sparky
Scenario: View a taskboard
Given I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 001"
Then I should see the taskboard
Scenario: View the burndown chart from the backlogs dashboard
Given I am on the master backlog
And I open the "Sprint 002" backlogs menu
Then I should see "Burndown Chart"
Scenario: View the burndown chart from the taskboard
Given I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 002"
Then I should see "Burndown Chart"
Scenario: View sprint stories in the work_packages tab
Given I am on the master backlog
When I view the stories of Sprint 001 in the work_packages tab
Then I should be on the work packages index page of the project called "ecookbook"
When I press "Filter"
Then I should see "Sprint 001" within "#values-version"
Scenario: View the project stories in the work_packages tab
Given I am on the master backlog
When I view the stories in the work_packages tab
Then I should be on the work packages index page of the project called "ecookbook"
When I press "Filter"
Then I should see "Version" within "#filters"
Scenario: Copy estimate to remaining
Given I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 001"
And I want to create a task for Story 1
And I set the subject of the task to A Whole New Task
And I set the estimated_hours of the task to 3
When I create the task
Then the request should complete successfully
And task A Whole New Task should have remaining_hours set to 3
Scenario: Copy remaining to estimate
Given I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 001"
And I want to create a task for Story 1
And I set the subject of the task to A Whole New Task
And I set the remaining_hours of the task to 3
When I create the task
Then the request should complete successfully
And task A Whole New Task should have estimated_hours set to 3
Scenario: Set both estimate and remaining
Given I am on the taskboard for "Sprint 001"
And I want to create a task for Story 1
And I set the subject of the task to A Whole New Task
And I set the remaining_hours of the task to 3
And I set the estimated_hours of the task to 8
When I create the task
And I want to create a task for Story 1
And I set the subject of the task to A Second New Task
And I set the remaining_hours of the task to 1
And I set the estimated_hours of the task to 2
When I create the task
Then the request should complete successfully
And task A Whole New Task should have remaining_hours set to 3
And task A Whole New Task should have estimated_hours set to 8
And story Story 1 should have remaining_hours set to 4
And story Story 1 should have derived_estimated_hours set to 10